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February 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…_ Wbe to of r ilea VOL. XI.. ANN ARBOR, MICDH., FRI G H. WILD COQ' WILL BE ABHiS GOESS SJuniorfop Will, if Plans Are Carried - Out, Be the Met Magnificent Af- fair Given in Years-The Have your full Plans dress suits for 'Tis yer'slJir aop promises to the Junior Hop wtoe er1} applniroach the ideal o1 it thloroutghl 'X3lihigan" affair tian any made at oto of itis lreecessors. If in addition to elaboateness in deortio and ar- ittogentenin t...…

February 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…s THE UNIVERSITY UOF MICHIGAN 11.AA11, . J J ~~~~taxpayer adds something to the wellI A N O H N 1>I, 0- " 5IPa o.Ieingof the community possessing edu- cation and high Christian character The "0" $3.t10 She is the shoe regrded in all the rltions of life by Publshed Dary (Moda secepteddring tewie-ae ndsms+wtot, \ to wear whn the weather is usser- Colt er at tewiercAdanotwtot" eception the answer has 'nie from , .tamn. A ltterin des't hurt it O...…

February 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MiCB IGAN DAILY -.E& f:F::EE rEEE fF . 'F :'FEE:E::F ::EF Ef:E: F Et1f:i *. 'I iii * * Full Dress Wea Shirts, Ties, Gloves, Dress Protec- tors and all the other little items. For the full dress iiit, we refer you to our tailoring departmnt. GOODSPEED'S sm 4,'. 4,' 9' upu 4, 'it SW' 4, 'p. SW SW SW 9' 4, llav.taahers ~' iKtT Main 9 -9 Tailors 110 Washington *r l ; 3 ~3i 3 H 3 i EF 3F i &A-14.4.4 4.44 -44.44-44AA;a -ma...…

February 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…IJE LV11TY 01 MiCHIGAU.LDAILY .POSTER BOARD MICHIGAN SBCITO Steay Emloymnt) BOOK AGENCY -OUR CL ORS For Energetic AGNSWTE Iced Gray Gireen Black Men nm il~nl -15c a Sheet anLt" "~ C. Goodrich, Mgr, j l(xci lirst National Bank AT EXCI Bring an atfen Chimn- T, is f i- vi Cl A Sheehau & Co.' Oyster Cocktails W 10C__ __ _ r Cu~ . . 320.-S. .STATE STREET. ouFrtahugyfeig F'ASI can get a IL-_--LLUCait OT LUNCH AT lRentschler, the Pjhotoraper. t, K...…

March 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MCH., FRIDAY, MARCH 11901. (13 .Our Special Line of.... LIFT THE ORGAN DEBT Will Make Merry Tonight , INTER-FRATERNITY MEET Forig ad omsti Te lenrch oner Tniht s o ~ niror ss iss xf 1 l Meet ofthe Fraternity Men Ad the Frieze Memorial ognngi-ntn h e(o ls ~~e Wl Prove Interstig - A FA4B RI CS Fund-A Fine Progi am firt eias sm siel of the ye ar. Eee[ Complete List of the Ai rnged t llsc (((isiiiilii iieforEntries 1 hv"bee1 th...…

March 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…w w THE UNIVERITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. L. r~ Inter-Frate nity Meet IRAiN OR SIHINE Pubshepaiy~bond~seceped~uris Ielta U-D~vorak, Baldwin Matte- to wear when the weather is uncer- Cle sierat - Sn. ta . A little rain doesn'thuti - ~s -j;\ THE NIVRSIT OFMICIGAN Dela 1111-1oscv:while it affods plenty of comfort on Pll K appasIsi- Witts, Offield. the warmest of days-- MANOrFICE BRANCHtOr te Sigintta Ci-Ntsfer, Dittidge.Bto oew oe light shoes Argos ...…

March 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…Th E t'; .t i(SITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Are You Thinking About a Spring De 4 z We've done our thinning and have some stunning thoughts- to show W Knox, Hawes and "Varsity" H9 W SYou can't afford to miss seeing them before buying. Call today. * 117 SMAIN ST. GOODSPEEDS orb, ait5 !' 'p ltd AIN ST =: s:s~s 33 X3 .A 3 3c r3r ?"E 1333 3alla4a4aa4l:slaaaa:z3?, 3 ? 3 E?.3 3 313 1 s 1F3'c ?. ?3 E3r sal i4-3?.Faaaaaa3j-a:$alaa3= Michigan Central [NIA...…

March 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…f THE U rIVERSITY -Ol -MICHIGAN DAILY POPULAR BOOKS CLOTH BINDING 25c EACH 'IBLACK ROCK, by -Ralph Connor Mlizabeth and Her Germanfiarden An English Woman's LoveLetters looks Everybody are Reading and Taiking About.. -Quincy .Adoams Sawyer and 1son'ts Cor- ner Talks. ., .terod. by Stephen Phillips. a'Aiglos LPnglish and Prench edition. S5heehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a ' OT LUNCH AT 'TITTTI ES MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION BOOK AGENC...…

May 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…beI VOL. X1. ANN ARBOR, MICtI . WEDNES[DAY, MAY 1, 1901. N. 156 ....Our Special Line of.... "SANK" CONDON IS OUT Open Day at the Barour THE SEVEN "CZARLETS" Foreign and Domestic First Bae is Now Well Takioo Care. The annual open day of the Barour« egyonnacoun, which rises the work of Outraged eic' so tharseterizes of-Second Tears Shows Up the year, will e held one week from the New Athletic Board - Says F ABR ICS dell-Yslaui iti Nornas today. ...…

May 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…' 1H i: _.L V 1 W''Y 14 IMICHIGUAN I)tU. -~ ~~11 jjfl in different college publications. Sbe ' servedl long as a member of ,the board of editors of the Michigan Alumnus. Every student must feel gratified at Sloe is a member of tbe Alpha Pbi sor- tbe showing noade by the 'Varsity on ority. Saturday. The day was one big suc- The groomsman was Mr. Chas. A. La, cess. Beloit's reputatioso bad preceded Fever, '99 E, of Battle Creek, and the, the a...…

May 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…TEPUNIYEESITY OF MICI1GAiN DAILI I p u odo 00'0 ob6 o O 006 0t obi ot16 o edo eb 0 6 0b's 0b cli+ ot 0 obi . The very latest neck Three Ties in One. latest patterns and cc B::. : ~. : Michizan Central 0 . m NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE bam THlE SHORT LINE- Ave. At dence S0' ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct cetions ot (.1 eao for St. Louts, Kansas (Cit, St. Poutladthewes. Eor ioformation aol throughtt ickett call on or wr...…

May 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS NOTICEAgts gnt A Ding's Pawn, by Drummond. Uncle Terry, a Stsry of the Main We have our most mxcellent line of seasonable 10suet atdt avs Coast, by Charles Clarke Munn. 10suet atdt avs That Mainwaring Affair, by A. May- WOOLENS, SERGES, WORSTEDS during vacation for, the <"A. A. ard Barbour. and CHEVIOTS Improved" gasoline lamps. Sells IThe Visits of Elizabet, by Elinor on the table waiting your inspec...…

June 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 182) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. i , .j I i >> - .. ; . ... i _- ... r r I ('-" i ANN ARBOR, IMIC.., SATUR)DAY, JUNE 1, 1901 No. 182 .Our Special Line of.... TODAY'S GAME IMPORTANT Comedy Club Plays in Angell Hall MICHIGAN LOOKS STRONG Foreign and Domestic! Cianspi18onship oDepeods Upon Wiscon. Alelt trill rvitrr'eute its Seirt er--; Tbe Wolverines Are Picked as Win- siwas-nssAsec Wl ilerv n. wotCto ners of Western Trark Meet- EAB RICS liitnn- be Felt-No House ...…

June 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 182) • Page Image 2

…i THE UNIVEITY m" v1 IiG AN DAILY. Published Dly Nh ondays e. 811d~durin( THiE UNIVERSITY OF NMICIGAN Argu. Bi'de .Main St.- 338 S.State Street Rthlli'P88.8. 13. New" Sae 'Phone8 182 M1AN-W1.iNO IDiT)R, 88 k. E11838. '1 RISINE~ae .IANAI)881. I .GL!-l~ l ,'18 I 3.11''8 '8881. 1' 8) s.1 .II8'n . '11 h.13.1888888,804 N8. P. I11188 1888 W. A 3,S0tx 0 l .Hc-o- .. 1 l New Way of Beauitg Precnrpais loi. Aiviso iB. Stevells lOf thle 81881 888 p811...…

June 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 182) • Page Image 3

…'IFE UMI ISI* fY OFT i](1tJCAN LDAILs, 3 yet FEE**CsvwfC*fFCCi-*C-Wcw**FCCtFL gL Pr SrF : t F ir g's"E tr3 t F ir r c rr r 3E tr rte 'r t E ri :. Sui't Case.... Twenty-four inch, steel frame top and bottom,good locks and catches, corners reinforcedP \k" "R Dil tie m' M' M' 4' 4' wn M)l 2. 98 4' GOODSPIEED'9S 117 MAIN STRlE T ?:y a: 3s:ra3: 3= ?a a3 ?a ? ssa sZ3 ?==Es r.?.E: michizan Central THE' SHRTLE~lIINE'- ANN ARBOR TO OHIOAG...…

June 01, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 182) • Page Image 4

…4 THlE UNIVELI.ITY 01' MICHIGAN. DAILY We avethm Ot ll siilSofWe have our most xncellent line of seasonable o sttenl Watilt('1V5 combination of c-oes, alisomake 'WOOL..ENS, SERGES, 'WORSTEDS duting vacation for thec "A. A. them to oriler for class teani~sin and CHEVIOTSIes)svdgalienp.Sol any colors selected, wthi numer- m rvd aoiel~is el als, letters or monogram at Clutb on the sable waiting your inspection. ()ISigh1t. rates. X-z will show y...…

October 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…ZI Mro z CoZ 0} .1. .__, 7 -- ... " '/ .. _ j !. . 'r 'f. J' .e a.._-- _ ", ,_ .. ' LJ H <s M ; i I I G «. s." a ' O + C.' O ;i . -,' .. - .J. :f. -f .. ^. _ - .lf !. - _ _" _ " _ E '- r. J y . 1. _ _ .J .,, _ '1 ^- __ CC -J LJ C3 Co CL LUJ U- C? n.7 = c - - - cd p sue.. O C!2 - C i. C's (1) 441 v I. .J. . . _ . .. - c v 1- ,,Jf1I .h yi f1 AL.5 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al %++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A- = * :-- : - I .. . ^ .;. " 'l. ' ' 'f...…

October 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60.9 LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is thet best Nve hav e ever shoesin, coiltain fng ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a voery fine line of ; Eancy Suitings and Tro useri ngs in the latest pa- tern, and color= ings IThe largesot assortment in the state. WILD 60. j S E. 'Washin ;ton St. QUARRY'S: FOR Drugs and Student's Supplies of all kinds. Cor. State and N. Uiniversity, CAMPUS DRUG STORE. R. E. JOLLY'S Lunche A...…

October 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…THE M1I1GAN-TAIL- -NEWS + that ire c~o1I to that would tndtoidu o t o l i' + c . S vG Vi .+STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ON otue ontoa nal t hs or t iINSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES + 4'e cannot10 cornS 1)1(1 the larguage withd 1s btoted oul w 4. Is s- ysFo r Im- hs-siatssry ('nrsess 'a + + -teca ,a' oftheir goats., ndtred ''irs s' so pvo r q. 11r+ T° I'ST0LtaY, .o.I ' A'l'IOIA)(Y +Iherreuaton 05 )o hr slighters't dSrI ~teithe s* si . 4. ' e , aU as f:'_t...…

October 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…TEIlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS +TOILET ARTICLES. -ICRO SUPPLIES. FOR THE GY. SC nk hi I 'x, imti 'i\,Ixcciixlxaa. auix4 CA LK IN S' IIii ii finii'lxi \x'il' ii ;.x i'lijhaxx' J + P H A R M A Yirt l i i~t i atitl vouiir iiixli. ii'turilr ix' eif not5iitixfat .+ 324 South State Street. +.4 LAW STUDENTS If io« warst LAW BOOKS, new or SECOND HAND we can silixply oux at.. FAIR PRICES Ask for Our Catalogue of Law Books.... ENGINEERW I can save you from ...…

November 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…G. DA FIRSTYA. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1901l. No. 34 FIRS UNVERITYSINGNG EETNGToday, at 4:15 p. nt FIRS UNVERITYSININUMEEING UnverybHallo. ROOTING VS. WARWHOOPS. lmttI iil Last scrtt Pracstie Before te Mich- lhullsi ai-Carlisle Ca(-Hoyt the :;) >ont Teams will st.c uIt onfalp al,1 Bennett Fidecn 1, "Il °tli i , ; f ~, ii,"it'-tl I tn 7,;IuI huh iia k ,: t it~ . 'Ii li-i' : i,,: L ii ii i ''ii1l11i'i', iii 'il lii i l l . ' i , ru...…

November 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…THE MICflliA 4 DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is the best we hav e ever shom-' n, containinig ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Jt& DAI . EWS The U. of Al. DAILY. l tli Yr:)r. The a VARSITY NEW-5, l;t Year. r Editor 'I'txl;lY I,;ll'It I. Ilcitt tt)ll r r t)1' lllltlV Voll"- 1111, I"11ivvi"sitv t)t' \fic"11i ,1u ll;l ll l;lill)'ti ,i l1i 11 1"t1}>llll- i I ll ttr3" it ilil'1; t)t' lir)llril'. ill ,I; I1i...…

November 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…SongRAILSong SoPPeflint upplement 1 tom. IfMTS. 'Cause Ittreit101 ~t n: t llogn rtay our Iandut be bright The(Yelow andBlu. Ly IItt nh nit- of iwhih teran I'iulifred o's holy Ight slg rthe k.elow ga l~a n th l andll h i. i-,ou r menin iare -on Iw Sr-i tie or- a-roiriti rig11ifrom tin' Prtect ics, fiy hu umigh ru g he o in hr tnt flt l i, , ii ttlir gerr 1 (lint otroSiing. Hurrah fi otrt[le eltouo h. rlt L{ aktilt ihey ni-ur, nri--'or-- Yeii h ...…

November 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…YOU CAN PAY: $5.00 fora HAT' and be no better satisfied than with a 'VARSITY at $3.00. O ODSPEED" S G 11-4 WAIN STREET GUESS AGAIN. Michigan Albion 50 Case 57 Indiana 33 N' western 29 Buffalo 128 Chicago .. Beloit .. 25 Dollars For a Guess What will be the total? My ,guess... NMP The first to guess correctly or nearest total of 1OMiE (AMES getsa Suit of Clothes made to order FR}-EE OF Dvir;...., CHAR-4E. A;Mess with every purchase. Contest clo...…

November 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…'THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS : *+++++ 1 ! + ; -*- -AL - - 4 F+ i 4" i 44 1-4 4 .; + b -1 -1 i +++4+4wl 4 The Most GonviuGinu Thinsi that we could do that would tendl to induce you to huy STEIN-BLOOH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with svhich to tell you how good thsese clothes are. The makers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and thsey are soa proudl ot their ...…

November 01, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…THlE MICIGAN DAILY-INEWS D d you get a coupon ? Get one and exchange it If not, Why niot? Saturduy, Nov. 2, for a CHRYSANTHEMUM at WAGNER & CO. Soit 0.fAit:o-,±, s oo mHAWES $3.00 HATS 123 south nain street MihILER'S 611) II).MENT COMPILED LAWS MICHIGAN oti ac400tio tt t*then s t imortOlanit a atbitit- arrant ed andb A N N TATI,:i>)for ll atheueof N idets. ONE VOLUME., - - $3.00 G ALLAGH U -iA N& COMPAN, ANN tRhtIO R""htANCHi: 340 STATE ST., O...…

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