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May 01, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-01

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' 1H i: _.L V 1 W''Y 14 IMICHIGUAN I)tU.

-~ ~~11 jjfl in different college publications. Sbe
' servedl long as a member of ,the board
of editors of the Michigan Alumnus.
Every student must feel gratified at Sloe is a member of tbe Alpha Pbi sor-
tbe showing noade by the 'Varsity on ority.
Saturday. The day was one big suc- The groomsman was Mr. Chas. A. La,
cess. Beloit's reputatioso bad preceded Fever, '99 E, of Battle Creek, and the,
the arrival of the team, so that it was maid Of honor, *Miss Minnie Bunker,
well recognized tbat in win Michigan '99, of Detroit. Thec entire Alpha Phi
had a considerable task to perform, sorority, twenty-three strong, acted as
With. proper weather to usher in the bridesomaids.
season, a large crowd turned out and
filled every seat us the saios stands. Cornell's Football Schedule
Thsey wvere there-smany, perhoaps, out
of curiosity, but the great snajority
came loyal to their unoiversity to cheer' Cornell's football schedule .-as been
on their representatives anti be wit- inade public. It is much stronsger thano
nesses to the renaissance. And they last season, containting games witlh the
were satisfied to their heart's content. Carlisle tIodiaoos, Princeton, University
Youong heavytUtley met and defeated 'ano Pennsyvanito. The schedule of
thse veteraon Ad iris. Every Michigan ga'mes arranged tallow:
man did his duty, team work was too- Sept. 23-Colgate at tthaca.
tic('able aood it seems that, ater all, Oct. '0-Rothester PUiv. at Ithoaca.
te critics wits elttimtedl0)somuch for Oct. Bsocktcll attIthaca.
Michigantobefore the season opOeoned O ') -ait tioltsat tthaca.
may yetthave thteir pircitisons omade (Ot. 12-Uionoi t Ithoaca.
good. ('oath Sextono is to teoo'n'ogratu- O5t 19-Calsle Indians at Buffalo.
fated 0010000thoe coompilete reversaol of Ot. I'Ii berlin at Ithlaca.
formotwiceo lis menexhoitbiteodatnd te -Ntv.s -Poocotoot at Ithoacat.
more sotwiheon we eootsitier thatt thte 'sotv '01 elootl at Ithoacto.
trattsptotatiso took plotte'atll too the Nov . 1i, Cotobia at Newy York.
short iperiodt otfoots'sveek. Studen'ots Noov. 23- VetnottUniversity ,at
shoutldisied thot'loosate ousoof thoe'af-I tlit-o
tero'ooobty goloog to tiegetots' Ficlol aoot Novs. 25 t'eototsylvotiio at Ploiltooel-
wothlithot'ratoice. iEvinoce acoot- pito.
tiototositeoroest intoeOtto' otooo atttikeep -- - -
tltt'ttfeeinoog 00001 telioctoog tt use 0C'itrlo's ;. ig'lssv o'e of t'th 's'e-
stolooiti bodly is Itthteoir tbotk withoemost of o cooltlric coedianos, loos to
lotyati 001 ooooinito'olsupot. suoehtatootrlothtfit Oto ibtetterthtonoo lis otosto
iooterost inductes thte iplayer too(itoo lis gl1ove-s itoll"Papa's Wife." Mto. Bigelosw,
best 'veosoday :00001evoeotlotlly resiltlts oiltotoglo stiu t omptooiaatively yooong
ito exeollettandtoounitoormtoworok illtohti letant bos had a 0lotog antivat-led croer
tryitog toldOfteno ti'etsito' gotote's. 1intonioi(- opeorao, stool taorefoosed mnsy

Mopyright 1900.

Take No Chances
Tloere is only one sort ihat will never dissppoint
i o; ino the ex('ellence of the fabric, correctness of
style and general value-for-price ano that sort bears
the noamue of
We lose sold this make to our most particular ens-
totooters and have never heard anything hoot com-
mendations from the wearers.
We have just received the" newest creations in
Lindenschiuitt & plel

*? Artistic s)0
ELL5 Picture Framing
HOES Fine Pictnres
Geo. H. Miller, DE FRNES' ART STORE,
212 S. Main St. 217 S 4th AVE. ANN ARBOR


If the lpersonot t wro sotete orrom- VEoV Vo;:f' V0VOVOVO V+OVrV.2V0VOV0Y vOOVOVV IV.V0%
ooooitttigned rited itoatoootloor coltootoNloTHEATR
bhot signod lis totoott' '"Medic-.ot Ott- .AT E S TH A R
ratg' t'lonoothe t'ootil iott i'he would
haov' torterfittinogly texpressed lis M a
sadn The sltt'oit'tits wiichohe S t r a , M y 4th.
ooaokes toe onot only voidito ogoorgomont, -,'
bot, what is tooth too undetrstand. go sSUPORTD B
tar ts to accu'set'thoe oresooltattleticSPPREDB
oooaetoeort of beino" s00cessftol-a 'Kta oAC AR E IEO
facet whticho,005odoobtoGraiuate Do- ; "CH R E IE O
ott-too' Baiodantoh thoetli orBoaord IE
sill tithetooqunite :0a ollltltiot'ot lo thir AND CHORUS OF 49
obliity. Thi, Atoletic Itoatoolis totta.
rinog of "esorets" but it is olsttttetlv it , 1 -z
toady of ooo'oothottntot ottnlots liclto
foi's attletic itterests ateaot, botW f
this unqueoostionedi ability tot 0a1000its pa-
does "Ottatgeci tle slooatDoors 0 '.-
lot wanot es-ery. c-bos,,It'00 00000 tora-ot PIrices: 50, 75 $1.00, $1.50
log thte streetoslot 'Varsit ol oros .ni-t00.
sigonia?0 toes lie wanot Mlt 'too 's otO:Seat Sale 'rhursday.
heto' eootos t orruoo tol oo tooot ofers too stirrBiBgelowos esvoieont-
trat' outr10000ge sooto'r os ub- f ly tocleerlasto hototls-oesome entertaioner,
tooth outses lobsooaudience immnutsely. .Br d '
er th lbstcsotrat'ltionorsoldl l istaoge waororobte is looser expeonsive,CO NG zx.A Brd S
t~~~tle himtoietl akett upotb defiiotooe-l:tut leisonsie oftth~e highest salarid
; cooomeianos ithecoto'y. Ile asEaW KA~Y ND O W N WE A ST "
soohuog frotolosuceloa ptolcy too lot' sug- :gtoodoic-ottoi',oble fotot tontiprobobly Lv LJA .
gests. '~TeAtletit' Board i i 'ght tobo'lotinoieooooeoaot'thtoe
its rolingot eon cieaootssswe'ate'rs atnd fltoo tost elbbastctoennethoalt -r
wt' belies-c that tthe iorcisitootshoutoldoandoootl lotostoell teoyot t lots c o arThistoe le 0
will Ito enftorcedlh to t'eliter.Sch1 Sootlo alncsit nhsprtfrte
ranot too "Outraoge'dhMedic"tois willioguglrti otfices of sos-ralled funnoy' onke-
soholappear intophrnotols'sto'eongtho- 0010
eiis thte positiol-onwicho loos boenthaokeonI
by floe board. The studet od hai.los o 10 per robot of oot all suits aood tron-
joosh finishbed thet ottiot r'otrtttotizioogsort ouotil Jouone 15. Fiooest line of'
thoe assoattooiton otndettalohintg it s'oTH'osbott et.'~E t) R IELIABL~E SUTDENTS HEADQUARTERS,
oooooioo' toen inthhcty.uner osioess-likteconoooituotiono, andtli F.tJ. GLEN, I I I R
swill, isoldouobt, boo pleeasedltoo see thoit Car. ,State and Washo. Ss. , - III I O5 iii x L i
thoe nects regimoe s olovoadylbrionginog REiIItO I EL.ED, REFITTED)' EVERYTBING NEW,
osboootomob iooooorooot elosogestoothose thB NSWICK BALKE COILLENDER TABLES,
whoich "Outraogedh Medic" is tryioog to Chef d'oeuvre de TSWIONYTON
deery. _________lxPosition Universe le GEEIN R H O SH ON
Walto Saglis, aid Chainpier
Whitney-Masoronoo tptiabo ADDRoIESS, 0301 '3U 1lSTATE STREETS 01 4 To 4C Q4? T E
Tse puhbliher- oh his oatrkoreceivedl the
AtS.ArlrwsGicpa hrh rosiot hcze sodGold Medl attherloooEs-ItAlLY BULLEaTINS 01' ALL SPORTING EVENTS
loot eveninog thocIlies. Hteory Tatloe uelt ripttion onlr. EI A D SCCSOSOUTH
perfsormoed thte cereonoiesothatt mode --'" TO nc 50 :I1)SSTATE
PoETAtm wife of ('lreor I. 'iihoe, ' Q, tsE G o 6 TREET
'E, aond Margoret D. t tney.Maso, '(0. edmond7 Kerr x ______________________________________
Botho of thoe youoog peoe wret promO- BANKERS
neatt bn oollege crcotleosoduoriog-ltetinoo- ; 41 WalStreet, New York I r 0f IU SANITARY PLUMBING.
hoito served as neotobee of the IBoard of Transaotct a generaltbankling husinss. J F7 C UHrSvEADSAND ItOT WATER HEATING,.
Receive deposits edsuhjecttos drat.Dlividenads ATSI A N LCRCFXUE
Editoro of thte 'b) Ortoeo, itsoember ottd interesstcollected sand resmitted. Ac t ao207 L.55sshinqto Street. AIITGRA TICANTELSAND GELS.CFxvog
of thoe board anodtoter a4ihtrhlangtig Fiscal Agentsforansd segotiaote the losse of IhGAENATI5ADGITO
railroad-, street rotbstos, ogos compaittes, .
editor' of the Techooic. Ito sas O tters- Secsritieso"uhoghtotond soldon osmis bo. 'sare hedqarters fur every thing in the lice of furnishings for
year oirectoo'sobthue S. hL. A. boardl itood Membero Nest YoorboNEhange. studenths'1room sa,
one of floe euloog spirits ot the F+atuity LA MPS, OIL CANS, PHIOTO RACKS, SHADES
Club.rateri tobeMofstoeMagoa HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Ousr Prices You Will Always Find the Lowvest.
Ch rtriy is tsoowsList ot currentsoerint O,^u 4' 0 oooeoT. MARK HAMS ~oBAZAAR
prooninetot for hes' drawinogs 'tod wrilt- PILADEIPHIA CORRESPONDENTS.
hugs 'thicho appeared froon tome to tome GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 21S SOUTH MAIN STREET NEW STATE 'PHONS462

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