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February 01, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-01

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SJuniorfop Will, if Plans Are Carried
- Out, Be the Met Magnificent Af-
fair Given in Years-The
Have your full Plans
dress suits for 'Tis yer'slJir aop promises to
the Junior Hop wtoe er1} applniroach the ideal o1 it
thloroutghl 'X3lihigan" affair tian any
made at oto of itis lreecessors. If in addition
to elaboateness in deortio and ar-
ittogentenin tis triupitcan be as-
sued tie dantc will long e renemt-
H oed as a mtarker in tite 00c1a1 life of
G. H W I D /ILD CO. till'tniverity.epas 'n rie polio h ing111
(11e1'of exat niot ld fart fromtbintlg
6. H.WILD a men' fraternity ball. the hop guests
IO8 E. ashinlgtonSt. iniotiit htt ev11 ticled t similar
________________________________ funct_ - ittont'itt AnnttArbor.
Ilittleto nt, repoarin iiat ill till'neigi-
bothood lot 25 0001p10s will0occ11p'yte
o1110s. Ap'rt' of junilo lito will f-
y 1] tdin IIaI body, a111d1as tewvfeaure
1/ 11100 neshave tbeersl irocu1rdl by te
W~~KVA E'~~~~UEA1101-rtorit1l 110111 1101 l il
log 1b it o Pit 0000f0a's Ilpec 'ia llt
hop 5promotoers ndtll ca ill]oi tt en1111
ed ot all tile defecis, labr'an1111malil,
tat 111111'ciaacterizdllfomer ihops1.
Thelb'ligtilgof Wterman1110tWin s an
_____________________________________ - illtiil l at s Iolf le'sit inll111nto fo t
YtU E.NOly,308 . Sto e t ree. t 1i'l, l-ie so he a1ff0ir. 1here11 as1l-n
A GO D LU CH . Ii]beenmerlless1111frition illn-l
t~-ei theIll 11U 1 hog.i11111eleic I ttl
TSrOEoroig esafill' erllO taii il eollltll] piire
Ch E ocol 08s.ate S 111. bo mdthi yeato whih dalOfo0111e
40 Cents per lb. 'i",ntoI i awp111'y iil be 111us1011dil-
Inwiil:;lthe n' ri ll e11 I nllinlie 10
NO TING a 1 111(1 ilh ililby the ll]]ifl ign ll' c11ri'
Q R Y S loll]te 111001'. n )e~ot leo
Trowbridge's - evperanil tdnotsi s riinatvae
ln portedr o cloedI151 es
+ hS11H r{ ORIINA)evel'.mps haniin gdI'llich.erwhichh
40 mad s e r us inb -er- he1111 it ill]. etasl' id111 11' llty1in-
'owl o'aam nte wils 110)'il illi d I11 slntei sitl pl aces11000)
cut1. oln Universtheityiinaldeig.
--yo 'l- njy-m kig--11'_111 Seer lStude' tsill110unawaytslltil
*{ ( ndeprize for itsp oddity. iio 11W I'l'0110 0) 110bdy
* n110011re'lto IeI)h110t1 e eot t- l
F $1. Q achTrakh e Wr.Aa
1. Im orte(_'l\eliclyiteenfonthe rck10111are
* + o kingWlike heavetying 1.1 ivl
, Into m e fayorm ftior tefr meet uwith
I Bim r imltinohtsos ae wtth orkhackry
- somewe.htlost Cphayesld ~ho, hf-

.DAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1901. No 96
101 all 'these dlnado antago. to Come SECOND ANNUAL CONCERT
up smilidng whenl the contet arrives.
Nufer, 5reitenbach, tBuckley, Fish-
leigh, Haslamn and Hayes 1100 doing Of Glee, Bajo and Ma ..lAin Clubs
fine woriot:imtie relaly trils.and Feb. 9OFlmrises to Be a Great
othters110re soing lIp ell. s0 that Success-Ticket Sale Feb. 4
Micihigatn w1il11probalybe 10stronge'in
Ill t)he hudles, Roinlsl~l. lasiam 10ss for til ec00101111nal1c1 ocert of
and1) 1-tohiigh are exhibiting fine form, the Iii]']. Banjo and lliManli lubs-11),
andlll c1 make a speedy set. Thte as grea~t if 1111 greater1111111tat
sprints at present are not so well reip-owhichm atltndedthe first annua1l11co01-
resented amnd mothing can be said defi- lot of lilst year.
illttlly abiouItihem. Itti till'miltiontof te 1mibersof
Sw-eeley is a sew mall it till' shot theiclbn to halve thin 000 ot an i-
11111 iltt is making at goodsti 110ilg al- 111000111110lupolthe o0. . last year
ready. Ito and IRobinlson iturl 111e11t -o ant tI accom lpishimthat i to Ithey iae
sphere about 38 feet, which is a1s gil tsubjetel'd temeves 1t,,1t1'emeary amd
as "Bummk" Hall ever did in 1110 base- 1011ious1task of 0011001 ..'i PrellilI-
mnlt of the gym. The low - elilg till] for thoe eent. Aloig -pittis to
preven']ts lng distanmc oork. til'efot to hav thi-- o'((cot of till
fail' 111k11n th1111'alf lef1111. un oll-is faim-. and ini time ecoll. custom11.
lbusy withm 111' tol'. 'hboe liel'is. of Compared) 011 'illssome oa "4at' itr
lettl~l. ai0110'r1111111nt 1wi111'r. SloanIni ~stituttin,-Michigan a few' su111
and1 lb-Nel-ar110' doing labonit 19ft Gint1. clustomsllto lie p to. amttlthose few
int thiseent andtisihleigh about 1010111gh to be helpedl alog amd foteed.
ft. 11010111 i is lso keepimig 11 1110 highThils customt of aniatnntal cocet. gi-
jllipi aIllpromtinse,1101.Armtrtong011 by-thte three 1111011al 01)1110a10i1
and1 C 'lrk atO)'stitll aing'troubIIle ocial 00011, is yel11nits imfancy.511
jumplingli'lof111f il(the lt ll i1eadoftheO yountg 11111helpless tat if Io nsupport
11111. in, giv em if will Oliandl little show.
distanmen 1111Silala1i- 'at 411111-ok, t oyakdtO111'iio lead1-111its nupport aid ie
whih ever'y o]1e10isin'ins1. tit's enc oateoent to In trmml'yit ilpr-
that is ;fther as, w rse a :011.and 1fotbal, o i s e all, tad' it0 Se011 onl'
- __________________por'le sit des]' erve111s ilto e. 1-111
1'e-1eade011ofthe dli0 illerti' lubst1'l
YOST OF LELAND STANFORDl" tlas rethirptslos
as 011a 11eldllidit'l'tiugait 0 is101)11
Will Bt One of Mifhigan's Coaches Si oallluto11111 101Ils wIil he1 int'llee:an gteii s::tign
_11ii 11t'e 'iiay (f 1it imedlil'yI , till' 1)11.o
Coach An Enviable One s1a11 mandolilin lu1111110n1011r. Nil Has-
1in. is 1111 'l l]t111111' ''olnIl.''
11' 111 1 l 'illni's in - ll i n )1 ilit
Irdn t iili I ir I tl'lI' L a] iird t 1111111 potsi 111 h,1 assist ill tiaitgti 1ne -omt it
yesterday11)'from it111"g'c'I'lchl"t'' xptdi successfl one ii. an111l11115securmedl the
it4,11 Wil']10 110 rit1111111' r~lIll' 111the0s 1thomer fom1110 occansoi. Tils
latei-ng ImMr. 111111 n mai: "on'lu Ii 11fr10)111tie University ial will
11111t 011'ay it ''11 i ]il t w ae loe n tiln 11'liltap )''eillIt by all who attend.
deite111a s y'let1. 1 Oilt's11111timig flt- sotin oil tbe p1000)1 on sale Montday
ill-apre ent thatltha11 Co11h111111 Illrli ng ,1101110' d ItI .ill S a immat Widet'
applpitiolltn tha 1111101ostiely tll get Tue cnicert will be gient at 7:30 p.
an1 ac''it-olmlOOe" Front11thll'above00if in 'IBy beginning at fis time lie pro-
11ikl'llto ll'eIllst 11o ill'ercoacing any111 Irternitty'ttht winlenIllgioe a
.tall' m1101fill.' 1)1111 -loin'A lit limsti at-wl betod o fe
Trost phiMeltfootbalill tiLafayette
ill It'l'r 11 ltmaFitn envl'iIi tabl'ei]'illlt l Cling e in Law Library fours
101)0 ~ft nIleai ng ol nl]] I l k, im '' 'l 11wasililli
<tnif to co for' OliOtt till' gul 01 ]ilill ith 5 inx I ne te] 1 it11
10005'histeam nii 110a1 t .11)1]) intlt tint ti l'mml'oml ofll1a1y. lull wem librarpe'
the1fall1 of1 89'n. ie h la~i vi time '0m e .11''a rsn volit
nfthfalrostougmhis elilliStim-tao helbayi tsIotv :t
ftihe tyear. mliVOoia.110 tlpfd - Corsin1:10:Ami-nistrative . Law
tIll'1gr9ltaebraoalmgsynmlisIsebe Im le ntaragmett- i
iemmxs low'ear, 00 tlandTothoot yeammts'"',111A 00110i)it Ameio t ap, in.t ntal1110
)ih'llvl frtmre. Plt11101 os-et'chleunil6'l~egock.mth by 'Assit r.:
Ivit gem'ytintind smtd 11 it ' d bmrte- evletghoa'mg lime ecmo mh e nem
balldtmedmiliswillstomctsla111011lell10biim a~eld ill heOIf ll, Tpamsy ale
dayl ko n. 11lty hattier arityn. lwmstudn, 1..dmtegiemdthay ill
a1 19 Ytoesostl10010thisayear. aT ime teamig. r ibay-or. 1;
oagainrhis tsoinsmmee~rtaimmoat ieeins- Ttla ure hp vilm ltisatclyea tudylof
ning tofwteadois eteatntheegaes ite fes ir aednpitatve ous in orten
emveytemno tp eysucessn fulether of the gveaul tteamiitrtva
~~~~~~~~n ~ ~ ~ ~ eea prciegvntlu enso m euadoibeasysta esofloitov-n
LasIt f atYtndane.emnet wthaneaandeioninonli
fordbut hat nivrsit hasado eth odofelectAdinistadveawlste
thgaduat Loacminsy02 mo Leisradlelga ahneyfrenocn
dm. a ld hoehirwek.y haobeincetoitenlawby Asthe arof.s
deae Bisadtath ofeIbase-atherlie-durin' thetrecone oemecials

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