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May 27, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-05-27

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The Michi 1gan aly

Vol. XXI.

No. 169.

.._._ ,__ t ._

Cornell and Yale Nose Michigan Out of First by
Close Margin---Collegiate and World
Records Tied by Craig

fis:hetCiushlm i(YVale) first; ITa-
i-ils' (Rutgers)sc.oiiTim'11501 5
17. i t( Priiii.etounl) seco.iiiil Tone 16
lis i ltOslillm (:Vale)'fist; lii-
(10c ( 1 151(~id 1 Fiin2j -.Se
(1111 lii. t Cnn11111110s (Vale.) n'111Stilislt
-C'raig (MXlichigan ) irst;IifordI(Cor-
sell) second;l 'Ihatchesr V(Yale) thirdi.
'l'ik 1i3i . Secnid liea-il liiids
I(Piio first; Coll: ( rinceitonii) seciodl
Ros's ( Michiian) tihirul Timle 21 4-5
mo-yrnd iclashCraig (Miclhigan)
fit. ind iul 1) ecn; Co'uus
fourthil. T iii. iio (ieus iitinicslluni-
aiii ricoi.')l
21i-yai~rdl high Ii les-Ch'lishlmi
( Vale ) irstl;Stiboli ( Csrneill ) secondi;
ii.r tecrl I1htirduh. 'Tlie 15 -
220- ld dilli.C raig (SIlihgau
(Continued on Page 2.)


AS'i/i o thei ihiganu uiuJailr.)
Solieuulrs IFieldl, C'amubridlge,'Mass. May
2,.-iMiligauu's irack repsresentatives
pirovedlltheir" class ini iioiuniisrtaiii lash-
iiii luere this afti.rnu~onlaniiing tirdi
place ilte gr'eati.st inteuriolegiat10 inet
that has evei i eilhesu ulit and tinail-iia
plenidilstruggle for tlie.firsi Iioi.
Not onulr did/iltur i' C'oriiell .iiiilYale-,
wholinIiishieilaihuadl ofithem, ian iawful
seven athletes, aiiitwaoslbut a iali poinit
behind Yl ale, wlt~usi.'teiamislipped pasl
ihel uil tusi.-suuulpla'ii's. The lthai.aiis
iclIitd 30 pboints. 'ei.'ii failetio shuw
bei-ndlitl ti.'lluiiu -whi.-le)Dirtmoult 'me
stroing, laudiniug lifthi. Ilarvardl tookl.aim
awrful tumbilelsoiriiig biitifiiir point s.
liioiisiiei.' of I ioii'ii.r's nieco~rid
liii hug lheasei'niithi shut liii ait
C'aig'" sp iiiiig thi. XX li iiioes tosh.
lain hg-li twl. tti4t
f ii lthemit wshmiu t hr's il.lilisd1t1-
ltii Cle muuuill gi I ' Shi raisin2;
Tilt -t'i iiiin isof 3 h4 teamisil-i
umhet 111 5Halrvard 14X iI' illns 3, Rut-
ges2, 11e111Stite 2,lruiiii I.
ix islo siiiil s i il lii ii 1 11 -mi i'firt
thi.- XWilvrri is mimulk1of teir ltota.
'lh'itsoiky captainilaiiilthie.ttll sprinter
wei.arinig 7Aliigais maizei iiiibluei.for
011?-/ 1alli'i, 11110 ii11111 1111 i..i.ch.
I loiieruus uwiouumug shitIplilt i i ii 4t ritr
breaker, his )leai~vesif :{d fet 7i1-8ini-
cshesobetterinigtietiiriiesr intrsolle.giaite
rrd hsilelitby reui-gi.r sif Swoarthmoiiire.
This first, coming iintthe irevenrtillput
the X\Volveriness inithe ]call. 'Ths cntur
miaielich i.ligai's soire tell. 'iles lug
seior covi.red thtie oluu'i.-u ll 9 ui4-3
om'-oils iin llhthi. osuuui lijl i 1111tIhe
fitats, eqiltiiig thes intercoillegiates eec-
irit. 1-oss failei at 11.1ifu r the fials..
It oliiguii's pheniomealiImmii.--,tEddie
his iev-illfircig Jolso, tile' (-iiiill
wo-nmimer, torimsiituie I irrli's recoi~ritto
a1; 52-5 seonuds, clied tioui iolie
sssiiiiis from the fsrimer worlid's markt
aiidlthe forme wortd's resordl hhuler,
Paiultlfiiiisiled ubehind H1 anavaniill

thie li'ait it the half mmii., tak-
ing the' sass froiii 11 siiusiii iiid
hl initto the fintishi. i liiisheiic-
eni yards ahsead, I laiii ...uiiaiiil Paull hl--
iga sctise fight fore the second placesi
undiihe liii'71higau nneriiii-r wii 151110 in-ii

NI/NT 71/3.1-IS ()I tthC'IRS.
3.1 a 010 huiti' o "isisal clubhis s
terdayx-the follow-lug <'s-u iiers eli.t
eid for the i.ensuing ui: ii 11cat
Car Macssobr; vic-Ptoidti:-1.J. 11).
Vitb: secretary, 1/res I Rists:r :lba-
i1ess mtage.-r, Bhert Maii; ii sstn
businiess;inamager, XV. It. Stei-si ;rieadl
er iif misnuolimidlb. Rosia' ( Ii soslad
er of gli. ulumln, XWsiuidbriidgse 1i-ui.-ulf
monis, 'tVo-diluriutg-71sMetcaf, Rs.oe fgsg
andI1/. .Hoovier.
Next year's iifficsrs fuir til' XV iis
AXletic Assocition wmm 01-11()s11i atiti
anuaitl eletionmtldtyei.stserdav.afiternoi-ti
o111 Palm ter fildm, swi ttihe 111111(0inig re-
stilts :Presidlenii 7larr v'odhlil.12
er Golda-Giniserg, Td su s~lntli rs -
tha N/oes, '14; se-nh sio rl -slais-s
0ioreiuss Adams: somoiiire- Ieei-
tatlsi.-, G adyls Iiggots.
N 1)Ill 371/7/SI A N X1lh-
1111 11N/S3.1,1-. 'I ll//li 3.
Thei tr91 1 Miscigmi-ei <it swill goi im
sill Th'ursaynoritliig .at tieI 1 11 1
standi. 3. suamplebiningf teiii A
is now oli is il i n ii 3.. ilr's 1111 1
CoN Mll/T/llIN '17111NA.XXI v /1
luus ; Thlsrward lHsat;1Davidl0IiI-Ii,
114 ; XV4. Shafrotti iiest 1:1te~ -,02 1
Norss6Ii,1- 5-6,
Ab11u111sixty"stichsrs" gatheireii at II
11111n1 last nilghtlfior a smokeri o f t(

Hotly Contested Struggle Ends
With Brown a 2 to 1
lSiajl tIsth1/ic h/mi/uuoSusi')..
Iso/S sos-e, . CUI.,Mai 27--Erroirs
,ugaituu-fea-t.ed thue Iichiiguiiibasebiall
iieuuuu. giu/iu.; I rub o thei'gatne by a two
to oiusn sue iiussuiii hithcl a haing Ver-
hcuyi.-uushlsm Th ad- ila Itlito shtitout
tohibs srei.tibhut iau irruho by sSila
etin IiLiaie- of therutis fur ronumiamm
li-il indtireci.tlu ruspmusihuhe fur thus tither.
Micih ittn's lone tatilt howeveslr u-as earn-
ed 1y o tsilckh work laguainust Contzet-
utiuu, thueutlioshItouted elthrm star.
mmleen iching sas thisfeatttre
of thet gamit.XXhilet mlruomm gut ive hits
rat i eI\ ri heut themtli wellehhscat-
.ere. Tw ofthes hiswere mtiise af-
-tr thte.silt shouuldhavemum beehummumretired.
severaltties Verhut-ot toas tplacedin si
hadhotsbythe. mislayttts ofhis 1team
ma ttes aduttil s bhutsoutie great pitching
s Ib able 1ti ll himselu-f tt. W.ith
the Ibases Itull, hI ts ired uhthus-sidhi.-at outer
MwuiatS e)ec~s itthce by WXat-
: ir whttrtipiutleddre-acuhed-ihahtleuu n
Mihll' sige hut-guamei-wasonume if
hebstsen( th locilsit thus si-asonm.
The \d-cnswri.euuunli. tosoutie
'iii 5h mmtt icurveis utl t hti'eightlh i-
litt C tilts t te u nched -tiultheiir tuo hits
Ii m-ait h ttendancei.-u'wuls thue
at-;st hatleasgrehedtheMtSichtigant
rantoll he tillsir. 'ITe scoemi

The 440-yarth ihashuhrstughtul lii lhipBigDoings Staged At Camp West of
iganm ruummers o ills lihimel ightI. CGamble Town Yesterdlay,
umnd I aff llhinug down tthirdl tusdIfosrthI S steruhus tVts t-mug thudayitthus out-
rushpuetiveli.- n ua race.-thasttowa sutsii isi ic li i sesa..u uu u
times thast equmalledth ultieii.ruiolleg(iteres- st or.srsiuo f3mi ruu
imul isf 45 4;5se 'cs uh 'I uiiihlthe met uithe ' - rsrv-es fyi Abr
iu-uiu runinig for thu- last tmtt, andu I-illf, lastigs-attendanceii.'a 55eries5of uniuehii
thie youngste-rtfinishedili t lier (hu srtti miin" svenils, tintS altlsuthviss heyI'r,
aheudiOf ml Su. Xeuhumuethu-it- Corel 'l rival1 mA'gelill cotriutei d ehti m tgu- a success
who ad ieenconicieeh lu-st. ''hetsir to- i iitijoxi-Kr
galls ltiheir temi- m.thruee-pints aduttu heoftel his titi*yer
Ithoacunsiuts iiosfthu.'juim pot11. hGtmhuh h Iii campeirs to-ue-jsmutedh inthe isoru-
s-as tisiul it It.' lh tr irld ihuth 2 u-suit S by a tnmbeuir if faulmttomimi-ut
bhindimthutilh Iis umugificenmt sturint atithus ter its snduththt s stlfthueI reshf-y
111sl.sticit- htriningiti lii't utuhuuiiu-s i.'hose
11Ii it5liGi sit 511115IN 1-A'sTsCE I heh n.hdmuuls XAii minrmaul h-lls
I Iuue Himbighraiuint atcm yD.Ilt-ml(itufirst uiidhtisthu. mu-
muy tt-,ethe to tmlbutthuheurvelil i lj-ie x Iin mehult to ahssc uts cua ell
tom thispmce i.-iulimg imitim -i. I inarctht asof sntroklse-.whiicht gills ithec-
Sit a telw-wmmld'shrh o d.suuh Ilehi iish1uurc sach hiet lilliusta( tl isremarkshi.
'hue ei.hmindsh Berna Iof Co miehh 1ath Smut [Iliei It Ill ii tutrecoveheinuu it imits-lut
Lou11of 'u~illiamis thus mwmuttr's' time1 beingi dinneirs
5iutestti' .5I 3si'uts, hustintslie 1 ad easiltwsre thus itteum.tiltus
Mtchilganmunmmgser madeuood' andmtin- tt it/s I 1his the campti cookisimandlieproty
siller soptimo ori.wonthe 11M ." Th a n ii-te oositusuuiitsswtopedi-dowhs oil
yoiunmgste rua istdulmo utst ill O h hecn issaiaui. I lmriugtg111/ ii Itn-
wari. 'T- Wihhiamits rem rtt w o touok1 iii huepraticuil thu ii'tst-({us in 1thios-
second outS susqmua ltsiit foru ilbmil itedl tmitu th titthe. campmi 1title,
IlIuimluiughm mut t illim Iiu'uuelt uui uhdis-pcin itg, aidttu essh-r ihttinmg wese limt
cumsoluilitlu g I'he mliii 'hewa r- )i-fr -hespelmtius, follsowing wuhicsh
lmnstatei.'uh. ie Ismu mustill lshisi laceiashuh . Ange l I'm-itof. Rh/l maumei-shorti
tlihe oficialuls tesereu-t tuuhui jll iilnt ttuladdre sss.s
ifie huelues :Mihigan wt ouiluuumoehpas Vale 'I stilts /th ter51-1Ill~'s spuorhts rras
into1 seond placteum. -fe llowsi
Cii.iiuANtiROSStiss 511 5 (5IN 5 unng mucrosinuakes; Woodtitrlst:
'The 2213 11 i~(15 ;I' s is- I ii riin si rt 'XXa-sits-u econdt.
toi fitish, i d o tohm brileaksthisworl' ao iltit ;-iConlist: SuImmsimt iand
rrdi. s sthis gui.atlcrsmod musscalingt BIusrger.
lute hinutio limit hie agai euale t Cnerce; Ste-rs and Bole.
iuuiulthus ilaudmitshoif m ttho lookeis, ithl
silt smtlii' lous a fa(0111ise. SSs ran a Nil, Oiii.( oil .i't
maugniici.nmt ruice, sllom ig ll' I )itu'T'uehlastismallpox paint confined hill
Crailg' sh ill liv m i ith tilvtolitavii.thus I I hmuu(pth iue hi 'ilimg moas relsased
lwou stlls-I-' mutt sl1141s 1101uuyititnchtes atFh-stilight. No nemi-cases of thus-les-
them ti- 1 hni l (oss liumiiilhtlld( 111in i (utt - lilt cclaIt to e n ssm rieportedI since thel asti
liii furn ibmhardmularkmiiitm ti-he thui-hdcar.
shire hue secuure([la poorstuirt.
Five esmtern itrcolegiatleureiousi h JI5110 1 (ITN MN 1 ii roitz0' sm'i-iiifS\
sisieretuhikenfoiurutf thiesein uuig"\meur- )ciiiJ). RI.eeI(em l ie-rsifithe 'uiom-
iuca mnmumteur i.ollei.ge mmuurhkss mcii i-utItlurus Imeftn-tiii'gruimlmat-
Th i mtliuil-ti., tg class of K'imtuallvillIi mi., high
loo-.yardmiluiuI s-mmmt-finasfisil et hull Schocth, lFridayx evenuing. I Is sill' mmlse
-Ciraig (:i-clugaltI) firsl t;lookh( rimu(- aisituiliertiddre-ss lueforethis-seniorus of.
1to1ll)sisuthd. 'I'uiir mo Si-smitheati-mu i mm iu Ciy ight tmoririow nightl.
-.hMnds I(Pennm) lest;'Thoumiiis ( Princei-Ilie. I/tilts etSI. XXesmlesyu-i11uppeainur uthue
Iliu) secomndl; T'hautshter I(NualeIthirdl. commm ti-mmnc mlt. rsograums oifourt IItjr g,
Time io secsi'tl. aisi1Jum.ksoithigh sittlimhi mul ijei' mhh
t20-x arul ighthurdei.s l(semil-finltils) amnd s.20( if litus'.

t TI/i X :\ -
)tui^111 Itf-....
sil 1ri -.....
i/. Nuishi ci -.

11XI 1I 1(5PO A 1
r 1 112 0
S1 I 2 1 0
ii 1 59 51 0
I 1 2 1 0
j r I 0 0 Ii 0
--.. I ii I I1 i0

Women Clash in Annual Encounter 'tents C ..-. .3 0 i 13 3 0
for Athletic Championships ;'r I shitt 1) ....3 i00© 2 0
reps-hum-ssulmg ill ulsissus ioi the, 1111i.'5sit) ____
ci.'h.hisuteil h ei- scndth mmmiuil stutiiS \lIC'Lh1 t.7/t XINP) h-I 1 P'f A F:
Hel lbshu ounit Pallimit-r hld x.stcrd i. 'H IlI 1)......- -0 0 i 1 i0
RKathrineM c I. Kuay, '1, ill ofm Lalst Xhuuuinm $.- - - in« i0 2 2 0
)-i-urs cumpmuions, a gin out lfirst lhonors tell Ifi - -..... _; i0i0 I1 0 0
bun teiu s. T'elus mm l-uss m h ikei tem \lii ' cf- -. .3 1 1 t 0 0
iscceedeihs Ig muingti mmi o iegol wihii. w o l itlirf....3 0 1 1I i0a
thus gaimeu'for theem. 'I'l arhey co - t ii27 .....3i o 0 2 0
tm-si wiaus .'umttmm.-ud lby hhV ina Siwtu ibert'Iii in ci.. i.. 0 0 9 2 0
e, '14, midIlive' Culel.his I lmidt he 11mm Mi. N nth 3hm ....2 ii0 i0 i t1 2
lung-sm ut idividuil score l-lm the cr ike 3. mr ss -t 1 1 p ....;3 0 ia 1 4 0
mmatch._ _ - _ -
F ol lwig ethus uhluetiscconitsests :t 51. 'I' tai "2 1 2 24 12 2
tic supp~serisuis sieu mmml 1/mitheil ss
mmacheus ummf nfuIuudtC ere ive.s's 1 2 3 4 6 (17-I99
Lbisc~~ Pla edm ~i thehiipiaonorthe 1111rch-Xliiliii i........ _0iai0 0i00 0 1 0-
00, Iflu'seumimuns bm i iicas anmml s elo~t mm ....... .02ii(ku0 C 11*-2
ft em.- ml aim""I'anm t-i t i ss nmmuu s i
The us n miios .-xu-suti.-l auigI"mii u me mach, 5ummun mii. ' 'reaehi.u ii.lilt-3.Gttuw r;
cauing oopimhs houmundhit lowermss, and sac(51i muhtl IImmmi; stoulenm muass--Dtm-
thus fr-shmenm gai's mhmir fill, ilaim.. s kette, Crnulwtli.rI (r unig lionr (Gilei.'s bu
Fo'ulloinmg tmSh uis~iu-o l lnceby e h e I'm l -mSt),Ni. Silrt mm-ushfirsi. suitn halls-
sotphtomorinisesue y~ex- linedIhiuil itin m umpitssle, C()f mm sitlmanitt, inIff V ehi.xsit2, struck
eai.h (smell mug a ap nee au erinudmi'm m C mihuimit bu('11(' It, o 1, y Velmi. emi i;
umarch-lh lmhidt aburum gx mnitu mm where m i ld it t c--mu C iii'lin; liit ly pIitchedl
this leuigue i c //ees fum e xtya V, in bl- ls it( t o: tuniime-BSum-
stalled. lipunttnd tcc: .0


McMillan The Shadows ot a Tonight
HalGreat :Ci ty 630oclc

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