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March 01, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-01

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.Our Special Line of.... LIFT THE ORGAN DEBT Will Make Merry Tonight , INTER-FRATERNITY MEET
Forig ad omsti Te lenrch oner Tniht s o ~ niror ss iss xf 1 l Meet ofthe Fraternity Men
Ad the Frieze Memorial ognngi-ntn h e(o ls ~~e Wl Prove Interstig - A
FA4B RI CS Fund-A Fine Progi am firt eias sm siel of the ye ar. Eee[ Complete List of the
Ai rnged t llsc (((isiiiilii iieforEntries
1 hv"bee1 thechief objects iintlt 5
FOR SPR.INGJ by' 111e0 iiiiiitt tis. (andi tieneliiffortsl oorw - ise l-it
ic ninety-ioiirth concet ote pr1onumse tu ee ownned witlth scces- o. irw ightso tvfaent
tCotaIUnion oeries wilt be ieiitu- lhr adlitiotioi tithe enj~oyentii t 1 n1 itet (wilibysthelirost hg. lveill of its
has arrived aitd is ar- night in iitiversity hail. The 10(5115 1tlse wilt olord the ever-foill poochlotd heire ton the t niversity. T'here
it twilt p tn rtiiir e Ifr. Mix Haten- lv iil iiiliiits ,haree to the enings.', ihave 1be11 it terlenivmeets il
ranged for inispectton. *ih. a 1~ituc. ad iiiI ls Jtilia L I i.pteassure. trohi li-e ity I,. Mosh- tas110 tbl t it this is te firt time
We have the siget as richiti.ltralito. rMAl i. ieedt and(1lirs ( bllard hve thtlist 51entire eveing has ben set
sortineolt in the city, Tis-inert is iu thena iturei-of an iull linit (seiteil to grillie the- evening iasideo tile frerotity mue.
extra iliotr and(1wilt btofitten in11 taid w i tir1-prle(siee itithut -teiet11 Ta1011itite es is being taken to the
o t ItoF vi e Iotooriatl orgn 1fund(. digiiiy oft vlii"1i-l tie social 01o1(1 ntct. (111(1those extlctig to partie-
W IL -C11 Of Y~~Ili it tliios viittere is lii iiinelt- coutldmrdly le te vied a tloroo gtdy pti-have lesiitraining hard luoring
6" HI. VIsLIJ 1J itnis it .5001 nn th e(orginii. iiltiinoiv ilvaflai. A fair-siet party is liii15psee. They havie leen espe-
li t ie lsit iii-ety risnillnkiger v y ssuret but (lit so la-e snirowetd110 to ally busy fr the atotwto nights.
I~s E. as ing on St. efit I llintdxte. I boss el tii r h-i n firlatul-yfitt the io usting to Nisrtyv att of the oid'slitiy theti are
______________________________________ tbissvwottlcaus1flostconitclftt servosa the ro itl of dalts iithiother oter- eneie-ilfor tie various eveits, so Iii
* to bhingsto hunmt 5 iriiii-againtil 1. itotainients. 'fl('I(e 1 f A. orhtestral (f iit resting' let say be ooked for.
0who is always tisriiily 110io si tlvvc. litit-e cs wilfurnish the iiiiiscivl-ile Ti sororities ir t kilg quite as
W ATER itiiii itt ilitue igobans iittih i t i iililltiig thei ist aiili tci e oithe wiituiniiierest s (t1e fistertities and
1 111 Mte, iss .1nhtstintinl, t-ti ui1- es iig iis. Tey re lit uniirciid os -itt llciid id by their liesence at
W U ~ J\ t t tuu-h ability. ever. eiiu tituig -the shioirt imeon- i -tl. Isci sorority will hais seoc-
0 TF (S I~eiiltiois pino a dad-theirogniationn ur enode a mstint to islf nthe etrtte ho'
sliacd lby AniniAl-ibortimusi lors. Tihe A comlelteelist(f the etris swhich
i--r.iveo ice ti lts Crdaii 50 P.ROF, JOHNSON MAY ACCEPT cosd.as light re- gvn-ow-u:
colt i fIch itc s s alt-rttsevedI scat.otoiill 0-~YARDoDASH.
Ttile foliiwiing t is ttheprgram 0 io li-e-AllhtsDtlitaI h l(liriliner. IW lit-
WI DE C riitleei toiitl He Leaves This Morning For Wash- -ol. l iervi-. Sow.
-I A Rter dCe0111 (5 e t . ciot igtoto Confer Wit MeKin- ehf-llPSies-.Ie.
-vi-tistit - lieinltirtl-us Sta iglItil Slloir. teeinosr,
lcRM C~oi-ocalisto- Lited (Silig if it-( ley-Prof. Bogle Will Take Svillo. Ileiso.
____________________________ n 1-us-il- - - -...scelunuuniHis CastenIDiolt U (olil. Ltiyd l -sodeo,
YOUt KNOW j1where to get..... tufllti\1 lser zu stueIg Ileli P1rof. FE. F. Jotinson lt i- ~s n tio- ill l 1-1ita I rmir 1o111i.
A GOODiiLUNCH iiiag 11-tiewe........Schnbtlt-tlogfill I lslliigtiil. ii lther,1110sgone PI'lo-ietal Tits -Lne. B(lge.
)Ir.Max l etx iitohi. to for litillresient Alxtiley aiil irsidlPlt lKa 1st -C mpsl~tli, Otiho-d,
AND V1111 o ao , are 51 lii tot osis this iSu trtofy ut " oitutu i-iglridighis hie.
S M K e Clsclittollvsv lteI- itult i -..il mthe -uit- - - iliittl t ilt\f.
Sleep ESorowilOh nviiiv - o Ii ithI h liiineL- lslsuis. C0lili0Iis et Psiii.en Elitt
It. E. Joly, 308 S. State Steet. I Di 1Wuts-ovuosi-(file Wa lt. ithilItof ths diltrlik ihnusueialtpe-i 10 RI51(111) .t
- .. toll, Sllatis ittil uy atuirngiiutsfIs tut thits e1111 511111Deita hi--11iui-tc~u i toid-
Alts I~tlih lei i-hu i I ing vi-hu Isill proiueiably oilur te xv (10 hIeat -.Suw
THlE ODERAND PF tt.... fher u er uei io-o -ly ior W-iesuhIny. lietpililt- Ieliti-i Si--ta-ieluta--Stegi- uut. Mll-
Trowbridge s h.Alo vlaos(oemit, v BrnsupiemPo.,onulDla(-Aead.Lw.
fS1itugr .... . .- - Ii o Thomas ana15 tut i s 10litiiilil state11th Oulthur ie I liiDIl-l-i Ihets t-Lam Intglek.
Chocolate Chips e-l l H r rets iti-il- 5i ihi-vwhi l l hu it uiil helit-ito tut liii hs-u lt tili-tl. SWhite.
(T"lE OPIGINAL) A ak, tly I ieati I.... (;iii I iii tit" liidutis it tills oficet it ' Io- illitbe Si--tma ii i-ui uu-haok. Rict ltst
I1i GREATERtMI liidIEVER ttuuIict i-I lit otsit ls tine tuo iieiit1(11S a uthi - Ieu. N
I 111AyfllshoIuldhi I leSttituitoi do i 11111 usc u t i l111 iet hIttilli l h l'tN
LU N C Hi Ii - Ou-to ig It iii(lit b so-usroeliccetthet psiton. ii vii A lpha ltI iohiPi-hsaudener-. (Slt-
I SIN GUM PLITt W IT11 II'T litug liatto -.... i I Sr hiss heiii torit iesrrt setempqnilt. t t ub
P AEI.NAI O E ER erualelehSl~msIels Stit l uitveh -bstuo l-iis
.htlito T I - - - - - lititis uiuslod m ine l ihlpr feiiisor sl aptiitli i i I hSi a l- uk evs
~Iii~ IJA. Rfor 5 It-ei-hdeyIhe reiei:Iediii iiliitei Satille.
Arlo . .. .... D liii ofti li t -ilspo tlu lfom11 to tu ty Iii ul-i futt Iui
QAR RYRGSTR S s-ti-(ii-SiiI- Iliihs1110 iiti illt1I1 Si P10 hi-1111Ps (tult.lt-uh
Altos ....111 ii ltiott t ihi li ii liii t io ttuto t-e lou- f lt-ltiIii N it. Iltuut
CAMloutRU itOEiMain hit-le S uututt ....eiuit o Ili-itot houtuuuuu 0 titiil.tic ill I
ti M s th u lutItsolei li-Shtuuuuu I.i n t iu ii ltitstuiuuu h t h p.Li,.hfieltttN.
* - 0 1 itu ltio - I 1111 1 Stit pio b al rlu ti t l l l :Athu r t itt . 'hl tur - hhie rhilih: ig I t timhI i ii Adle.Il~a t out Fintey .
- - - F O R d o1 vvt aut d it S i-tu tit 1h utu ut lut ihssd o t t u l u t t t - o h t u l e o l O h t 5t i h u u t
I--t(I-yt'if.uli Altoss cgIttr[hiwith L i Z ue cs
'INS'3RS"ix.I tutu gl...l l1°.i........tttiiw asur-luSun se. - lid gthittOOuitumtreottuRUN,
+. th+tti 1 vucl uu hi-hAi. btvusetotile lloudgi tIohhi Iio Iitt~l
1 F O FOILS id D netSog Slli o m il oitoiitte sads a t Alt-u ela I'l --ac1th. - os
*r te ha dl uouidoite i troe r l-'el he v o iisitudeni tlbetenu. t the Uil ste of -liti s rtit
-~i C Aliuon .. .... clum rn 'icthetpst ssors ihts bene . 111tt u ibe ta tit Psii- eletih Earl. D r
red_ enruHeiperh.pair Juli$300t -e ll u uuit (lii
FOIL sand d I14 gItt.o hilt tha suc
+ ite Coluxheladell Wil Nmtutrl ss-1111 Ofieslu Tee o shies ls tmenihartubetnfriuli le Puuitsor- Loue.
be111ua1, trwugrsitni blea elotto He to oe of I'llZr- t P i-uiloi
-~handle wound with mtoiiitsi u h -~s a ffcr rfSnl vi aeiig-ofrowrt llf 101(a1st Stnal.
red cord, per pair.... $2.00 I h tiSeoigma tllli ult uuucrte thuuitu ulss- utrii hs utet 1111elbr~ 111 o oidgeblo-
+ ou~~~fvt1t tS o pily i-ou tiuise nii inlat atui-nriuu s Ci tut
gurpm el.S34frt. utolhuis syolelit if ti hi~kto m sl eitt y "SltI-I P tl sPh.5-yo t
Foinen blad l ck no -guinansfo elict i lse lay cie flue. iiPoiiuB xlieAwil l ihv hte of Pofr. 1( 11 APi RUNit . s
hardl a naegad -ii tuda inwiithlftr outs'ii hsreiu it- haeb taluitteson, Frn uu Lwe
rdcperr........$3200 A hi cti ewerl liroselsserti the auli tseat(e nitthi-ose
tiuAtuSKSuuleaherdlp riralliyuut - ______the _theyear._finehidui ShtuldTirita-refi
r Gs~ LO e Ii eutetiruieshtowitax I rtis Tcoeuts ie ofltunes of Seicaltuisil- Pixa tPsPrsal

it For rght hand Is-armtbefore the reguluir eleetioti c- "erutitreThace recently beets added to sigmaull Uli-Atauttluows.Dellordg
hev ihpaddedt ctsThe lpositionu of tiuuuss orator wtill. due geneorallibrusy They eonsist 1f11 Zeta PsIi-.waul, Scotten.
gauntlet, eaek-.f:"..$125 zu; us1a11 be determnedl by eonipet- 'woirks of novelists a nd lyric loets.tsHIH JUMP.
tin So uisadr etboso 1wmnsgmaiu h neetya. ta Sigm. Dola h t Savag Suotege
VVL . ~Thsere iso 1,45l0 lockers in use in.fu thefta- Theta Pi-Beals.
Save recently-- leensgiven to the law This is one hundred more than the man,. Mater

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