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March 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE UNlVFFSiTY 01 O 'l iNDAILY. THE RiGH T-' AN c l A iEzs, hil "'i. 'Lx LSLA I,, JILo n e t o Eal'liiil'i~ld 188$1. 106h lE. iiIlixol sOI'et 4. BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. 1,h sr I u i, e Lx~ THE FINEST L[NEl of WOOLENS cigar tir. wok r in1ilexxiit We r x xctfl xx lyn i' x your Plain and Cork Tip S. W. BURCHFIELD " SP AL Dn Gr S O FFIGII 1 Profibition O ratorical Contest xxx l xi . xi. x : x7 ' i Al f I lix I'xxxil rt iixx tl xoxxi ii ...…

March 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THlE'UNIV'ERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Of one of the best and most perfect fitting Custom TRADE (lade Shirts. We have a large assortment in MAR% pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from 'ZION BRA ND" $1i.00 to $2.50 J. . USigr. C TTN ,.EER&CO Washington Street University Tea Rooms 'RENTSCHLEOR, i ARTISTIC FRAMINGl 0. M. MARTIN... AT PHOTOGRAPHER.I AT RENTSCHLER'S. FUNERAL LOVELL'S Cr. Main and Huron St. Phone 389, 3 rings. DIRECTOR CORNER...…

February 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…7 'AIM i ,. ..... i ? Shy Sx'l xxxiii xxxi i x ,t il'x i ;,xx xk, [ lctx i (xii .(ii .i;c, Oxi~f' x'xxlx xxix xx o1 'lixxx'x'x ili xix lx (lx' I xii'xxs i x' ii. [.,t ixi I'i , ixiixxxiili :1iii 1ii1xx 1 1i i in (tixi ngi' Oii' the s tol~, in fr~iit II tr~i t liv r f-t,«ii (I ,I i lxxtoi is i to x ixthexi ('iiiy xi"x,('s iixloo hlx~ tiiiixxxIII-lxi. raI pn;..-so lluyo mg rxiii i w rexixiled upn te \'- ild iit heipres(ntxli nti' nunxxi' xiii le...…

February 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…Spring A fnauncem eni, in Ann Atii)r will lie foundii ait (G. If. \XfldlkCo.'w, 108 E. WXashtington 'C. (reat lan atben ~t aken i the Selection of all suit- ings, trouserintgs & over- ioatintgs for this seasont. .H.WIL O 108 E. Wash. St. i TH ILU. 01 MN. DAILY '7;;. 2< 77l,1 1t1 NO t~T0 t i I l i I ll~ :-, I a l1,1 t Ltta~ ~~ SINESS 1AN OFL,0hi ri; ii I iii ii! 111)1 1 t~fi11ttt f1f1111 tIt4ijN . '(ItsL.iLI I 1111 i11I MANAINGEITOR, Ii l.L:i I...…

February 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…RACKET BRAND L lbr "L:7c THE R IGHT THING N I prng 1ENOUGH OF THEM I Is what keeps this 5st1rein close 10(11 h ith th111 ti ll. 1 11 ll o f the I Shi rts . ooi I Suits, Overcoats, Fiats, Caps, and all the = Exclsiv Patern innewest Men's Furnishing 1 s ii ho 2ot e I nd i M~adras, Cheviot, I i s(( ndItit l t III .1( Linen and Percale. j ~ iI It mode1ra te (0ost I' t here. Wagner & Co.WIADHAMS, RYAN& REULE. ; 1 "lowk I Seanon of joy in great at t...…

February 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICIHAN DAILY. Special Sale in Strictly all Wool Custom Made TrousHers $3.50, $.00, $,®o and $6oo .Y~i' AT ONE-QUARTER OFF. Look at W licdow Display. CT6. J1 dUiSS, Iitr. 109-111 E LAST WASH-INGTON ST. Univer"sity Tea Rooms I\1'NTSIII It rIOrc ~AS1 .M. MARTIN.. AT III10iiOi0tIILl. ATRELN I I II V FUNERAL LOVE3LL'S Cor Slant and Hunron Sts. I Phone h,, ritns. DIRECTOR CORNER ToREi. Ofice d20) S 4t Ae.Ph n 9S.Ret OPEN i To 6 ...…

January 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…4W It F " y1 ., :'_ ~ UNIVERSITY OF MIOHIGAN. I9R4JOND)YEAnR. ASAO DEHTH havles H. Orr, '05 Eng., Dies Very Suddenly Sunday Morning- Oserwork Said to be th Cause ANN Ath l, ICII. T'SDI)Y, JANUAISY 27, 1903 ,r l~fli , ill) i un- 1 itt' '' iiiael y oeiutt~innnii workinig his way 11x 11(ii . i l-ni l i iC1 i10 o No. 89 CO-EDUCATION AT MICHIGAN Statistics Show a Steady Increase 1h Number of Women Students At- tending the University-Some Interestin...…

January 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…_ _. . v _ -. FThe Bries PYid Secoi Dr. kw 11~ b awi': ' Caleri C : i,, in ad vanc . . Tl w I I I l r( d A~~~ i i i'IV SI20 1t!. , MG6i ~~ii7?N ' ;' U\' I r; ,!ii . ;. I he Pen we guarantee to ,.., ~trI nt give perfet satisfaction Amok Amo,, mF,. E~vx"*"'UARY 14, A LR " JI. ke t fr tie at Irovk n Qu (arry's and Cushing; Seats may be re- BOO0KSTORFS) served at Quarry's drug store now. 116S Main Street and corner of State: and Liberty StIreet - ...…

January 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…1 t ' ,' ;f14 JGAS i tA 1 )--\ 1I-'\' . ,,;, 3,., q, i ' s .F:. I " S .. i .. . .._ If 111 ~till Itor } T.._. . _ s ' 4 }_ ljy ,.X ~ 0/0 ik i v:: x. a" v ;. .i, "f. ;, , 01 oniSIB(tLo t4i2 . 2. .. r . __x , FO C . vN' .. .... .. a t. , P7.._ ' ti. g I' rr 'r' -: i ' i' 1 f . " - it 1 j: d t l set A :, :'4 3T ' . . ti [OYp ¢ lr AK 11 ". : l0lip. I -T r ? 1= r I ili diad Parlor fiaslite L iip 11111 I lt L 101 Fine 4 igars a- d Tobaccos. W. S. PI...…

January 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…ITHE 1t12-a DA ILY-~ NX. Ou~r Stles are Exclusv See Our Windows Before Buying PUIANV i URI1IN SBO[60., III& MflIN IR[[1 :, . ~w.. +,-* + rw P. ! r M"~-R"A- *n"*"M.. ' .++**'* ~w- ;l .! #?W ' :T, t')1r 1:7 It i It f' I'STI(' FrlAlfIN(' I it r_; v 1 ;Nt I11 tilt I ALLI L L Lt 1' 11. A.111.,%,j We sell Blicken sderfer Typewriters F X H~ IH112 0(211 111121. (ni-. M iiaanld (juinla wS. AMLUS) IN S Al RE-NT S(11IA"121S. Estimates cheerfully giv- en ...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…___ UHI RSiTYOF PMICHIGAN._____ t{ ilt:{ 4 i . I t 1' I ' '1.1i L 1111 4 1:23 N 'l~D A It. A FAST GMTD LI { O., , RO.VISIONS T Faculty Sho rt. Sert'....... 1' o L ' Yo , L Min vnu ii[(r(l , 1 4111(tlw Nnd 1;t(' t :Ir hm iitp(l 1\" l:r .f '1" chiral Union collcert .Igml . ^wI rt m"I ii (ii' ;'t i itrl' iii' 111 IIs 1I ' 1((\ I r (( 1 114 ' 1 l,. " tr 11 1 T ho :54i Ililt311-m (an IN c Airs(' 1\"i '! E \ ( tl h y I iltr I n t vliii' t (i'("ll(rr...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…IIt:'0ICHIGAN DAILS NEWS ' ed alewlneo larest assort- mentin she city IILSINE SS AANAGL&l. EDITORSt, (iENIElAL NE«'S 1Text Books >1 1 1>Newx and Second Hand 3lteansc tlp1 te -4, C _4 , rw .4:- i ~ ~~}~s~ore AN IN t S - IlCti. 1Ioicio~1lBooks New and econd Hand. The Best $1 Fountain PEN In the City. New& seoun UHand Books El«oiig lit ii1iml Sol. i in- Bastiste"\Vrii11 1, I l p lil . H'1 0)1ti l I SH EE H AN & CO.U' University IBooksellers, 320...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…(The Wesleyan Guild all cali,-Ilo l cu <t c'ccnth1 ic Pn -O E T 'A ccc ' ofc cc1 uni zrct it' icit' L RNED OUR EST" ?n" rmu i t5 tY. 1 h 11c Ph'n t v i t~ 11 t'he' No 'en n .<TENNIS PLAYER. 1.t11c x,1,16 ti,._A1 a 1 d P . I ,,i 111t c fc01 eroy cc-cc'rIa t ihe J t_.- ;1 ie1,1 I a \I P11 '.. t ll ll (11 I 11 t ti 1 3 lt ." 1 It il,. \( 1. 1 11 1 -1~ l 11 1 ; I ¢L 0d0i a BESl[STO 1 P1 l t lK Ct 7l tth 111t<m Loerykindof lotroP itme1" ,ol<. I1t n...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…A SGood Morning. Have You Read Ibe Daly cL B I U (L ' Delivered Daily Before Brealifast- LSPECIAL PRIZES TO SUBSCRIB 'RS. Not OPeln to sub IScis o lefer. r lilt, fil- tT -$Il-.-0t $ 1 ' 1i). ' frf l 3____eo L 1~ r L y.{ AlA I. 0" LA .01 0 01 w. . N 01 01 o 111. I IllOr I ] a N No. tt, No. r rLI 4t VE RFI) % Ill 111 10 'All 'II I i '' t '., i ..1.. . N. . . .. . . . .. F ifr.l ; if 10.1111w 1111 *'It; E tlE, )I00t t j. . . . . . .1,(2 li 1 t1.~...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…THE AMICi3IGANDAILY--NEWS 1111N APARELThis is worthy YOUR ATTENTION FOR t 7I 5EN BLOCH COPNY LINDpirt4SCHMITT & AP y-; BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, $ HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY EBERBACH& SON, IMPORTERS AND t Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN i o r Meai S Ever thon 1) lll> ii to the CollegeAlai M.tstice O0 a no7 i - i{F, r'_ lt tl I 2? p xxii ii 'l i ta 7 . O f i c , ' i i. , p; ' h l lxl x e r xd l 1 h a f ix \ t yi Ni (!xxi i t I C ATTERS t...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…THE MICIIIGAN DAILY--NEWAV U"O H I U 'JOOli 13sfS110 Hair Brushes, Combs, S Toilet Soap, Sponges, I Towels, Talcum Pow- der---ex erything f o r f tour room. CALKINS' PHARMACY. 324 S. State i. Bailey & Edmunds 3 101 1)EC1-iClATIN6i 121 1~ast Liberty St. 1: PO0"RTL.AND1 9C AF OP:N IDAY AND NI(HF, W. C. BINDER, Prop. 120 I .. It trim St. Zachnj1,0ai's Market3Wl1;I] i. Choice Meats for FraternityTrade. LOW PICI.ES ON' Toilet Goods _l to At BROWN'S...…

April 27, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…Dx II -- ' VhT ys GJLI b -.,, - , . , ~ . ' -, . v _ ;ro, ,., ,' . . _ -' ,,:. : (df" 6+y 1J 4 f- i 4_ L + t~ t 'i ,... v .. 1 '. ' t( 't .. x 2 {n I . . $1 r{}f4 i . .' { 1 11 abs ;li { ' ' .'1 i1 tic a{.' ...C 1 'lv t' t >{ j I i 2: 1 }ir Isv'.: - e p 5 I5 J :. °} t. ; - ,, , ' '"" a; .j gip, ,, ;' ,t N '1I-,N i, SLICE ...CC ... ..l.; l , :i :. ff '. ... . Y r' 4 l .M. '1 ', S ''{ -. H. Llt:tPERKINS MEN'S 'i N'l1N(5t _ ! ( :l it U II r if )i...…

April 27, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…T. M - '.1I III(1ANDAILY- 4EWS TPCj asT yr 1 e Y ai u vEr rid licsapr1i l~. 'A++4'~++++~t++44++ q 02gi iL° M - --_ + , ' _. 0 - °-s'R+ r° ° ° 'saiia a'3aeyraP.r4.w4C. ° sSroRasLar;raSraYtoSwsr3rt r s " °Sas°sa °Ya a a t;s sera '®tZa+ tawarpis!'a ° .f..YS..P.. '_._i..ts._r_.s .. _N'J ,cHA+, :.I r U a a~*w~ .°~sa ° .:OHAS . D ET S TAILORS '301 EAST WILLIAMS STREET I 17MY WOPrKaP , a '.. 'LT r 1 ND O f T o , , a - " _ rl f" r ," F) Q : . :f ', ^ ...…

April 27, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…r : 1Y i M(+,1 \ P". 1 " .A b L ' . '. d rPy :t d' f - 'r: 7 .1 y't ____ l C. am .. . ... .'a~ ,', , : c. t ei a d rinl i t Irk) CN r n ; ATO DTOGOL',Ulv3U3 ' ithe J. NV. LAND? IA (I elierd TravelintgA gent, IT Z 'i\ s/ 7 The, S. taeEt. "" :ym "..,. .;.,- >. +i." "i++++++++- +'I+'M.++ + '+ 3" {I Ii ii t ,,° mn . , . : , SPECIAL ANNOUN ',CEMENT n i I 1: lv 1 il' ,3I]1:' C - AL ni w. eYou Take No NoledyinAV~1C An mimtt niil I IPii t '.71 . rl'(i...…

March 27, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…'qri" !'t. +- -: GY -' i "'L zr_. 9. 'q'l "y' . , " ^.. 77171 Y S P y y- l aim ...' -" STATE SOCIETIES _N in AtmAbor This Weed <itit~trI t 1 ill tllt;" ,t,:j}i+i~ '' t Iia, eit E1 \ \i}Ii i ;11 vtl' No. 1 30 ANN ARB~OR, MtCH. 4 TIIURSD)AY, MARCH 'L'.,(2 ' tiii' it '' i Y tII I:; tj u IIHII I II 1111 t It ? lIl i I I I It 'I, I tl lii Illi I *I ii tit Ii''''' I* .'' I lii iII it ' 1' , I ! I l r , 11 I GOOD PRACTICE tGimnasium .Association. tl ...…

March 27, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

….. ,' -+4 *+4-4 .. -H"i. 'fHro- ++ ,-e- -T-d . -4 - *4'4*-H -. *PHABMACY 3:24 SO7TT T* I1GKmGKBIIaidr rlioas Aifit 907 N( R['U Nl%' J NI I I( .%": k- THE HOCKING VAL Y Y. wil " ait:TOL .EDO TOCOLUMBUS 'Ate .M,.i.ANIftlAN, {ieaes-aITraveeling .gent, FIJL---- r4 n.'11,f'. 2I2 .r2. '1 ~ fr~ Cl 1 LINEN PAPER 1.5, 20. and -11c a lh. SCHALLERS 'BOOKSTORE, 1 1 S, MAIN STREET wra a10 'r ' s~r ,'rv"brr..w~~ REANNGs NOTICES WA HR " 1 t { I 71t Y. .{ 1 L...…

February 27, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…r - im JMZMA FIRST YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUQRS DAYj FEBRUARY 27, 1902. -- ____ TO MICHIGAN'S CELEBRITIES The DailyNews Tenders a Grand Full- Dres Ball in Recognition of Ther Rank and Services. The Press Also Invited. =AId o~ :1 ''i eari'll 'fid n ( . il itf~t l: viu a 1a1!I'ii th' l"it r o +ale I{f .Teafiii N v1 Stil "t s F { ttt.t l2 ui t riii ii l u ili to ' a 'I lihi' tvli/ e , h iSt1 i h iii lIJN i h hw i a Ch f i ti h o U n t -X t i t'...…

February 27, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…z .P ! I st.) lus HZ CP Lij 1)' C F z Theu t of 01. tAut_ Thei VAl-1.1 NE\) TH E ICiIGAN DA-NE ~ILY NEWS d fria-t;I w l~~ll+ I\" ;tli ]1:11ji p" ti a. 1l}tS(? .7'+ E W S Alit+l' 1'21"ii tq t}}t il~tl :11' e J e r s qt 0--s t'i \: 11 11 '.li' tJl.Jtte'farse c111 ,ws 111ti 11jil1e w;i I; ':l .,x'll ~G o lftit 1:13 CL - 0: r rTt nri M. THIS WliITE SLI DES 6 5c. -Joss SLIDE BOXES For 2).sides.. . ... ... , For 1001 slides ....... . , FQUARRY'S CAM...…

February 27, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…THR ~MICIII(4A-TDAILY--NEWS Th Moa Gnv.JuTh thatt.(,, The I w!. l d tendiofl ndB -e I II 4 STEIN-BLOOHCLTE 4 ayi n a- - tSTEIIN-BLOGH CLOTHES 2T a1 ti (1C'h woarn -tt .A yn dnanlY ott n-: LIND,NSGflMIT & BEIBAC SO i 42 +-- IEB E 3E E &I O There is None Better Than Our Water Mtor hl Ai t its +>t it ', ec~ «ta tnti i ft e sartn- isfn i Ill l aboriiatoiy tiiid in fet tIa bestl ceitit-rtiea {in te i ii I of toda y. S ,-# ,\ ,c _ _; w- Importers & ...…

February 27, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…TflE NJIC IGAN DAILY NEW- . BU T"TEAR SCUO*U"TC0'H + Wehave° just piae in our wvindow 100) pounds of the be st Butter Scotch -YOU + ever tasted. This is only one of the good things in~ our candy department. A CLKN-YINS' hAMAY324 50. STATEST rlGKW1*6K B1lI1ara rarloms dodBo~liu 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AV ENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. II Thittt mons the i~ot it ofevetytzitg SLRVICHEQUIPMENT and ROIADBED. TOLEDOllorTO COLUMBUS Write J. W LANDI'IAN, Ge...…

October 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…1 SAL DAl ws ^yy w, . fIRST YEAR. UNPARALLED SCORE. The W\arsity Piles uip toie Diggst Score in Her History, Larger Than the Combined Scores sI Last \]~~t t ix~ivoi I i~ s " Mo iiii i io & t p tat ~ r iii c tii i t M T tii i !iiill Niilixxxi ' ' I lliv~ a 001- x". S t :ill l :I i n a t W M Y SLI Mtv ,. r n u I si' .t, lrhiii''bx v g o i i l ' xxx'li x i :I tiii'~ xis tur ove fxxs lxxxixt~ N &I ANN ARBOR, MIC II., SUNDAY. OCTOBER '27 1901. No. ...…

October 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIeAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT TfULOR8 OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever showni, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouseri ngs in the latest patterns' and color- ings The [hla~r;est assortmsent in the state. WILD 60. iob E. WashingtonSt The U, of M. DAILY, Year The 'VARSITY NEWNS, Ist Year~. 11'st Wfir". iKHitiAN DI~Li-NWS PUlBLISHIiNG COMPANY Tras R. B. 4 I, '' 5...…

October 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…11E MICH.IGAN DAILY-NSEWS The Most GoHlVi~GinoThiio that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a man who has worn theme. tWe cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers: ttachs their label be- neath the coat collar of tlseir coats, anl they are so proud of their reputation, that not the slightest 'efect either of style, fabrics or tailorin...…

October 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…THIE 11\x9"111AN ALY-NEfWS W A GN E R & WI iiittrk fci;3ri xx l:>it t"~rx ive~ TAILORS xproachgxseason. If ouae osiuinan' 23 ,South Main Street thingrm en' Ix i. e si i t ewerhulwithiyou. MILLER'S ABRIDI} XlENT BE~TTER T H P N EVER COMPILED LAWS The SCHLEEDE MICIGAN 1 1 1 1 MPORRY I1DE8 I~xlig :1 six('C{1 I 4i th e I i 111()t tt1-1 it iit satubts ir 'i i.jd iid i 1 ixiii/ xi ri ONE "VOLUME, - - %$3O0 F. J. SGHLEEWx, CALLAGHAN & COMP- A N Y,) i...…

September 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…-f ,_ f . >," fi _ 3 _ _ i ' r= %. '= ! .JY 7; 7^ i 7: _ .,R ! 1. 1_ f. o j r. 7. 7 _ f 7 +i! i : - : .. ,. " ' +' «- 'J, +.V I it .. ... ._.. O .. v. - _ :' -' l Y+. "- 7- . 1. - . 'f. y _ - 'I. _ .y r _ .... y y 7_ _ _ _ v .. ,: f - _ 7 =, r .f' ,,- - 7, - . '/ _ _ "" r _ i -" _ _ . .. i. r. - _% . ..i . , .r .__, _ J_ .f .f+ '/. Yf f . ...J - ry i. w f .. .,, _ _ %. _ f. r. :. . y - W f i. i. . _... _. . y " __. '1. i _ _ - .. r _ _ _ : _ I...…

September 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT If1ILOR~ OUR FALL LINE is the best wve have ever showvn,: contai nfn g ALL THE, Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouseri ngs in the latest p~atternls and color- ngs. [lhe largest assortmenit in the state. WILD 00 io18 ti. Washington St. QUARRY'S FOR Drugs and Student's Suipplies of all kinids. Cor. State and N. lUniversity, CAMPUS DRUG STORE, R. E. JOLLrY'S Lu...…

September 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS + ++ +++++ ++++++H.++++++++++++*.%+++++++++++ 1 i14'114 4. + + f ~f1 ~~f 1: ~ ~ X ~ ~New 1Fall Suits and Overcoats iv XXXtIII Iii , x XXII I e ++ E O K A Th- rl~tc~rllletli(,ofMen's Furnishingsan H tsiltwc' Th + I-IC le : <nX- ill A11n1Arlir for t tin riiil d IIA T IEII ) INIfI .\ \ S IIIITS nil IIfIWAIIN ) lI. 4. + +AHMK~N&K L ++ *&+++++1+++++.4++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++1 1 1 +++ JOHN J- SOHANZ TAILORS OHAS. DIETAS...…

September 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICIIIGAN DAILY-TNEWS WA NE&C & CO* o"r iat r yn;at: a f'let, TAILORS na a ta ,a-o- a If vw ae cwte-evti 123 SOUth lain Street t t-tzn'- tweartot ns'ti t., ovr 1 you LAW STUDENTS If yIou want LAW BOOKS, new or SECOND HAND we can snpptly you at... FAIR PRICES Ask for Our Cataloguie Of Law Books.... CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, BETTER wt THA'N EVER The SCHLEEDE TEMPORARY BINDER ()pctlt tfat. Aiiia ta cls ad jut - is a os emalol1 ae1 ialtt r - ; l S...…

April 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MIH.. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1901. No. 153 i..Our Special Line of.... STIFF PROPOSI TON TODAY Oator Maxey to be S. L. A. President MUST HAND IN SWEATERS Foreign and Doniestic Blot Freshs From Other Victo"i's Will heilct''ioo elector who are to AtltcBadClsF "o n FA R Cfry to Dupicats Perfo. maice Ithe lerfori I(ol(ge . whIch elects the arity Colors Worn by Cass EA I Sof Last Week-Ack,ns othbes for the tude nts Lectiere '- Team....…

April 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF M~iULLGAN DAILY. ~ioo~! h~0atd( "Joe" Pingree Still a Good Athlete 10" OR Shi e o Publshe Daiy (~ondi se~ceteddurig Gv. Pilgeovrites, theE li" ez~ sofolow" o-oesl- osog'o' o hweheeri WiE UNIVERSITY OfMICHIGAN ex-u. of -55. athlete: tlain. Al therainhdesn't ishurt it MtAIN oLsrICE RANCH sOFFCEo "Therebhove btoeuasries of)t sports wile it affoids plenty of comfort on Ar oslfeoo S dan she s-£:iiieovt oo. in 011 or0' -the warmes...…

April 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…'IBEUNIYFESITY OF TU I GAN ALLY SOLE AENTSD PARTI CU LARj is ABOUT WEAR EcE I isc L - /l/31d1S" -' i? I toA OODMISEEDT S k' GS i ': "-u:.', ?3r S : "'["h: C '' 5, .u""Z " :,-y :J'i:_''° 72°S" : "_' r117 "'?i" MAIN '" a STR ?EET 9 2 '' W9 1' i _ .... ....... s .... .....e.........w a_. _s.sae_ at_ aene_ rs._ssave r._o_.cnes _e_ s._vn._siw._._ v_ Michioan Central ANIARARA FALLS ROUTE, lIE S110571 INE- T1 +4U. F M.TA I LO"R S SPRING IMP...…

April 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MI(JHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS H-IGH- ART F~-it~ CORRECT A # Agents A Iu y zawnb ruseu. TAILORING U ' A Prince TAILORINGge t Ij Is av yDun.ce erry, a Story of ft MNai AT PRICES within the reach ot ordinary mortals Io14uStudents wanitedto iicanvass Coast, by tCliarles Clarke Munni. Thaat M1>ainwarieg Affair, by A. Msayo- Your Suit to Your Mleasure I during vacation for the "'A. A. acot Barbour.IImrvdgaoielpsSls n~e Visits of Elizab...…

March 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…r1>r VOL. X1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WisUDN E>4AY, MARCH 27 1901. INo. 135 ....Our Special Line of.... PROF, JOHNSON HAS GONE Studets plled Minstrel Parade WE SCARE THE PREACHERS Foreign and Doniestic e Slipped Away Last Night Unan- rile tltsi8111 tistil". 'is'iic'hiiad Northwestern Thinks the Daily Stirs Anunced-Law Faculty Prese ts mabit te Ityx iysst dt i p Sleep-Destrein' jelt,-Har- FA BR V CS in XWith a Gld lit 111 eiSt isnit1 lwIf i t t i-nrw...…

March 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…z THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Cv lleg. rea . c M AAANINGFEDITRNHOFC Ar isM in . 33oH s. Stt Sre. tli"< RISINESS MANAGER, I;tI= EDITORS-. A.H.\IAi-ic iss i. alL . D* . IIi is's ",'-ti1 'NisaiL K. avias vi Is \. . 5ivss L at isssitiiv-l sisia ULheI'ia-; A1.O 5 tINF _- Ills 11weitRAINV UI( 11"(11fllh1t)1 tle S 111the :bus vaia Ia 'I -; he ''0(0''$3.00 Shoe is the shoe - ho te iild d ha)ill ; I o il il the poperi'is a Hr I'l tos wear swh...…

March 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVETISITY OF 1\IIJIIG-1\ DAILY !' f ~ Kn x, V rsit and H 3 s t lt 18With the different styles of these three hats, you can show' 4 all manner of taste, except bad taste. We believe that there is only one grade of merchandise that .a 4 gives the expected satisfaction to the buyer and reflects credit on the dealer. That grade is the best. 11 1I I N TILE 'I51 -18-a~la- a a sSaa aaaa-4araaaa-a as-;a -a °aa i ~a< Michizan OentraI NIAGARA FAL...…

March 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

….;, THE UN IVEIISIT Y O1 MICHIGAN DAILY SV ECIAL SALE MIICH1IGAN SUBSCRIPTION ONE WEEK O~NLY Sed IpIyl l4 BOOK AGENCY Writing Paper Fo nre i AGENTS WANTED o r tcFp 25e , ;re, mid ('ream Wovte, Envetlopes i)lftojl'fff itt c~ per a ft- a kges 2 5 C M n a d ISER BOARD, LmsGodrichMgri %r vTO MONrrrTS, i GOver First National Bank Ag ents Agents 100 students wanted to canvass dutitig aca ion for the '4A. A. Improved' gasoline lamps. Sells 1(1n Sia...…

February 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… t r r i AKALI all VOL. X1. ANN A HBOR, MICI., TUE A Y, FEBRUARY 27, l1901. No 111 ....Our Special Line of.... UNIV. MUSICAL SOCIETY Oil Painting of Prof. Johnson For the ------Law Library Foreign and Domestic Proceeds of Hinrich Concert Go In- wards Reducing Indebtedness At i mreeting of the senioir law clas of Coluimbian Organ held roesa oeor i-f~ lr ______Nvia-s takti-roi secure- a tit-lg reorerir- FOR. SPRING Marx Hinirich, the favorit...…

February 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MIlCHIGA N DAI IA. r-- , .. o p3 l ( * i.I Pubished Dily (Modys esoptd)drng Ctlege rear a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN A rgot BdgMaul tSt. 3308. Stat Steet. Poth 'phonrs 13. Nws Stat Phoe 12. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HAMoS, 01 BUSINESS MANAGER, ,P. ENEsonoo, 't L, EDITORS: ATLIETICS'. G. D. HonsosoT, .1 E A.H MloDcALtOS .'t . . AKN IoT, '0IL MISS L, K. Sottor '13 CotIs. DOsoon'01 2. H. w'oows,'O4 v. P. Contsoso'01 W. A ESCOTER....…

February 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…THE UITVRSIIY OF MICHIGAN DAILY W S * t nn oi 'OU OflatLI-aAIa r u Lgt ayerybyesfrteVkST Ha. 1hr ashv andterpplrt hog he foc*ho ei. Tesrn iye xe l rvosefrs Galadse*hm 0 11*ANSTET I dr 3aar aaa~~aaa3?3 3?Of laaa aa ast SaturdayCbrought many early buyers foratheSaV XRSITY" Michigan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THlE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connectiotns at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas Cite, St. Pa...…

February 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY Ol MICHIGAN DAILY POPULAR* BOOKS* CLOTH MINING 25C EACH ' ULACK ROCK, by Ralph Connor -Ilizabeth and Her GermanGarden An English Woman's LoveLetters 'Links Eieryhndy are Reading and Talking Abodt. ,cI cy Adams Sawyer Kad AMason's Cor- ner Talks. ,tre-d, by Steistua Phillips. 1=: 'Aiglon, English and F-reh edition. !heehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a tO T LUNCH AT vUTTTWUL .-LQ 1 MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTION BOOK AGENCY St...…

January 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…She -Ad { Wi r i i 14 IFA4 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDiAY, JANUARY 27l, 1901. No 912 Announcement PENSoEA COEN iiitiilh aid i-oitrol of seiiatorill It May Be So, But We Dunt Know niaitills. lie offered( 1 s stii- _____ lileinhmilnision l i etition. I Milw aukee. is.Tal26 XXh rival 4L Our special line Dewey WISs First Honor in a Close Tiscoiltest was all Indaividiual coi-soot hull teams iepraesenting the Uni- Contest-Laws FvellisUs by S...…

January 27, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY tnt' MICHIGAN "DAILY.,' Published D0il3 (-Mondays: obepted oeriog College ear, a 1THE UNIVERSITY Of NMICHIGAN ArgBld, Main St. 330. tate Street. Boeth 'Phoes 13. 'New State 'Phon:e 13. MIANAGING EDITOR, 0. 11. Ilto, 33 '1 BUSINESS MANAGER, ,r. ENGELHARD::, '01IL EDITORS: 3THLET1ICS, - (0. 11. l11 XUT, '041 I A. H. -McouG00 E. . WA. KNIGHT,'01 L MissL, . SAINF'03 HAS I Os:.:.'01 H5. . 1oo00w04 AV.:13 . C, lIs: '0-'.. ','V A. F...…

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