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November 27, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-11-27

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* ichigan Dail

Vol. XXT.

No. 46.

Michigan's Athletic Authorities'
Take No Steys to Reenter
'Big Nine''
INJURED VETERAN TO GET Tht"N"ia ilmae1( eft
fold 0se1ms practicoally c-al.Ioe
ca ekn w 'riday'that n)\ollie
teprein tative11 P 11-o 11]besetto' \ rl
'eetesondith th'1 w111 i111'i
3. i i s Sl-o ng V11111 tha1th
loc lItit llt( (, a e ))11ui iol (f
tag aI tepsiltowar pi11111111 i+i
"IMrtbakittt(o the 110111 -,
woitd se s patialiInCagd
I 10 itthco f rotce, it ordO iato o t
fttitd o ntiui'e'o to b ' irulap ted. i tll
11iltiait h i la 01111 itlie t' < 1
furher" col testsii bi ttieeniittillGophers
and stleno leinessht il ii lc.11:,
pat: iniiiite i ii lo I he lcl f
cil (0s1tilt aw ito 11111 11.1 rely1
thes i re'ue'''1r110 Ic g me
fo ~ri lH ,ilcl1 ;Il i
ben added11 he nae11f0 0 0 1''een
It001was11atIli amo ilfC('iitha (111 i(
fourtee'n p ~lay r 1 1()itai t ici pae l
10110 ti all e Fr11 ay by1 the 11 111111o
{sen ii it ion i *, t-oil i 011by
111111. 1lalf,1the0poiili t 1111 th i th
Whih 1o11cpaitat( 1111 tathewa
focd o g110111 t, Pat-1 11. lI

IliI C) 1; t'[KC'I, N I' ?I)_Y
Wil h "i"- V ie de Pais" lo I h etiIOct
10 11-c il1) C di s r1 i F e choIIal
III0-, iii;111111 l is in11P11lrii Prif.
WI I-IIt zn~nv o his i ii iliein
I c .l01~ii Iiaces 1ill 11 11 1 1111111with ithe illtreet
Iife >i hat1(. 11I Fren 1011111ntlife-
"SPOllIRctS" rter f-mltOe TArLK
iten oihiulfordjies LcueBfr
j .l M. C. A.kil Tdatyedi h

Five Hundred Copies of ?Prize-.
Winning Drawing Were
Run Off
"..The Crimson Chlest" posters giioo
sale at thte State street 110011stores to-
mo10r1o1. Thoew' will sell file tell c0)11
asOi l ;a1nd111the Oeditionlth1)11b1100)l1i111-
eoiv hundredtlcopi ese.
Tile traing, itself is the work of0
Jamels hMeier, '4. It was lie tnanimoust)
coiie of11 110eicommittee .selected 1to
griade thle wolrklsubmaited lit the thir-
loo m pu ar1)10 tists iwhotenlteredl the
01111tost. In the oiion of the juidges

ii'? .t;1 1i~ lt , '.,

.Ir. Mnitlir

w1i111 ilelis e ni ad-Iti 0.00celld thii ithero')' all ilthreeeiiounts
I'i c's11101111(n1-cncetexecutionl, snd color
IheItos1110r istprintedl 0))stiff eard-
ltaiii' 0 Illpromi har, nI thricoeliors-gaothote, critt-
lectre. Al ardnt on.andiilaliteh Several lthttndredl more
,If, hehas 11110101tersirintedI on lighter patter, ore
the11a11mali~til, owin ote iatids oil the publieity coot-
1111100e and1 wil libettsedl for adviertising
pulrpliose0s111)ou)ghlout the state. The
011111Ni I ii rleinltlin0i11theswork of htie Ann))arhor
I It- ;is It laiii unto
1Band Music is Loudly Applauded by

The 'Glee clutbt sill sig at the Michli-
gao U'niottsocial (o thsateon11. This
iill be tefrtt t)me tn is r t1)a11tho
Glee lubhal~s appeaedoilkii(Iollth liiti(.
Metiters f 11)0 1)01)11)ha nbo nes
Leigh J. StepheoofPrt ')1loon
liy lantern views 0on ITe 1 110(1 ict 11.1
of (ilie St. Car Tunnel at Potl loon
before the \l'lian Banc(o1 th
Am)er'in Intitteofat ElctriallEiw-
((000, \ednedar evening.ll1 dc,
patper. The meetinllg (5s1open1toit11e 1111
ie;, ald nill bhoheld 0inlrii)m)34, 1111
i'ogillerillg bulding, a1 7:30 (1,1)1
D1. troiters Celebrate Victorious Fal
With Immense Smoker
Michigan's gridiritilIiiro, we re ci
tertaiiieid 1(0the IDeroioi il alumi last 1
nighit witht a erousing ios'bratitot ilt
setason's footballiitories. 111(111ed
of loyal olu it))ilndscoes011005 c
gradtiates, iocling 11he 1team,1thore-
serv'es, and 1the band,1.aiowl s mn
otlier stents gotered i arIn
1(011 for a giant sm) oer whicfil ili'ilthe
every'hody' ias i godtirit h
cheerinhtog asO'5dnetinerth(l( aer
ship of "Sol)" '1ivaled tt Co Itoe
Mieligantion smo(0(ker or1the(mas
mteeig. VThe faitws to 1(it ci
'foromal, ;plenO~tysof1smokestat, i 0
orink's eing provi(dd
Congressmain I 1 in nb y ii)atd to
spetakers (00e Rogoent Co id Ntforn11
Geera)'ill KuhnTom' 1 I a 10cartoitof
the Detroit Jouirnl, anittl otherlenin
isis alients' asicl i ch ) ian ioo'tiert'at
the :Minnesotoi game,1(1aster Ili
.The members (0of toe fooblli llillil
tait tie haidolellltfo Detoitt 1!3(l'
oi'er 1101 intirurtt l nii spial car1 11. r0-
turnintg at i aehourlatiig. 'ITh
Boardl in Cotrol of Atiletcs 10111l,
representeidat 11)00)1 ocr
DR. DH)'O)'iN \ti')).). tTi'0 '001t 11\' 0111011-
tDr PercyX. lDawso,(w1)o iwa e -
cently callei toIafill the vacanc1cause
by the resignationof lRi'i. I booo NN'\ilir
Poole of the unitatoriani echurehhasItoi-
niely accepteid Iite polsitionlll 'all be 10'
gn his iduties herelDeemeir 1
Dr. Dawson is a gaduateoft' t 11(
Johns 'Hopkins IDiinit Scholnd oth1at(
of the Hlarvard Unhieirsity. lBefo11100;
ing up the miistry Ie sen)t seourto
years it socioloigical wolrkoin Blimore,00
Mr.0ldoote wilt remanin iiAniiin ir
SOtittO ICITi't .Nqut'00 INITIAt'.0-
Senior Societe wil hodlits .tlliI
hanquet to the initiats oiltNIa's tea
rooms, Monidap'eening. 10r1 Nutn
wiO'.preside as toastmistress. ]uit)accord.
ance wth the custom 1o1 the soit ll
the iitiates will hlieci'ted t furnisi

Defeat Soph Lits in Hard Game
by Superiority and Better
B\ d110featibng topslthomort ll it Iit 1o
oth sn iolawsto n otttte cam1pu)
champioshipuserdaylorinhg. 'Ie
waio'e ovao te lous' froim)strt to fiisl,
al1 tough te'sits smdI dangecult)5 at
timeso. Bout scos oameoin the first
alf(o titlecntlst andu swee sade
thiroughnhatrditpaing 'and1exceptiona
In helust pieoh odcth e las gaited
to' haoll int hetoeori of tefeld, a lit
lag itrieedoithIiia hit)))withini
ther iit 11\-c 011111ne. Toe jurists made
lii i s o ttaight plops adiWal-
wrcridI theihtll oe Ito' liteon00a
,;o- '.'uriltlouwhuingtuiaiforwsard pass.
Th ttemutptatgoal Ifait'letoutnte quar-
ter cubided i ii tieitall tn the its' te-
The seondIqar(((ophleedIwith art
exhneofhptiut s h~icht foucotodthe tits
uniurothirour n15goal iipoists. IHee teyt
;tcgc o ickh out11)1of dnger btt
ptedoilr111 tiondNltiec crept back
aln h ide 0(i11s to hithe sphomores
cutedofake ou0k11puttNoeel uer for te
:cnlitcre. It'istitte the seiors git
tela herl 100011 he btsacondite
scorest1o11)too11ntheir faor.
fter therest twtchnonhe1whtlve, the
111 'itp01ne uu thn caried'othe hattdowti
tohuhietiot '.ardshof the line. They
attmpetot th(le bttll uer and were
Ihutd for ii ts. Reeiintg the leather
taintheuy' hrougt it within scoring
lsta11100 i mansu ofoof trward passes
adltre plutitgs. oila Itolose it withot
tlt iii . 'iii' seno' s unc tttted out oil
itnee aundur 11 stourtrilhe hatt agan on a
fumblb. N forwardIas's carried thmt
gaeeddis 1la1(00rushleodthe pigskin
tw the go l.tls101 ti t h e
fis ,the ut rists wre superior to
tiropnns h eyI hop aillittle duffi-
culty, inltaingtuga00itns trough the line
tutile bothinse toll ike a stone
wa. The sIopIulIhomorleos0hanlied their
pas u wll aidtntidootuh eitr-longest
gainhlbyitte (ito ie.ito They 'were han-
pere bit}ifumbt~linlg anulbtooluIch at criti-
cali poiit. WnN'er 100anth Iattan of the
000or00er resonsuuile for the scores,
ahlhoSlater 'ndol hlenikep the is from
iContinsed oPage 4.)
.01101. 111 1I.0101.500MAX(0'CHAItFGiti.
Nfter thO p110ostp oeets lecase of
fotll cel~tleboraltionsl the Adelpitdte-
ba1i10so0itiest fa11 tst night.
Ni tile busline sometin~)g which follow-'
edl teiprogramt, it soas decideid that ithe
Nudliphti iniitiesotf this semetster sholod
chluolentgo'thuelha VNin)itiates to a
uehitot. A'Nle~lgathutionws aceted.The
programcommiteesf te to soeietis
ar old larrahng'e'the sujec itindtime of
A big'htitqttet (toe all ative 0)0)1 fo)-
tutr .Nuo'11u1is usllhehetli at the Michi-
gan 1n Cu Decmbe'r 0.

'ouotoSix iteecres1s 1 e""a'og l
i johntt Phili othat hisio 1 and are aslL'it
i M,1 ii i werltwith lmt N rborNe utoisic-
lo es ' e saintg catiacitey ii)f .'ni-
k c stI 1lollits1ntutaxod Fidayop uighut.
000 buttuilnss ian iipreciti)oi'iwee
no11tlo lii" Toere ntis 0arietol eiioingi
luu in t h urgramitto pea li. iol )iteet
-0l 011 tov li thoer. Stirtliong noveltiesettis-
5 iC Ot-ctO) 111)0 lewio o uiotiotiilip '
oua i solf, oulaitri sogs, soilis.
01(1i i lal i an toa, thoeso iweri
Sonic ()fIthutthinugs whitcho itorei'vpseto .in)
'otito i lluboim ittble styoic
IT Oi eel I~atoonUto(uot is t ooee b1ill-
it' uttut hr 10(01"accurate tintoations
-- an u<io evelpycutnsemtble loft onothing. toi
heeiredtuoubyi toheost critical.
11101 ()1),J hi Sousai likeo uirpiriso his audiees..
11 1 I/ fte ti, N1/'oll iJitalbal.s theu aIt i toh a rted x"M irs 4tnd Stripes
10111 11110Forever"tree. ioilopliysp mquit their
torirl si~rtil rifr tzr th 111)100fellws, uinedtiop acroiss the iront anth
0~t Pos 111111ni~at i tqutu n hi nvontl''t ltoe stirrin(g' lthee - Meaninloite
w;' sbutt a tn 'dou~ftheto I no 11su oh rn0011tos otandfie trribuones crept
ltlim it e ll~ notheel ('1 ututuintaongsie 0)101i0))a0iomieht a tierce blast
h kclttt'' l ii t' l ih te b sb l
tContinued on page ')
wooldas ut1 lilti~tie~itliii(for


R001;PNIA:I.'1' \() 1' 1:Ifit'E tI) 5.11'ti . l.ll.fi:l

'ar fo m 1011111 a1 eu e t}R ~ e ; l>tx> li
roll andu hisuto dili t lst lcm a Nit lNif
l st et v enng. I ll o n 1 e t te cc n v
Mitreo it th u trgrssv ini 11111 tha Nim 11111
nero the tRopuliocansii deeto ( 111thdu
M'Eu ott ille si ad reswal fdulutnli lo
up' tto lollte il Ot eolq
0, Resoilvodi: '71itt thl t li 'r t o A Nilto hut i
Milchiga sotould inclueolo Ii uid u n t ho ll wilff
i inu faoruu if tuo' ntiv e.u IIUuiolututo

k ar

111110is thou'fitrst inia
1)(° ' Ii'vt re uomhhinenth
h-I iatt 11Bal lt c n

t T>ltillR PIt) ti oH L 10 IItuNuS
I. W0' n lul WNitoh thuadtdr o'the
lv It' II ti he t toolNvrsts,

Corner State and Huron Streets.
HNRxtY Wi tDos Fooez, Minister.
10:30 a,. in-,Service with preaching by
1.ir. Foote.
t2 ill,-=Uniiver~ity Students'. Class, ledj
lip Mr.; Foote. Topic: "The "hcal
Tea ching of the Hebrew Prophets-1
The FEconomhe ac'ground."
6:30 P: .-i-V. P. R. U. meeting.
7:30 P.- n-erv ice withitn address by
P'rof..Roth ocn "The Politiheal Aspects
of1 the Conservat'01 tssue."


McMillan Mr.iBen
Hall Subject: "Ruinniw g f' Bases"6:30
Acomparative study of base ball and the ret gn o3i0.M.Mufr
was for many years the editorial sporting writer for the Cncinnat ?ost and the
Citcinnati Inquirer, and is now special correspondent for the "Sporting Life

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