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January 27, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Dal y .f ANN ARBOR,,MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1912. ELECTS 3R NEXT TERM. "BIG EIGHT" START WORK SOON ON NEW semiannual election of the Literary society, held-Friday the following officers were se- eter R. Fagan, president; Gil- nes, vice-president;Werner W. r, secretary; Willis B. Good- easurer; Percival V. Blanch- gent-at-arms; Arnold Eggert, 1 delegate. ations are being made for the ebate with the Alpha Nu. The te try-...…

October 27, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…-5 Michigan A Reliable Directory of Reliable Busines ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBET 27, 1911. OL ________________ 7 ,' I T VANDERBILT PLAYERS WILL PROBABLY USE YIELD HOUSE. Lockers are in Place and the Showers are Ready. TILL 'ou Is In all probability the new Michigan' field house will be opened to accommo- date the Vanderbilt team "which ar- rives in the morning," said Director Bartelme last evening. "We have not Scrim- def...…

July 27, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…3 4 7 3 . ;. ;, AO T "Vowm m HE "W "NI Vol ll ANN ARBOR, MICIGAN, I I 1'SD\V, JULYX 7, 10ff. No. 12. CONSUMIERS MUST L11 REWtL AblE ' [)E 1; HEWLETT EXPOSES 0 1OCA, DRNIN 0110 RET] :7 C tt~lt }g' us II TO GIVE EX I T f RUSES OF QUACKS 0110i11aly"i fof r Professor of M~edicine Nanies has not yfe101ff fll'terfffl siiid aiin i(ie bythe secerfors111f f1111011110,t\ .Many Famous Scoundrels h1115ensprad 1ffraly llallth in Quackery smlerOs 1...…

May 27, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…heMic iga Vol. XXL. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1911. No. x6i8. SIX MIHGNAHEE PLACE FOR THE FINALS Great Showing In Yesterday's Preliminaries At Cambridge Makes Wolverines Loom as First Place Contenders CRAIG FURNISHES THE SENSATION Cambsiridtge, hiass., fiay 26-The trials hopesif her aidherentis wel 'zCri ini tihe Initercolltegiate today resultein ceaie lack and tllee 23 feet 3 itches. tile phlacig if six iietigait me~i in t...…

May 27, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…The Michi 1gan aly ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNIDAY, MAY 27, 1911z. Vol. XXI. No. 169. .._._ ,__ t ._ VARSITY DRAWS THIRD IN RECOR SMASHING MEET Cornell and Yale Nose Michigan Out of First by Close Margin---Collegiate and World Records Tied by Craig HORNER. SETS MARK WITH SHOT fis:hetCiushlm i(YVale) first; ITa- i-ils' (Rutgers)sc.oiiTim'11501 5 17. i t( Priiii.etounl) seco.iiiil Tone 16 lis i ltOslillm (:Vale)'fist; lii- (10c ( 1 151(~id 1 ...…

April 27, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…The, NileiganDail~y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Tilt RSDY PI)\' 7= F 91Li-u Vol XXL Ni. T41-. OLIVET DABBLES IN COSTLY AIRY STUFF, Flight is Pulled off in Sixth And Michigan Scores Ten Circuits MELEE FEATURED BY BUNGLES After outtplaying the Wo' lerinieso' five rounsl the Oivet bialtpa ers, wos who apeared oo1 Ferry Field yester- day afternoon began to dable ii aro- natis and after getigon the wing smashedt thei rowniiprevious msnii ifor high fli...…

January 27, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…The Michg ___. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Il/II.N. NU \. NY ;,I/N 2 1No. 86. Vol. XXI. vORELL EXPECTED. TOk I'ME 'VARSITY TlI ') I i l,"--LY MOIND)AY 1,C l ,SOE. WILL LECTURE TO i V}1Y F 7. y i i t 1 forserrdresMetrrig eroier -IN s Ca'her Lin C .. .. i i C .1 . . \ l'i oi'li'it'o ii la t 1 t 1/i 1111 i/tot i 'l 1 11 i~I''t i//'iii 1 it j I1Ii 11'/''( 1' I/t / at 11. 'o ridesI;iil' -,i tm o IMANY SEE CONSECRATION (1 ll/i i/i ii w iti ~ , s''ou...…

November 27, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…* ichigan Dail AkNN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SU.NDAY, NOVI\IBI"R 27f 191)) Vol. XXT. No. 46. WON'T ATTEMPT TO REJOIN CONFERENCE' Michigan's Athletic Authorities' Take No Steys to Reenter 'Big Nine'' INJURED VETERAN TO GET Tht"N"ia ilmae1( eft fold 0se1ms practicoally c-al.Ioe ca ekn w 'riday'that n)\ollie teprein tative11 P 11-o 11]besetto' \ rl 'eetesondith th'1 w111 i111'i 3. i i s Sl-o ng V11111 tha1th loc lItit llt( (, a e ))11ui iol (f tag aI ...…

October 27, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan -____l ANN ARBOR, MkICIIIGAN, T1IIORSI) XX', OCiiIIR 27, 1910. No. 21. Vol. XXI. VARSITY GROSSES LINE FIVE TIMES' Straight Football and Snappy Attack Characterize Work of Regulars PICARD MAKES 2 TOUCHDOWNS the l t llrClllmid C II IC stll X01 lls fronta1I\\ 11 11111 vie11point.1 am s hut1110 ex 11111 ceponl, lbut the11me1 tiese wereico1111siCtlyeffct11ive . gill ii.,t llto ln o rtunI Ci o 111 ceIIl te 1110tho 10ists of11 1 1 c 0 ...…

May 27, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…'Ago h -omm, The M'ac igolo C-Ad & 11 .,., ai ly , N ARL'OR, MICHIGAN, FR I D. !I 11" - < . Vol-. XX. No r6r_ METHODISTS FIND MICHIGAN STRONG In a Slugging Game, Wolverines Take Revenge for Former Defeats SMITH KEEPS HITS SCATTERED (,Sp'/ecial to lhe lfichiito r'oi i l").o Syracuse, N. YV. \la v 21-ii racil oo fell before therollslawitiof the Ill'4-er (ie ttravele'r>s tis afternoon. 'be ,Methi (dists1 too(1 the(le adrail 01tle star t li t...…

April 27, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…=oX IN NARBC)R, OMIHIGAN, 010001PINI\0 ?.1T, P )g0in. No. 141. \170L. XX, RELAY TEAMS OFF FOR PHILLIE TODAY Wolverines Must Play Off Trio of Games from Schedule This Week HORNER GOES WITH RUNNERS iill I'. ii op n 1 1 crI I'i 1at i° \ (1 ' I11110 at1 t %:T- Cl <XI II 1I tcli il hee 1111e s0 o \, n ll _1 ,1 orn ~ I t l11 I I11 ll 111- 11r h " i lz aliiV t i n olI 1 il So 1 ~ e th 01lic t11 ,,oi ICI r' si t I> ill 1 101 P n I oo 1 l:>' I~o -t i...…

February 27, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…e 4M AW Alms. s s" t 'r Vol.. XX. Vor. XX.-NNARBOR, NIICHIIGAN, Sc \ 1):\N',Ix lFIZl :\R1N ,, if. H) x HORNER PROVES C°RNIS'BI C\ T I ASK LL-ROUIND STAR vixiotlixi aditionxto rlexlitiof ,xix I NlubshatuAiihiixx has apeardin lei ________Corxhxsi Ci Cliii)orgniuzedih1 lo ltx in Preliminary Indoor Meet xfiveisudes from Nebraska: clxixxiii Funds Horner Scores Three Firsts-- adWilliitixixisxc xi Class Relays Exciting. their itentioni oifi pxxxs ...…

January 27, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…Mic9 .=\N NRili0Rl, iMIHIGAN, ' H J _ j A lxii A Li Y _ r \701.. XX. INCREASE IN HASH OUTPUT EXPLAINED' Boarding Houses Claim that Y Price Must Be Raised or More of the Concoction Served. h L( he1 ii1iiilii' 1lixS MV IWIiSa ofx hoar ori 1mvi thi e staml lix {f lx' stld lts txi xxih ilixxii ii it I lat il th priics fu txiii'' appear 10 ard () - i ll ii'xli'i xi x11( hxig txIIii lx'." T( l llcr sed hl] 11 pl -tiali },Ii An\'' threIS u r'' ' lw...…

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