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February 27, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-02-27

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e 4M AW
Alms. s s" t 'r

Vol.. XX.

Vor. XX.-NNARBOR, NIICHIIGAN, Sc \ 1):\N',Ix lFIZl :\R1N ,, if. H) x

LL-ROUIND STAR vixiotlixi aditionxto rlexlitiof ,xix I
NlubshatuAiihiixx has apeardin lei
________Corxhxsi Ci Cliii)orgniuzedih1 lo ltx
in Preliminary Indoor Meet xfiveisudes from Nebraska: clxixxiii Funds
Horner Scores Three Firsts-- adWilliitixixisxc xi
Class Relays Exciting. their itentioni oifi pxxxs hue iii i xx Adeq
-__-of ixiciigxuxn ci irntix Hitate crd
Alhog n rcrd wr boknof igetting xagrtrx nibr iIof xx ixxlx IlThj xii
good mxarkx figured inisthe events of tihe fo hNi)alt o nol ee
Preliixary ieet held Saturday ight the stud
ix Watermxani gyixnxaxiuimi. Varsity mni ANOTHER GREET REVIVAL xx
ax a rule kept out of thic coxtests ut ntfr
this id not lhaxe the effect of damipen- stxp, tx
iug the spirit of thxclarge crowd whiichi New York Post Announces Return meiate) i
racedl the ixciemiextieather to atexnd. o Players a sliii
tHiorier sas the onuic"M" mxai io ichligxxanaiieic. ima} lixh a eau xlixc xxsor
figure ini the iproceedligs lxxiihe made cxci iiix
uip for the lack of itie others iby wixuiug lixruixixioxi eei ilt Grxet iiuit san
Live of the six eents miwhchlhle er- ear. Air. fGreet has for aiiiiiii xr c xTei
tered axd takixig third ini the oiler. His years ppearedeitxxiiisuccss iieiiorexthiii' iongh
moost seixsatioxial iperfoirmxanxeexcas iniv iiersity uder thelusxipicsc f he11ci pe
tossixigitie x-poxxxxssht 46 feet 8 ilsi iixcixex, xxbaxi iixs~'ilxxr
icies. tatltarbelesucxiicii Ixlivi
The two iuost holyxicoitestexdeexts ta i eetrtectfoi h twl
xoi thexeninixg wsere the 44-yarduixsix ativexieldiiiof drile,icsxiix'xxwou ildxx xpian x oc
axnd the 3-yart dash. ii the fixrxmerixixixfrixnnixi nAxsArborxic ixx'cx ith ( \l
Ross aixdlGaxmxble spraxig iiio the leaid Nesss xxinowcixcs Ifrxmxix \ I'ii Nicixat 1xi"nli ili
anxd wxext theshole distanxce xot three Ntdret5iluxiiigx c x, x
feet apart. They fixished ixx the order i rxixn<
they startedxithxixKerr gettxig thxrd a h adnTeteadi shpdtr a
place. x thaxit le wilii hookxiu westexicriom xthat iixxi xxxix
Axn exceedixngly large xnuxiber of fast iill enaehintiixxto 'iix tis ite again.xxfxxiu
ieni were exteredciniithe 3-ardl dash Ifthxle Greet Plauyersxdx cici l to))'iAnnxixI >li
anxiiiall the heats wxere ioly oxtested. tAxborxthiidate icllxprobably h, xx /allxilxi
Inx thefinxaxls hxek, [-orner, Bowmxxiarnxxelxxiixxi 'cxii iii'5'ii1lx
anid Curitrssiere lhued xxiiaghinixitex ationuiexercixes. ti ,is
otixexr.Horxner andxiBeek use1the lexadi Te foloing i'iix axixiiii ii i Hrli I N ild
frothx the start axxii brexstedithe ltapiexthe rxvivaxliof M. lrci ix xxxiiikx~ax Ni x
axoxst togetixerxI Horner being ini the recxxiiy ixiilxipub lshe i \the Nux1N ix.igi*. i
exxdilxyxa few inches. lxI ot:Il xi'
Despite the lack xxfi xasityxxmexiniiithe 'i r. lienxiGree l xxii xxia)) 'x xi'i . oI x lxi
mitd, excedingl~y xiid tunc. 4:43 iasxof iten iiweks iin liei'ardxnI'iii'ii l nii ,;'111'
xxade lby Beardslee. uBeardsee trailed Mndiiay everiting ianx ithe axnnxuncement xth is x "x
behixxdlixntil thxextenthixlaiii whex Irlextook twill lbe' hexr ixi xpectxant uixiteieit I til
lie lead adsax boxxi xuuxt lives yxrdsx toi xyiticeIxore ithoughfulixclass ofiplatiiin c xi
the good at the lxxi imBeekxkepui tiuix loexrx ixho xeek'intheithiatxexlix e li
lexadlfroxxxxstartiiioiiinishin itheli iou axxdi grxtificxtiionxof the iiineleciax c h asii )x inii
wonxi the godimie of 2:of 3g ntranet fii eni.I i aii
Teri feet wxsstheihes the txxlexxlerx perfoxrxmanxcesx tesplyx i aptitoxhe theii I 1
couxldido treexney xxxixbeixg resextitoiithxig, raherthan the liii ixixixo f un-xxi x x i
exner the exixtests axnd H orner puxrposel}' ixriclxiactoixr, thelichns flwT
dropxpixng outxafter 1q feet x6 had ibeex ilxin xxer isluxi orxthxc lix xiii i lxx i xplced
cexached xx order to lprevent himisef xof the panoaax. MNhxixi thexl its ix .-ii
fromxx xpraining xxxiaxke. ixwhich le offcr oss ierl n r c,
Ili tie ter conitests Horncxer had islixdraxmatic meitsnixwchich miik(xcthid)largecTislx6r
xoxniiwaxylxxxile xwas foxrced te go faxt l ixdepdent cteui x artscxxxx c iifxciiscx xnxis
-io wxin. lie toxk firsxiniithe lois axxixret or decorxtive'caiinii)g.ccixcx xc
high hurdles, the high ixup, the hot- "The opuingixxpiiceoMdyucixliiNixxiixxlicxxxx
lxii xxxd the 3$-yaxrdlclashi. Afterxa iillxxiiehc'Sfe Sioopsx t<,i(xxix lxxx N.x im
yearxxxiay' fcrxmxschooilxowman xhasOliver Goixixiiiix I ufmosixix x xxii) pan. is
retxrxnedliii the varitiixrxankxxxndi cle- wihiell iiixcgi xo ithxxsceneryxii x thex xixhenxix
peated li returnx xy taixixg thirdl xxiidrnxifashioin. . Gethrst
lie 3-xrd idaxs. willi beitheiiToiiiiyiiiiiixaii 11)11 i licc 'i
NNixxxixg conxtetantxshxay telttheir ch heii isxxxwexl lxnown n) his iill, m gci i'l
(Continued six Page 4) ixlihil Roet \' ixixx xxi xwil be ieilii
Irate IlxrxisexancdxRiuth lxivii) n xxix Nix mlcif
FxRIIJS ANDi)RUFFLCES iiarlexsti. Ox idaycxi there xiixhe a ithrough
IN ROBBIER xPNN.(iSTilP xiseixl xmaiinxecoxiitheioldiimoraililyx icax I
'Everyma.' 'i( nx plays iunxdxilxini oral p
iarboxurc gymnaisium, festoonexdxlinxfor prodiuctionxax xx cx' i xiiiandxxxi'Th lx xix~p
yelowcandui xe, xxxxsuuehece cxof thu Rixas, oh ithix xx iii ad Ni xi:t t
anualsxxifanxcy desx aroftexx x W iixu Noxm- Meirchxxxtiofxii nice'xid lx lc'six
-iiis Leagiuei lxxx ighxlt. 'Dr Faustusx i(,' in xlibethanxflsxion.xiihesti
liie'grxxxdi mxxrh, ledi lxy Friedaxi"Manxy Shakupeaex nplashilcxeic I al
ifleixituek, tpresidiexntof thuexgueax e v x idxltc ii tlie scours, xichixcox- ic
Mahxry Duiff, chaxirmanxxx of thursoia ruuox- txinsxthu roise oxiu'f touichxilectulscatisit
xuiter.hbegxanuatxieightxo'lxck.xek e'plu asuhex x. ItMr. GreetxannuncesuuiithaxtliheI xthis I
iacefoloedl withlhtse.ixtrrupthuulx xionhsa xtnsivex'andxinlulntxial sub-ixx xPiet
xxtiii thureilrcx sixowied muidnighxtto lxexscritption ist:i,xxxini thaxulaixrg' baxtcxsxifclxxxi
fast xapproachixng. Refreshmuexnts ixerr xeaxxhavexxeunxbeispokexnibyxvaiicus i ixxxii i
xervxedinxxthu rloxrse.'Thexxaxces in-rclubs, schoolsi, xxxndiclleg's. Ilexentexc}xThescex
chied tivo riire iwo-tepsx xxiiioneurlis rxxxpxixxgnxtherox rexu.wih lteing xii x xcx x
cuxixiec itwo-xtep.asaxcscrxxif Isuccssx" xx,'I

STUDENT HELP ll;xit;,.il l")Ixici(i
L) FURNISH HALL1 xcixl'' h' ~sle
i i l pi il I Ii' ac
for Memorial Building bsiixc i llci hexxii i i

xxie in
xl xi

ii ti

IFall Short of P~roviding
quate Furiishings.
;realx i ii i 'i 5ukn ru >
1ial hal i s -cad xxi Ii i the lii )Iii

) f r i i, t 11iiIc iic 111
ii. lIti. i xiacal'ix ipx ii i t
lxxs "h cI - il is f rI i c1iti
d i c l u tlf-l iii lix.
1 x Ihe\cx'iix d yeii iixxiiix'ii
1xt ii ; t cxx xx I c '.l th m ii
il \ nt all' c) 11 xxiic a
hei lacexi f,-1- i I xilxxxiii ii lx

1 I

Si xiii>
xxxixgret i' -f i'en'il ixi'xxu for,
'xxir Citsii'fIll ipurlmse. T1'.
as las ca"aV toth alumii
xlitha is as i lials
i' x' xxiii I') th xxine ids ofxthe
the rcadn r)o l xinithe' lxiii
i wich he11c sacis n ci
1x 1,,,xo,{ t' it')l . hiii thi"It as
xiii iix xlh imaxi' Oritheiuse
tini f iiii iixii i t.

lxx cix)) i ii) ' e he stn l x iii,11,
"clcal ofic \61 hc d~m Itis
lull)' l iii x III, i pperxixii I llIii) 1 i
eic c i ic I < c rssc >11 ari) xx iI ,.
con octd. \1 xi al - h s cen pr,-
ixra; xc I '+x1x : xx i ll 11e t~ ix s
xxiii,.hlit ".xi .l practu cali'i ldcri aft -:
I liii lililihil wwn I xcc I xi
Dokior Klaus Played in Belin e-
ceives Praise.
i. . 1 xiii')'a 1,1ii)'i "JI lastit.ii s'
xiii xmi x)1s. hull xiil ii_ 11 I;I1. i
hasIi. ii'iii asx xx Nlixiis, ofii in
" o l iii li liii lte )11c tii1c i.) ini
''ixxtelx N ' rcn \pil1. I t
" li xi iiiii Oixii'ii hdicl 1 txi "ix
Adolp I,'\rrclgc's -I M tm M il ;t
hee 1 te i 'hart,(,iaNIlIIxli
xVide hu lii " ul D utsxxx 1,
xxxiii n'sl ate t rxx')11(1 lxit
The x xiilxins e bi),llit mid'sparling!
xxi intesck iloriiii beca u N Ni xxie
tak in Slid)' xr c lxmidst. ii.\ 11(,
nr nt f lxxx si xxxi I liil ix' lxi
rlIniixl liii f a plicx i mt. I ieps the.1
lixth'i xiii x iii inct i lxii1
rlyix ooxiei)xilx i ii l
man1 lxxxiii I iix allitsxi aii esx x i
tiiieiiia'd'xi xiii ii i nxi hei 11lixxi i
partenti i thealxiiit n ixx
be (li stri i ibn ed ami'%all Isin
st ii x so ta hccn 'b" x ixxin
mm cd i r tni 'm of Is i iiit
text xinx xx 'll)) ii xiii cm ,1- li

r. S. Kehhxxg of the United States
Service Praises the National
Resoxurces of Alaska.
xI i I 1<< r ln x ,,xii xxlecture N i .asx
(II) dc1 1" N idan ' Nit( lc ixxi.xR.xS.
K(11)" Asitn 'o ete fIh f'i i li xx
St t s I (I I ix, ixicte l ()f "_1 Tri
N 1 ic 11<m." xx1r. lix' uhxuic
s Ia t(x l,,a ls xicler x Ithe i
7(I['l ()' cxxx-xiii ixuxail
t\a ln d\ ih anecdotexs, '.xxxs x xi xn
"lII ter asixlir he ia largei
is i lx t~ °crtm IItisinteriocr
C(tNir ;C %* 1or l l N i Steamboatsc
CIIMI: I CC l xIme sei1 x i tlfxxcs


L C'

tlxi t
ii h

ral hal i o o h min i
'inc w~nz Me t iiibe
of th aii c lt ill.c
xe (ai' liii oy- Car] li tte
1w i xi ca t. I i le ie,

I ' . xiiiom ~nsn nd lixe leiii
Nlai. hxwi ll Irt NN t xxxsiiux oil.
Mr. lillty sid tha the F restr
Scic \ «s N i11.1il ilariohiKS 11,1
N\,psudte\ i t Sev'cexai h na-S


J111 all chic is I 'llhe
hlc. Thishall i to h
Iiip uliiflii xhaii xxx-
llls iThes xxxl~ii ys
h ihh I wellini' x c
uiin has alreadyxxix x't-

xiiti. i. h
picur lx' x Iii x Iereinanxx elxxxi thei
v,"A A at "I he 'xlnIti
i le stx o coi . he fl r o
oII is x l x with xiii-
ires areii .x ;Ise xtxhx iii) xi i n the xii

c t1i

l ii is ita iolxxxxth ixx'xeai wi libe
tllcusul crgr xur lf c.An gull,
ha t, ii t xxiiha i'olr id'iaig in-
!C, sniI oa lxxne. liii iia-
i N xecv r ilbec alh igi
rcd ohielethr x iplehnewix
t > rortaniI sonc .hndr i ntedxxi
r i l wlli ied o h lacedxi
hexi ntsicc wl lc decoratedi
1 ahtdptited x scene i of iithe Cam us
Sk~k'W~ J),t-C Willheian ngraii
tai lh hid pg wiilclitaof
pn"r I() ioil icei t ek

Clayton S. Cooper I Dr. Walter R. Prker

6:30 P. M.

P. M.

Metho 1st urch,

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