November 14, 1968
(vol. 79, iss. 66)
• Page Image 4
… the Motts Apple Sauce jar .2 psi below what the label says it is. But there are more serious applications of the new thing. Education would simply be a matter of plugging one's new computer into other…
… know how im- portant that was.) THIS NEW THING, science says, will allow us to have television sets that we can hang on the wall or computers we can carry in our pockets. "'Science says this new thing…
… have brains. Furthermore, we are told that a pocket computer has the potential for adaptation to many specific physiological functiors. And it could be used by a person to increase his sensitivity to his…
…, trailed by 671.1 cubic meters of cold mass of which at least 428.6 cubic meters are below 34.2 degrees centigrade." The computer would increase the absurdities in life. Consider the picayune housewife, who…
… tpday won't buy a dented can of chicken noodle coup because she associates the dent in the can with the soup. Imagine what would happen when she discovers with the aid of her computer that the pressure in…
… more experienced computers and transferring facts. This is of course, simply an im- provement over modern day education. WE WOULD BE ABLE to gather the facts much more quickly because of the computer…
…'s transfer systems. We would retain the knowledge without error or misconcep- tion. We would become the perfect student. And if the computers could transfer methods of reason- ing and prejudice, bias and…
… computer personalitiesand characters. We could make some people prejudiced against celery or Saturday evenings at home or anything . .. On the other hand, we could erase all prejudices . a family or…
… particular surroundings to develop into the unique persons we are today. Our computers would do it all for us. We could be arbitrary about it if we want to maintain the status quo. We could put the names of…
… those to be born into a hat, pull them randomly and match, certain bodies with certain computer personalities and characters. We could make some people prejudiced against celery or Saturday evenings at…