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November 12, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-12

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TheIMichigan Daily
V ot, XIS. AN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Till'RSDAY, NOVMBER 12, 1908. \«3

D~ayison Will Play Fullback, Bay
City Lad Being Out of Glame;
Linthicum and Embs at Ends.
\Witli ticIefiniite csnoacemestathat
\Vatinswoul no be bleto take part
in theseaso's sunsameSatuca, it
ieilea c ce s s for CosetsYst to
cakianther of his eteventh hour shifts,
11d0no1 ise at ot sng Watkiis at
fullbackat Dais ion atiright ct as
planined, 1)avsisoniwilsoin iiiiat fulactsk
and(1 Linthicu mcswit hr shiftei front left
encoilthisother1 extresityttof the lie.
This chang-e sedsltmibls hack to left
end ad P illicolIhas again bleeiigiei
the rightcguardIpost in.tarring aci-
ieitorioteiriitouctow iidoanduforeseei
sell , tie-eills toi te eitisy gamie
is practicayittctlsd.uo othieretiaiiges
leiii ctemps i~latrd.t
Iteatite the glotita -t csas ast ose
tl- \Wo lverie ecapliyesterias is the
noeas thai ikis coul ot pa, the
s-ses-tts-lt sici oif te sarsit agaist
thels 5cubs lst ni-ht iite iet to tsst
scrimm1agesofthticsseek ciiseit the hliojes
of 'lost andItheisiciito lia, aiiitthe
coiahes atrut11 illsIreciiveid front the
grousc itnce itheii ti'iesiaytlasco
is-lenutelecft the fiedslte lastiigt.
lnitrie sicnessa Idclasses seriouss
iterfeedt sit ti' stplans last ight,
SchtusiteDaFtison and11 Douitglas of te
luclrbiusg tiiiisitic'from11 tie asit
line-ti c irieic clh with the sciiitss
wtas tlgiutI-It sacsi ktusssitgacian
Greene we-riccretis-sed ito sri-c-"tte
hafhac- tutu anthtiiverisatie Aler-
dc nbdfrl its cliiat ftlltackctcasse
tic- teamssicompleis
iTih- 511sity, cipledlsthouiiigiit sas,
immtit ats-Ic trceededto-i ls-e ot, as
far as tpossibls, te dilsrauc tat 111d bei
fallen it h Ipceeici i ni ight. They
Itramp~ledittic scubitundertcoofiit itott-
lisle of euuc itstulsow s tncienstaly
te _sens tcs stackcosisstig msostly of
ic-secls-snsia fosmtioctsssss, ailbeit
sctiisiit-ssothruhy solve lit-yttte-regulars
tiilgans btictie csirssev src' ffcs-aid
ts-S laid Is-te5 chltcs ti cocereNatraly
the varsityc -tt-st c-s rgged, oing tel
the fact-tsanithIlicstifstititic acs ss-re
sifamiiaricis-iti tic sigitls it theirtess
fposiltis; bl he de tsfitsecsosseel msark-
ed-i itimpoeni i t, nsnthe sihole the
ciacehes cser rcl icclI satisiedthil
Detsp~ite-ti csts itdy sal fstds for
t-thhg gmsithtcse is stilt a lige istit-
scsiof giot tlt stes ss l et, taks
toteI- atllos c t isitnitscaaicity oflte
spcius stads listwcsvcrit is likely
drtif tesstsitis is s heavy as ott
\Vedssctclis ll osithttisets othtec'iorthi
asuthisleaic-sesrs stitttias-e-beenta ken
Iy ItoiiglaIci-stuonlsy te $.50 seats
at Icce cest ensi of the fild. The stle of
rseducedprcesstdetst sschasbccc i ls-
esiitijscicat heilttSo8oseats left is that
secclictiiv cs iithiownitotetito the
geniceal stli t tic-euttlcr reset-s-ci
111 p-ice O a
The impilotaunrcf te ieligan-
Peustselanis ciamscthis ear is est wt-
decrsoodtccchenthtesattitudcecof te easteess
tpapesrs is taks itio cosidertio. At-
wasc t it sstticc iginsst te Quakers,
ccciinte critis ithtsat setioss of te
dsttry cccrcnicinthatt t Pessi is this
isarisnof cthile stogest tecissaits the
counstry, someisof thes i ikitg te Phila-
delephiansssfistscwhile otes place I-ar-
scaedtficst snit Penisssecoss. Btt wheter

they rank first or secosdsakes little
differecec-ittbettg merely s aatter iof
personali opinion-tut as it is conededi
that Penis is ote of te muigtietec agge
gatiois inthte e1ssttht Michtitsn ciicit
lying a-ismitlae positions amoinsg the ws--
ersi teasi it is ccvidett that teticomteiti
of thes big ba ttlc Satutdis siltliiiacecin
imporcitant ifltuenc scsi the select isiscu
Amseras stantj)iscttforce9a9.O nefll
prominset 51ritic.is ose sic fr sico
state that thelic-sisser of te gamse cwitt
undsoubtedy Ie considered-s iscesersig
the chamspionsship laurelssvge as uit-
-decisive though tey maysi tic
ITle Petist-tchatia stssquad echedietDe-
troit yesterdtasismornig aitdttitneisislicts
took ills trinsintgspquarstssat tes foists
lt- lsi:TihIlis sill reminlitethe tu
rest of Illsessesk ttgst'igatwore
eachtsdslitasdstlril om'eciiits Atti
A~rbor its a speilt'urdaytis non, ar
etit"g jus ittitme firtcsair.
'T'eisQua ks, sacschdig tocan etc-
sitnessof thsci \edsdayssi cworikuit,
ar at-cgy, huitskycnd lightningssfst sits
pasisui sitgev"theirts1907 esersncinuspect
andcitrecissicn.sMftceososcithiy rsir-i
tueeusrs sidtutof ct tir abli uttitks
Mul icitnsmsue f or-tuthessthsitcults
secuesuusstusutuead thus tity poussblt plu
acsimotutantut palt ilit h(ssitscitinigocutthis
gauss fvrcsts enscetsrhus udefeatd
muaytanuaggcc-gatits aidi it is posibl
thttthisseis usustateo stindofte Prmuisasu
riors cud ciaccliis iwill bt ic'tuhikanscigh
gcst aly ini lhe cominsg stugglc-
A islghtstcshange Isis ticnciadesinsts he
selectioni of offic is fo thec\hsiganit
teri ut uile W. SI -ang-fordofTrcinI-u
ty, silt us reftreesspticsiusly an-
stuususcd ut sinstsadlof actingssfilit
judge' hll I' utsrus of trincssetsncutl1
unpiresuit-McCrthys f Brhown, usill
he fil judge. LIecsiussof Wi ssonsin,
fotsrmIuBadge's-c star ittbehdlinoses
Bty-t ssgle touchdowntoscurccit clatet
i i lic scond hl alt hesss dsessectedtsi
itse weakreedfteshi imedrsits s out thus
ghuh to etompete itesinlis silthtc
twsics chamnspu iioegasnees This
medics sesenstedta pttcheds c situelstsfiss
cut thserisguiasluinus 1t oh irsoutit
cut cousfltsus thesclaIssrooms hutspito
tsisfat Iuthe played sitaed gaitesancd
msadethle teoth-pusles ight forthi
victort. NicCail hehe sas fullhacik of
the decnts assthetspatticuarcistrcut this
cahistics -cutIcikinging setuponscuuiblet
fuse tmost of the gaunss maesblithit ssie
Vthilsbut t o mnutes o sat, thismesitse
punsltedrout their '-s-sectlisethteIsall
1ccisg siecued bhithiseets tautthis 4i5
yard ie -ctrfeit tmaets to uogh
sckle Ross adedt eight itosuts ciidI Me-
(rail wecnt across fuss a tiuhliswsitu No
goal was kicksd.iTIhe lists-ust:
Duts(f)t '12 edics (101
Saisbuy .. . .L . . . .. .S rtest
Menes......LG....... esses
Waite. . .. . . . .. . .. .M ous
Rutuc '-.. . . .. . .. . Scott
Ward.,....R. (....Ccittlist
h tead.. . .. . . QB. .. (... . tis
Rose..... . .Lk1 .... . r kill
Ross.. . ... .R .. ... . O is ci
Mecai.. I...PB .,..Rdenours
Summituary:- roiuchdlowen--tMckral,
Referee-Patteingill Umpipre-Wilson.
Hteactlitesmn-sSitzlhy. ituekepts~
Laststeekcsuswh e t esit"wsubte
tg play edtat Ltwenetsomesdofltst
Uiversity of Katsas sudueneuts raisdt
"it" whenthlet got ito ausale1t01n
withs the propretco ot the thsiacee.

Nearly a Thousand Seats Ready;
Other Arrangements for Mich-
igan Union's Big Spread. i
Nine husded lcut i ssat ther \ichsi ccii
1111 iosusubanquetwilltrbtespenfor 5 eser-,
11011 tis moingtttus i8 0'clock. Sreits
usau hisprus red cltcthisboxof tfli tCin i-
Ssitp Hallot 8utos 12,han cd Itos
tusuts- usnst Irus- uisa rmto1his and su t o
7:1s0. \ftce ste lutt t ic ciir thesltse-s
may i hit reservedl t hrostsrtgymnassim.
Plices shuslittic-servcs ruly u intsde-
toi gut-c thlis-F nsussass situotunsity kt sitd
oust ushtcsesthuys tandci i ndltsuch is htcl thus
tpocsibility if aciiosirflow.
fneeson ay51 ct5 eserve tic
than esughtit ucets. Ifcat 5anylulms theis e
bcm suoolongs u mberusssuihsswcillIbe ic-si
u-t t. Uions suimbtis usill luauve thi-i
plcsrsere r eit e 5 b5yishoingtheir
suitbtilts pstits et s.Nso"ulls mers ilt-t
1-t-chas-u t ll-ceils sihl ttit- rserveuc

itohurs'5Joinedxx ilser(isgiworld's TEAR IS CHOSEN
huae r ic eek(I fruisus Novemb-erhcc to1 toIs f4.--
Frruses servicesuswitu itcly adet's, tire In Fast Race Cpai ull Lead-
bingscoheld -it -p msic t Scudhs ti Ill a tan 1
Squad and Lowers Time Made
Isuesilac 'hiss 'thle I uuiiis ltce geni-
er-ut secretary ust this xni \rbor Y.xAx. by Cornell's Champion Te-im
I . A ga ve-icc uscn u inrsing;- talk i l- IlIs
xxor ou nu ths (sitsandt ato-set- of ils-uc twistiui trngy. lu pau lhul
eia" Atrtils s iii- supper a;s ct--s-css-ithlitape 1 t his 551vars iIrllto
sewe su toiiths member tis 5asut Iaibr iebuy Al ad tnys in 1s15555 l i osis c
Iess mting;iifollotwed-s.h 'sc-tc~.:ls nysedyt~ usfl l( em
I issrisc Iteichti -ve- - ditifcsul lk se~ti wih wilsd1 soiuipts i11s~ < sc
son 'Austr i a.' oday -s i C tu- itits-cesttur aur netn t
s-u-itu- Kingil-lc-sIt its caliiidhits on sileld lusut Scto so('cu .'t
"As sit d Fidayis thssi Stillr still t he clitmktheta rcS,\
red a tt-stap Icn," uropet.s"tunSite.1 htpit -sandtIlull. 1- hdt uso
o th s.A ilt suitd Smuith,+ti 1fc~
'N thIN tatEPft 't s F ns, 1-l leiiit c ,1ac iterC ' ,tc w
ftssit lst iscissi Ichis i5ahoulthc i i 1t liii
ll the pr'tit gs oflii ctit uihs cafe. t ttm c-Itv!I; ) r~~
Is ti sarer iso , ndlosiunging e d = od ic>g\\Id.ilc lnc
st i )k Imt d rs-tl
c i es of uprominssns st u >t III,,s .i s

ishelssofsirs- theoc ivssusheisnihandu1.)srit
dine i ite de ciy siltars ttciia- aftiernoonss ;-... ...s
inug suitd iscambling fior pliess iine 11511 diii" J . . ul us-schair an ifte
usshih madethu ile, banuti last g iirtso hsici l tim itthis. t il1lists- 11t51v5-
Ts~heall c ili thusicureduinstheeceite
this hi ll sullhisuhicchel ii 51c-els Is xtersior usf the sisse stilt isap
lnd te "itt-ts si-ill sit sarosundl fourteen sst tc lrus ril c-ls 1uussu
tals. isie I tble hsi beecus reserved reil atit it-u-h tftteliwi andcus et asnd
for ther facult cud -anothser fitsrlt'ema y 1 151151suitn huflower s. i~t es o h
tutuni w o sinendchtoiicolle bkisn istitus Fn ion are inv Iit t lg-thir itistit
fohi e banlucuth 'TIhseshaing vello 1 sc " tstoits hr slubt u inlntist iscll ue
tic-kr-isstill cuterthroaughtonedoorandu "ntdsas ct is uc t rc-s t nch ois csaslus cssssss u' i
Itsn si umbeiikris this onitonesidef he Suiasdnnr il1b liiidatth
suean h eshut dd oil csste thier. 1'ifty Issual houurs, I asuit)Ip. .' Places
cclii scull his chargueud tor aidmiisssinto tr tbl 1 i-ibrsevdt s wlsill
the galery, hich wll be pened t R dullbe hldumolit a e iutsat
5' lok. iGal irstiltets ilgoicl tl the philt of-he iing roi
th f 'illson atluis-s til iii t t hi-Seehassusr-afe i u p en t o a is S tra
i us ighust.us itc utst Stithe isis card t" S pcci his icseniot urlh cv S itui si
at sc s , th it ss scit hs sss -crst i lihecscvei sTheli illeit llt e qc
~ Si such it tis hc s~ls c lifrom 'o1a.1Iltilt iiniiight
Itauhusts 1'. I iyotl one iof Iitiit'
to tost ats thesd basqtsstt pr- C[ Ihlh; P S ER C
F F 1lT t 'i)Sf T( ('I N-
tl I tiii it thus. .Detroit a' thni l.rut I .Ih S 11 it
tiycs uc tootu he de srees of B.S.-uaid
C .in 1870 andulthisre tears ltlcrIhis Tthus poslird .testi-if-i- F. ulturd-.si-itt
rceivsedthis deguee of xtS.i kftl hi '-scd toig t -xt()s:,3upris\lucid s iots
ip this-unsiversitpy sl i t sinttho thu S - Iisous hsiu i ls it a 1
as a sonstrcting ensgineer5 1fl tefaslutl inb ths ou to la r tdA
tut k utsuh sc s lstushseuu tauit C~h I Susth Stiteste .
usockhissichi lere tihsits ttusgillslt. Lateri
hishs tied too himtrusthesu iiok st an-ctsan cc-stal um e
fuse thd tutturnd tDtrfis dt ook uspl the it- s s ilt iissi cull hillbut Isims i
rii us i ii cflai lustse hat s sedter o b tahd t i. I eld
pittt tuselopeius o u tsus ithuk et i iss c on I htels a hi t hiuti iii,
for h e as- hirthtety- tuficIye af. tes ics tl us ii uuuu its tt- s si
tsls tha osid rtt his f rfersiu ll ak- tehibe e u cn hisesgu
snpc stat hiqsit nu mberlas ichyelrlicsit 'h cnttat ' - e int ccltd
ist ~cecu~ ti sca eleced 55 lieuot its l lchave iarustc porun ityl-Ier tlat-
ocesss lu aflast tof tePau lty-hobit a taitshitsc sculg ui iu tc- ai
siii ill C
spca lc tuer in ofthe lisseprt ment.usx
S cliii it ofs Tus Bt Pthssnrry < cm ite cnisig fseealm m

5555-ilst l se-i 555 ~rliui; thuhitiiiuir .
c~o~ilcr_11 Fro> slit Mi.I- )z!

ITo e and Autst la kept thi- se -its
studka hi at nosi e m r ll £s
sq a ale di s lut _1 5 I th t
Its tItusver h l suthesIedpusss
xx tts vv 'c tsish er h-fuss- h
his i. _ts ti on h pn \ i
i's tush acrig;hu ll ts a; is
irih d stongl51 nItt 5 k' I,
\ i tt , S itI sill s it. n
thns u nde y rs itl11c
byisidsit a ius uti-l pit t
thcad t he frm r lnalIIm a i
xxnd tdl ndits essisit c l
order tby tit tis i hlitI c,(I
>f the' 151555by 111
Fsuusauchi ce I toull ls t c .Tills
isis-s ai-t P'lc tJ
ittnuant c sdrI ht 7:ri~l
ti s dtsils tnc %vstti lliI it s - t'
5st slowecactus-Is -'cs--itt-c I ii
ncsu eill s everyl (-c ank,(,11 o di c'i'1
xfhrligiti (it pl IetaM cl ;
lift in I (ati ndnItcc
thli ce , thus akin cliiLn',c
itit s l'ucd 5 liittr.Iiiu i 55 , ,
Airs i F t itricksisa s 'cikd o
cros ss eus ust I lastsfor lnor ills cii
is a y I Ts hl ci s I s u a t (,fii is t ih c frcs-Wlsi e ut h n e o lc


I kill

'F'N NIflFF51't f tDh AY
This Prttss inimassmecutiugscull tic held
Furilay it 6:4- to nivissersity-IHallits-
stea dolfsTh11111sdaypnightd5aus nounucedt
yestsrsitu-s llttroceeings isittlhue ovee
its ltisetohisnsiceieery none 55 to it 11cc-s
G 11101 biatiquet at8:0
this us btieathIe pstiss mporuutsant
mesestgof thustat. It 15sup tuoci-ey
manus hoice there atusheltcp sciud thue teamu
itus thse gatse -is 'shisgan ug ishit -to
sen sit liirliteamscu

cIxe xhsis t-irs elesctd resdet cut
thus J unuusio iDentstier x cdliitthei
such ss-n Iuscs(Lvateno, tilltihes
'cace ofIleunnsPalmseriiwuao rueiith- -
signed.t sctiit sits for tshe Comsingup-ti-si
cccie i scussd..og hmcengp it
lo luvests veralcc srfsor ie tlts
out Geae.ss All secritsilts sithslr-dif-
1555ent sectutinsitreaskedttto icet151 it1
'hiss IHesle ap-ic'liciith -nrlseee
us situ-is atPassible.
'Its'heeditoru-ins-chsiet f o ste tssClmiai
Spectatore is cc Chsinasmancus shose sxsmeri--
canizsationuhassbeciensiosttshout gh.ite

Buy Your Ticket For
Michigan Untion Dinner
Reserve Seat To-day at Box Office University Hall

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