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November 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…h'z$T YEAR. ANN ARBOR. MICH., TUTESDAY. NOVEMBER 12 1901. No. 43 MICHIGAN--CHICAGO GAME. A CLEAN SCOOP. FOOTBALL TEAM RETURNS. EVENING NEWS MISTAKE. Seating Capacity on Regents Field In- The Dily-News Serves its Friends With Not Over Confident of Winning the Dr. Flixer Misquoted and Represented ,reased to 5,000-Many Alumni the News of the 0. S. U. Ganie by Chicao Gain,-Secret Practice as Opposed to Football-The Doec. Coming. Special Wire-Thre ...…

November 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…DAI 3_ . EV S Fiaer YEAR. MICHIGAN-.CHICAGO GAME. Seating Capacity on Regents Field In- creased to 5000-Maniy Alumni Coming. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TI*ES DAY. NOVEMB1ER 12 1901. A CLEAN SCOOP. FOOTBALL TEAM RETURNS. The Daily-News Serv'es its Friends With Not Over Confident of Winning the the News of the 0. S. U. Game bcy Chic3(.c Gainy-Secret Practice Special Wire--Tile 'Weekly" All Week. l iii '(11itit t ' i itti tit u 1 ' Ili' i ' I iiit't t i ...…

November 12, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YhA. ANN ARBOR, :MICH., WEDNESD)AY, NOVEMBER 12, 1902 No. 44_' "VERY GOOD" PRACTICE WILL SHE SCORE 700 FRESH LAWS WIN DAMAGE SUITS IN SIGHT Fast Signali Practice--No Scrimmage over 500 Points in Eight Games-A Game Was Slow on Account of Slip- Chicgo, Wisconsin and Michigso Are -Men Determined to idefeat Stagg Mevw Football Rcord Made by pery Field-Lawss Had Good= Wcirking ii Unison-lhey Claim Michigan Massed Inte...…

November 12, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VO. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1903. No. 40 A P1UNTV STRUGGL[. SIX-YEAR EN. COURSE. WOElNS GYMr. PLANS. Yost Says Wisconsin Game Will Be Faculty Plas to Combine Engineerl Routine of the Classes-Basketball to Fiercest Contest Ever Seen On and LiteraryStudies- Such a e a Feature-Sections in Folk Ferry Field-Rain Interfered Course is Needed. Dances and Fencing-Cross- With Scrimmage-Badgers In - Country Wa...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Micign D ai ly VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEIMBER 11), 1904. No. 41 CHIAMrPIONSHIP GAMElt TODAY INAUGULRAL DINNER. fricbiqan and Cbicago Fieet in Contest Which Will University of Michigan Union Scored an IUupar- Decide Western Champlionshipj at 2 p. rm. alklcd Success Last Nigbt---P~ermanent Today ---Botb learns Ready for [~raq organization ,Assured. BY CAPTA IN SPEIK. We are coming to Ann Arbor to. fight against awful odds-and...…

November 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…a 1F.t $Irie M ichi ' p .,Cye- an Daily ' " toI ,. ANABR MC.STR VoL. tk ia7, c? ARBOR, MICH., SA C: 9i C YilaE b 94 No. 41 i CEIIION MIC I1OAN Wolverines Win First loF~ors for the Fourth Time-- fra- roons Fight Gamely to stem the Tide of De- feat---core : fricbigan 22; Cbicaqo 12. Mvielliat de cisis i d a Chict -Q PiFke rsall rI h-, Catlin , r , .. yards t= g in I i tn gt t this iiftar, i i frayfat it =l:_ek.a1r -, i d tt a lx tIas \isigats s ...…

November 12, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

… The Michilgan Daily Vog. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, : _'\"):\1. \t)1'I 111I I R 12, 19 ENGINEERS PUT SI IRT ITI'TTPS SCOIRPFIFOITV ALL-FRESH DEFEATED LAWS TO RU i Ax .'~A-4- -v i -u R ti N FINAL G~AMEl bin Class Game 6 to 5 and Tree PO0I NTfS GIN 0171O10 STATEfI Aided by OfficialslHedelburg De Laws in Front of Their feats 1909 Men 21 to 16--Lane own Building. __p in Stellar Rfole. lniet raiton %er use ad heBarlow's Run of One Hundred !7 .....…

November 12, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

….Th h*i,:c man o 4, VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDA\Y. \OVE bluER 2, 1(107. PREXY ONTHE UNION Departmental Deans Also Ex- press Opinions. TIieattitude of Pre sAn gell an(1 the vaiousudens' of (deartientstetoadthe ichiegan 1Uni011 ish'Jowniibythe follow- in, opinion-,(lobtaiedt for Tilo !I ii.Y yeterdy. Pesiiet Angells statemenet1 s oaken from his o ert t( the Board of Regents. Presitent Aigel:"The ogaiaionlil if(le stdntkn ownitas. t...…

November 12, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…TheIMichigan Daily V ot, XIS. AN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Till'RSDAY, NOVMBER 12, 1908. \«3 WATKINS ABSENCE CAUSES NEW SHIFT D~ayison Will Play Fullback, Bay City Lad Being Out of Glame; Linthicum and Embs at Ends. \Witli ticIefiniite csnoacemestathat \Vatinswoul no be bleto take part in theseaso's sunsameSatuca, it ieilea c ce s s for CosetsYst to cakianther of his eteventh hour shifts, 11d0no1 ise at ot sng Watkiis at fullbackat Dais ion atiright ...…

November 12, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…_he 11tichigan Daily \ N ARBiOiR, MICHIGAN, i2RtIDAY. NOVEMBHkR 12, 109. No. . Vol-. XX. YOST'S MEN INVADE'iBAD WILL GIVE CONCERT AUDIFINCE LIKED NO SPECIAL CAR TO PENN PENN STRONGHOLD 1J Team Takes Light Workout at Wayne-Allerdice is in Fair Shape and Will Play. f'wbal ttttliit and t coce. Iw n in lilt e sw~ i t tired ii n th i iig trill and11 i t ill t In ai Aw111 21il to hel a th r l i , i () 1111an io 1 of th '211111 iii l it ne in...…

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