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February 01, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-01

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J J ~~~~taxpayer adds something to the wellI A N O H N
1>I, 0- " 5IPa o.Ieingof the community possessing edu-
cation and high Christian character The "0" $3.t10 She is the shoe
regrded in all the rltions of life by
Publshed Dary (Moda secepteddring tewie-ae ndsms+wtot, \ to wear whn the weather is usser-
Colt er at tewiercAdanotwtot"
eception the answer has 'nie from , .tamn. A ltterin des't hurt it
OF MmIortge flG AN bothi races that such an individual is while it ado0 lenty of comfort on
MAN OFIE BRANCH OFICE estemed and respeeed Eby blacks and] '"" the warmest stdys. -
adqMoS '16S. State Street. whites in the community where he re- _ But of course we have light shoes
t'has. to wSte'Phils5 sides, and that the tendency is more for bright dayfs and heavy shoes for
MANAGING IEDITOR, and mooe in this direction. If the op. rainy days if you prefer.-
o II" o fpsite wirtruetlconfesstIshould see
lU1B51lGK8R ittle hoe for the future. But so long_ GLASS OE STORE,
*F. EGELIA~B, t L as success commands respet and oni .hSre.
kidtssce there is lttle ground for doubt-
EDITORS0 lilllei'.(peeetgs Can"' A
ofdijuudnc5 P. M IN ARBOR, MICR
ATHLETICS. G. D. Htex s.ot F i eain otercsltuEec
A.H.Mcotoa~t'OiE. Atilt' i roithito take a high and im- m a
AssK. SA . oSA sowIE O O3E.4W ~. n.CIVNA ' 0 1in ifis sympathies m hlties, ils tactions, to x-30 UM O IN EN ORiS L
t. H wolo~w,'ta . PC UAN . e' ccLI if possiblie evn the white man. 3 A S I V N O Y S L
W. A 0 SOCOF , 13 E~ H, 'oos~ tet i1s tach himi to dwell away above
race hatred aiid aco antagonism. Let
Its teach hilni that love is better than
cruelty that It is more courageous to Our enitire too f all iew Clothing at greatly
______________________reeive 1111 insult and endure wrong iedlsictd prices diriig month of January prior to
On avout ofthethe iii it is to give iii insult and iiflict
aOnrng tatou anyte1wufd till' ei~llglAllSlillanltveioat at 8111ha'
Daily suspnids ll,lilntilt ~ t is svoll h at ifnhe anyoepwuldthellm itlanfcig Alsprcuiand OvsseroAts alssouma
_____uti ________ hll.n. up. tt us teach the inegro youtii thatsefotilo}frtiyansaem e.
ally idividtual or rae tha cherishes sl fti potnt n aemny
Booker T. Washingtoni si the "Negro rate hatred aid practices cruelty to All Underwear. and Shirts at 'reduced
QU~t0 rusini~g and nalrrowin~g the higest
usio"asipiraions of the humanl soul. prices. Every thing new.
Let uts not become discouraged or
I'l iversty 11101 was welll tilled lst attach too luch importaiice to mere
ight whien Rtooksr'T'. NoIs hilgloil111ill- 'eileits ill theO evolutois of the race.
pearedcll 11o011the lastformi. Illis ilhis- What we wtant mlot to Concern Our"3 * l iiI f~
tratiosweret-cc ecedingtly llllllsllsll, eles withl is tic questonI S to whethi' K 11AN D bUI
and Inealy Ivery semtence uas get-ci' or ot thec race itself is advancing.
lotion of the rire tprolem is to millke-,ioni cannot lbe, blotted out or smoth-
tie iegro a useful iman itliitile sracial ('1e(1No laws'call permanetly hoist an A H N H A R
aiid unpsretentious trasde. 'Mr. Wash'idiidual ack when le is worthy.. A H N _ H A R
inigoni believes thals s os Slll10the The worthy lmay beinicoiveiieiiced
nigro beoimes fmirly stll off frsoimilot never defea'tes.F b
matsrimlint011 of view. is Ills' iesult 3 NIGHTS & SATURDAY MATINEE W eJd. F b 6t
f indu-irous labor. it wihl eIseor'011' encry il-mikiti'sci inssorl-l nosvel, COMMES5NCING
iartivi y easy matter for hi to aic- "Quo Vamdi"as dranmalizsd Iy Stal- THURSDAY, Jfan. 61 First Time In Ann Arbor
quir reigin. moe cmplte deaislus tane, s t beprouce attheThe great historical and re-
1mir'rlgo.Aiisecsiil'cse sai lig.i oieltsi''la is ligiousframa. Snaton of
of Mr. Washington's soluiom~ say ise Atismsthieater' Wettlesslay F. -shi. London and New York. .
gluned froim the followimg extracts: ht~ Frs'st(1,.Whitey and 1Eswinm.C hte dEwnKols
Before we can discuss the question Kless's' Nw York eoipllsmiywitis VANCE COMEDY For.iitneYoran dudwionowle
known as tie 'Negro Problem' we the is' sitle regard to thms most ili COMPANYorgnlNwYkpodtinf
shoulsic aile to so far rid ourselves mutte s'stail sstas used wheimtietplay T
of rtin id sectioinal feelings to thim ts olfist a runimmni Ness'York amshlei a reeoreosr01bg Isrmicpmimlcios pro-
extent mmthtwe an put ourselves ilii'li. , ;o 'Ilhe smwie elsboste semerv' dced complete wt all oh ihei original me'U
lie p'ositionl of tile southern white maim Iislsrieai Iproerties'amid lagiifieetem m'animaiiand eectrilerfects forthe isttime
aimi at the sms ime loput ourselves i tim unImimes still 1 is4,eIt wh11511etms-ilst piopla pice.V AI
tie positioim of the inegro. When w0e )11' i iy p lm('hre', mid atliinishedh prdue-i
tt to the poimt were we are able to tir lom m 's'r'i ss's' i irosimiseuthms REPETOIRE STUcassnoms GBone oS, BILLIAN I
doths(5 tin we cam iscs hs ,ru fth hae , Thursday - "The Limited Mal"
thsItii ico hsl'1i5 15 llSlr "Quo Yadi ," Friday - "Treasure island" Dramatized by Stanisaua Stange
question with some degree of advmin- s;isresi'nted bhis iitney amd Kinowes. Saturday Matine "Thn -hidden Ban" MuibyJlaEdrs
:icto all sections of omreint iry. Satuarduallli'10t Ii~I y gt - 'Qeenof the Circs" Mmt yJla dad
h~lsileu paise iuthen~o~ laishStaged by Max Fremami
Whie we take a broad, genetrous insnnortby irss amd puhblic wherecve' All plays under the prsonl direcction of Mr Mammoth company incid-
vie'sif developments inl this country it has'been seen,.amd it is afe to pri- Vance and atong company supertig the ing 23 speaking parts with a
string tie last forty yeahs, a10 lhcy rtO'ish tuatMAsmager emihist will repealt wonderful little star small army of spernumr-
late the nm iegro, I thimk tie oth,his rowed'hIoss of 'rimscsss ChiS" "BEATRICE'"'lits... .. ...
thes witme sotthi and tie back isma id "'hill tlmgilomtl'.' alaso ihadCsl cnr
lists' 11 reasonm to become despondent Crod fRc n otySeey
bectauiise oisiitionmo are 110 better, butt N1'I'lt'E! Evening Prices: s, 20 and 3oc
i's-sy resoni ticonsgratulae them- 'vhmssthmsot 5iMatinee: Adts 20c, Children oc Prices: 5O, 7C $-00,1l-5
elestht he ntresiuatonissohe ik ,) i m milinemx si-imeter. Seam now selin; Seat Sale Monday, Feb. 4th, 9 a. i.
lhpeful amd sislifactomy. I~.lFT R K
sen imy itileghis 'is 101h",icit,li iica-sEVERYTHING NEWV'EXCEPT THE NAME
sona visit imnto lie conditionof Ily1 Chef d'oeuvre de -- AT
race liti mearly l've'ry southmernm state' 1lExipsition Uniersele
cots' seem theumsilltheir hemlies, on11thei-r
t ins l e"l shop. in llm i'fatliBY
tie mines, illtieir stoles, uIn'the Waton Sa$gil, 8aid1Champier@C
sehools, !ill fle curces, ii tie- jails, ADDRIESS, ai0m SOUTH STATE STREET
mut tietemiteutais, ands I iave talked the publishers of thimsork received the
Grand Pries and Gld Medal at the Paris E-
sith tie stlte peoptle th rue vm'' Ol position for ita excellence- All sorks sost on OEI
their masters, andstaremis'ow -tir nigh- susripion only..
bor. After thubissectiis mm.siiuined err -
sti hi asl115'thlh ~dnn~er o,' D PARLORS
hehato hRal et f h 3lKR I L ADsotl, c-issnmgi periiodhof mieteeni 41 Wall Stree, New York
yiears. I avs' 150hesitatisonu us1asseting HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES
thaut there is 'iconsst togess-rog- Tranosct a general bamking bsines. A SCCSSR
Toss that is tanmgible.vsioble, ldipt- Receive deposits suet to draft. Dividends R EID A D tIICE56fl 'OUTHF'
tablei. AisyonemIuc illis had daily op- aid Interest collected amd remitted. Act as TO T T
Fiscal Agnto for and negotiate the ise of EY -LSTR E
uotuiity of sttemidyimmy rises'rlt first railroads, stret rilways ga companies, etc. ROENHALEE I
iohatrea remo f iniugalleti e i- O Members New York Exchange._________________________
denesothat the race io otthimg ctown oEAL IN s lII SANITARY PLUMBING.
to is had, earnst, comhhInomm-ocisc view HIGH-GRADE INVESMNT SECURITIES. J8 I[it SCUifHU ELECTRIC COSSTRUCION AND SUrratz,,
sf life-that it is fast learnimg thait is List of current oierncn I--O c:: malo, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING,
race like atisinidividualh must pay for PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS. 207 E. Washington Street.HIHGEM ARTItI GASNTL AND N R REtETRC FITUR1ESI
-verythlig tiat it gets--sce ricse itt he- GRAHAM, KERR t&tCO. HG RD ATL N R T
ginning at tie bottommosit thin-social ______________
cale mad oking ill)gradualy,.linf- I

mually, to time highest s-Vit hatmoimn o CanYOC Buy the@. H
What are time signsa ofttimeipst anit
fupresent b I hisey cacticanm otecst time $30-5
have gout" t litrv tommglm an i~sem .....Trcb atnt eak thr Shoer $3.50 LM
to this question: tow s thse Jblack Tht -o'tBea. Trug 218 S. M IN ST.
inail who lhm'ts secileit loolielty --.1 5A~jJ&-k

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