Sunday, October 20, 1968'I
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The Daily Offical Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITER form to
Room 3528 L. S. & A. Bldg., be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information call 764-9270.
s Da y Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro-
gram No. 71": North Campus Commons,
8:15 a.m.
Professional Theatre Program: APA
Repertory Company in Sean O'Casey's
Cock-A-Doodle Dandy:: Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater. 2:30 and 8:00 p.m.
Cinema Guild: D. W. Griffith's Isn't
Life Wonderful: Architecture Auditor-
ium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
Chamber Arts Series: Madrigalisti do
Venezia: Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:30
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro-
gram No. 71:": North Campus Com-
mons, 8:15 a.m.
Student Council Conference for Jun-
ior High Schools: Registration, Hill
Auditorium, 8:30 a.m.
Department of Anatomy Seminar:
Stanley Garn, Center for Human
Growth and Development, "The Pecul-
iar Behavior of Tubular Bone at the
Endosteal Surface: 'It Giveth and It
Taketh Away' " 2501 East , Medical
Building, 1:10 p.m.
Prof. Edmund Anderson, Ph.D.
Research Pharmacologist
University of Illinois
7 p.m. Sunday, October 20
(E. Huron at Fletcher)
Six Evenings with the Professors:
Mordechai E. Kreinin; Professor of
Economics, Michigan State University,
"Gold-The Balance of Payments, Gold
Flow and International Liquidity": Am-
phitheater. Rackham Building, 7:30
School of Music: University A r t s
Chorale: Maynard Klein, Conductor:
Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p.m.
General Notices
ETS Test: The ETS Graduate Foreign
Language Examination in French and
German will be given Tuesday, October
22, at 7:00 p.m. In the Rackham Lecture
Hall. Graduate students as well as sen-
iors contemplating graduate study at
any university who have previous fore-
ign language experience are urged to
take these examinations toward satis-
fying basic reading competence require-
ments. Advanced registration in Rack-
ham Building Lobby required: cost to
student - $6.00 (ETS charge, not Univer-
sity charge); results mailed to students
approximately four weeks after test ad-
ministration. Individual scores releas-
ed only on written request. Bring two
No. 2 pencils.
Department of Architecture and En-
vironmental Simulation Laboratory Lec-
ture: Alan Schmidt, Center for En-
vironmental Design, Laboratory for
Computer Graphics and Spatial Ana-
lysis, "Computer Graphics," A & D
Auditorium, Tuesday, October 22, 3:00
There will be a reception in honor
of Madalyn Murray, Sunday, October 26,
following her talk at Hill Auditorium.
It will be held at 3:30 in the Hussey
Room of the League. Everyone is in-
vited to attend.
Open Seminar: "The Divine Relativ-
ity - A Social Conception of God,"
Monday, October 21, Guild House, 802
Monroe St., 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by the
Office of Religious Affairs. Other ses-
sions will be held on Oct. 28 and
Nov. 4.
Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio
(91.7 Mc.) 11 am. to 11 p.m. daily; Sun-
day 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 1:30 p.m
What Must Be Done - "Employment"
with Arjay Miller, Ford Motor Com-
pany; Don Slalman, AFL-CIO; and
Cyril Tyson, N. Y. Human Resources
Administration. 2:00 p.m. Cleveland
Orchestra Concert, Robert Shaw con-
ductor; Grant Johannesen, pianist.
Monday 11 a.m. The Eleventh Hour (re-
peated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts an
hour of news and conversation about
the rts and literature. Guests: Editor
Powell Lindsay and actor Kent Martin
Right now we're in communications,
military command and control, air traffic control,
transportation, medical information, education,
urban planning. We have openings for systems
engineers, electronic engineers, systems,
analysts, mathematicians.
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nator, The MITFRE Corporation, 4000 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford,,Mass.
Subscribe Toa
discusing Langston Hughes. Monday,.
1:00 p.m. U-M Speech Department Lec-
ture: Roy Knight, visiting professor,
The College of the Venerable Bede, Uni-
versity of Durham, England, on "Con-
temporary Drama and Religion". 5:15
p.m. Law In The News with Prof.
Joseph R. Julin.
The Junior-Senior Counseling Office,
1223 Angell Hall, will have a repre-
sentative from the Harvard Business
School here on October 25th to talk
with those students interested in learn-
ing of the schools offerings. Appoint-]
ments can be scheduled by contacting
Miss Jan Apple either by telephone
at 764-0310 or by coming into the office.
The University of Michigan Senate
Assembly. Monday, October 1, 1968, 3:15
p.m. Rackham Amphitheater. Agenda:
1. Interim Report of the Committee on
Communications -Media. 2. Vice Presi-
dent Ross - Remarks. 3. Student Par-
ticipation - Assembly Committees.
Bogumil Walter Frenk, Romance
Languages and Literatures: French; Dis-
sertation: "The Concept of the Mean
in Montaigne's Essais, on Monday, Oc-
tober 21, at 4 p.m. in West Council
Room, Rackham, Chairman: F. F. Gray.
OCTOBER 17, 1968
Approved: WHEREAS, the University
of Michigan Tae Kwon Do Association is
a profit-oriented organization insofar as.
it employs paid instructors and is a
branch of a Detroit business enterprise
(The Michigan Tae Kwon Do Associa-
tion) and
WHEREAS, the association does not
meet or train as a 'University club in-
dependent of commercial activities and
does not function in any capacity with-
in the University except for commercial
advertising purposes, and
WHEREAS, student organization
status should not be allowed to become
the agent of business interest alien to
the University
MOVE: That SGC withdraw recogni-
tion from the University of Michigan
Tae Kwan Do Association.
Approved: That International Stu-
dents Association be recognized as a
student organization.
Approved: That Spartacist S t u d e n t
League be recognized as a student or-
Approved: That the official bank of
record for Student Government Coun-
cil, Inc. be changed from Huron Valley
National ank to First National Bank
and Trust.
Approved: To allocate $100 to Dennis
Webster for SOC expenses.
Approved: To strike Article VII of the
SGC Plan (February, 1968) and substi-
tute the following:
A. Council may, upon second read-
ing and by a three-fourths vote of the
full voting membership, amend this
Plan. The amendment shall be deemed
in force upon publication in the Daily
Official Bulletin.t
B. Council may, by a two-thirds
vote, propose to amend this 'Plan. Upon
approval of any proliosal by' three-
fifths of those voting on the issue at
the next regularly-scheduled SGC elec-
tion at least six weeks subsequent to
proposal by Counicl, and provided that
the three-fifth numbr eighteen hund-
red, the amendment shall be deemed in'
C. The Operating Procedures shall
provide for the calling, organization,
and operation of a constitutional con-
vention, which may, by a two-thirds
vote, propose to amend this Plan. Upon
approval of any proposal by three-fifthsr
of those voting on the issue at the next
regularly-scheduled SGC election at
least six weeks subsequent to the ac-
tion of the constitutional convention
proposing the amendment, and provided
that three-fifths number eighteen hun-.
dred, the amendment shall be deemed
in force.
D. The student body may, by peti-
tion of not less than one thousand valid
student signatures, propose to amend
this Plan. Upon approval of any pro-
posal by two-thirds of those voting on
the issue at the next regularly-sched-
uled SGC election at least six weeks
subseouent to receipt of the petition,
and provided that at least two-thirds
number two-thousand, the amendment
shall be deemed in force.
Approved: To amend the SGC Oer-
ating Procedures (March 5, 198) by
adding the following:
IX. Constitutional Convention
1. A referendum on convening a
constitutional convention may be plac-
ed before the student body at any re-
gularly-scheduled SGC election either
by a majority vote of Council or by a
petition of at least 1000 valid student
signatures. Such Council action shall be
completed, or such petition shall be
filed, not less than five weeks before
the election involved. A referendum to
convene a convention shall be deemed
to have passed if a majority of those
voting on the Issue vote affirmatively.
provided that at least 1500 vote yes on
the issue.
2. Council shall determine the
manner of nominating and electing de-
legates to the Convention and the fill-
ig of vacacies, at least three weeks be-
fore submission of the question of con-
vening the convention. Delegates to be
elected by the student body shall be
elected at the same election as the
question is put to the student body, ex-
cept that if the student body shall vote
not to convene a convention, the dele-
gates-elect shall not be seated and their
election shall be null and void.
3. If there be an initiation or refer-
endum; on the manner of constituting
the convention. any delegates to be
elected shall be eoted at the next
regularly-scheduld SGC election subse-
quent to the initiative or referendum.
4. The procedure of the convention
shall be determined by Counicl. The
convention shall submit any proposed
anmendmnents to the SGC Plan to the
student body at the next regularly-
scheduled SGC election after its con-
vening. The organization and division
of such questions shall, be determined
by Council.
* * * *
SGC will debate and vote on the
following motion on October at 7:30
p.m. in Room 3540 S.A.B. Interested per-
sons are invited to participate in the
debate personally, by petition, or by
some other means.
* * * *
Whereas: Certain organizations on
this campus recognized by Student
Government Council are in direct vio-
lation of the rules they agreed to oper-
ate under byseeking recognition:and
since SGC is bound by its Plan to
enforce these rules.
Be It Resolved that:
1. SOC authorized its Coordinating
Vice President to notify all fraternities
and sororities that a conflict exists
in some houses and include a copy of
the Council Plan and this resolution.
One week after receipt of this notifica-
tion they nust submit to the Vice Pre-
sident a statement expaining fully any
non-student involvement in any decis-
ion making processes they employ. Non-
stuident involvement includes Alumni,
-National- Representatives, etc.) Covered
in this statement shall be membership
Contact Lens Wearers
Ames Contact Lens
selection. house ruleset a Any or-
ganization refusing to comply with this
request shall explain cause to the iek
President, or be referred ack to Coun-
2. That after submission by hter-
mniles and sororities of the statement
the Coor. Vice President shall bring to
SGC a summary of those statements,
Any chapter that adoes have non-stu-
dent participation in its decision mak-
ing processes shall be given two weeks
to re-appiy as a student community or-
ganization. At the end of that two week,
period, this Vice President shall refer
those organizations who have not com-
plied or requested new recognition to
Joint Judiciary Council for possible vio-
lation of Section Two, Bases for Re-
3. Chapters that re-apply for re-
cognition as Student Commnwity Or-
ganibations shall be examined as to
their eligibility by SOC in the regular
manner at the time their request comes
up for approval.
4. Nothing in this motion shall be
construed as recinding the prior direc-
tive by SOC to its membership com-
mittee to obtain information on pos-
sible violations o Section One, Bases of
5. SOC shall also undertake as
soon as possible to ascertain if all other
Student and Student Community or-
ganizatfens are in accord with Council "
Plan and Rules for Orgaizations, etc.
The above procedure shall be followed
whenever possible.
Appendix: Council Plan, Revised
Reference portions
Page 12: INTRO. Sec1. I" The rules
described in this booklet became ef-
fective in the fall of 1967 and super -
cede all past regulations.
Page 14: Proceed. 3-D. " . . fraterni-
ties and sororities and residence halls
function as approved residences for
students under regulations established
for such housing by the Vice President
for student affairs. Their activities are
governed by the regulations for stu-
dent organizations as established by
SGC in addition to being subject to the
regulations of their respective govern-
ing bodies . . . SGC retains the pero-
gative of reviewing any possible viola-
tions of its regulations."
Page 19: Judicial Proceed. "All viola-
tions of student and student commun-
ity organizations regulations will be
heard by the Joint Judiciary Council,
(Following section proceeds to out-
line the JJC procedure, and the appeal
route route to SOC.)
Page 13. Basis for Recognition, See-14
tion No. 2, First two paragraphs: "More
than half of the total membership of
any group eligible for the rights and
obligations of a student organization
as specified In these Regulations must
be students currently enrolledor else
students who were enrolled the Ia-
(Continued on Page Ten)
University 'Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenmtw: Sunday Services on Ot.
20th at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. - Rev.
Alfred Scbelps, Pastor, Sermon: The
Living and Abiding Word." Commuaion
at 9:30 a.m. service.
Gamma, Delta: Lutheran Student )r-
ganization. Supper - program at 1'511
Washtenaw on Oct. 20th at 6:00 p.m.,
Panel Discussion on the "lerner Re-
Bach Club Meeting, Tlursday,' Oct.
4th, 8:00 p.m. Guild House, 802 Monroe
Program: an evening with P.D.Q. Bach.
Jelly donuts and fun afterwards. For
further Information call 769-29'22 or 79-
Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St., Sun-
day, Oct. 20th, 4:00 p.m., open religious
committee meeting, Results of survey
and future planning; 6:0Q) p.m. Ibeli
Hillel Foundatilon, 1429 Hll St., Sat.,&
Oct. 19th, 8:30 - 11:30 mixer. Return
of the Opus Six; Sun., Oct. 20th, 6:00
p.m., Deli House.
Graduate Outing. Club, Overnight
camping trip planned for Oct. 26th
RSVP, Horsebaclc riding, Tus.,1 Oct.
22nd, RSVP hiking, Oct. 20th. Mfeet at
Rackham, Huron St. entrance at 2:00
Libertarian League Meeting: Sun-
day, October 20, :00 p.m. 2X (Mimes) A
Union. Tape by Ayn Rand and discus-
slon of paper to be presented.
. _ .,
Immediate coverage.
Pays doctor for refitting.
Pays laboratory infull.
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trench coat duty and gets the scoop
on fashion heroics. Excitement starts
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belted waist and strapped sleeves.
Strategic top-stitching finishes off the
English leather in brandy brown or