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April 13, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-13

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The Michigan Dail


Cross Country Club Will Hold Its An-
nual Spring Race This After-
noon at 3:30 P. M. . Good
List of Starters.
This afternoon at 3:30 occurs thes an-
nual spring cross country race. For-
ty-three men have entered for the con-
test and it promises to be an excit-
ing affair. All C. C. C. men are
barred, and everyone who has even
had any experience in runing or has
shown up particularly well in prac-
tice will be started on scratch. Those
whose experience has been limited
will be given 45 seconds handicap.
The list of those who will start from
scratch is as follows: R. A. Mead,
H. P. Ramey, E. J. Creighton, E. E.
Dorris, O. F. Grimm, H. Allen, A. C.
Clapp, I. H. Hunt, C. M. Gundry, I.
H. Smith, W. C. Packard, S. B. Lamb,
W. C. Knight, F. R. Baylis, R. S.
Schmidt, o. E. Hunt, E. M. Keys,
R. M. Teele, J. Hawkins, H. H. low-
ard, A. Nagelvoort, J. W. Bell, V. C.
Randolph, R. D. Richardson, G. W.
The folliwing will be given the han-
dicap: J. F. Preston, F. R. Lowles, L.
A. Hutchins, F. J. Parker, J. D. Price,
A. E. Carey, R. Solfisburg, E. W.
Dales. J. M. Mackey, C. A. Millis, H.
P. Rowe, L. W. Schuette, F. J. Cro-
gan, F. B. Hannum, B. J. Lugers.
Litle is known of the ability of the
contestants and it is impossible to
make any predictions as to the re-
sult. Ramey the half-miler is the most
prominent of the men who will run,
but it is doubtful if he will be able
to negotiate the long distance in the
mud. The right to wear the Club em-
blem will be conferred upon the two
men who finish first and second.
The race will be started promptly
at 3:30 and all contestants must be
ready at that time. Anyone desiring
to enter who has not already done so
may give his name to C. E. Hayes,
clerk of the course, this afternoon.
The relay men at Ferry Field are
earnestly praying for warm weather,
but in the meantime they are contin-
uing the routine training in spite of
the chilly blasts which sweep across
the field.
Trainer Fitzpatrick expresses him-
self as very well satisfied with the
condition of the men. Although he
will be unable to get nuch of a line
on the team until after Saturdays
race, he is inclined to believe that it
will be considerable faster than last
year's championship outfit, but thinks
that they will have to go faster this
year in order to return to Ann Arbor
as two-time winners. If Cornell sends
her four mile team, they will undout-
edly be Michigan's most formidable
rivals, but it is not known as yet
whether they will compete. Yale,
whose team finished second to Mich-
igan last year has a better team this
year and they must be reckoned as
strong contenders.
In view of the way in which the
other men are showing up, Fitzpatrick
and Kellogg have decided that it
would not be fair to put Coe on the
team without giving him a try-out;
consequently the lanky westerner will
have to go in the race Saturday and
fight for a place. This makes the con-
test more exciting than ever, and it
should be one of the best races ever
seen in the field.
Trainer Fitzpatrick has decided that
Hahn, Rose, Schule, and Dvorak will
be taken to Philadelphia with the
team, if they are in shape by that
Allen Werton Elsworth, a member
of last year's law class, died in a hos-
pital at Spokane, Wash., April 9. The
preceeding Saturday he underwent an
operation for appendicitis, and while
he rallied from the first shock, com-
plications set in that made the strug-
gle for life a hopeless one. The de-
ceased was connected with the Spo-
kane Evening Chron'cal in an edito-
rial capacity.

Parsifal will be presented at the
University of Minnesota by Walter
Damrosch and his company of singers.

Unique Entertainment By Junicr Gir~ Account of His Trip Through the Many "Flunks" and "Con" Notices
At Their Annual Party to the West-Delivers Addresses at Handed Out to Base Ball Men.
Seniors. .Buster Brown's the Principal institutions- Bowling a Popular Sport.
College Career Por Michigan Alumni - Pan-Hellenic Ball
trayed. Prominent Eve-
rywhere. Chicago, April 10-With the stu-
It has been an annual custom for dents just back from the spring vaca-
the girls in the Junior class of the After an absence of one week, Pres- fion, college affairs are practically at
University to give the Seniors at some ident Angell has resumed his accus- a standstill. The two main features
time during the year some sort of a tomed activities in the University life of interest now are the athletics and
party. The party this year takes a of Michigan. He lest Ann Arbor on the pan-Hellenic ball to be given next
very novel form, being a represents- March 12, for an extended tour of Friday night in the Bartlett gymnasi-
tion of Buster Brown's progress places of interest in the West, visiting um.
through college. The play was given Salt Lake City, University of Cali- luterset in spring athletics, base
in Sarah Casewell Angell Hall on fornia, Leland Stanford, Lick Observa- ball and track work, is increasing as
Monday evening and was a decided tory, Los Angeles and Pasadena, re- the time draws nearer for the opening
success. The Seniors had not been turning home by the way of the Grand of the outdoor intercollegiate season.
told what they were to expect, but Canon in Arizona. Buti the feeling of confidence in Chi-
were merely invited to be present at At Salt Lake City, President Angell cago's prospects that was so marked
the play. The following prologue will delivered three addresses, one to the a month or two ago has been shaken
explain the nature of the perform- University of Utah, one to the teach- by the one thing that has done more
ance: ers of that city and the third to the to disrupt athletics that anything else
Fortune that helps the fools and University Club, whose members are -'flunks" and conditions handed out
wise, iath brought us here, alumni of the various colleges and by the deans to the various athletes.
And though our chiefest actor is no universities of the country. Of his It is probably true that never before
seer, visit at Salt Lake City, President An- have the members of the teams suf-
Yet will he show to each of us, I gell said, "It is a mst interesting Pered as severely as this year. Dtr-
wean, place to visit. We have many alumni ing the past week five base ball men
The student as by others he is seen. residing there, both Mornons and have been disqualified, all of whom
Our scene is Ann Arbor, and we Gentiles, many of both creeds holding were practically sure of places on
would make known, important and responsible positions. 1 the team. Among these were a prom-
No college jokes are better than our Just at present the people here are inent candidate for catcher, Startz-
own, greatly wrought up over the Smoot man, and the hard-hitting center field-
No class is better food for mirth than investigation which is being conduct- er, "Tod" Sloan. Sloan has stood
'04. ed by the United States Senate." high in his classes and his failure was
Since they have entered classic learn- From Salt Lake, President. Angell due to heavy law work. The candi-
ing's door. went to Berkley, where he delivered Oates for backstop position, already
Sharks, poets, athletes and the genus the Fourulers' Day address at the Uni- sak, are now in a worse condition,
grafter versity of California. Here are to be Ht.ugh Jesse Harper, brother to last
You'll see perform and then will ache found eight Michigan alumni who now ear's captain, gives promise of filling
with laughter; hold faculty positions besides three is brother's shoes.
Their manners and their learning will other professors who were former in- Track work out doors has been tem-
call forth structors here. Among theineresting porarily abandoned because of the
From Buster Brown, advice of solid features of the campus at California recent rains. Several of the men,
worth.is a new mining engineering building however, have been working on the
He doth not aim to grieve, but better which, when completed, will be little cinders. Rice ran out a hundred in
you ss than a palace. The building i _0. yestec-day, and Parry was at
And teach you your infirmities to rue. a gift from Mrs. Hearst, wife of Sen- work with the hammer.
He hopes to find no one so much dis- ator Hearst of California and mother The trials for the team to repre-
eased, of William R. Hearst, the much talked 1ant Chicago at Philadelphia, have not
But will with his advice be greatly of candidate for the Democratic Nom- yet been held. The track men havy
pleased. ination for President. not received as many new "cons" as
The Freshman's verdure and the President Angell paid a short visit the base ball men, but on the other
Sophomore's gall, to Leland Stanford and then visited hand, not a single man who was de-
The Junior's learning will he show to the Lick observatory, one of the most clared ineligible during the winter
all. notible institutions of its kind in the quarter, has been able to clear him-
The Senior's awful wisdom he'll ex- world. Dr. Campbell, formerly of self with the deans.
pound, Michigan, is at the head of the obser- The Reynods Club bowling team
And thank the gods, no more of them vatory, while his two junior profess- was defeated by the Club Fellows, a
were found. ors are likewise Michigan mun, and cown-town organization, on Thursday
All arb such natural follies and so all very prominent authorities on the night on the Club alley. The Rey-
shown, science of astronomy. nolds team went to pieces after the
That each will see, and think they are At Los Angeles and Pasadena, pub- first game, and lost the final by 300
his own, lie ovations were tendered President pins. Since the alleys were installed
The play was divided into four acts, Angell by the friends of Michigan, in the Reynolds club, interest in bowl-
one for each year in college. The and here also he was invited to ad- ing has steadily increased. The pop-
first scene represents Buster and Tige dress the University clubs at dinners ulariy of the bowling and billiards
resolving to become intellectual and and receptions given in his honor. has attracted a large membership.
to go to college, and then follows the Last Friday eveing the Cu gave
farewell scene with the parents, ac-BL.s tr ymebegsthndCguests.
copaie b llsotsofavie;suhBASE BALL. a smoksr to msmhsrs and guests.
companrieu hy all sorts o advice; uch 'he program took the form of vari-
as: not to cultivate any female friends The coaches have not yet picked dd ,,stunts" among which was the
unless he consulted the woman's dean, the team which will r-presnt Michi- stellar "iKi'
and on all questions of etiquette and gan on the spring trip, which begins o nv 'situ n orgenton
of tuiversity stuudsnts who went on
morals be sure and consult Dean Hud- Friday noon. Final Judgment will not aarn-Sturming rip during the vaca-
son, and on all practical questions be passel on the candidates until ton.
such as laundry and care of dogs, to Thursday night. The anual Junior Day play will
consult Dr. Angell. The best part of Bad weather has prevented the men this year e "Love's Layr Lost."
the act is where he reaches Ann Ar- from getting into good shape for the 'he play will proaly e given in
bor and is rushed for a fraternity. trip, but Michigan's opponents will be lhe plen airunler the direction of
He joins everything in sight from the in no better shape for the early Prtfessors Clark and Blanchard of tine
W. C. T. U. to the Mother's Meeting. games. iculsic spesaking department.
In the second act he realizes that As usual, Coach Stagg has come out On Thursdaky evning the twentieth
the great mistake of his Freshman with his expected hard luck tales of aniual inter-seminary dinner uf Chi-
year was in trying to become great conaitions and injuries. agutheoligical stuidents took place
through intellectuality, and he re The schedule of the trip is as fol- inHutchinson Halt stThstlogs" from
solves that brawn is greater than lows: G Harretilical Institute of Evanton;
brains, that Yost's picture is first in University of Chicago, Saturday. Ghicago Theological Seminary, McCor-
the Michiganensium, that President University of Wisconsin, Monday. Cwick Theological Seminary, and the
Angell has never had a cigar named Kalamazoo College, Tuesday. University of Chicago Divinity school,
after him, and that no one knows Hillsdale College, Wednesday. wire preset. In all, 27 y people sat
how much Professor Kelsey weighs Albion College, Thursday. duw iiithe anqet. Dean EniB.
but everybody knows how much Mad- Michigan Agricultural College, Fri- Hu..rt of the U.iversity Divinity
dock weighs; therefore I will become day, school was toastaster. The Dirary
an all-round athlete. He calls thland card rooms of the Reynolds Club
whole Sophomore class together, and GIRL'S ATHLETIC MEET. w-re thruwn ipso in a receptio t
says hat he wishes to enter athletics. The close of the work in thie girl's the 'visitors. RILEY H. ALLEN.
gymnasium this year will be marked
says that he can do almost anything, by a general exhibition and a meet. CUP DEBATE PRELIMINARY.
and that he will give a meet. He be- On Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, At 4 p. m., Thursday, in Room B,
gins the meet with a basket ball game general review of the year's work will of the Law Buiding, the preliminary
between the Sophomores and Seniors, he given, as has been done in past cup debate between the Alpha Nu
then does Kellogg's mile run, a relay years. The latter part of the exhibi- and the Adelphi societies, will be held.
rare, low hurdles, and the high jump. tion will take on the form of a meet

The crowning event of the meet was which didA not take place, and will s soon as a suitable site can be
when Buster challenged Rose for the come off at this time. All four classes procured, the Y. M. C. A. of the Uni-
shot put. After several trials, during taking work in the gymnasium will versity of 'Wisconsin will start a new
which Rose removes his sweater, Bus- be represented in both the meet and building. $50,000 has been raised so
(Continued on page 2.) the exhibition. far and more is expected.

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