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April 27, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-04-27

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~ioo~! h~0atd( "Joe" Pingree Still a Good Athlete 10" OR Shi e o
Publshe Daiy (~ondi se~ceteddurig Gv. Pilgeovrites, theE li"
ez~ sofolow" o-oesl- osog'o' o hweheeri
WiE UNIVERSITY OfMICHIGAN ex-u. of -55. athlete: tlain. Al therainhdesn't ishurt it
MtAIN oLsrICE RANCH sOFFCEo "Therebhove btoeuasries of)t sports wile it affoids plenty of comfort on
Ar oslfeoo S dan she s-£:iiieovt oo. in 011 or0' -the warmest 0-fdays.
MANAGING EDITORS, !tetaiO>0'0I eve i'v itutos. ''is' 5t l. But of course we have light shoes
0. 11.5. 50 os. '1 sporty N 50100 OC-Os' 001. 1111 thse-cotest for brighst days and heavy shoes for
055SINE SS . ANAGiE1R, he-au i-sqoitel: ai~oi'v00000 laffair. rainy days if you prefer.
5. oosioooo '0 ' 'Th ereethye severvat l n e1 iiolsoiln
EDCO Os:o seo d asoo tI-vaspeniel'.,.;as10 a1'soil1reel- GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
A solr. 00'. Lou o ha so'. tvol0:0 -'0 ailentoft -5 is ol 1iv. 00thoe see O9So. Main Street.>
_____ae ooiieioto t 'eae Oiytpes evesisgs utlANN ARBOR. NICH
A.I?.MoiCOUG. L,7,'1% 's ±x," Z)so. ;2\-t"r, 'o l l;h. 5t ii- ln1'(-o1; i oll oeol. ibiS sot 8 P. I<
Mss LK. So Boooo'0 X'5."_1.lfoooiir'Ih t)'0000)110".l.I .)- l son. . 011 Eli '000 ooet1
. W00DI2ooaoooo,*4 '0. P.5'.y:000 ,C. II f)5yo teits. T 'tto ' ooao-toi' ' -_______l__ =__
W. A. YrtSO ao.'Pit 0 0.'.I. 10 sloi ol't- I sei'iio-itto ooe 'oaril o l toi 15)""iol
- ____________1________ l 'ai 10 fl1n0l5o \-ioo'l l oik 'ili0i
mtisiiio : o-'s- nvs5 o t boo l-it. .' oiusiiioAl rot I:0
Isa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; 501tilc i11 i 0 v for .oi- ii . elt -solf Ii'. f1lee
Sass is no ,rt S ca . dot 05 at Lito li tLV 0110 .l , Ii I i so.hstIcit ts iefI
tio n Clibe000.. O c, 01 at tohlie D50s0 oloce
00:0) liv i-stat the.but hen biisthe0.s5.I sri
p.oones lt daoalCCpieoite o Tha00001yeoIo I thee' c ould. t'stoshlssoo ooole
Sl-sc l is a e tte t o a-toleo jo-ac . JO o s o 0100'.Iott th ey 10001sloe losst
Allotbii~e 00 ou 5i0S00 000sC 50b5etie isliitss'ato lotiio-e00- l-lositlof-osloa'n
Snicto OMeye'~ .o ~olloe da oeosld rwtoa teiwn 0 0tie Pu.-i;hi '
BStin(!i a hi eia ay oio 00ooibes wllc onf 0r 0000 1to 55 oslo 0NIlahoidossn otoneril-
failure__ofcar__i ____to ____aver __________ tem el tfsoss 0 ssos5 thalith-yput te eiwo
Es et iloysial v sts'v l ato tieron m aust e ha reob ltosgo theiei c li0-listo i otisilo
that oil whichilool' aroil appear.las-sleo-i'. 0-Os'sk i-i-oil 1) toni
e i o a ' l le o o o i i ls s ' s l ' oiii o oiil 5 p los on it e y a retoolil ho to l o s i e a h's' - - _ ___ _ _6
trosl ilothe )(-0111ooiss1- looilcls'eparly01 00 SCC -e oS-u(e: Eilil.S-itl.IS ' -,- ,-

'0 R
'iocre seems1 to be noo let up in
o dlemand n or ouor
Shapeleigh and Sack Suits
[otlsing on the nma;ket in years has
te witsuchodainstant soid sustained
cc~ss. They have inspired en-
isiasm anmong the heat dressers
id are beyond any criticism.-
Why Soot drop in and see them.
Large Stock of Trousers, Golf
'nts, Hiats, C-tps and Furnish-

sito s-oofsol illolo. 0G1I- teaniisii o in000- 1ssoldieros, 3 oooospi/.P iei is''000. Ieli 'res in T E S H A R
poelo rt~ lte~lte}gtet. tles Io l m.bol oISok'000 ,-AFI-I
allod nc-osotheas' rtyoo11 sporst of 11/" 0'solllv0ii0 ." o '' s
5000olt Of 5 000i u hl n oooosii i t o l 1 0.le l t ulpt il allot 000-oT ONil
ciol'i. 'lls 00itohei silllsell0.0000 oid h l fb Ye 000000'1 00100000. shiltT N ~ L
a-iteatoo orithson(asbolt ' HI. H. Streeter and bis Stock gompany
'i y hlfalic. ls 11 ,eitic o ardosvl tookh --__ _ _ I
00015'ik oslop as liosol uhidol sl it0 0- H', ot 'I1m e in the O d Tow n
01115- coslso, fo-oniasoa - to 000oiti ' oil' hers____ ______ __----________
and ersy". ~lyt~lee tl~ls hel _MONDAY, APRIL 29
00sh 'oIes'y. iw alor 10-os'i'ltoios o f ' i lli r ou slo ti-ot100 sooo-o 0li
uilollolIll~ii 00 0olliogliliiiiliOO o s ollos'sio'istis'is-slts .0 oiiii'i11lofi ~~THlE GREAT NEW YORK SUCCESS, 227 Nights at the 14th St Theatre
''o asi l soi gl l iis 0hard too ideroso'ioilnd tIeti 'ol-ls- 00i ti-slos-s\ 1 hr ' hllna-al ..
'The hoatoterehsbow boss 00000't0o u1 uchOiiil-io' -ls-vroua o'lockel. A 1100'THlE IC.TURESQUE NEW ENGLAND PLAY
soto subS. ottsiv ilses1o1 Iolloisle "117 i 1 sasiinTe fthu t'voot elbesofl i .FANirm se
1i1s1 0 0-11 1 jsoo.l llo-. I Io ' 0-1000 t ilr r-os to'I s-ol sl . leioola ,Io-ll .os' Priesolsiit, 0
sota i'othe placeiss soith igli P of.oSaldIing Sand Psof. (odrl. .FAK1ODUTas the Postmaster
peep'ling tsi ilfrooo oni iro o a -oo t ich lblimusicsW05l1h1 Issopec illy'sodsiled00
c-users clooso llii-oillostills s-cli-so-ly. osillinlueso-lolt os ail d s010 eoleo'tisonsfo ll 'No lay' se titskind hoaslet with tsoch positivsucees."-Bos5tonSHer-ald.
A ' It poity0i :>- oomi'1 ovoivily oools ret' Oe uonile- sltlits-landol reol'stotvoi. to"New Yo'k-htao nec-co senaSbtiet drnma ofrural."-New o'rk HeraOl.
Soil siy'Iilb-oinoti ho lii- bitlo-o woithisotoand 00010in 0s atabl'l(atioo tni es swilSl ols-;
ittltaslei. Stifthvee looscesoe i ti 'llsaa lb lot.'h'ox'ot: All special seeycarried for. thisprdcin
iSe'e''ul too the ve 'o'ooasooolo~ ~lo' istiii ,willtb0'gin alt 4 o's-Io-hkinstoead of 4::b.scnrpod ti.
madeb__he___let__.________who_ PRICES: 25, 35, 50, 75 and $i.o.
pero"'Il s'l oItis oa sotl suoi elo110IF GB WOULD BE HAPPY Seat Sale Saturday.
tlos, thoonatibis 1 is'iollt o y otohol S15Otthl
tos 01010'iofi altisn itsly Royal Tigers, 10lc; Tigevettes . c.f '
sftildeit wsoowoill cheapesll athis W'\'o ty -b
eslsvstoy' 110i1t15Re13 igio.fal- . If51so. hbly a Bulffalo '
1902 Independents For Michigaslehslan Pin0 ot14,..EII's for I pc. -
Thou'sacls foe thuleoich'ita'liosialt Chef d'oeuvre de A )
BodInodlSoteendeto'-iEdtitor-s Ovals'held IlExpositionl Universelle THlE OttD tE.IABLSE St'TIENTS ItEAI)QL \IoTEtt-o
yesuterdaoy asfteo' a I0 ouloc-l. A. BY
tslt' oillh aud lie-a ini esisto'ss-o'foa Waltor,'sagIio, and Champier - IIL.J...I fF ?. D F~fFR i....cR
Bonzeoiag wbao'ss' eolecteo-ltosl lut iIopoi'ADDORESS, 53(3SOUTH S'TATE S~TREETP
The puiss iC'of chas scott received the SIEMODEIEI),IREFITTED, EV'ERY THfINGNEW
tioss. 'Theo'"Co-ed"st'-olt wf vasnol tornd Prize and (Gsld Msedal aoltthe Pools Es- b T'N C tK''~ttNIR ~ltP
repreo00isete. Ltoie theao tenit gl en pa o psition Con itsoexelolence. Allwor-sks sold ono sc-IC FA IT OLL N I A L S
wilmeIorthe o- touiobailol oflI thle suscreiption son.KerrTHE ONLY nIO ARC .1 C S IO SDOt IN
foure Miolilihfalli fo their Coiice. R dmidO ENLIVNE 1MO A"CuFS V-[I 1 i'
IL{l'lbss'll Soiithi. D. K. E.,fousl i15111r& Co, p GI 1LA
Whoite. Phil Kappi~alPos.ivre000 fair thaeBANKERS 0in S, IODA COO C ARET E S
obily' caniatesoio ill thou'fi-lot foe use pog- 41 Wall Street, New Yorkc ~ ' TT7-ia-
soflolsof sot iate eti' 'tors ot h 111 Dtob il'ibAiSIL ULL ITINS 01 AIL I OtItING EVENTS
of oadnt )ltiE.Receivesdepasits'subt to <1t.So dcoite. s ElD 'A
74sio a oooliioliil'.ned interest oes esd atnd remisned. Atia-s -00 STATE
'l'lar-sltotf sthelnf nelu'ist'a'atfcall- Fiscaol Agents too sod neysflsl e itoleof E Y NO LDIS thosi o i Ail IS3 1TREET
eilroaid-, stre-t erail sac- s slceomlpw i's, 05t'.
Voos waOs :00followtsso Securtiebo ttand sold on eomm iosl lii.
Rosoeo'B1. Itusbtois, _15alosaiig Elilsi'. Moembees Ness York Exchange._______________________
faiieoinl~ ',. 1Cople. aNLS r O IU SANITARY PLU MBI NG
Ls o erent otloriv - , :;n so ottiieiofl, STEAM SAND 1S TwWATEOR tEATING,
Mafiyor laoyboey Itas 100011inivted to' GRAHAM, KERR & CO. HIGH GRADE MVANTELS AND GRIATES.
he olos'of thue speoaersat toe $a5innerlS
of floe Uioiverolity of Michil-gall Demo- -
eratie clu~b on001fteeveltini0 Hof My 10.
Sls "yore Carfor ti.dHarriso f-hiao ionT O ofyrTm .Jhsn fCeelnN 0ClsladJo.oet fCoubs O;hv LLSYE EOESICHETNIO EL0
alobeeTsnteto. oinspeakofTCEevehnot
to RICE 3.00& $3.50 Shinms Free 218 S. MAIN ST,
U. of M5. 'buttons lo snota5111 o I 5
LER'S. ___________________

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