Page Eight
Sunday, September 14, 1969
THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 14, ~I 969
ROTC stand: The new image?
Ed school
(Continiued from Page 1)
"The public tolerance of Re-
"If you look at the recent con- are invoked and almost inevitably
thetical to the very purpose of the gents tolerating campus disrup-
University," Fleming says - but tions is far more sensitive than it
some students charge Fleming's was a year or two ago," notes Re- i
:tance is hypocritical, motivated gent Otis Smith. "I've been get-
more by political than intellectual ting a lot of letters about ROTC
reasons. ROTC exists, they charge, and other campus issues," he says.
precisely to teach its students how "There's a lot of presstre to
to kill - far greater violence than crack down."
any disruption could commit. "The pressure on the University
But the new administration heavy," admits Mrs. Newell. "The
crackdown has clearly come in for prosecution is extremely
response to the enormous tide of Regents, the legislators, and the
public sentiment during the last newspapers want the University
year against student disrupters. to take firm stands."
'U to bring charges
againt,&st 9 disrupters
(Continued from Page 1) quested the board to consider
major purposes of rational in- whether the disruptions violated
quiry in a free and open atmos- their civil liberties.
phere." The board has asked Barry
In a statement released yester- Bluestone, Grad, one of the organ-
day SACUA noted that a faculty izers of the ROTC disruptions, to
committee will release tomorrow a represent the demonstrators' view-
preliminary report on ROTC's re- points at the meeting. Bluestone
lationship with the University, said last night that he will "ex-
and warned "it would be unfor- plain my ideology, but I will not
tunate if disruption occurred to speak for anybody but myself."
prejudice the recommendations or Bluestone added that he will not
to impede in any way open dis- comment on the disruption "so I1
cussion of the issues involved." won't incriminate myself."
demnation of
and president
building there
continues, "the
dict is they
So now, Flem
-- trying to st
swiftly and ef
can build streng
raise volatile9
only major can
try which has
Fleming's ter
dent leader. "H
eral fronts at
and wants to k
quiet at any cos
Why does Fl
now, after two3
Sources who w
report the pres
has finally soli
and built a firm
national reput
new, weak, cau
der public scr
report, Flemin
ford to battle c
tors out in thec
Fleming mig
pends on how
Police action w
uled disruption
tainly galvaniz
against the a
not directly in
monstrators -
self has realiz
"If the poli
age-old campu
QS! 1r11G 1G14G1IV 14V11 {
Cornell's regents there will be violence which will
(blacks seized a revolt the whole academic com-
this spring)," she munity," Fleming says. "The re-
overwhelming ver- sult is a University torn asun-
didn't act soon der."
Or, the University could seek
ring is acting soon a court injunction against fur-
op the radical left ther protests - or simply wait
fectively before it for Monday's disruption to go off
gth on campus and as planned, and then issue war-
issues - at the rants for the demonstrators' ar-
mpus in thle coun- rests.
not yet exploded. Whatever happens,'the one man
rified," says a stu- with the single biggest stake is
e's fighting on sev- Robben Fleming - and he can't
the same time - emerge unaffected. "If ROTC
keep the University blows up, the man who will bear
st." the brunt of it is Fleming," says
one campus leader. "He's in the
[eming crack down forefront of the crackdown."
years of moderacy?
Mork with Fleming What happens tomorrow m a y
;ident feels that he shape the future of campus stu-
dified a power base, dent-administration relations on
a campus, state and this campus - and determine
ation. No longer a whether the next term will pass
tious president un- quietly, or whether the Univer-
utiny, the sources sity will explode.
j WlL jlli V+>l.u w++u w as vvv v av. .M y
seats two
iContinued from Page 1)
having them appointed by a selec-
tion committee that includes both
experienced members and others
who volunteer at open meetings.
Bennet also points to provis-
ions for recalling unsatisfactory
appointees, but admits that some
professors still mistrust the selec-
tion procedure.
However, the movement to gainj
votes is emerging at the lower1
committee level just as the ori-
ginal membership movement did
one year ago.
"We have gone on record as
favoring it in principle," says
Prof. Irving Anderson, chairman
of the committee which admin-
isters the graduate program, "but
we are waiting for the students
to come forth with a specific pro-
Bruce Shaw and Dan McCon-
achie, student members of the
committee, are now formulating
We're in debt
life saving
blood banks.
The American Red Cross.
Advertising contribwted f o the publicgood
Mic hi f i sh
Synchronized Swimming
Tryouts start Sept. 17
at 7:00 P.M.
g feels he can af-
campus demonstra-
open - and win.
ht win - but it de-
he plays his hand.
t Monday's sched-
would almost cer-
ze campus opinion
dministration - if
support of the de-
- as Fleming him-
ed in the past.
ce are called, the
us-police hostilities
Swedish physiologist and Nobel that proposal, which will require
Prize winner Dr. Ragnar Granit approval of the entire faculty.
will conduct an open seminar in Anderson believes that voting
the Sheldon Room of the Towsley rights will probably be granted,
Center for Continuing Medical and will serve as a precedent for
Education at 4 p.m. Sept. 29. similar action by the other com-
In other action, the Civil Liber-
ties Board of SACUA will meet
oday with ROTC students from
the Engin Council, who have re-t
Chairman Paul Carrington said
last night he expects the board to
issue a report on the disruptions
later this week.
Granit, who shared the 1967
Nobel Prize in physiology and
medicine for his work in the phy-
siology of vision, will discuss ex-
citation and inhibition in the
nervous system.
The C. S. Mott Children's Hos-
pital will open this September.
The 200-bed hospital will bring
the most advanced health facil-
ities to the children of Michigan.
Official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday :and Sunday. General
Notlces nay be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organizations notices a r e
not accepted for publication. For
inore inlorni;ttion, phone 764-9:70.
Day Calendar
. S. ott Children's Hospital: Open
ouse, 1:00-6:00 p.m. Mu Phi-Sigma
'Xlpha Iota Musicale, School of Music
Reital aIl. 2:30 pm.
Astronomical Colloquim: Dr. Carlos
tschek, La Plata Observatory, Ar-
gentIna, 'Stellar Astronomy at La Plata
bser1ator"; 807 Physics-Astronomy,
Computer, Information and Control
Engineering Seminar: Hiroshi Inose,
Vistlng Profesor, The University of
"okou, "Dgital Communication Net-
orks": 1504 East Engineering, 4:00 p.m.
Thomais t. Cooley Lecture: Politics,
The Constituion, and the Warren
Court - 1 Philip B. Kurland, Professor of
Law, The University of Chicago, "In-
r-duction: Myths nd Realities": 100
hutchmns hall 4:15 p in.
D Recital: Alan Freeborn, vio-
s: chool f Musie Recital Hall, 8:00
General Notices
All1'rcacher's Certificate Candidates:
The applIcation for the teacher's cer-
tificate Is diue at the beginning of the
junior year. It should be turned in to
the School of Education, 2000 Univer-
sity School by September 15th.
The Lniversity of Michigan Senate
Assembly: Monday, Sept. 15, 1969 at
3:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. - Bldg. Agenda: 1. Civil Liberties Board's;
Agenda: 1. Consideration of the min- Student Records Report (previously
utes of the meetings of June 16, June distributed). 2.. Discussion of future
23 and July 21. 2. Announcements & agenda items. 3. Consideration of the
Communications. 3. Committee Ap- minutes of the September 8th meet-
pointments: Replacement for Pro- { ing.
fessor Gerald Gill, Student Relations I ---
Committee - one year term. 4. Sen-
ate Advisory Review Committee Re- acem ent S r ice
port - Professor Rehmus. 5. Preliminary 3200 S.A.B.
report of the Academic Affairs Com-
mittee on ROTC - Professors Buttrey Seniors and Graduate Students, Re-
and Davenport. 6. Request from WUOM'
1n rerd Ast.mbly mees. rm U gister for Placement, start interview-r
to record Assembly meetings. ing and learning what you will do after
The University of Michigan Student graduation. Come to registration meet-
itelatins Committee: Monday, Sept.15 ing this Tuesday. Sept. 16, in Angell
m CoS Halt auditorium D, at 3: or 4: p.m.E
R A NIZA IO N Placementinterviews: Call 763-1363
V 1 to make appointments, or come to
11Tf1' Tf C 3200 SAB, General Division. Employers
expect to see a resume on interviewees, "Engineering Market and Placement
stop in and discuss registering to have Services." Salary and demand trends
a set of credentials. Appointments ac- and how to use the Engineering Place-
cepted up to 4: p.m. day preceding ment Service. First of four meetings.
visit. Primarily for seniors and graduate
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23: students, but open to all interested.
Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, Detroit, Professor J. G. Young. September 15,
seeking Bach. level in Arch. for posi- 1969, 4:00 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. in Room
tions in all phases of building through- 311. West Engineering Building. (After-
out the U.S. noon and evening meetings will be the
Employers Commercial Union Insur-
ance Group, most major U.S. cities,
seeking Bach level Econ., Educ., Engl.,
Gen. Lib Arts, Hist, Law, Libr. Sci.,
Math, Philo, Poll Set, and Psych for
insurance management positions in
claims, underwriting, and home office
I?28-H, West Egrg. Bldg.
Engineering Placement Meeting No. l"
Engineering Placement Meeting No. 2:
"Engineering Careers." The different
kinds of careers for engineers, and
how to decide which you should fol-
low. Second of four meetings. Primar-
ily fr seniors and graduate students,
but open to all interested. Professor J.
G. Young, September 16, 1969, 4:00
p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in Room 311, West
Engineering Building. (Afternoon and
evening meetings will be the same.)
IN" I luhll,
Concert Dange Organization: Meet-
ing and Coed Modern Dance Technique
Class; September 16, 7:15 p.m., Bar-
bour Gym Dance Studio. Musicians and
art students invited.
India Students Association, Ann Ar-
bor, announces the visit of world re-
knowned Swami Ranganathanola on
September 16, 1969. He is going to give
his thoughts on "Science, Culture and
Religion" at 7:30 p.m. In Rackhamn
Amphitheater. Everybody welcomed.
Physical Therapy Club ?feeting: Sep.
tember 17, 7:30 p.m.; PT Dept., Univer-
sity Hospital, 3rd floor. Patient De-
mionstration. Everyone welcome.
U-M Oceanological Society: Regular
meeting Tuesday, September 16, 7:30
p.m., room 1040 Natural Resources;
building. Our speaker will be Pro-
fessor John Bardach, author of Harvest
of the Sea. All interested in any as-
pect of water resources and water prob.
lems are welcome.
U-M Scottish County Dance Society:
Wednesday, September 17, Women's
Athletic Building. Instruction given.
Beginners Welcome.
The new municipal bus system puts dependable half-hour service within a quarter-
mile of 80% of the people in Ann Arbor over 12 hours a day.
The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority's big orange, white and green buses
cover three main routes that serve all three major shopping areas plus five schools.
Each line has service both eastbound and westbound, with one stop in each
direction every half-hour at every listed location. You may also flag buses down
between designated stops. Passengers ca n transfer at all route intersections, includ-
ing a common three-line transfer point downtown at 4th Avenue and Liberty.
For driver safety, the new AATA service is an exact fare system. Drivers carry
no money. All fares must be paid with co rrect change or prepurchased tickets. Stand-
ard fare is 35c per ride, with special senior citizen and student rates.
Senior Citizens with authorized card s ride for 20c. Students through grade 12
may purchase books of ten tickets for $2 at school offices or the Authority. Books
of regular tickets can also be purchased from the Authority.
The Ultimate in Self-Defense and Physical Fitness
I -'
- i
For additional information on schedules, routes,
tickets, or special services, contact the AATA-telephone
663-3994, address 315 West Huron. And since we're in
your neighborhood anyway, why not give our new bus
system a try?
We think you'll agree . . . the bus is a better idea!
This is a complete schedule. There will be no buses running after the last stated time for each location. Please note: buses
depart from each location every half-hour after the first stated time, until the last time listed. For example: 6:30 . .. 7:00 . ..
7:30 ...8:00...8:30 .. . etc.
Location Departure Times Location Departure Times
WESTGATE 6:30 a.m. every 4 hr. till 6:30 p.m. V.A. HOSPITAL 7:00 a.m. every % hr. till 6:30 p.m.
Maple & Miller 6:33 a.m. every Y2 hr. till 6:33 p.m. University Hospia 7:06 a.m. every Yz hr. till 6:36 p.m,
Brooks & Miller 6:36 a.m. every Y2 hr. titl 6;36 p.m. St. Joseph's Hospital 7:06 a.m. every Yz hr, till 6:38 p.m.
DOWNTOWN 6:45 a.m. every % hr. till 6:45 p.m. DOWNTOWN** 6:15 a.m. every % hr. till 6:45 p.m
St. Joseph's Hospital 6:50 a.m. every ', hr. till 6:20 p.m. Brooks & Miller 6:21 a.m. every Mi hr. till 6:21 p.m.
University Hospital 6:52 am, every 12 hr. till 6:22 p.m. Maple & Miller 6:24-a.m. every hr. till 6:24 p.m.
V.A. HOSPITAL 7:00 a.m. every % hr. till 6:30 p.m. WESTGATE 6:30 a.m. every hr. till 6:30 p.m.
Location Departure Times Location Departure Times
WESTGATE 6:30 a.m. every % hr. till 6:30 p.m. COMMUNITY C LLEGE 6:45 a.m. every '}z hr. till 6:45 p.m.
Post Office 6:34 a.m. every Va hr. till 6:34 p.m. ARBORLAND 6:53 a.m. every % hr. till 6:53 p.m.
Pioneer High 6:36 a m. every V2 hr. till 6:36 p.m. Stadium & Washtenaw 6:58 am. every %I hr. till 6:58 p.m.
7th & Liberty 6:40 a.m. every %z hr. titl 6:40 p.m. Hill & Washtenaw 7:02 a.m. every 1/ hr. till 7:02 p.m.
DOWNTOWN"* 6:15 am. every 1/ hr. till 6:45 p m. State & Huron 7:07 a.m. every Yz hr. ti 7:07 p.m.
State & Huron 6:20 a.m. every Sr hr, till 6:20 p.m. DOWNTOWN"* 6:15 a.m. every % hr. till 7:15 p.m.
Hill & Washtenaw 6:25 a.rn. every 11 hr. tilt 6:25 p.m. 7th & Liberty 6:18 a.m. every 34 hr. till 6:18 p.m.
Stadium & Washtenaw 6:30 am. every 1/ hr. titl 6:30 p.m. Pioneer High 6:21 a.m, every Vz hr. till 6:21 p.m,
ARBORLAND 6:35 a.m. every X4 hr. till 6:35 p.m. Post Ottfice 6:24 a.m. every ?' hr. till 6:24 p m.
COMMUNITY COLLEGE 6:45 a.m. every Y2 hr. till 6:45 p.m. WESTGATE 6:30 a.m. every %h hr. till 6:30 p.m.
EASTBOUND (with westbound loop) WESTBOUND tatter eastbound loop)
LocaionDeprtue TmesLocation Departr ie
WESTGATE 6:25 a.m every % hr. tilt 6:25 p.m. DOWNTOWN 6:10 a.m. every Yz hr. till 6:10 p.m
Huro & even 6:6 a~, eeryYz h, tll 628 ~m. Pontiac Heights 6:20 a.m,( every 1/ hr, till 6:20 p.m.
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