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March 13, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-03-13

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k. ' ~I:~ tCII + +k+* +k+. :M+i.+oO. Pr Ff! ^ "t~ w -i
Notice to the Public: WlghWICTflS
+ Drop saard to 323 S. Malen St.
and have us calltryu wok - ;, -
We, the undersigned, will continue the Clothing"
a n d F u r n is h i n g G osR y & C a a h i a
An roentered upon, his Tua fourteenth year in connection t Forest Aeu Met Uaret -
withs the store, will have charge of the Clothing otramanI'hinesn.
U oprtnent, and Clarence Gainsley, who has won 5Il Ltuatia
many friends by hi' gentlemsanly dealings, will 530 Forest Ave. Phone 405
have charge of the Furnishing Goods Department. COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL COLLARS
A. I . GRF.NES, Pres. Under New fanagemen. LIi >
JACOB Lu'rz, Vice-Pres. New Billiard Outfit. gen iad CUF?
F. H. 13IEsrR, Secy. Chips given good for angwere in -.4RE TI'-.E BEST
i44 ++444444l.+o~eul reeLunh. Barkes Collars are Stamped '1.i~fn"
, Word Patent L ah rSh e O rndsadvt r-Ia .1l
L eathered Shoe "VII,..s l byWager & Co.. 2 fee 25 cs
'eeo s O lo' u oireOatrn ,a e er- *' && ++ ++ + 0-01l Il1++ x 3'&4.3o51++&li 1,4
DR CoLWEtL(S onr!cctrotal Qo t/a R E NTS CH L ER For anything in the line of tieltjtt0tl
hoeer bstee knson I - Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentchlr, Ik_ '' o~i' 4tge0Poe392.Cre Mi n uo tet.+1
Iian Olnlsitlfor hn .r onrI~a n uo tet.+ SRING NEGLIGEE SHIRTS
ti ,a nc , ofd m 3 Ilaa+r$--+rlitiot(-
IAN OIL. l ftt GREAT LAFAYETTE." Your eyeo examined by an p taetlan iitw ar dart clr,
he l tfexpert optician. All the la- uta th etotairraticr. sll
the Itad-n ugaly fimacs aueli strila'sr alwaya 10,
[PharaaeraitiaScet. tland w e Ies- The 'Great Lafayette" and his own at approved appliances and methods bademad. We tae tte s all i -
tae to r encd c torroeIde , l s :r big company is the next attraction at known to the profession areemployad. feetealtiaraceca-
itanoes atl fr aorc lu~t Athens Theatre on Monday Mar. New ee lasses fitted, lenses duli- tcti i s ote
plcatitat sf1r -ytotasmiaa«acltrstt'ett- 14th It io said to e one of the lac- ated, frames repaired. Hailer's Jw. '
erilse. I Llsa tighit oreler 'tt'i ,c,-'
hiti andiC eastthiile ad se nnldll l-ttt sct addbest attractions on the road. elry Store. f. +
igre ulan edet, Inl t ett'e t The Great Lafayette is a whole show 4 WAGNER &i CO.
to.lI etta-ti te kitt antdt lltttttttgfree frtmtinhmsel, but let it be understood Just received 223 Mandolins and Hbrahe s . ale
stain. TItrer is nortoo ofis tinyt ltausdtintt that he dtes not attempt to give the Gitars hat we boght at a remark. aedses - atr
Dr. t~leall's Maglt' gyttiantOtiI
"wiaItar csuc od t ttdteti in t lwe lellwole show himself. e is assisted ably low price and will sell them at +cEyta i htw-1e.r rtl yalrecman fcpbemeoetidterglrpie hsi
tilest tlt citiet' goratee ,t t ttit wtlligite5
satisatttlttt. If it tes tttt yoeaTrnt women and children, icludig his an exceptional bargain. All Instro-
the bttleattal wilt refnoriot Iie ttttey. celebrated tBand and Orchetra, which mets on easy payments. See our
Quarry's Camus Drug Store to claimed to be second to none. This display in window-Ann Arbor Music
attractittu carries every stitch of seen- Co.
NE-- __ __ __ - ery and stage paraphanalia, used --E X
-- FINE- throtghout the engagement. Bath supplies of all kinds at all T i r
Pictllres aild Frailes Th ACADEMY ORCHESTR. ee prices at Cushing's Drug store. t. I lE TeAadm rcLEXOa ee-otBratpi ih ntal .T
Mr5 AR R TO engaged to furnioh a program of nov- C. Return to 421 S. Division. i. PRICEI $5.00
secties for the Leap Year dancing party _________
217 S. Fourth Avenue. at Graners Academy, March 17th, Pantoriom, 33e S. atate. Cleaning,
attd for the 'Of Law clsesocial, Mar. Pressing and Repairing. Clothes A 19-ounce Kodak for
----- 25th. 116. called for and delivered. Leave or-
ders over Cushings Drg Store, or 3X321 pictures. It has
NOTICE - 104 ENGINEERS. 'phone 582-3 r.thKoasipctyye
PHOTOGRAPHS 1\eastrmentofrcp n uscr oin oteahwllfn t helac k s ine ioft e tn
will be token a Miss Lovell's on University students desiring to se-
CALL A1'S TUD Stateostreet6.ondayndthrsda their interest to write to James F. tials of good picture
Slt~OCAP TUIO frm NDt G tOWN COgMIT Tis. McCullough, 39 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi-
316 ,, ainab CASAt.GW CMMTEE sage. tf. making.
NOTICE. No Dark Room
Soehn e n The DBohy Board will take larch to- onanpn tsig - Reqired Now
Sonstloig Ne in gether today at Oyster Bay at twelve
Mic iga *u Pillows. ocioc. Chafing dishes at Hler's Jewelry
At Darling & Malleaux's Snoswohv o e ree Fresh Lwneys, Allerettis, Spar- Calkins
g Seiorswhohavenot et rderd mw's and Hyler's Chocolates atCsh-
their caps and gowns must do so as ing's Pharmacy. 324 S. State St.
early an possible in order to have-
A. J. WATSON gowns at the time of the awingout. Tiktfrou samo-$0.
The committee wiCC meet again in Tce o orsapo-10. -
WallP~ie , Pan~sSroom C from 4 to 6I Tesday and Wed- Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Qer
nesday, March 11 and 0. Miss Lov- r'"I~ I t
and Oils eli will measure the girls at her store Arkansas, Texas, M1exico
athe same hor. Chafing dishes at Haler's Jewelry
216 [ast Hluron Street. 114-17. ROBERSON. Store. t. and Caliornia...
Are best reached via
O tJ ?.I O L.C ~fSt. Louis, World's [ air City,
Pq ~The building uip of a Telephone System with every possbl umod
ernIm iproveent;u the giig of better service than was ever thought ir n ou t n
possible before To e honorable, courteous and just in every detailt
fed with nothing short of the confideince and good will of every citizen ±
in the county #Two daily trains to (California. j
WA IT EAW M MIETEEHO Eico., Three daily trainso Mexico.
, FF'U LLIIF~ or dly trains to Texas.
TFyMPORARY OFFICE Liberty street, near Fourth or daly trains to ot Springs.
__________ ________Si daily train to Little ock.

- is the principle of WRITE MER.
$tJJU~ ii DArmstrong,T. P.A,
-Suspenders t "5- ,AR., IS nnArbor, fMlch. 5
..,sloe n.. Tulrkey. _____________
.What one side gives the other side P erf ected in ype.
takes. Comsfort, styleandoservice.LnoeinA rc.AfflS . u,
- Absolutely Guaranteed. 'OOGOoL SOKLiAGfTA mOri. ViMwUPSA.t1Ags- Lh.
Mietal trimmings eannot rothWe 'MOUL______________________Viw___torapaes
a 'd 31,'any store, ee mall prepaid., 510,rIS5cns. Views of city and campus Flash lights, It-
C.A Odtg F.C.Corklipsoor a.teriorsO,Grous.
5... ;Sirey as.Saveth Coopons. 316 S. "lain Street, Ann Arbor
With Seymour Studio. 'Phone 819

Always Ahead
in Styles.


The Best
of Everything in Tailoring

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