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March 01, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-03-01

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L. r~ Inter-Frate nity Meet IRAiN OR SIHINE
Pubshepaiy~bond~seceped~uris Ielta U-D~vorak, Baldwin Matte- to wear when the weather is uncer-
Cle sierat - Sn. ta . A little rain doesn'thuti - ~s -j;\
THE NIVRSIT OFMICIGAN Dela 1111-1oscv:while it affods plenty of comfort on
Pll K appasIsi- Witts, Offield. the warmest of days--
MANOrFICE BRANCHtOr te Sigintta Ci-Ntsfer, Dittidge.Bto oew oe light shoes
Argos Bdg, Main St 3 S. State Street.Bu ofc rs wehv
Both 'Phttte 13 Net Stte Phone t2. B h Lfor 1brieht dysand heavy shoes for
MANAGING EDITOR, Beta Thtt II-Sssreetey. rainy days if you prefer.-
0.HHAS ItDlta igia IDelta-wttudlirstt GLASS'SSHOE STORE
trt. ~r aU t L- Derta C'-Dlvttrakl. Bldini. titttit. 1 9So. Main Street....
ROTRS 'l DItatli lt- elt-. Nt-Nllltt. lpe evenins gutiI ANN ABOR, MCH
V h!OR5liisalpa 'si-Hlaus. 8 P. M.
ATHLTICS. G, is,.Hesrr, 05 SgF CiRkkrs ,Babr
A. H.Mc~~ t n .tt 1i' . +A. etor.ittL , t I tDlttt Phri i ner. Ni-t
:E.s Lyo~i, K. Os « it. ttt.to itt-dy '0tirte r iwhether you care to buy now, or
w. A. itE-11,10ihtt '3 E. . HcroerttIa S i tltt Wtttti. YCome nerely in Search of suget -
_ _1kIt1 1mt l t oIhus St--L 'a[ i-ti MAt rer. t ions, o visit Iee will repay you.
We_______________ Ihit Kpptatt st Otiett. . We will sell you a Suit or Over-
Thest 5r iiith lie - Ithe DAiLY I g C i irrtlsoni, Wedtoctk. jj e coat at
forthe eliton yea r silt areguin" er ctII lAY TCI CMS." -AY
betoen ii he da iy. Notae, eimttttiti-ttith
tiers and o e ther iter d ed orpbl a lpi ctt t flit I 't trdriir. Wilt t flOP r 1. a Prices that will make ftRthe best investment
ben tte L ndored atti sthe rAI fice cm.t.ore. 1ihtnSo ,fe-' A C~ f
beor ti P.be.t ortmtilet the a . iltli-. ilibes.Sorweii- A3rr yu ever made
p. mso itheii day ptt-""ts totat dyoOtt It
-ich they atcexte-ed toaspeet r it l hea Ii Sit-ii-It.le} t-ihts. iti
Suitterpio.smabelt athDALof- All Underwear and Shirts at COST.
fite Meyers. or stttes neittstd, or i itt ' run tt Iran, tittrr It.-ii
Otsireetq promptlyotwireolti coferti elt Signoir DDtttt Sowti. Slulmii Housecoats and Sweaters at Low
falltatit o eortins i ttdelis-i ,r poper. e ~eay S riil It ttter.Cuit g. Bt-itt-its-
All chatoes itt dvetitiltma ter tmtlst be Pilia p si '1110 1, 1u iPrc .
is The oficte by 3pll on00the tiay urevoto 1ii Ili xttitt Piu ptttlI ittrs
that on tsrbeb they tier to appear. Ottitt, i. rul. - \ Everything New. The New Stre
bliigltortiertire l M 0x itilrrit i TCE
to ln s ert l rte thetirtltIelaiofitetSp ulhtetre- STAEBLERfl AiNDiJ WUE iliF
ire d t iiis bfobe til-t ts siprausariitltii-tolit ulyiiiu rgtt ItaT H E N
to dii cut l t iting d o nt ei l t i s slit k e at t t hetu re li ngii a t ton i h ote - -l -,,tpn h e Fi T rl~ u oA \ J St d e ts S a u r ay e v e in , ar h1, 10 , t
wisit s it verutlry s de uidd lof tpri-g Nok Tl'e lli b! AleOUBLEoBILL
itti ithey tltitts.i( ttndliii si- andrr r ful _______It2_tents 2 --11BIG H OS THEATNED -2
sirl Soritiifaigltute toiir tlu itsi. tiiui t he nit erit y a. t u. edtoIr
Iti-Iv it tut ai et-tiste lor ti at tbigtin- utan joLill in. tajoItS-I. nan Ne o k t rs Bi x ra aa-
lu tittl r t a nd nowti ttt-t t heu- s. t Ilia H N. i SNanreear mothIe pel k- F RttD A Y , M AllRPret, 1 0 r1
ofti ivido ipsante tris ofextttier itt , lit- titi ttv__ry____NOTICE!fl ~eC A yROmpayLuEneualedChru
ii-itis tt tiil tit I. tit itt l ite t . Metiuil ot-ksiare t.XLesirInuS. tl t 5 t t hied rTse Immit es EtravagTant urensaine ao etltt
warts ttiioetti lwntill'iu ti tit SSill-itt ArttPetiin for iud.E.nts' roosa 1ix i x i ii -g r
hidtarsg l iii-ed trr ei g . Sii-ils E 13. s AoktreOR, bileS. Cain. AlPet il
Ilke ii tittitsi. l tfee sis not -to iul ______and_- iSpc ial5 itb ty boltpianyi A BXnO sIUSS td Cous
ee ano to o Iiigift tlla ti st'au Alrmu lokt - i ALLER{S. 3d x ihritinScItMndEpNT RANohI) CAhe iV .AI)1siRSe i tmth F t-
tuisisi u-iujtu illul the- i-st-ills it y i dii is hlt 'ss BookstoreM110tSo.titaeseft.
i[ ton stitil tot-tis i li ttiiti lityh it' Chef 'oeuvrede 1O--t R N ARI VAL .-OBREQF,
ti-siis i i-t tu-i iisihig1111I-- iiIlnvrs e R C S 25 ,ol35,ganz50, 75C. Sfio f t e t Sa le Xpednesday
arked ttit ii i) e 0g -iii i- iand ten d y altvnaaleadChmir l E WEEK....
me d gut ti- aetittttu (o stttftit'd poed o ASODE t cS a3111 ison rosTATE SlitSE T A IDO(T C I O P N
ynti nr ittit tt-t shiotuiyiu tuil t t for sate tblicteee r ttst ye eeitt2ER Y SP C AC LR theB RL T AS -
coul nii.tottisic helnirs rust. ofithe"lii- Orstd Pris tied Oilul Meal at he PontEO-EL"
uiisul s l tst at lii-otetyeari-lit peVastSueit xoleeevllioessole
sibsutt euosrly.Pa Ai~ t tue e s u
ituWouldIitfurnihluaiusus liutigIit EVERYTING NEVVEXCEPT TE NM
ulug r t t d ti l teSui ltti i -til t - Ifn youaExpdisstion i re lehiCE :2 , your7 C. SatSl Aened
s-u-rica bi lity r he i tueli ul dtt rsethordn hue-r-tu
lustr agutS's i liui-us t eltt hhwithe-T hepbihrifti okrcie h
ncInrl si'uhtowtleta ilnd ltitiue l ttlt i ti-s orit xcllncElUwrk Uldo
itubtscriiption only.uii.r t'-i--tihi o 250 a --._-----.lade.Ou.-Re m o dKe r._C
p41 }ael Sired, New YorkesBILLIARD4PARLOR
fite Xfhprfo-manitittieui t of hitseEVERiYr- T HGRDIN lANEW ACOE DC IGARETTESAM
day itilii isagr1 n v t itusI intuton-Is Tru aet5re ro ss ti it ie i yores.
ceointh ifeva. 'heStdetswat receivebodeois s et ryithDei O
title, iip lii-duittuate p ifrus litti yt-sIuti "sd NcE- E NGLctd AN StD"c DO T
fiss. nulethugn .ldlike iiisegireuuttlii F 4e8i E .c AS H NrGON T .aetelseo I NScasa
ste -sos -aen loaant u et eli $s 2.5oead ol one A T
latetitSitialsithe butjst-illaliketliteeesretYsbEteae. o. EY O OSE YtALKTRE
2'InlandetOuxt1 lTodaytuteittliiiR S ILLr. ASCHOA R LORiS
glint s u ottuitiuuiuu'it41PHIaElPHIStrePONDET. 20w.WshntnStetYorkI GSADEiptt FXUE

S~II~.Y XT iht:t.IGItS. l VW -Wqw q I''
Mornuing,10oclcktituas ind c i hg r v C an Buy Xthe...
d1 ;nlllot-n g-lntiini initiiis; fteiutt. 4
tiueltiti (-lass for ldies ecittoveig;
eviil: .:3 'cokaseily M o ni Lather Shoe$3.0 W H
roimpiby t'l Pt toi t ua r d tCitt . . . . . . . . .. .. That Wo't Break Through 21 8 S. MAIN ST.
mitt 114t 3

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