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December 19, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-12-19

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Th Mcian Daily

Wvins Undisputed Championship of
the South -Lost Only to

ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, '[tlI[: /N.1l )t-I:CIt ltl{ 19,1905.

NO. 68i.

\a~lii lle , ' I-I e. S
Spcil o lci itihs- n i
k-cf in i i ip T e titteiit hi[ )a
llI in asitiii ahit he
)h li ri ty iotbl t 111111 th
til tamhilkeit \iffiitt h
lic utc hnit -i h u(ft tutu Ii
l ;(tl ofil hit 74 l lti. i le theii
Is ic h Aich:lems ghsw
liiuuande of his ii, i t ieti: on
141 Was i- h-ii th tutu- =trilu l

'ili' I lc
111 _t1C'-
<lil( Ci'-
tlt'.C 1 -
<1i 'cil t
t ere
d v oil e
,tillt '

;tre hri 11t. de itc ie fa tithINI c tIi
iii rtl of tIli )u-i p~tcr
Nuiri a:Ii o n r i
"tire iiii.T] i i defe t 1liit _it mi -
;t<i we ll a 1 artunexet ed u-uuut i v to -()iii
t-iii- i'*i i- i l1ir tl- -1' I
lieri l l ii ol t e I iiu tc.))
-ter it. iii Si i o tu ihii nit fai It in i
Ili\ IknoI vetII I 111)1or1 cNh 1131/13~r
Ieali( utistiat n itI ctuviitst i t
iti pt h ccre eb~ r itms i t e i
ofi Coachst i ;t l i lls i ii iiii2(1vI )<'i
learnedtit t fr t tihe fac t t a a fy ,
ii il t iof it iltit ,theat-,titit t htt tII:
letcceptedrtheisftwot'ears' conitrctli d
hIrati-est- sctie

--It N- CCESt 3 FUh li, BANQUIT
iurtliei F,.louts.itit liat',iit piinter;i-i
tliiias lili ha he rpotiii h fu thiit n al itit t of te- ii
it ilIa"sh o fe hrt itia, i- NRcly lohi iii club ias hldtlic iteNV. c
i lt-com let juticeto a e let i
itt 'itut ifor__the__________w_____list_____f__to_ Nts-utthei
it ,1\tii lu it lOSS OF LEADERth--itnt p'ar , or, t
tit i ceKILSNE FAT hgh- t. sK t (if s
:hrI r -ultulist sq irslial a d Catu " Hebet W.C
lie euurrl, Iutu--uttiutu ithdrawa CfaBroadus M.xDcoriest
_h c: ipr.t ( ia c h fit iintt Itiutlt-t t tKIeyt-i itutc li it t t heis Ortientti tti isL.k1el i
-ale itt_ tttt uit itt-it it tutulc: ti i tutuliforiall li- tc ioir-t cuets i
lit i nn T P~rt
lii tricituilnlit, u'lttlttit sTlc:tguard, ----- W y litntg. phiti lritis sl ei-i
iii it II hga ic l. u t i ttich-I isuitiBlutalt rtediii T ra I u g n-i"art
rliliil. t'hll i ltso ta guar-LOS O LE DE-trglitit aiilhliictgn emthis
V Idc: ha l it lit itt im iiI- ifull. i tttt iiit itl til ttu ttit an, Wt-iiiiln.th
,iiit ilt ciiii 13 il
In te1 tig tun cr (f C lier',:t i cc i i t h t lt-ii N ciicishrS tat le e
- ii tutu ic C mp had ft ballt FromtUniersity BIetut U ptiitheLt ST IIit" ulcSSuMtit 1iti11- it ltll t
ticch att'I etad iittltti tutuefolilpp lhaFrt eniit yii- i t li t NtING'te i 'ig resiutE AR nit
,,,I - - utu tiit sthtiiit Ititiletit t ht eis- htiie ittthcistta-ttlPuoal
itt o I ar A 1-\ e itt1 u icu t i Stp tp a rte niy i ltsst! Whee ill t h ititu stillo e thefrea
--i-ttuln , e h; u ua uso taus ue i c-hut I oIileielis t ortort he Stlt (ioui isaIll ttuio n f t cas eer.-i-
tngt,: fit wit i menaitituitTheiatteiwil tutue toplicofi scs-ti
liii htoniit rile ts i t mass tiitmti-i tutu t
ii-it-t-i--itt- iit-.i
,ta-ntc, ete h n itti;t previttiouus -itthe t u it hul Few ft ity o t mNIrlli g ht
1 c'Ii~ e~,i,;certh ostono ci IN tieSt c lt hisot ttoup n 131eplied t I i hoedIhatlS
rtr s; fl ih it -in I I tlt iii ill i i t t-t t hepa tutwuilbrn thn s to a c
ti- isl m ~ rtie \ i t t i t -u- ih rleu s t- ht' s uu-uhut hu i thu t tits-t t s t tii tl1 ttse
(-tt headi-- .o-stle -u ut uthatuuuuu- hu-the-uit uui N-- tchia c tthicte It t -
lil;im the ute t is iitt teitnu-sc ttui s- -l - :t i ncp lo-tsc o i iito - thu t-oeu thin titihe -io ds-itt- -Nun ality.iur
in fI i~ em aeo ottCarolitait'thutet""tel" ithin eitaiyeiar.~
t rt it ttu le nt' iitutu u \fuseunthufrterity dhut ttii t It it a i i Tthei me tttouti totI cuttnldle itee-
e'ttc,,t enheplce C rts n li sc- prfc ne s;.ct aal o l it-ct-i tie aill tc a titc ditthascsveNatk t ae
i et it tutu- tu ius i it ht Nthi utttuitutuetphutron.tnutu tutu liii- thgit iactscmging hr sn
u-t r ich-i otthttt~i igt u cpanee t he tii itI'1 tiu i tssi eet reat' tt r ielt t ill heeingth awn
it tuitt ii ts utu an i i ac uti etor c esrtlttattu
t nIrttd c u t i tt s oit:tithuemtuu1nttuttuat ii s ut untsimpe all he
thu tutu'' ice uh n i istu hic tiht. cutitht socii ii tutu m lte-I'y it ita tdee er itc'ita tutu t (t t u iese#uupe
this \hi u-i n,-tutueu-ut oii s i tuteuwa s t hut, sbteen i ittutu -iofi it tutretditoniltio n it e tndi
tuus lurs lt"ic tr, s a liii i ti hh itll t ttu ituthi oftt theii tu ill iiit t t tu it sltontitguts. iiiig 'u
hant3hetasti s. nt er,-tut e udSudiN et -ifro ism a l u-ipattn ut--s whoehtutu u uutt iA ll huat ig preidnti ittulu
i uetuton he t ic 's iiin," f tutu rl t i t ifc i iics- uuuu- it-i-he tutti-uct- tititcIltiiti' hit ii chageof thet eeting.ituuthi iii Tul-
us"]?c ilSu out ute hu ilk tir i ii 3 uuuthat i in t cins w tid-tutrfu-ite ugan itus uutu itf lii si t i th ciii
il( tihu tutu(' thus gamt h r tit pteau t - nasc' t-huici- It '-ut-itt I t-it ievettuc tob-g vstuttus ths es
cdtutu tutu i thro utuhiand igt nheatutt ii dthe pti on-i of triiutt h'r ssion tickusrthe tcheretillt-tiit aosubt ri pi uts takent
tujtu us it ,iii : i sl Ihettu hat u ng it s t s a chpt erit btuoohi hit" it ut ti p. Ttiu i ni t ilitgi' l i-t imm'u e datl y 1t
tess \a hpihtingl t e " ut i i t-ee s iTyhu e ei t-Iit'l iofi th Iiisoc iie s ;iituIute u pr t 6t4uis aidsi wilt pnbaINe T }i
h< Il w rl boc< hekile nd if tohae w Nictrm t elect and- pro-Ni ro[iL t ltetsIthuean ; ucii ttu:il0ehe
isw s- 3niab ti-i tutut te I:Tecliwt its tu lu uttifo li itt- h titstil seutitl sulitec
sit utuhol"ut-s-iit i e-tutim'ieCtt 'cni iii iii i u rtuwitaut nd It 'Fl i cNutORKuuutee uussuugo ~ttcu
tuu i uuI h ilit 5htt-tstu ht ittl ish i t tsti Ctcttttli uckuu uu aei sal cniit it

\\ i-st hias i' iiitutmen -ituuuammondtMichs t-i-e hiehiI lihusvtutneouuCon tutu-ti'cetie with such tilt(eutul in isew -intg itie
hinil t -i-hs'. huscu'uusiutl (Gate, Chicaigo;itoiigut tutuI lueve tl w it t indlietC hristma-s i--ca'tion.i The commtthee siitt
- - -i ijI - ArtiNWi stuotsti:hietek, Chicago.i fechiuugfote ot'utldtutu ersiu}F-" Icemuain..iin AutoAborfur i-oit pnrpose.

enri Erna Will Conduct the Local
Organization in a Notable
Tile fiest oithuts seasotnt's eoneerts hy
eUnivtersity orehestra otcturs i-onught,
hu rougratml ttirittg tine G mnotur
imnjthtbty N M'ozaretti. thien'cutert(, lip
utuite. Ruiy titus ovierel 1c- up- Nietuutts-
tA, unithtie Peer Ity-lt suite by-
riegita nc-Scutali-withlhresetai
hinu grupl andttu hei'soloist intheut
tnerniti-will hue Nltredt Batrthel, prin-
ipl ob ii'thTteodout icc' a
Thie prougramuituaffords htttouoclttisie
svees ai rare opttporituiittoituar ssutue
f thur miot tabltuue works tuerua sy-t

bonty oirchestra. Titu symnphoinp, at-
utghit i raniks tatmontg tiletfiremost of
I1 littetitusseldtomtbeenl heardt here and
rar-e- lyplt-edi by the oscecstras itt
his cunttry. Its a'nall t performncue,
Iuc-ecer, is-tuever tittedt itttile miusic
utters itf tutiruuitewheit-t ivies itt 'tttp-
ilrity wiit hute gretesitiacievementis
f thtis phacse o titt rt.l
TheIttHanel conlcertuo fur uooewiltlhue
lutovel feteurtte oitontight's-tic-ce t s
tbrittgs torwa-trdthl eaditug tobouist uot
he: TIh utias orcetsri. Thtis si-trk, hike
he sh'liliai p- issescoredf-'rsic ti siuttuhr
niniberiof inittsrumuuentis tuati'tutu tutu-


Inu, the c -eliestai Ioftictodytilhence

ti-Is eausily wiithinl tie comtpaiss itt the
Irge ourganuizaion tutuder Ni l r.ilts etit-
ient cotroul. The outcer ochsralt
,viteks are ce(r iuiuiu:in iisytittuiiy
:_,, crots, anti with AlissStatte's Ituino
titihers ftarnish aduhilionttl initerest anid
-varietyito tie hprgratm.
NWi IitNSfN WNT II 11338
- No he-r tritute ii iishug p'shres-
ge - h<beenrecourtdedt hutthis ease it
tint il, igl ast :Iuuhuuu'tibut is a
t sI lleader
ietamittofNhiucii 'atiual "J",u
lop ais a soitealeent pa r uexcellene tat
dtutnted ltponltile cuuuuuuuusc -iatlisciun-
iii whiih is arra-nginig forrtht-Btadgers'
sut rorne -'N tetherfrotutht scre-
sr - cit the Wtsiuonsi itptilmecommnittee-
to one ofitt hetiiiirs itt our ittnitJ
hopi contuinrtee sasill part
"'N!!:tisC e iteit lt oveu-s-chere cut
yoitititti il uur anut aluti"J' hop.
whicht I tut ansduutcourresponids to ourc
timItch hes. I ti-sisuggestedtt ihe
comititee's list tutteitig -tht-perhaps
you cotuttld ius is suute itt-ueatcoeerning
eiolor sehetiuts ini deccuration anI atie
niov-elties tht you mayuu use to nuake your
tiopi standctout frottithe others. Maty
here tire ini favor ot haintg ua hand tor
tiii ttwo-siteps tand iin orcestra fortht-
wltzes. Hit astis tier ibeetiworked at
Nicthiigani, anitwhit li htoi-tu tinki oft
i-he plail'"
.lue coittee tnouss tIwork otutuihut
igol 'J" hocp awill ntutut-try toi uaiti-
tainthe reptuuionu ,whlich pirevious etun-
unittees have attainedt ini view itt Wis-
cotustis tiiute. A mNin g of the gent-
ercommiuiittleeati-hue Piti-elta Thieta
hioutse Suttidyshsowedcu a pterfeeteut or
ganizaatiounwith all Ihc subh-commtuittee
act-ely itttork.Propostionus ire coot-
tug inifrtrhic atecrersutecortortus, batnis
andu ourchietrasc iandbetfure-the huoliday-
vatctionu mitty- itttil oe itsipourtant
cottrtucts twill hue closed. F usetier's Kala-
tiatznooorcetra, syhiucihihislb-en i-hut
udelight iofgluests at piretious hiotts, illt
tut dutibhe returniedttisyear toi-pltay
onte-hatlf itt the tirogirail
The lihrary oithte ANulumiatssoiatint
conusistitig of boosks writtent yupforerc
stutets of i-he utiversity antuhose re-
vietted bty the Aliuns, has iteet ini-
coetporatedl in the getieral iihearyso tha-
it may he given ;tmnoeexcixetISKtie:
The cotleetioti cotisists of seveauty vol-
numes atnd-hitherto has hee-n kept inu the
alttmni room: -

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