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July 27, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-07-27

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Vol ll ANN ARBOR, MICIGAN, I I 1'SD\V, JULYX 7, 10ff. No. 12.


C tt~lt }g' us II TO GIVE EX I T


RUSES OF QUACKS 0110i11aly"i fof r
Professor of M~edicine Nanies has not yfe101ff fll'terfffl siiid aiin
i(ie bythe secerfors111f f1111011110,t\
.Many Famous Scoundrels h1115ensprad 1ffraly llallth
in Quackery smlerOs 1to011111n011 121111ie ffatr.010
______As to whfat degreef of iminty 1ffs
presentfinff1t110 wa1te1, nothnfdfff nitfelfffhas
3DD TRICKS PLAYED BY EMPIRICS 1000ff pub110s1001. 1t Is thought1 11 tha
________ large OafmounftIof Huron rffver11111r0is
1110 fp1rtial ca01011. Tha t a ff111ifea Ox-j
"Claiming to 0cur0e evrythfinfgfront perimentlfedon in the medff11c01011eparff0
skin diseaoe to heart trouble by 1110 per- 1010111, ff1151k11111 ffn1100e0l11110o1rsoi sff-
ni irns na~tr~s te narl flrtn hcIcienffidence1010to s11011that th111010is


r? 111: ;

11 1 igll iO ' 1 [l)
"Merry Wives of Windsor' and tasiu ' th Off''.
"As You Like It" Supplant '%711f1 ~c5 s
Students' Choice ff1 ilhth ae 11101a00
cast wil reaff11 eir1 1
n effort be1i n101ff' 1f'l1
1 W111110101b th s
Prof. Louis15A. S10111115of t1 L ll1 1 111011111i11 iuite
dlepartmnft, has fast receivedaooermt 0 0100,11 le 1101111110,1tiief

iOf il al~fo
:ac tf Iilfholfff

1 C<

10011ve. Al-
111ie5 ff1111 gestures
oil Dif'ferenft roles
ff11 c111110111 o1 theo
1d an111ina1smffhlaf
past has11been ffat0 11

Local Museum Will Equip Car
For Exhibition to Educate
State Public
For the educaoftionf of ltfe goier,1 tub-
tic of soulthfernuMiCiig anInf the110relief
and11 preve'ntionf offdreaded iseluases, tile
State AniI-tuberflfo sis lsfoiety' wilt senld
an1 exhfibit 11y'a1 specia~l 000r1000111thrill-

oceupieht '1forwaord pos1it0o0 i10the 1115-
tory of medicine. Thiss 11 the thfeme
of Dr. A. W.itewlett in his lecture last
night onl 1'F1101101Quackls in Medicfife"
in1 wthichhti rehe 1 00 h110Iistory of 1110
devetopment of quackerey andlt aidopen1
name of tinem1o000ffaorte practfcesof
Inl the eyes of mn yIthc greaitest coar-
iataiofathfle sixteenth century1011 Para2-
clesus, ailt, ofste10rity seims extremre-
ly dividedt in ifs opinlionl of this 11001.
To 00om0 lie appearsO as a miaii of a fer-
vid imaginaltion, of poswerfuit 111111per-
sisteint conictoions, (of uinabatedt honaesty"
anod truith, antiof a1merilef0101ssill to
reform otile labuses to ssiihitile 000001
of this blme.gas'e rise. 'Tiis 11101 100
sthrewdl a11d1used altltpeotle for 011a1
iknowlefige tbey 01011111giveIhimlit110aill
him ini his swortk.lHe posed as being
alte to trainsmuite thleloser mleta~ls int
gotd, and with iis reputationo for moagic,
he was able to imopse hiinsefotf11maliy
Tile "king's touch" takes a uniue
place in the history of quackeiy. This
was an aloofent belief that the oldt king
were abie to effect a cure upoin a patienit
by the laying oii of haiids. With the
"king's touch" a coin was generally giv-
en to the patienthby the :king. This, catt-
ed the "touch pieee," was given, how-
ever, on condition that the patienot re-
torn not too ofteni to be cured. 'hiis
practiee expi red with floe reign of Qneeii
Anne-Dr. Sanouel Johonsoii beiiig one
of thnse touched by this famuous queen.
The eighteenth eentury points to John
Taylor, pronounced to be the champion
quaek oeulist of his timue. He was a
knave who practiceed any device to fleece
those who felt iiito 'his 'hands. ide was,
however, knlighted by the crown, and
stood in high favor at court.
Count Cagliustro woas a scroundel. 'He
was reputed to have sold exilirs of beau-
ty and youth, and to have made the
claim that he couuld enlarge pearls and
diamonds. Prince 'Cardiinal de Roliall
was his dupe, and through this lalter's
favor he was eiitered into the high so-
ciety of Paris svhere he fleeced many of
the wealthy of the French noetropolis.
If 'Count Cagliostro represents the
worst type of imopostor, 1n0 other thaii
Bishop Berkeley after 011o001o011 1uni-
versity town is naimed, is the best of
the type. He w'as a nail to, whonm every
virtue under hleavenl was ascribed. iHe
professed the discovery of a cure for
all ills-this conisisted of stirring a gal-
Ion of water with a quart of tar, aud
applyiiig to the defective organo.
ho the cure of tuberculosis, oiie Johnl
Si. John Long, siands fanious iin quack-
ery. He located ini London and was+
said to have netted 13,000 pounds a year

some~ dan~ger. 'Frthecr explerimentflsswill
be Ocducted duirinog 111h10011eek toffsce-
tain1 he t tif 010nature oof tinfe111101on.

fromooMr1. 1en fGreet say ifgthait11hff 1111intenfdinfg to110 11e0en11, 1100adisedO~
"Palace of 'ru0h," ff0 fhe fdoubleO l? ob11110iifiitheir soats 110ef100e5811010101. Aol-
01111110111":T110Come'ofErors111111''ifff1 lsiof ssill110 free'.
"h CrtcCanfnot b110 1150ff' 011, 1J
110010 ff lac 0 I 11 willsstitto e etoGOTHAM ILIBRARY IS BEST
bs- h Ilco001110,1 Th11010 r1110 ps5 301Koch Says New York Institution

citaroutes101of tiatIdistrict
fit 1two1weeks of Atiguist.
fli~ll bill 11e110111ffIlIl te

t duiriiig the
'T'he exhibit,
main11, fom

Karpinski Traces Origin of Numerals tii" f1 103'lf~f~x 1 ff0 Lasttkuty10f ~i'fff1f11 0'i'i 11co h
toOd ouceslfl'"T'hIe Morrya' Wives of \\'iflsor fo G,1111" lo Nib ,'~l'rh Co I~ ,1?)r:100 ffsoiy, 1cte1i30111 ciit bliliilg
11OdSo re 10 0s'cfiffg 1110pe form i ceffo. All tosilf :) l~f o tvl '0 111111 a'uff11'a1 ff' '01; ff5 1l hereffill ff0 ', isi'f1of 1ou '-o sleepiiig
111 Ifl,4ttO?.oisr, . 15i 'tos nd blnkt sa ita r oe s o nth
If ltle tfl.fiff10r..1ff 1111.1.(f11tf1 c11ffsofntff fuel if (ff110 boo 11,for1tff
ff11e110 1 105 1'o C tI offl_..,p111 ff1 111f 1'fflf'ff'.ft Ii.1ff1121_10i11ff11-\I IlLIfs:ffffoIf 1ff 11" 11'fffl 1111 0 ffislOIi'1'flls111 1 liiffl ff011 s1 hcx-
Torestho ar 51110 11).tl '~C. iidoif p il i c101unc i'i u abff011hare 1. ailciti5t 15i 11111o 110' 1 11001 1110e 1110' C oup l withfc If he Iirur.n
is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a bpmvo ob h imobo f 1 cfefoln 10 eorisflg,' icifrh ripefm111s011.Il tye erly ito povfi d 111111 n acm eh momi let ltincvr
an n0 ofthscoer ndouher ncipleso f Oe Prandemn chrh o o h.of te b ot vf'thlu ib0 aryV.tB.enamor th'heto exhiwith is ithbe prtialex
aThsm r oeo hearinae n pOf5 o ' 0 itpoal e0111. Aldeitw aCsuwhog rganThed he l e r targ e ofJ t eho" F Battlen
TheAsB'byProfi.on. Cutuse ilmncetiiimoosl- esbterills tillR00000 ate Frme000110 kLi rary yosof hl adi o eiagone Crnek, aiwor iehefSobylBr.dixoeat
0011ur yooathe ayoa ftrooretr xoin .il a" hee hu.o. A. uHedu rts ii laobr- o inthe ufirstloS111a pdifclti roomveSecaryl fth."me or f elh
1h0istoryofOurNTeiralst." olti Whe0nfub t h eduerbedthoes n h e fal 86ise o ote ofirtefto h uelitselfiaiesa ItA. s expectedno 110 keii thOisytriean
d e otu dehtt11111mtte maotdal orsso ktth 000d$1200' hallsofmmxwixtiare in m ig nc mee.nnalmocurrneiiojucin wt
TheapreinekB'orotedisssuhenshaudergtonaGrocRets freoelig Tesedtathtowdha bgtte StiedigACKETTiANDturalcColLeAe HALLS
wsbee d stuf u e t e spp booaonfe nmus d n 1aecoinond e furnlishn , whc oth rp futad o a e11eli-sns0010h eranehbt ncr
ofyptlaho sthoirleby fafi o tt che fyer vTh pep0a10rounoem of servefai a d ri 0111 irt fie he lbay o t ii h vrost ws ftesae
Tloe Greeks Ter Epiasm wIe ea iniartoiuert floohrclviiho used re 'ect eyfr N w Yrftnsfrtbcuei a hi erte'rp wl oe b u'
wyihthefgotatinsnrieoglmenfirsti110n, teTpng0001 sbaydtvriou s sociaon affairs sfrtn o1eedo e "y e owsi eee! as
fetterst of theapcom o e rnotesnutits, he Prugsyterianrcaudchtabl e xiii foe udes welh s W.BI so hehatIxhbti n h ata
aruiultmoet tes uiofr0pwa0110 rhdfues a Iof ml0 Awi l ibarly n nr w acgffe B ts cag o . I. K llg f B tl
ThisBasyeloniassedbyf he Arabsmod- ooop vofedinstes, procehas. bery co m Lbay ofB soeat fbin n rek husdietdbtD .Dxn
arnmodnathmoy tistoacountreathroughtetechfd heburlap ildinawisl uon ers ftefrtt tr eidclro ertr fteSaeB ado elh
'They wiuereof aroc Ruali ellpinr. Lite withcole tieredn011aton aced thl forte ig wy irryf udd n ad fo m ry ecissitntt r
uscma kno utoftheyutrig adsoptonoamos1y 10-em liwithovearv iraowouho newfitu es m psn trcuedpa mn.
tof bouichthisprobe ith athe bamse. urhoc ec lastiwco tos ite buru re of cxo
oT eGreei s ow e d th11ies1sfyst e ttd o s11 ti onmate r a nfoe liRarit wllb101 td 110111D M c IL A N H A L
cetlea ete piatpithni0t'heyy. mad eil tto commodpae any-t ofte oie
of t o te irce nd heclok ace rem in00101 ollf10101, tutu 1 00110on
iTheGresi aroeiedo I co i 111Othefdecim l'til eufst 000o01 fill osobe useofor sm f
11111teofotionulsff15 thpte irfst lthme tf'rooin aoOiousscilafars
leaerslyfshoit laet100fto denOotenis, i ANelugc hadis, andtablcsplacelwbe
tdi te '0le'te s,01hundsredsf.croometexicewisttoef10f lO 011S~it.fAsibrsopauof
fhcis00systfed th ecds byiftheAcauscut fl oeltues00010ihbhaslbfonfo e al-
thc dusceo ith us o noepiere.y'citcolenilbeu nfovereudafloorano f or s eI.i
tile bfautcitis 1111roabge1th01 rsc aice ihalf. ilcnttuetebl o ed
ff10111 aimn o f being tuedfill but lpuc- Hr. Jat'e inte P lcibra, td ot p0e1ng
ch100 wl d, cuieirfestuerttcu resi. If h seathirsoffvro raicezll atit if bollnus-n dflloffllf 1o - maic' nflefl

Tuesday Evening, 8 P. M. 11111 Seat Sale
"Twelfth ight"wi
Wahr's Bookstore-Daily, 46'
Wednesday Matinee, 4 P. M. t P l y r^Hnr f Reserved Seats, $1.00 and 75c
"As You Like It"
Seats for the three performances will
Wednesday Evening, 8 P. M. C m u Theatre A g s - be sold (until Monday Evening Ony)
"Merry Wives o Windsor".a p s u ut' at $2.25 and $1.75.

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