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December 19, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…;be 4 o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICE!., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 191 1900. No 7T2 Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec-I tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for husiness purposes or for full dress y. occasions. G. D. WILD CO, ro8 E. Washington St. DAINTY XMIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane c...…

December 19, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…FIRST YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 1901. No. 70 BAlIRD AND "F ITZ " N 11011(111 11(he0sets yI0010 1 ilhi.Ie RED1DEN MIAY PLAY, 11111 11 statements frol otherprsons,1 1 I tnissi toI 111 111011, bselbalolit-is w 1- 1o held tad oamong them the~ kece ofteDirector and Trainer fotil i e1: it was who inoi ijd iliugliBoard of Control Adopts Report o in o f v1(1 le 111fundso rised for ilie Who Hava Done 00 Much for \Xhilei. "Jck" XlI c...…

December 19, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SROoaNDYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1902 N o. 71l A NEW DEPARTURE h~euniversity will Make its Own Ga s Mantles -A Small Plant, With Most Improved Equip- ment, Being Constructed Tti..Uierity is nose to make its e:wn gmis mantles andS for that purpse .a mwiti plant canhmintng lie mo-tI p aswc it gas maitilette quipmtisa t 9ata.. enr5 tte tt ie bath e t oft a 1!iftV, iistini ibiig. It I - testate-I OWy tese...…

December 19, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…Th Mcian Daily N(tXVI. WGUGIN' S TEAM HAD PHENOMENAL SEASON Wvins Undisputed Championship of the South -Lost Only to Michigan. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, '[tlI[: /N.1l )t-I:CIt ltl{ 19,1905. NO. 68i. \a~lii lle , ' I-I e. S Spcil o lci itihs- n i k-cf in i i ip T e titteiit hi[ )a llI in asitiii ahit he )h li ri ty iotbl t 111111 th til tamhilkeit \iffiitt h lic utc hnit -i h u(ft tutu Ii l ;(tl ofil hit 74 l lti. i le theii Is ic h Aich:lems ...…

December 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, \I1IlA.\E N51)Y ~EIldi) ~U VOL. XVII. FOOTBALL CAPTAIN ELECTED TONIGHT tlagoffin and Graham rlost Probable Candidates- Rheinschid a Possibility. Tlbe footbaili catittiof t1007wlliiir- ceive its initial impeitusthis ievening brough teletec i ofaptain. Jdgei senirs re lieeilogil canidai-tslfor the captincy;iwile Rheinschild Ilt lc iear's itea, who w il] bea sior next t ix sear ias lieii]tspokeni (f a5at iieligile...…

December 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…- rr ~- - --- . -E. _I - ~ - - - - -7'- - 7 T-o .; r^ .,. L r rt .r ' ~ ... Y J : J: " ' ! T' 2L ( Q L..mm7 0 ' r 1 .i 1 O0i ..... J .. f. _ ._. ~ _ f. , -, 1: ^- _. s j f: f " J1< r f C7 C si- I. 1. i r- HD n6 ._ . - ' 1 .: v f - - rte- r f f …

December 19, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan rDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANI, THURSDAYY, D ECEMB3ER i9; 1907 Vol- XVIII. No. 70-. TRACK TEA SHOWS PROMISE Michigan's Prospects for a Suc- cessful Season Are Good- Freshmen Show Up Well A ccardingi to tte prsntt outlook the fotloswers of Mtictigana track athetic have eery cause to iheotitmlistic. Of thehi lavaenots Capttai Rove, Coe Dual t sd1Hodge are left,tut arond these as a uctes it is expected that a tetnO worthy of relreen...…

December 19, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Daily \\N tT \'RBiii \ITiL l \ " \1 'L'I .),I) L I %A\l f u1 908 iOx. (xx VjOL. XIX. 7o. oo, CULTURE OVATIONix lildixta INCREASES NIGHTLY sr t h ntenm Speeches Demanded of Stephens xxxl,. xilxxln Ixx C lrxic. 1)1-I Welch and lHai nes- House Sold "'r1~c,1 las< Tomi(allotxiog Rxwlxii Out; Few Seats Left for Today. tkin''aiithixroughxlyii xx thlc n iiir CarlTonicii' ie iiiixii'xi'axxip' o cx'r 'Lilt ari"x;it xthe xl ititxxy lriid...…

December 19, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Mic igan Da iy \NN A-RR1 \llIJIIGAN,-5 tN'AYI llt(I IPI 1-1 19 15ic09 Na. 63. Vol'. XX. FAMOUS FRENCH SCHOLAR Prof. edler of Paris to Lecture on French pic Poetry. rs from distanti h ill ifI( ittiis-o j1 ,re o vsitQhe1,-lkeritv Pr if. JiiplIl lais, sis scialsuit Iscr i ofii nt srf.Beitr itw ilictss ' ii I mi' cc this clir as an s 1-ni sisis i pw1rrseit dal i l iiiis "' ~ [a to Fris ll ithe cai f"I,nc litiatn i tin the ol i- d F~i e. \ prs ...…

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