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November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The Mich1g i1 DaOldy VOL. XV. VOL XV.ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEM FBER 1i;, 1904. N.4 No. 42 to ''' .1f!I'rightl-Asistanst toacs Fote, S tualr tD e tree. t, lao'iis, hats isO, Patrick. tlottorow 'OO-Triner Fii 1itzhtat ril, l''o itliltnonid, ('iiisiShtulte, IHeston ('ali le . totgmani, tailosr, C'acts 'Yost. Stu ieitt ilatiager Aotosttery Norcrs s. "1 I lAN I8 C A1PION! Wolverines Win First Honors for the Fourth Time-- '1a roonsFkght Gamely...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The !ichigan Daily No. '4 ANN ARBOR, MICH.', TUE2SDAY, NOVIIMBER" 13 1904. IRNING CONCERT. Of Choral Union Series Friday Night ''ates Fixed for May Festival- Thomas Orchestra to Assist in the Fistival Concerts. sTith musialsasn ifor Ann Aror burgs on Priilihnighithni ii litt- burg 1rchestra i ad ll nt c i tiii lO 1 nt i 1,;. iirh ips teii rals lit( h eui ni oi Thomas, Orvl~tii'i i i I sooe. F lloingi is in eiiliso Feb 14 \i ri F iotei onrato g...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE ICHIGAN DAILY - ew re H lfCtiIli.N 1)AILY. 1 n.'Iii iin i . f,raket,>t ioiiso. *W1E WOULD H~AE eaii rri 1 ir mar m faiiihree vYour T !v YOU TO KNOW ai wbal ft f if iii thg41taltget * 4bK i>> i.s touer iAL 1):'A.iff[LOiM etOSON ~ n ifc f ihr 4arMa h ve dtapp inte0yel .,ihe'endorset 3Q ot tt Sre ifiiid idredfie t of theipeople. e * p i51- hi 1.litrirktheel v-nd i I ppoint hae d iayo tad hre th O inNgE al STORE ® mpicovrid? tsil l on fumle ad...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..........................Z THlE 1ICHIGAN DAILY. RESERVES HAVE GAME. _ _ _ _ _ 2 E WOULD HAVE Inis is as cod-clss ciiira the Ann Second Team Will Play Alma 00- trbr otttice. lege at~rand Rapids on Thanks- Y our YOU TO KNOW f___gvngDy f lahfutri I r t icsyeerildoriog the C andida te f*j 1,'.Yr.tet t i 1vaslestt nsesri"t. As a slight compensaton to th f " g: f(bit-otnl a,,it o linuance)t h any, l3r Rservers for their hard work...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag's Home Supply Store{* Corner Main and Washington Streets; Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses aud Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pic'tures, Ash Trays, Paper Weights, Smookiug Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and} Pipe Racks at popular prices. Tis is the pllace,' .4 4 E. G. HOAG. ~ .B ur chfi el d's Fine .Tail1oring * , Trade Guarantees... You the mosit skillful tadt artistic service to he h...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY a "a fis 'h~s [' 1'' *Ypa''+i L'''' 't i { *l- i*1 h 4 4''+ -r''*i 3 i 4 T" 9"'V - f i h q- *aw -f tx 1 -* - 'F'- - ' -0- Do You Know the Game ?I The good clothes game is a very easy one to learn, andilvexy t man can excel in it-if lite plays it rightt. Drop into or store. + We'll tell yott alt about it-pttt yott next, as it mere; get ou ott the inside-of a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit. That's all there t is to-it, except tit...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…TBE MlnotC AN DAiLt KEEP IT ON YOUR TABLE. Ii , I "=, . . . tr , Cutting, eyer& Co. 4 e! 4! 4 2' 4 I You will find PETER' J,°J CHOCOLATE Not nlya i cOiusCcnfeti onIbut a or is" andilsustatniii ii,oc3 digested.'lDestnt oiea 0'h Insoist Upnii P PIII'$f. The initatio no ore 1 lss,:po0 '2' j rSOLE AGENTS. * Leading Clothiers, : nishers. 109=111 Eant Washington St. '4 'r C 11 1.4e I Hatters andpFur- ontinued row page 1wo.i) 0ha , i'o' .00 ' tArkans...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…TIEMICH I OAN IJAtIA ,. .-.--....-._._..____ . . 1 i { 3 i [33 or "con and Women $4.00 WALK-OV[R I1OIIS Formerly sold in Ann Arbor under Puritan label [or the rainy season get into a pair of our Water-Proof Shoes-heavy tar tans, s double soles, Balace tongues, rawhide middle sole, thoroughly viscolized. WA[K-OV[ER HIIO[CWIPANY, HE[AVY WINTER OXFORDS. 111 South M1ain Street. GOODYEAR RIUBBER. H ._.._. .-.- -.-. t ... . Study with a Good Light *...…

October 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…The ilc <*nDaily VOL. xV. ANN ARBOR, MIH., THJURSDAY, OCTOBE;R 1 9, 1904. No. 11 AWUL SLAU~iI1IR. Varsity Showed Up P. & S-Seventy two Points in Twenty-two Mn- utes-Tom Hammond Kik Every Goal. It ;s easy nowto10understand wy the PysiciansadSren re tototltof pilaying te Varsity The Chicago aggregation went (dott to the worst defeat yesterday tht anly eant ever snffered ot Fery Field. In twenty-two mnitutes of ploy the Vacsity, playing itsatmtst...…

October 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…THE M1ICHIGAN DAILY N *4***** O1TI-I E1 fICIGlAN DAILY 11 1 i r~llanvaI l uilirt rsofiii Niiga 4P;_ t doi t i ar t twardsl a kaing at W E WOULD HAVE [tti'.tlee sge i 'i tt a eral 111ni111arO pin Aasuless * 'a.I A I a ri ttyraPsctiti I it .nThere '1are tfi87:alumiitnitt'and tnolt- Published t ti}t i t tc tiritr - a' lthat.y1 . alyiet um er wol afitirditia lit .lirit;IlE.a ta. liii' atirteit 'rlt 1aeiligManoc a aing Editor, J. SITAN~LEY BALLY. I...…

October 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHiIGAN DAILY MACK &QC. S a rsand Pennacts . ~ ehs IxsiSi~iti an d oltoantotitatfatmous + * mtakes 01 Suits, IOvercoats, RantCoats antd Pew To1 pTrottsers t:. OIM.and a1 rrt~nit tGI s -atint ssratnt~sanansnes ofall Ask to See the "Surtout.*'lIt's tln'nsaist Lintith lt S[ A[PRrS iSW+ apiav d n n Oc-tta. ta orit«SPCI And LbattRICETHpntsnI WE tEK ntia 4. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. + OR ROOM D[CORAI ION. ~ .Money Loaned,,, an anti ...…

October 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY $3030________$4.00 WAL - V[mu R 8 I1OI Formerly Puritan. ANY STYLE, ANY LAST? ANY LEATHER, BUTTONI or LACE FOR MEN OR WOMEN. ASK TO SEE OUR NEW OXFORDS, BLACK AND TANS IN NEW WING TIPS AND SPUD LAST s.t0 k,.:aWalk- Over Shoe Co., 1I South Main Sre GOODY[AR RUJIBERS. FIN[ R[PAIRING Study with a Good Light lhere is no better light thano , THE WELSBACH R~ ALL STYLES AT At The Ann Arbor G.- I RANDALL P H O T O GA PH ER I I ZEADI...…

May 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…he ichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1904. No. 159 NAY FESTIVAL Begins With An Excellent Concert- This Afternoon's Program- A Noted Tenor to Sing the Part of Gerontius Tonight. Never has a May Festival opened tinder more auspicious conditions than those attending last night's concert. The weather mild, the audience enthu- siastic, and the artists eager to do their best; these were the causes for the success of the conce...…

May 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY * ffffffff®ffffff+ +, THE MICHIGAN DAILY AbrPost Office. : G W ld Entered as s"ad-class matter at the Ann t j J Pubished daily (Mdonday excepted) during the college year, at 117 E. Washington street, Leading Merchant Tailors (basement floor, side entrance)_Phone2 *f MANAGING EDITOR : S. EMORY THOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: ROSCOE B. HUSTON SPRIN6 WOO[ENS f ~EDITORS : f Athetics, - - - ROBERT K. WALTON For Suits, Top Coats and N...…

May 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIAK( A [OOK At the Straight Front, and Double Breasted Varsity-Hart, Schaff. ner & Marx Make. They are two of the onappiest styles produced this season, and many of the hoot dressers like the double hreaoted style hest for summer wear. $15.00' to $20.00. -I Agency for THE OUVER $3 HATS The New,-Stare--2175. MainSt. UTZ The Clothier DRESS SUIT CASES THE LOWG-PRICED, MISDIUM AND PINEST MADE HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOP...…

May 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i ti. r ,.a i',' 114 a>. , i Imo.,/,, f //,, \; / , ,f I , '' SUITS Dwight E. Watkins, Made to your measure and Drop as a card to 3235S. Maurs St. A I URN U ad have as call for your war b f ATI COOK HOUSE BILLIARD, HALL ii ~ 7 Under New franagemeot. (~llII~ll~ &New Billiard Outfit. I Cj'Y~IL Chps given good for angwbhere in !c !the house. ; el, i~naea o CLOTHIERSFree Lunch. _ HatersandFurishrs.ForstAvenuie Meat Market. Lin...…

April 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR. MICH., W ESDAY, APRIL 13, 1904. No. 1 142 BIG RACE TODAY. Cross Country Club Will Hold Its An- nual Spring Race This After- noon at 3:30 P. M. . Good List of Starters. This afternoon at 3:30 occurs thes an- nual spring cross country race. For- ty-three men have entered for the con- test and it promises to be an excit- ing affair. All C. C. C. men are barred, and everyone who has even had any experience ...…

April 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…TiE MICHIGA DAILY G. HI. Wild Comipally ? SLeadinlg lMerchat Tailors; SPRING WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trouser. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you $Z our London SergesLondon Cheviots, Scotch-Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, Edinburghs, Drum- g tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer-Z ican Serges. Please call and see G. H. Wild Compally 108 E. WASHINGTON STRET. SThe Great Gamue...…

April 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t~t, ' a, i >4 ' o ' * 'i' °'+rv r+°fi+*°'+I r '',,i 4 'ist@ i i'a',itJs4 -+ '*S* ® 8S ' b4 ' * *@tse + . ' 6+ c The Straight Front Varsi If you want to see the snappiest you want to see the new ITf S. & i noarderito ethe ouis as it and tan beorethe ;asyou'll . of it than give up the clothes. SA'so a new line of Bl1ackItoitn icas toi, Titibets, Cheviots and utitinisheod woo's- teds. a $1S.00 to $24.00'A SITI 4Guyer Hots for...…

April 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…THE 5410141GAN IIAILT A Word l® u ____ ase i t ~viI -6vi i.405i-p vi "_ i~i I rvii i i vapc ivq 'iyi I II I i t i !i t ti-.c v iv c esad ni Stan. I c ii i _ tlii vIit liigh' , ° vi.. ( i.h kr.v Co'.iv avifi . l i i.,ii ie Ei v er W 10kvhi tica -dtai t il if i iliv Quarry's Camlus Drg S Sonletliiniv New 1in Michigan Prubo At Darling & Malleau2 --lIN-- Pietllres and Fra Dc Pr=3 AR~T -)TO 217 S. Forth Avenue 71. ]1. ZIsit, Dl o. A. J. WATSON Wal...…

March 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…0 The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1904. No. 116 "rICNIGAN VICTORIOUS. BIBLE STUDY. BRYAN LECTURE. First Reiment Defeated by Score of Inter-Fratrnity Bible Study Associa- William Jennings Bryan Lectured Yes- 42 to.22-Rose Breaks all Amer- tion Organized and Operating- terday Afternoon to One of the iean Records for Shot Put- Fifteen Fraternities Interested Largest Audiences ever As- The Summaries. and over N...…

March 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Reduction i Sale As we have too large a stock of fancy SUITINGS AND TROIJS[RINGS on hand we will sell them at rednced prices to make room for or Spring and Snmmer Woolens. Be sre and call in before yon place yor order.,A t A1,,I, G. I. WILD & CO., 108 E. WASHINGTON STRET. nT! [xciting Tun for f[veryone 45c. Pocket War Mraps f or the Ear East, 18c. -:.SHEEHAN & CO, University Booksellers, Sta- toners and Engravers. 320 South...…

March 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY *hI&T Ansew lot of tie lioes 11. S. 24. Illack Suils, .r I I 5 ETNG in Vicunas.,'Phibets,('bovioes and Worsteds, imade JIor I 4 in single or double breasted.Z $3.00 [O2 L~A L S $3.00 Varsity and Regular Sack Siylr s 4 We $15, $18, $20 li U TZ The only shoe in the world:de)i ned by a W e have all sizes in stock now anifl al 'i t yobui r ~ o i n - - ~ r o ~ n Th ltirw m n-frnicely. Call and inspect them'. 217 Southb kiaini Str...…

March 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY k. ' ~I:~ tCII + +k+* +k+. :M+i.+oO. Pr Ff! ^ "t~ w -i Notice to the Public: WlghWICTflS + Drop saard to 323 S. Malen St. and have us calltryu wok - ;, - We, the undersigned, will continue the Clothing" a n d F u r n is h i n g G osR y & C a a h i a An roentered upon, his Tua fourteenth year in connection t Forest Aeu Met Uaret - withs the store, will have charge of the Clothing otramanI'hinesn. U oprtnent, and Clarence Gain...…

January 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1904. No. 74 TRACK MEN MEET. GUSTAV A. GOETTE DEAD. Gustav Alfred Goette, a 1907 dental Largest Meeting of Track Candidates student, died very suddenly in his room at 503 Monroe street last even- in the History of the University.- ing at 6:15 o'clock. His death was One Hundred Men Present. due to congestion of the tungs. Al- though he had been feeling ill for sev- The la...…

January 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ; THE MICHIGAN DAILY Three reasons may be advanced to o -explain this state of affairs. First, Entered as second-class matter at the Ann perhaps interest in politics is dead Arbor Pest Office. and but few men care for political Ro Publshed daily (Mondayexcepted)lduring the jobs. Second, maybe the value of the Scollege year, at117 E Washington street, offices appears to have depreciated a!(baseent floor, side entrance) Phon...…

January 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. +++w++++weeeseeee++++++++++e~ ++++V + iN 9tei+iNN O/Rlee+NI~ee~OII Ie4+lwi~eie~letI4 i el CTlals sale includes tlhe SCLOTHING afa:Mou.AT MACK C. A .'S oar H ART, SCHAFFNiERl0, INVENTORY SALE MARX GOODS . ALALL ALL During the month of January we will sell Iadies' Coats Ladies' Suits Fur Neck Pieces All $24 and $25 Suits and overcoats at..... $20 00 - r- d-. All $18a u itand nd Overcoats at....2. 50c TiRe d12e All $15 Suits a...…

January 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…THLE MICHIGAN DAILY. SCluett, Peabody & Co.'s Arrow and Dwight B. Watkins,~ 1 + TYPEWRLITING 3^ Cr wnBan S+Clar orDro un a card to 323 S. Min. St. Q .1. Crwn Brnd 15eCollas forand e~ve s cllfor yorwok. You11 woo't miss thos "right O'locs"v .~ if you haerone of or CE* TS 1 Dollar Alarm Clocks II. H. LWtz, Jeweler, 109. Main St.. e WLLIM St -AT____Chwrlie'n American & [uropean fotel * / COLLARS CUTTI~lG REY R Cpope DayandNigh ,Linen and CUF FS R...…

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