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May 01, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-01

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VOL. X1. ANN ARBOR, MICtI . WEDNES[DAY, MAY 1, 1901. N. 156
....Our Special Line of.... "SANK" CONDON IS OUT Open Day at the Barour THE SEVEN "CZARLETS"
Foreign and Domestic First Bae is Now Well Takioo Care. The annual open day of the Barour«
egyonnacoun, which rises the work of Outraged eic' so tharseterizes
of-Second Tears Shows Up the year, will e held one week from the New Athletic Board - Says
F ABR ICS dell-Yslaui iti Nornas today. Mcia hudNtMk
Previous years have shown the in- Mcia hudNtMk
FOR SPRINGS Today Mtrest fet n these exhiitions y Moey is Athletics
enoter og oanoo old, anod this open day wili
Yesterday afternoon fle o te , no douobt ea successful as ay pre- (The Daily is oot reponsihle for any
hasaarvdaIis r hearts were gladdened y the sight of1 edlog.opoooexrsdhytistie.
for insection Saok'" tall forn o 00irnt loase. Ter will heefloe usual numer of io o .o a.Diy
ranedthouglo Watsono cas playingvery good maorches, drills. clhb owwigings and 5lovntieflerctatonf
We have ttoo larmest as- 1ball lis hitting was ligtlot ops oaoe- apparooatus work. One special feature tle the nticeBd too regtadtionclas
sor.lonent in the city, oloocotly"Snoo's" oappea'ornoce is ail 01 of fle ay will so' oobasket al game tupos. 'tle ,TesevenCi eardts clowod
witho oelight. _Besides being a OalOCbetween tle victoros soolomore boa ligi hssnorooersfloewaholeti
felder Conono is a very good lbatter ni o wh. vlich ios proved tonvincihle, and eI t-iohiesbitof foeityeetn m
aioool( ,n it is just ocho oooduality- flat thoe 0 ticled team to be coseno from thetiniae hiso unovrsisemntoca
Q . I" O ieooooees WthFesor sd 'ooo trore others. Tie ioofrodctiooo of clas eos.Te ov oodeoao ls
o stoooy Wloe aool Toolill fl ea moos bos rosd mnco interest, and 1toaopoit ellowv anooluheo for class team
IO8 E. ashigton 1 S. eld is sell pros-ioedlfor, aodthocroot-thilosboiool gnaooe oill certooinly prove aahntn - -ys waes rcp. hyhv
rocoono'eltssureolthaoothetoeamo owosol itinog cose tfloeaear's wor. 10ryseoe- rcp.Toyh
isctogoodl acco-noftsblf .rom ooo w __ _demanodooeo flat allno-ils now wearing
oi M."a" ooo class seatero or caps turn
Tioe reserve teamootoood Ioractice' on is- Piok lye" is the htd Now the loo' beoofoetefoo offeodiog clsses
ADIiAM S' fil o os-o-h fortohde 'Voosity, oood 500tot o -- ooomy compuoo'toocloass cootest. fAd
s-coho~ n ey swell. aloore ila'ed AmAbri nthoc midst of an epo-they lots-cotlotoed tftlooa00part of tle
S ALTE thir1,0Di loo orf. tottlog secondoad sodooooc thotloas lot tooits apeooarance talcreceits ronoaoy class cootest
h1ado frt. T'loo1 orstv teootool ooo-osvry Iforc-oble maooooooocondoootfle oom-shlollgo too too' lasoc.
P EANJUS te ed vtoto Sooof" otat'to too 0he ooofcoo oooay icraose. "Pok I'd like 10ooosnow ho goove fle seven
tiltin scooooooo b oo-i heoo t raio-o e ortoo f 00 a 1 bly-worod given'to tfle rig moatr- of fle Athtletc Board
received freshand osqueno'tl soill noeoot atv 00ma0n aolments of fit(oo evoe omoodr oooo ouct owers-cO, btot no- flat the- nan-
ree~dfeh dis r cc ~too geot itoooforoo. hed, sI sfle oaooooof toe dseaose or ogooeoor gobltol001 all right to gate re-
every day:. ..Ih bsball midoi this yoar oo- e loseeo-sctht-rl owooop-Irov'leit. Ooe a-o-lots froooocloss games, I oonoocsay
bokepoloejuoobob. oaod at1tfloeno'oofl 0coo 0000001iobosio-i aoolos tss-loecasco ito imooe to lat.
f hepa tietey feel boo it toy lad 00 -ooreo'esos Infective onjunoctiv- lat bre tllege atletic food Snre-
W D R S gethoughbomooe hoardo foootoall 10000 1biti' is1b' thedsotaso'whihoio- o Ost cses l- ot to mk o nooo'oooey. Wat's 00tigl-
P H ( AR IVI"AC llvu.t isvery oeviden'ot thaot suchnl r-sots tsel. booflammtioon off teloy-toaid maonger fort Simply to make
C oki og theooogoooo, tor tboir a 00 000 0000mbranthroo lat covoer tle oug'000010oonoey out ot'Varsity games to
________________________________________stoce tho srtrip ohlbsoow0 00ito' ot tbo'eye is toonoomany ostasoes oaytfloe xeossof ahleico'aMichoi-
been__________very___________maooorbo'o. By tfast toofielo thto oraus-'obflohe troosble. Wbheooa 10r- goai has sctoa onooger. IHe makes
YOU KNO~~~ where toie(gethy becomooe useo too excut- wooesbu- ost 00n tboe-eye' adit canofaroore 000011y out of lin ganen than
is loys and1aro' t hoeore too-liero'moovedoeily, floe tolaoooooootiooo of is ooeoo'obto rntfle 'Varsity feams
A GOOD LUI.NCH relty o ooohbooi00an actuabl goouooe. i- tie0mmoooe is oo' geoerllyfle esult. Soo wvhyteo arec floeclasses to e d
ANDs55a '0000ofnat4o'clock floesTYpsi- I lotoe last tow ays manooy .AooooAr- priedbooot iboeooall sms toey get from
A DlooooblNorooal teamoo syil ry oncolusioons oortes boave beeoonompoellet to oensr gofe roi ob to toeir gooes? hTese
S M OKE~ a secoond timeo with aichiga. Thoo ad- ye shoade. "fnk eye" it is called by recips hoov'!iso a lage wy enaled
K. FE. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. mbission is free osd a lorge crowosvuogt oeve'ryone, and if bloc epidemic hasot class games to e monotained. De-
boto comou t and ceer for fle men overomoeotoere will e many "dark- prived Hof temn fle class atlete must
____________________________Ypi. in ounchoIproed stoce nbc was oeoh ilnmps" in our eautiul city. buyfoeir own all, fnd at, and out-
bere last, and heor regular piteber will Soalpox -hlan come and gone the fits, or aoo additionnl class tax will have
F rest-i beintoofle ox. Slelos wooo every buonooco plague likewise, and now to e takeno up to uy then. It is ohb-
oonle snoce sle struckAn Aror ad"10100 eye" is here. Fortuootely no on- solutely rotteno thin 'Varsity manage-
Straw berries is preparedb to give the 'Varsity oo good riots resolts hove cone in any cae of rill greed. Something will rek e-
practice game. Everyone sould conme anwov fle epideomic. fore loog. 'fle clase oil get on the
AND out, for the 'Varsity Ios eens playing As yet no student cases have een osar pohoanod fere won't e left any
good al and deseorves all tho' suppbort reported. 'Vrsty mnanogemet. I ay support
obe cangtte 'Varsity isb, last, and all toe time
Pineapples gt
All Track Men Ness Out. Butfle classes are entitled to some
MinstndMciarTasI igts and a wie 'Varsity management
served every day DacAihsnos.rchie Hano is ack again and yes- ool o e hn uhabidplc
atthancnae __Witodthateoooenwokeiotrsltteas antoepreseot oard is taking which
floetrak. n Lihie, NferandHah is sr' to embitter tec classes
Wishing to add wvhot little may e aMichigan lan a bunch of sprinters Atirtbeoofoeoatte of sweaters and
l U A soc~~ialaded totr ommfleofeoviable seirreputation ahswhich woeigbleoit will he Eser ehard to defeat in fle jerseys. Whon Ios any right to ay
Michiga~~to'oon oenjoys no an entertaionr, the thn.Nibe eileo tlnae boy sall oot be yellow or blue? Who
soonal cmnotee f fle neior wlassloan eliefrthe Easer Hahnttercollegi- Ioas noy right too say medics shll not
CAMPUS DRUG STORE decded to eep opsen os oe to fle it- ae, but thoey will e prepared to urn oear 'A" who-co lawnoear "L," and
esota team anod the Miclian 'Va-000terakwenheveersm t dets wear "B?" What would they
sty Saturday onight The social will is pulled off at Cicago Juoe 1. ae omedis wear? Big "Ps for Pill-
be of 'a simlar nature to preious class All thoc oen were out yesterday and fedes
socials boed in Barhour gyoso, oaod is a oos fle 'Varsity meet comes a week Nobody ever took a yellow and hlue
university affair. The two teams thatswae from today they nmust get info shape in ovetfoo Varsmeiy"Msweate.no
olat11l play aeali here that afternoon oaburry Dvorak, Fisblegh and Udel oh er tofo medic "M" or a niy
are been ionvited as special guests.aredor good work in fle polevault, ole to fmdc""fra'ast
Coch Sexton lan said flat thocre is no Dvork clearing 11 feet yesterday. "M "OTAGDMEI.
-reason why the Michigan team soud W0hite anod Beals were at work on fle"OTAE MDI.
ail dl~inot break their training to the extent his jumop, ut Aroustrong has a ad
of, partakiog in the dance, and nearly abne still anod cannot use it too much Dr. Hber Fools the Dents
every member of fle tenm has signi- too general, from the way theoen are ___
fled his intention of being present, The shoowing uip, some fine performaonces D o .uorystra on
this year? Before mamne Saturday will e te last of 'a oght to e expected at fle'Varsity bog.adarloooue ostsera ooglonlb
you buy your new logtiho h inst emadooe.listology olae. Theoclas occpies the
thecy will undoutedly be granted a oooootsnoebofo elaoelbid-
clubs come in and lie privilege by their coach. The U Jack" olliter Explilos toog ood in opoed of freshmen med-
look at our line of oeleflorhesr will plyan n xe-is anod dront. Te dental students do
Golf Gods. Sald- Adeagn thor oranciaylnghIs suassured. Eoiot U. of M. Daily, AosooArbor, sot al of toeomouodrstnd watfle
GlGod, pad Anagith"e-ulpunc Dbol" tlnco:oobjct of bhitoogy bone to dooito
igclubs and caddy will hold sway, Dear Sir-The article appearing in fixing teeth,anod tof late have taken to
Obo~te papers concerninog fle ufairnes bolting teoc las and sneaking out after
bags, and the bet College Baseball Games Today of fle ompire in Obe Micigan vst el- rIols oumobr oave ben taken. The
maks o gof bllniot hboseballi gnon' of Saturday, April ooetor noticed thoeir absence and 're-
makesofglbal ('oeg vs. Illinois, Marshall Field. 27, wan published wthout our know- seated Obecontire room and put tie den-
.Wiscosin vs Belot, Madison, edge or consent. Michiganowonfle fol stodeots all together, o if there
Indiana vs. Ntre Dame, Blooming- bal game os its merits acd fle mem- wer'any vocanies e could keep bet-
ton bern of the Beoit team have only t em- to'ack. 'fle ath-codane of dents

YaU le vs. Brown, New Haven, praise for thnemononer in which we yesterdooy durioogfloe lecture wan un-
S °A j i n eton vs, Cornell, Prneo woere entertained wile at Ann Arbor, usually large.
vs.1,W. HOLLaSTER. IAnona Held, Saturday night

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