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January 13, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-01-13

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SCluett, Peabody & Co.'s Arrow and Dwight B. Watkins,~
Cr wnBan S+Clar orDro un a card to 323 S. Min. St. Q
.1. Crwn Brnd 15eCollas forand e~ve s cllfor yorwok.
You11 woo't miss thos "right O'locs"v
.~ if you haerone of or
CE* TS 1 Dollar Alarm Clocks
II. H. LWtz, Jeweler,
109. Main St.. e WLLIM St
American & [uropean fotel * / COLLARS
CUTTI~lG REY R Cpope DayandNigh ,Linen and CUF FS
REYER &ot Roasti rniu l eoto i. 91sle ota AREt 7TL1 1.i B ST
tose n irjeGay Try or famos tenderloin stak
4 ~ ~ 4 O ~ ~209-11 N 4thAyeBarkers Collars are Stamped "Linen"
S~brainS and I'p a ten t L e t r S h s Other brands advertised and Sld s Linen ae
Biruises. NLeatherd Shoes hir
~x*Vkv Eveylove fath- A L B$E R T L UV T Z, WILL. YOU NEED
in rz . "w°" -1001 il tathi ',TH EIBLE SHOE DEL. 14iOUHMANVTRE
- conests is ver y surie RLA ±i~io.14SUHMI TETA SU~ITC(ASE1
R WELLS t get sconetpriio--
slold haesoere- 4 4 4 4i-4
E+ liabcectetedy httndy44
f orbioioodiato aplo]1 4R ENT S CH L E R For anything in thu line of 4 TO 00O HOIE WITH, OR
cation. NotingtiMkrofPoorps FrmnCltn etclr
un fti r. ti~/ ae fPoorps Faig alo etclrnt gyp an Oil 4 Phone 389-2r. Corner Hain and Huron Street. 4 VISITING HOLIDAYS?
for popt at(, ir- q+4,
latiiiresult.iia such 4... .....
Magic Egyptiait Oil
with te roosyoltiic linimtonts thit soil (Contioted frum page one.) Latet song hit. of the operas at
and saiii Our cloting. flor inoigraeAn0ro0MscCos0f
ini Magic Egyptian 011, i is comoseof n ro ui os f
esseintialeoils andompof telbest and mos
rxpensive healing and sotiigrnid observrs, so in orle to nalie the JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 21 OUR SOLE LEATHER CASES
konp no to coedical neireni. ItIeetraecle 1 it i ltic llllrlnio ibr
omiieaitdle uesiiostmit.Ims hs ppruiie-te Main St. S. Phone 281. RNEFO
J. E.riofe, enral Serciuary Yon meelins were clleid aid thIe inter- ___________RNEFO
Mietistltri tian Asoiaion, tcksos. Mipi.treaiolif the weathr mp ase- Bigdieo Mandolins-special
Says: moswa it rieo $5 t0 $5
I have used Magic Egyptian liilotti nx- 5100)051 by Mr. E. N.Transeaii if ho prices-Ants Arbor Music Co. f.
ternally and i nertially for lhe past threei boanical IdeatetofiitIhe tiversi -______________
years. Haeenever found any remtedy as
qiletis ation in breaking upi acold as NMagh ty, 0111dte irectrlatinifto The Harmonic Colored Orchestra
1 gypLIL OI itlonititeen used bthi for wooller Ill le iris was disussedl by deirs It inform the sutldents that it
lameHess and spraits by maithrstf our gym-MrW.1.C
osnaumetsses swit ixselt results. 1tdo r.W co.(rnl .aLolr iisca01111 i- is prpred to furnish fist-clons mu-
tot hesitate to recoimmend It tin a redy of ceso was repetedli-tlth1 Ietcrit uic for ol ocaion; dance maic a W.;[ ' ~
great merit.'
It. Colells Mtgic Egytian 1)11 in sold Mseum iof Arndllier Ie auoipicemn of specialty. Address L. D. Bate, 808
aind guarantedtoti give sattsfactiont by the Michigatn Orthological Clol. The Fourth ave. 72-74
Quarn-ry's Cee s aaDnsug Stanes. comindl observaions resultetd in te
recordciig of the- firs arival of l20 Pantone., 336 S. State. Cleaning
-' FINE- seitss Illbirdstlnnhing thi-string ml- Pressing and Repairing. Clothes
Picures aild Framles gratotis-which is a very good rec called for and delivered. Leave or-
totns wll e pulblished.'phone 582. $1.50 worth of work for
DEF15 AkT 5TO1<IE tine eatuirei-ftthese (ohservtonls $.00.
Sdeservee thoutghfll i, ecamei aroin. An
217 . Fourth Avenue. tle work ptgressdit ileaealo- University sutdentn deiring to n-
(ctl that a large art tof these sudiens cre poition to teach will find it t
goe nit specil atention to ztoltgy their interest to write tit James F.
Jaruar, S le! in their Univertiy stdes hill were McCllough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg. Chi-
Ja uay Sae tow meiical tr engineerinlg stdents, cago. tf.
tine-fourth oh) on all Pillow Tlops.sptnwasthuslrgl acas fpesn
Btasket, Leather Goods, Stamped spnaeuly interested in animals- NOTICE.
Linens and Hand Pinted China, a class fromt whicht manty ofttfIe est Te annhual meeting of the Atleic
- friends of science atndhoittsienisto Association will be held in Universiy
D.arling & Mallaeux's have come.alStidy aur ts t13
220 . State St. HallSatrdayJauary16t,_at1:3
ti., m. for the election of Tresrer
Yohur eyes examineid by an Financial Secretary. Ftotball Manager
/jexpert optician. All Ie lt- ant inerschhlatic Manager.llfff
tIV s pprovedCr m Ce ig ald appliances and mthods tGEORGtE P. SWEET, ,1ll lll
V llll V alll 'kontthprfsinaemlydPrsdn.Salted Peanuts, Hot Buttered New eye glasses filed, ]iset dupli- Ppon rcejc rs aefae eard alrsJw OIE F
daly. -ery Store. tf. All Idependents who epect to at- O OS
1Candy SIr Sitel . tF "R dILBR _________
01t S. Stnt t.." R. -____________ tend tie Jtnior fop are requested to
Fresh__________________ AllegrettisSpr meet in . Roomo C, Wednesday aftr- 324 SOUTH STATE.
rtws aitd Hyler's Chtcolates Oh ('hsh- noon at 4:5 oclock.
Cap of DO Tea, Coffe or Chocolate ings Phtarmacy. ineenet TebRAoIJNtt
and Wafers or a SasdIgch __IndependentMemb rAINJ-Hp
Cominittee.. ---
- at Miso Mary Farnsworth will be at Free-A beautiful colectioii of best Arkansas, Texas, Mexico
LOVEL'S CORNR SOREBarbour gymnasitm from 9:30 to 10 old songs will be given every pile-
LOV[[LS COR[R ~IR[ tomeet the women on L~eagtue btts- chase tf one dotllar at Rtottt's Mtsic - and Caliornia...
ess. House. wfs.
___________________________________________________________ Are best rached via
Q 111RFOL2IC 1< St. Louis, World's Fair City,
The building up of a Telephone System with every possible mod-i IronF rlMountain
emn improvement; the giving of better service than was ever thought
possible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail. To Route
- anticipate requirements. To overcome impediments. To be satisfied
'with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen in Two daily tris to (aifornia
the county. Three daily trains to Mxie
WASHYI[NAW 1IU0frl[TI[[PHON[ CO., Foot- daily trains to Texas
Fttur dtily ti on to Sot Sprins
Temporary Office, Liberty Street. near Fourth Six daily ti tns to SLittRok

d_______i_______WRITE SME.
"~ 1'1. D. Armstrong, T. P. A.,
Susp nde s 01231 Washitenaw Ave.,
week in perfect harmony withs LQYPTAN Ann Arbtor, Milch.
tse wearer'n every movement. ~CII3AKELT rLS
.* Comfort, Style and Service '(jrolvre in Turkey. __
GURNTELnJoyed in America. The Profensional Hair Dresser
Trimmingn cannot runt. MOGUL SMOKL MsAKLS EGYPeTIAN SM5OKLRS 322 S. State Street, Isp scairs), eutends spec-
Presoc ansd $1.0, an store or ai, prepaid.il inoitation tu the ladien to cahI attier pine
, THE C. A. EDGARTON MFG. 00., 10fo 1 cnt. loonstuolinsect her new line of hair and toilet
Bna n86 Shirley, MSan..CorkTisor Plis. goods.
SavetheCoupns.Try my Scientific Face Mansage and
Always Ahead TWA f T ETATTCLTeRes
In Syles ~ ~of Everything in Tailo ran

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