TheMichigan Daily
\\N tT \'RBiii \ITiL l \ " \1 'L'I .),I) L I %A\l f u1 908 iOx. (xx
7o. oo,
Speeches Demanded of Stephens xxxl,. xilxxln Ixx C lrxic. 1)1-I
Welch and lHai nes- House Sold "'r1~c,1 las< Tomi(allotxiog Rxwlxii
Out; Few Seats Left for Today. tkin''aiithixroughxlyii xx thlc n iiir
CarlTonicii' ie iiiixii'xi'axxip' o cx'r
'Lilt ari"x;it xthe xl ititxxy lriidalyxii gt.xw lii RohelitJnex lokx :od ,ltsth
i'x i iaxludience lx tlt' hous tht T e ochetrai ded ti notl xIt lileti ii
xxi tilx xxie xlca ll iiir. . iiiil ftr f ro.Sxxxxic lxxick doft"Scol
thl iX t callx x filax sxxxhlxxxxxix xxItrtte i of lMusic. lThe ire iils xof ihex.wxeksx of
called xiiiixxf iiei xixlix iii'ix r xxias xxiii . xThe ipersonnelxoI i le,
lxxi Siteihens:xx II L xliix xixxistd a oriheitraiixx is fo liii Viln -\ i-
xxccessxitis xxdiiitoiii e lIiloxxix notiixxi lxx ' 'iam lx'xcilxJ.,i . eV ie,.
a lixd xxxMxr. x xinc Tamf t it hra'(\uxlI! Li' LiSxi FOX.i Mi es --lbert L i s. xi i
xxxiii .lti Hixxix Ihasi liirkedixhard. l l-"At Otsix I [ R A lxxxi lii
xxha ixsa iixing ott heirix punt-xxAii ,xxiii Kuhr(lix oLnixii -H.ix.A'(I ix'xxx'i
ta ity x xx haxIii i xii xlii tthxi xox I r mpti l .xxii .CMalxi'i iHorn-Iiixiii
lit' successxx fithex l ay, I wxx ish ox hak tr aie
Ro xVlh lx caii onxixli xl xx xha x' F:NI t IldFtF ' RI IC P;I'L' ik il
re'icid lixthe iinew ioi'e'a. I wishxx to itank
is thei u ccss",ix ' Sixmax i Liii e. ids l orix recxix vediix
lxxatI Ixxxrocsi lix x Worxt'ofxd i a - xoxmu ic ci'eiiixxa'dixx xxxi x lxx
pointed I ihay xo e pet ix il xxxia d lxiii op iacesixx s.xixiix trLxxxii S ix ereixnot
saxilxxxire xxii threxxxitsl andxii hxxiard i i liii te einhix ltx ill xxii i ven axtixi x
fllxi ixlfxlatxxit r m c ur. R t I axomi tteeiiii meetxxing'x tolibeihilxxit i te i
xw ix xto xxav I iapprec xi iiiat h ,yin i ch samel place oxixednesdayxiii iii .
yonxix lxxxix ivdix hei otheri l in,. Otierixxenera'l r'xxxin xxxl" wa
't' lxiirean i lxxitoki ne' l ament xx for i transacixtxei
his hi shediix i ni'ii i th a laugh,--th1--'x-i-i x----
other linesiiihaveigonxiwi xhsuh snp NiW I I'LiiiS'( xii LI[ \IIi
that'ionxiii' retioix' ess' hasn't beenx no- M? l ,ix OO1N111 ) xi i N\Ti I 1S
tixixix. Andii toi iii l iilpxfor iithat xone
lie tinslxxxixd yxix xIi I anettverxiT 'isten holo hanct lecti'ilght'
tox the "Six xxx Srinii andi ixixxRe lisxixtanc x hae xbeen xin talix i ledxin the ews idrawin
iltryrym in heii secondiiai t. x islx roomsxx ofx xi le ei neerxix ngx'iiiitx tixl'x'iiit
xxxi liiion xrisbetol h rendx-ao prtiliixiiixxiix xxixx i iilxiiiion ae uder xxway to placx
cat i xxion d ixt i xx int',iignoiioneiit leilghixi ti lt la1wxxlia ,inxx the xie
would xii lave saxidithat itx"fellxHat."xItidental lao trisa d iiheanti ca
di'nl'xissctig xrxms ofxi ltii xix \lxxtixx'x
TI i itxiiin liix afternooriiixxiliixei i i ng.iii'x The 'lilgh xxnowiin ei n x thi
atxil usuai Ilxi' ii 'iiiitx x'lxxxiiieevnngpefrm dain''gxx rxo'omsxx xhavex'xxxi i c ximplte l Sa'i-
lnxxi however, il cii x prox ptlyxx ai x ifaxxion, andx Prii .I xxx i lx i sta
asxthexD' tixtx eopliie xxwhxxxxi l eihe regratysuIiortoar lghs
outx forlti e l ay mi x xut xca xit lii xthe I xxix ixiixThesexliitsiaexnot iniitiiitien
trai xxxback xxxix xi i iitolxi iI x xithe lx xi xix.A nu brifbx'y xns ndo l ix'he lsti csti of
matineex scatsxthaxxwerei ixxxlxx lfor'ex- heigh lees temx fromxreplaing'x'x thexi
changeix are xoin 'xc Iisal xIeiitodayxxii xDinneriwl 'xx'and 'sentIblbs.ix
xxxiirved ithecasxiaxxxii mi tteeslilimii The eil ecici ansii sayiix hat i thxxxiihe
iiixxii xiiiexiiformanxiicx xiil of giv th xbst ind iot i deal i lighlxxiit t
thei newix peiiaxhal beelxxii nidi ThexhI l ophancixixl xxi aixels
I riigli Jacobs plays Sxx sie.xSxxxiiisxare inecesIsar xxoxfo ius 'the xxays xof xli xht
the xxxprettiest xxx iix'xgir ox stg. h x c tlxxx heri' t heyix lxxaric xi ides ire tix
lio cxixs" iis x ixach x night taken iby xxslxxixwh x'xsy 'tem, .40to 50 pix centxiii ex ficxlint
she singsth xx"R xse Sixng" Ibstxighti lu inatxionxxiis produxcedixx itxxxiiutiione-
-lix wasicallidibacit repeateilxi x I n lxx tlix d thxix'xi ntixfx xii rreiliii1i s s i
"FlbxxiSonxi," xxixoxlwih hexiii gsxxxxw iii lxxxiif ilxxxie.ligtix xxxcou l xx exit liii
Jack, shxexidlightxix e al i enxxii.xxii notheriii thronxigomiithe xlix' esity itcxix ldxi heiii
g'xittixy i xl i lxx ll xx xakelwho xasi I xx xuixxix sxxaixix o iincreaixexthlxi zexxxxfxxthei
xi. lfox heli tl twi lxexi six Thexli Ipsxilxairxx
sxvrxi ecoesl txit iwhen lxxe xxxig
"I Want toi iblxiaxFiothalxix xi xi x onxxixof MI lxI iGiiA NINS I \N 1571 RlI
tiie xatchiesxt xxings inxxlix shouw.x lii iAiIif4TT l; IL LLKS (QLUORLM
oonsxx thi lxaxi oflSaxxxis screxx in xxxgy mxemxersx presix ntedx theielvsx , l he lxx(lxii
fxixix.c Frexd L xaxton playsxxtliiiart ofligxxxcixix boaridixxof icxxiiioxliwxxixunableui
the Coxachi a fautlesiixxmxanexr Ili t ld lxxiii metingixi whxxixcx ixdxi xc
lex xapcxils xxo th teaix o xxKnock thexboardx i ll mxxii etxi agxixtistix rliiooxnixatx
xx~ i'ot 'm 'xxiknowxii.xi xi Whioxi arxelxx xx olxck.
IlS Il1'.Lid IdR1! CLI)IN I N '(lx 1(( 0 0 T D
IIG IITAA \ xlpLldlxiilC U ASS)1iO(UREDxx
inn ii ii ~ rllx thei ( II ix
!x!c i llttionlix the actx tlxlix
lxi xxs ll the liii xi lxxxtcnt i ll hi
xx J xliii.ii xxtxin . i i xar Ilullxix ii
ill lilili ix i iilxc'x orx co
xx xi xiis (fir ix s lxxxii xxx' 'xixilxxii111k, w
( x' li ,t , iix iiix' i lx Ix x' xx'gi (m xx i'. l
xxI l xi xi xxxt~t'x' nu ry iaxioilo:,li
l ;'. itl xit l iwil "iti p1ii taii)11 xli<
ix xxiiS i iglixnc i x lte eii liii Th
Lh lx ixaixix x Inixixitiex i nsrutrI
4 p iii lu xilatiiti n I l S iii Jtl
lio~ ;Ii xiixlx xxi x
Srltlntlrty' LJxnu ry- iq
tia.l111-Ad rend; x7xlS xis ;I i c'i c
I h INs; ll d~ISt lxxtI, Si' lxxix :ld erman s
xAlumni Orgarxi'aiioiis Make Big
1Pre pariationis for Entertain-
mnt -t Nuovel Stunits Practiced.
xxi' dr f txx' I 'xx ' x' li i xxi'
andxi lbookx ixi(I:( xxyix xx
lldx \iiid i'xI' INGx I dIt
l'i Clid G (5N15--
tttc hk> 1-.,11 i
alltlal-Y ?. t
ltkc -; ii lir
;I at {xr IIIcl
;tilllllcllt tll
f ll n lr ttt
!Illtnli. 'l ltci
rtil 'it -. 111
cFt .tIMllt tt
.trker.t l
c tipclll ill t
rx li l pt !;ict
tixi i l l i titir
L1wixii x had'lxxtex~~n dh
the vrsit tea s hav mad Stedyx1
lxxC durxing.;xthe x'lit 1i 'ilix'xl' I'ix''
I l nciii ae el bythidbaer
dxicussitheii uxxi o l 'd' h _
th nie C lxxi' ixixivocl i IIixanxxd
ni-h, il lcth Pi m xinaiesxi
,i ii
1L readerc
111i s ppot'
if tIIi'1111 x rIx'x'xi hx' xxii
,. c
I t
I t
si-i ots w l gvinumiofthirxIhavired i t i ntrs h w xiiixlxii
Wok r h iortixilis xxone lduit heliii 'x'x'xxctix' phblxishxixx'i I'h Dlx ,
holidas lso itat th ir speechei caix hei i thxxiii x xiii io xthe xsnxawtxx ofxithei hlxndii
turedxnxoiteicmmtte.irad and a idia thxsu jetiixjut iow ianec1
corrcte byixxiiiA. and then tiiiix i ii lx poisedupfo pra otxxxximpor~xxtancex perapsax thr
th ls rlimi i es hew itten iora xiii xtiiii mayi notx lxxamiss. Ix cg i- 1
cotet arc helxs' n aterard b e lanby iciih texetirex studentix hod\xitti
the thee ppr laseqof he lieray ha lxi ixirtthe lihand: ii' I uit asii .1xxi
dep rt en andxilxcifxteiiia>xiio tii le pxxxxtlx xsolution of the diii ifiut y, thex l
lawi ilirti xxxii The iuis pxi theii li ng:iii
IVIlHxIlS HIt()Silrt is \i 'S? same txiie xxiitli agi t o-e l
lxxise, uchasmuscxialx=srxx ec.
cow reli sasnxicetof lxxxi orx
the aciofx ll ig th l" rderr) xb
Nx'x'x ixlixxi iii xxii a 1 xx ii lxxx nisi xxxohxx0xx eits.l hei lan
the ixxiiiiiiiifii ii lxxxiii ld be xi ix lxxxoixxlxxxxx anx lamxxxi t lxx xx
xxxii xccord ii to a elpaer (D trit ~ i xxi t ii iixiili xi
aponexl ofca oin;xxxxxx to: look xls x: xxof itvlxxix xxxIxx.tight, liii
1 xx liixi ~ xx~tt~ it' ci iiilixx iiilxi i c
iililislitai easn 1c ti t h, si ix
lxxxii i nixi o xuing hynicxi iixxiixiixxixxxxxxxl
() ii'i'(! It 1
III,,- cvk
]>I'C tCj lli
t'1 1 Iti
c nti 'cl at
it I l tcl
tll lt:li c:
l;al le I*
ill lae i
c Z
I i11
ii xxt it e i'ixx iii xi
'"i i liii' xx clra i
Ecri' Jai T. Rcd,xl
iwillilhe itide iii xx~
Ii'r s < >t=r r
C, A. l';stcx,
Itxx~ Jlix'xi x vels
'Ixxii '',lxxxii xii
rkxl ()lxi ilix lxxtix
forx stdtsxxxx o f thelx sopA chrh
wxiiveix' i aatii ontt artylxxxi xii Sill' '(x sx
e~cat S oclok. 11 "pic Ipl txxxl'xxi
and lii i i. St nde,, co g -e'a
An arexii xini xix initedxx tox'iaittend.ii
Tims deirig inormtioxs lxphon
x0() tt RxATiiIY I' xTix''xii 'CON'TRACT,
'I'lsi' xi liii' aw l ass ati' tsixx xxi xix
I ,lr (ay n on ati l iiitheaction fI tslli
x'xxxxxxxxmi liix'x' iiia iiiarx' ngiliiig i c-xi"
tuecontrattoentc h lixleri'x
'lxii is
'III Ii' m li i
il . 1li ii
SUNDAY Bso hs D ilasMcMiIlan
5:1 630 . M. 'Bso hs.D ila sHall