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April 27, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-04-27

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The, NileiganDail~y


Ni. T41-.

Flight is Pulled off in Sixth
And Michigan Scores Ten
After outtplaying the Wo' lerinieso'
five rounsl the Oivet bialtpa ers, wos
who apeared oo1 Ferry Field yester-
day afternoon began to dable ii aro-
natis and after getigon the wing
smashedt thei rowniiprevious msnii ifor
high fliing, the affair finally enting with
Michigan oni te ong ent of a 3 to 4
sore. Varios tbrands ofecitemneit
wertewedgeilitiitte wirdt rondis tat
nraggei loainng tilt ivy tast stpter toe
bt the big c rowi seemed to enjo the
spectacle and manyai of tie oaring'
hounses id a light stpter .musiness. The
melee wan more or less of ai joke the
jiske1bing on Oi et i timonciiumin is
to le tie criterion, o Micigan i the
errors are toi le omted.
Verheyn wias aniiut teiconliy plaer
who appeared woi diii anting to le
pruti of, thoughn ell id somi' great
hitting. The Duchiman twirleil a spien-
diii gamne and 'wlanvliie hit ot the
visiors hail nt ii ackers felt cated
upon ti assist withiitie exhiitioinilf
plan anti fancy flying. Heltheiiis-
torn to founr hitsdnring the eight rondsiul
le serves1 and hi cstrl isas ierfec.
i sis niort was so ad soinnaci f the
tor that he shdnt dare let the biatsmn
toucne all whenvii'i le ciil lpieti
sin he fanneditweveiof tis'Cogrega-
Marlin anidi ycviianohail ailay
ini rie field aid Waliner, playinsg iii
secondiiiyrirfiiVarsity untl, natiethi
first errior that tis beens renried againt
hiss since le donnel Michigan's uni-i
tors.Marliss iand 'salter rideeme
thesmseves in a mneasure by tinist hittiig
bnt Sonty failei toi doiasyhingwitl
hifs abubnnd anserrikedl iiilet Mn-n
son iii fr him ii the eentful sixth
Johsnny Casmpbel fiislesthtie jiut.iltii
fnar cirner andmil id wel.
oat,'r 'in ics sa.
As ahsve intimsanteditie visitors nctes
very ancin like swinsers for smore thams
hlfitthe fane an hiai rie fasisoincei
'They grabshesi a lenti of twoesiitinoe sne
er due miaisly inn inwo Woverine huots
I asiilt itliibht Wnltser droipel ar
fin's loss of Berry's groundiser aiii fnie
to sallte ranner it secni. Benase o
this lesas nable inn score whlen Snnnorn
liii over Hilli. De~iue fonne to Mc
Millasn fine wsat souldshave een ts
third onsi lut it ws nlmsy tie secnt
and Berry scored tie secisns run wht
Hilliierred. 'rie W\vnerines evenei in
matnters npin inthe third shenithle
drie aise oiinials ndnolPell andini
folowed will smssases sihat ent tis
tinn aersu. ''le visitrs minim the ens
againsinn tienexmen-irosundnwhicnsstwit.i
anti a scrifie plsteelSanford instini
and Marlin's error let him score. A
eror by MMillaniwsas responsibleicfo
anioher tOlivet runsin the first ni thit
sixth liac gave lie visitors a ledno
Tlh rennl firewonrks werentdeleanye
log and the Oivet la irn ilatst ln
Watner died in tie beginning of tin
sixth hint Hill drew a pass an sse sen
ond. lays rappedi a warms nne Inolth

visiting short stop winoniessednitiiinn
linhs Fill and hays were snafe. Maclif
resposided weih a cleans rap sneer secon
and tine captain camne honor,1Daiys tol
lowi'ng him when the Olilet third sacki
nlsillt a therowVuWiths the score tie,
(-ontjnued_ on Page 2.)

'T'he Vnrsity bandisilipInsthlie twon-
stes. andsiGrnngr'siorcesrn tiesvnitz-
en nt ti' Bindnci ln'e itoe hnldinn 1mm'
bnoiur gyninannsiunn tiinight. Prsoessor
hal ni d Min r. iHumphres sslfithleir
nwises swilihpeoe
np tie existing ndefiitiii tiebannin's fi
nanncs: if tie results isanirntitthere
wil bi'anonter band danince inntieneiair
fnuture. 'T'hefist of tiesierincncet
is tin le ginens niweek fruns Fridanynight.
Thec Ii~sne iil isunlis tins'progrnamn
next neck.
Dxniesoc ssiiNn iOESmcTinret:issn CTiv' ci'
Denn -MrXs. V. C. Vuiginhainn
guos' toi 'ivn rse Ciiy snhsre Deanii
Vaughannill addiiress ai inesting f tie
Ioa cctofspieriisors f ue ccinti.
Original Songs and Skit on Union'
Dinner Program Tonight
h)anI-M . unts'suibth ie gest f
nns' nt tie ns'Cninn memnne'ipniinne
atnhe lu bhouinnns' tnonigt. Earthi nines
iili tae cdines'fnitin ms' ninae prorm
FredLaIwtini'ill int'nu5cca .s mcig-
iilsog sentitedii"Thum'War'Soing o
'Ihe Mo'riis." prantkts BeckmnnndmiiAr
slim Conheni snil 'niluinn'sit w iritteni
tny ''Conrk''Rinirdn"n''asnnnns'uPrtner,"n -n
Ticketc wilt he soildiforine ty-lie
t t tAP''IS' i' ANQL i' FRIIAV.
Presinleent Eminerius Jiinc 1. Xingei
s s'll rute trinfni'ipsa'isp'aknrito ii'noi-
sight at tins'fifthsaninualnniuetlii of tins
,tiDr'ingel ninth sieakitoshn tin subjeit
'asniw 'ic-rs"
a iiThomas J. tavs iz , illsciint finn
toasmasier tsAmongthetinsspeakeri s
n inth ticRhiss Irmnk E ahI oO
e kit inns 5 iiEI.Lit \-Miss ITmguis
ctretchnilln itsing in'ikctin Icomm'
orcn siiwi lliuritch isis
Id inis-r nint htc'sr's'n'o'mipnnntin tF
k 'nclockiandr'smell ad'idrsswislnitbi
1. gien eremnonnughn tinallow innsmmone in
tuttmu "Is on1mm ins lusninn Noiipla ts
canibie resevs-cit ner tdayn-.
- w i'ca ''nnoits, shs' nmosanulu
ieeincleanted,. nirrowsumeicedinoni in sifm
sn-lens their csmt capsizezdilinn tins' inn
'nyseiridnnmanternoonn.'Temy scre rcs
enncei hi- ailad-y-aiidIgnutinmimn ao in
iiimyserniiouscognominin, inhtines-e0pais
ing in n nuinc' c'n e nac 'id ntt nc tti-
Ir nipnposite this icc'hnuses andtn ne infithe
di utnn'tunnnnnes miii mi-ethus-n for tin
s scondinimiie nwhenle wosnictikelnup.
Ai ___________ _ ____________
ce i-e. A'. X's -Snler, patolnr ioftin
) First Methoisft curhi nillspank
lie Bapstit Gunil at 700 p. i. tinningoi
"Tlhe trinciplnes nil teo'Meiluinsis
di Churih." 'fie tai:aillle ine ofi aiso
mi nbeore tie chasscincis stutihinni
cthur belies ofthtie vnriuss sects. She
sents are inviten onatensi.
in Ceserr O. Stapnles, 'all'o nti Mi
nid PaulinesiDr Nnncrse.innaugter iof Di
1- andniMrs. Caren i.. IDeNnncreowen

r imnrried tit evenuing nt St. Andurewc
ni churns. Mr. ana i rs. Stnlessuill risd nBiis ouba

Toledo Alumni and Commercial
Men Plan Hearty Welcome
For Banqueters
Theo'Ss'nioiu'aw ntnq itnsue C'ommituteeo,
shin Boardn of Conmerce nofficilc sf 'Tu-
leoa tie Tol'edouina'sumnti s soas-
tion ariie coum iinmg tnicolefnflues atin mkes
h tis Clnss inn tins-Ohiotmits'opliihs. 'tins'
ianqusent conmumuitte'e'huns henn il crres
pionh'uo iitns-nceiwiththenBoar nf Conmumeurio'
mittis uring thiso' mint nd has 'iu
un's-mmdtisedo'thunt nas'ovalnweiometum'iili
no-n-tsindthus-s-nsiing banqtierm's. Thin
Toed Ais ii'smi ssoicain ofmi theiitil
in- i s at s otco- o nting wushfil ,cls
'Ibs m ring mu miss it o is nm tmn-
o'nn-i al mu m msos the cas'a lm sw ia
be sk d i th -wriii t o ifctins-siucs ui-i
intlssin nthdie nt n fm timitheudit
cree ipub ilie nd mn i 55 iii t ctcd} s s ims'iii'
inn thein' lim itshuty shi-itfs havnmuee
apinemliivtin mins reidentii'mthao'i'rn
the's writ. Oa nunch 's'- t is ni ''enturns."
to attiiid ti heid i s tusi '. iTis no tin-m,
usi endmmiitishtsr tipape'r lkipt iby this
ctudinsts s souven 5ir. 'hies'"etsrn~u
wmii n-e o-pt ii te' shrifs' ndmil urmmmi
s ee ii ithem t islt cis'streansrer. lOn
ri m mrisssmg t n-it occlocinn tin
I Practfice co ums'sRiomn qmuemtnd ramiilm-
ha esgn t iii're u iiof ii c slts
s'heigcotracsins. muemini ngand iso'
55 inig of tiens quenmtprgramsmias
soomi awarmmdshoutinthis' l's in m mii iting
e u an hirai'In.no Tleo.The li
s crora iiwil ommnsit igh~tt lites.
f do ein ii iii nd m go liton is to inus
pmisrs-dsmied-ithnm ribmon. 'sn sum
s ssd sentlno tthis'tin ii out us nitIie n
c ryMion tiefns'tut (over of'ntheIo-
sirmm usncstsmi sn einhiprogram'il mi
beo au phoimtogra'ureiuof Dia nsIamstkeor
minfromsutsoflhins mroont iphotographsii
1. It is estimmatd toi friolnmni75to ti20i
t,) ncnnmmimnminofthenoenorsmLaiw Cassil ii
sinmmi'e hotnis ist 'onTo sims
Class Baseball Series Will Begin on
South Ferry Field
Clnass ibasebnall play-era gt inn ctins-
timoday siths i ons'miii ing onilrthinmte-cant
seies of met~55s. thine ncestsi'ianu
ifiscedutn-liii'orsuthtn Fensy isimd at 4mmg
' m eig '12, '~1.3iiis thi ts-mi ais. ii
di tiem' nti s e e 5'tig tun- hmsim-ili
t, . 'ra iiigs siill bemaidmmifuss'tins- diiifirn-im
cdimod, -mmmiiineclss '.'miigetGins
wiill seo nntins'ppnitfiim s-t o m p u ie
Asiheretofoinre. mch tenmmwuiltmues
s ungver ithmr i' ce u is-muits searutmnt, anti
mete iswintesnisolhe detenrminediy iem
at ingss. 'limo'games n-ill he liimieshb
s-is-n insings inmin o - ' huts tins'tlee
'emi. iMoritz Lievi,iof tie Fri-mch ian
Itainum prittmnt, hus eets forcsedi5
giso-ip Iis cnassonsbecnausesof iill meli
l e c exemtin tor uts Iis wornk agr

)r, next faii. liii sectionmsmwiiili e tuse
hugbysome'eithemi-n mes onf line iemar
smnu mbiteProf. Cniicenmwasnunablie
,e- tayjust hsuithmisc dulise wusldbesi is'

'' Inc S. C. A. can pmnnisnftr'nni fine
flumd is bti-nu nslise i iiiei'imticak-Iw
nine V. XX. tC. A. asI v hitne X' . C. X.
Th milnusemnm initie ns miv it'm'i'cfi 15 )5' fa
Ttitsd-sum uig hnic mmmcc 5mm 1 uic cn nun
assain1 theIn'uin mimtinnshade .;oton then
"Xnmmeni ninies miuelmes'' miii'she
Ti k r l(I)(', isf tn 'nthe c t miicbsta'lisa
is them'fact tlimt so) mis nunscif tin'sttmns
ar mn t o n u t I minis' 1,1ii1c nim nun'
cc-smits-su i o r oisvetinheteritorym
The [ nmi mii mmmfii fc 'edl iism'cl.ini
numl nisuti-mug Ii 'ius 'sii rm' this sinus.
]hilmm i" inn unnm liiie in dn ii nn li sin111(1
Hungarians Invite -Their British
Friends" to Athletic Tournament
's ieceunti n'mmmmnnn tt iimm re'c'ivedl in
hucuinmi r I (all fi-n m hsAti 'hlentic' mund
Imuitbnsmi Clib if the:sKoalB mush chii
h [ighsSchoolumi()f 1 tim ics tm ci Ilutinnyin'n -
mm- ftc miiiindt8. Tieaicle:nafteriin
onmi-mi i'lsc. it is inn mmmlInII u~ttr ki-losim
cnv s M invitma'tis siiminn im nun{s tins
contests, andi 1S addnsst d i. m "0iii °miss
have mut bet in s nun )f he - 'eri~t
mmii iii 1 cc ii
Ii ilim it untl'umini c i ljlw li f ifmo -
thin iii sii, i t1 vru s 'e in-
u-nns'- lu e m te ciitic ii iml ii'

Either Six or Seven Men Will
Enter Eastern Carnival
''o l ii. hi)r . K a~ ii'u lii w uldmiii -nn
mit ntluum in ' einit.st m-is 5 prob--~
for' tina rstci morlin itoi npclcin flesun
I nisat uia c m hum gum s a ii :d l
mhianm musSntins'si. limit mm l 'mmiii mmih
mi'ss taien siii li havei iii isis' t
to stnk c'tent: l l at rc inn idfo rl
yc mcr mi aferoo , butiii i c nii's- i
tle 5t dl m is liiis still wmumk 's' ufm'wsiu
fcmiii mic b ttr ni chouldt ill i
fairl - ci shalei usaif inse 'ichnuganm
citarisis-t m sitfin Iii theii iii cs Sntum



of lmnnufiy tmiim 'aic th Isumn'a
rin h inh Scha is t m edue its
inc m n nuns I g ,ofte od .
'X~c u it nut i thin in'' mmlI un
amim mmii mspitili anIit al tin-
warth of our Fr mii nl eeig :
mmih the animu cem nt 5555he 5ie
ners prcios tophes nd ilemos i ll
GIR 1 M1ARsu Nl'ssW f)\Sl ii sRING
tUnisvertsitty- wom 5 'en ' re icrimioti'' the
nmInthtimsun ,.o re inuttdhumis c iii
in t na' th s tme oke5rspcsfo5h
fin i At hoifc 'liiteumsesti llmciithe glie tiS'

i-sit limts NO m imm iii ins' sil
race yesterda 'isisit mWhtn iich man ias i'is
iti c a fe i nches iahead.
davaftrtm m tat ohlr w l a mmm-i
pnt he is t" tati nv de te'eas. iii
Imas licuetrem i hehn iii timd
simcs thr'o5'sliandi minisn-ot put Cap-
sho ili_ udingitfrntiii'icntfirm'
'sl im ts o i n tem ir emits.
Iisi certamiiin tt nuthe bad luck sufferli
ml n alter t heins'A ns' time reiii m ' i'a tin
abinisiio in .i
Nnies oi-s t at he mm cis as
b! till: thim ch.he i lin, ut ever"
tis priilegei hs beendenied ihem
tin, Isis cut smhulas n t s l f r
miiishind o mcallin i nt m his plcd w th
mumn ou r e h i i m t ushd it inn
adlim to he lst i th ulasttwe tty-fourss
hiuses. 'At this' in n t 5 tisi nn t ee is
onl io e ral cste, suI nd ph SnumiimI'1
K of Kls'. intoces wre 'numl
iin caiitio nur ingal suts mwhoi
lives' t b cntted iin this'lutst
(ive ears: , .) a onc, I;re nine-
tin'tionifdltretm ent kll 1e gn enn a
the ud isse

\nl,-nnum-ii' all C upid csignedh upiifomr Iise. miii ine instld 'aturdayi5 evening,5 'sApril '55
mmii 1ilit tallast Tummiiinh ensdiiamm 'sn mu tGc'r c;ill'aictr 1' ~si
toni Nm-ennnun, 'toi who hita n s nnal t mum '1s 'Vi ev atc II ilata
nil tins' tnlni RpidSm s i It Is c nn cltok toatit c adi il 5555ng W)I~
mut am is'-us'ie mies 'Ohary Mic ss ise umit, ilgv oass: Co incurg,'' -1,
unti Prescot > os,'f . stoi It ay od e 512 lii , atr,'1, is
em ' tis slice ,.P' t. l C 1tli linset mini- Mmm iss linus S 'mllo mi
cu VOte limsnun ito-in-inni i h e amiusi ini tediii In lhullS w'itl
in uildngan n ew auditos's i m. A in cll- F aci/ ) mx toapomnn:
nnsuon inmhimsnutf $fintoorulii Klamazoo ber5 io's nt heits'hthChurmchm of (list Sci-
Nornmmnl Onus mis- veoednm. Tihs'presen nt nh-mim-n' a In-i's lecture o 555Chrsilstn Sci-
utate nsf thu statilsa i5uiu'ncs is csmi to enu~n scrub Cnamswell'mugs-lalcminm-st
mvi' wcrrnteiditinsatiouni. "mmml us mhio atns l .1 mss mmumudi
1 4

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