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February 27, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-02-27

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Special Sale in Strictly all Wool Custom Made
TrousHers $3.50, $.00, $,®o and $6oo
Look at W licdow Display.
CT6. J1 dUiSS, Iitr. 109-111 E LAST WASH-INGTON ST.
Univer"sity Tea Rooms I\1'NTSIII It rIOrc ~AS1 .M. MARTIN..
LOVE3LL'S Cor Slant and Hunron Sts. I Phone h,, ritns. DIRECTOR
CORNER ToREi. Ofice d20) S 4t Ae.Ph n 9S.Ret
OPEN i To 6 AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR deee ed SSlt:itt Pht e31ii Am
Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, 10c;___ ___ t tnetCill
r tll i (;CV Cm li 1113f:X. Hlle. Plt.2T -Juior din ne i
L am ps t te tin ininoitht I n-tani e ar SFilt _ (yIne rle ity, 6:15 o'cto l. of
hidrFb 27 Mtyoriitltlenn, oftping tte it s i erImpited inAand
Buri ttner,( Ittihnitev c kfL111tLondtonI ttntc-1ettntn t, il No 'ie 0 o n ot (oter tinltetni lab, I olocittc. ot n Thelt aret
Shades.i5ntti Ioit1\ Stolthofpit c o in the city
tntttt rIt o to.V\tt ttt tttt au thor ofi to l iF b -it. 27 oein-int (; Iriti c t to esit nd tioI fit. Sak
Gas Portables (ointoin tniK\'cll,"lhGcnd cr, ltadetl\ titut 'cock. Snir C i1.40 endti ipt.Prince -
SMttitt li-c, (1lsiiiiihi tinda, eb 8 rshvs 1. T. bet Itli resn d nTui ixedo (silk
tin li I) itt It tt. Btt t tti: i ttn tot t tlt tt ilme C il t toto itntctt yttttititu. or eiti faed) S3t1tiC utu p. All
YOiin.la-slnrw~tI N irc h 31 ic yt\i lnt: lt- i tnd her___________ eo anti nttlriti 7tarnted at
yoiu watinit t t o lts-nh.NoticeF R A1Z IE RPS
HA' IO[SPLSIR[ tnt ni nl tsnhodo p CelllIn i-ngs:rl tr-i-tit:iill, TAILORING PARLORS
Pitt.Stte & LiberySt. :tc. ii tl-It nrltin-t, unn. i-nnittttth dd0 oe1ei c ilulnies.e. e l in t,(,tatfin Der Firt.hNatiiinl iynt. Ann XAtbor
AFTER TilLPLAY mm ilt nttttn-tttitt ittteotn t t tloilltor t ak
Drop lisandttet yst letr-sin tny style tnaind Iitic v'<r u- tnt tnctc d ittoi:n andititt Thin I tt S t t S vnin
Liii-lie ittf tll hindsil. d i ttvvilIi le l t t t 7 p m, oomLit iiiCT R_
104 r. Hurnnnnt. Nextito F,.aidtl1. Bns I ~ ilot etalsc ' ara I tn1li 'it 11Htll. WV.i ioothil In V\CSeehan
itt-tiOnotBl tck irtntthe thiein. i iWn Aenlid iTirV(CVtiigtt
itt ttor le f s i-iritt i-. aoHIi w e ,E IF M ilti
PROCti-NOW & SCIIAIBLE. A\irnong th in lttc i intod ten-tiitt te_______________N J Byer Johniitere
Si-utile1 titiitni intcotiti inn Sit.1tnIi hut k L'il i i H Ori t a uii
STATE SIRElaT ititol huth titliltof it itltit ,d ti ~ i ii-tiitOo iiiiii -etPnnte iituaiMartin
lilt\s .ii l L ts .11 l-I i-Iil S I[Itl,
Lunch & Dining Room; DlItprficfoaltcopeinTefn ro SvnsB k
4 Sat e S(C 625i- i b Iierty S. \t\t aetrt-le n iiiitiiit n~il i nt.(l ll[ i,\oii l , 'itit ait t al fInnt lrh.o0.r ls , $166,0Ban
oftelictiotttin t equitttt fTyOtapiniSekol. ro alrcli,-o~ oaltn~i :nlrs C iiiln: inO. Iteitt,$h.~
nil ttein-cnput li\:rrnipui he les ! O~~zd undedteGen. aitiio tnt5it.
- ni tutuli l: codit I Ittl a-dIm I I liti:ofit iinie.
lIIXSON F& SAMSON, Proprietors. p lltgron dsittcof FIt Uniiieri- yo-.iinor( fy hiii ' dc1c 1 tcc~ie epst , usan el ecag
1)t-i iit- miiiY i liyli.i ri ni-nit-lc iiliiei--mt toIapropriaenthen-lliontieriinityn'inieif t eh. iUnite iSiates
1 I \V tiv hcr'; of of 1. ntdl Oe1;.1 raolte nl pnp o pner idntiflicationo
P. . .A. A . . ititit tnun. nif tut1\tu hnuouit firnistuen tii-eifr." saftty bonesnto nnent.
lE "- E rYE ~ E':~fFr r« 'ein n ihs ue l ntirt dmIni c-n-tutu ii t hrltttttnne . Iintik lenin w D
(1AW.' X nI t::imb tstillii - .4 --- K t o - l ito i- nithent tnt tn- ln nittn ielnn Mi eu nit
nN CHit.tF.niet:- InunltI. ct-ut ominnt-c in-i tnt II innc cittt
____________en-ni - un men ietehetn--itth.onriV.,.A. A, & J. RY. Standard Time
t Modern Job Printing iInatc:- u t:-nii.inu nuof 1f tninnnn mnoln ~lie ptrtitea itviii itnke EFor Detroit halt 1ountry friot6:15a.
bG 1it g 1 1"l~ir~c, livv "Its" :t ,lic t th ito~c'n t is instit1n. until 6:15 p . Thtenu l n i l
lb The K si i tdYuarae Loknlg tor lit11iS:15.Ilt ttli-. Iti l F t-S Ior Ypsilantionly t1:5a
0,m. and 12:5 in. Fr Jacksonu hourly
~, Phone 281-2r. 215 S. Main St. FI- otie Lan Itei fnuti n-rinr ouin. Fresh Alegreti Ciocat tes at Cu-atb- :15r p. n .iha~o~~nd 1 :15 - i. m. T n
I n-llitnike aJltfouon lok frn cni ts. jig't h a itrmacy.Waiting room Huon St.. W .oatMain
speclairate 7cI I I M 2 E efeso.09,ony ManedttllnoWatitce, ltt- ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
fa corseeof - toninitewi-etry-ti nyy i ~prsonattl ,. .A 8Iaoooait±.I Ns:
treatenth tot effets.Buinoes slrictIly confidetitt. Trains leae Ann Abnr by Cetrattannd
MassagetfaciotPot' n]trdTwd oli-lw toT roos rettonobtle. Offic hourttuo arnd Tiae.
or bdy. hat v'il wah 111d nt far : t l1:30 at. lm., 1 to 5 tod 7 In 3 p. nt Effective Dc t 8, 0'.
Darlingr&,f<allaeux Ctlt or taddre. . 2. otrio, Ilooot SOUTH NORTH
Hairopdysod. D Clig 1 1 7lau Ilentning blok. tPhone 4,5. 151 it M N.I-50AM
lhro dy aonoo d-(1'lor . "t al : 1Al kndhellyts adStoo. - No.. .- 7:05. . 5 Na..-- 9:03 A. .
Masnage, Itar- aeN. 2.-11uI3 A. M. N. .-12int P. M.
tio~re. Ldy OI undle Salerapher' asupplies. CsigsPam
or (teuOtiemnttf 53Trains Na 6 and 6 rn betweena Aaa Arbor
Attendant FidayI r I Saurdy. yand Tledoi only.
ITrain, 1, 23, 4.1a and daly ecept Snday
Free hale ars oaNsNa. 1 null 4.
Over Brown's Drug Store. Przes giveot actidtay. 70 HUieriyAve
Phlone_402. ______________________________________________
Every Student Should In- WiseltohisloosaStlinry "eMgraFdRMI.
vest io Cents INOICEj74 in te iitly, tlo notkiugto speciatof 0 THE SHORT LINE-
And get the Deltrit Free Press t-mporairy indter pitper lby thelond -y
Very nmoring tandlthe AnnoWo stltire I ti ltlllttent in tlte newbohor qrte01-atot hoestelfigure. A NN ARBOR TO
Arbor Daily- Argus every- even- J-welry Detptariot- enti-l ch te ve Also if yiolotten-atnyboks wn-ilt-li CHICAGO
iag. The'best ipapers in the ricn-etly Sttein oininetinith s t'lthit doo r-intioding, cattin toanod get or BU.FFA LO
state and cite- toe the one price riegularlinte of Sttionarylbook-bindt- pries.___- E YR
of 10 cnets &tweek. Leave tr- ig, etct. ShtouldIyotottec tny walch- N WY R
dens for the combination at ADB SO
Stoflael Cu OlSain St.,Meyers, t-nclocks or Jewelt-oInbe- repi-tred see - Wlhdrc ANclasBOSaaaT St
lull VsWiltiam St or Argis caono gui itoee lperfeict Stisaticio. F. J. C~lIe ld wials.rctKansasc(tionsL alathaoWerSt
otIlt e,510 South Man Street. Gtil) millinspe t omr toc k, aatrom no rmatioa n sa tHalaghe est.is
T RY T HE T W O ilocks, T. at A. Pins, sc. 30 . STATE ST. welsoanw. W. CASB AgentAna Abor
Single admission 54c, $1.00 An essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $2.00
Students' Lecture Association Ticket,
Ct7e rtue iin-illtelit t te idn i te to rm i 'nrt e i S iliIiiio lIteni i Alnouncenments and dates.I
Always Ahead in 3JUUI J The Best of Every
Style EvIl W AR E thing in Tailoring.

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