Wednesday, February 26, 1969
Page Thne
Wednsday Febuar 26,1969THEMICHGAN AIL
i v
FEBRUARY 25, 1969
Bach Club Meeting - Thurs., Feb.
27th, 8:00 p.m., 802 Monroe St., Guild
House, Randolph G. Smith, speaks on
Bach. Fun and jelly donuts for all.
No musical knowledge -necessary. For
additional information call 763-1614.
Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill Street,
Thursday, February 27, 8:00 p.m. "The
Jew in Suburbia: Revival or Decline?"
A discussion led by Bob Rockaway (His-
tory Dept.)
Wed., Feb. 26th, March to ROTC Bldg.
Meet on the diag at noon. The evening
of the 26th there will be a meeting of
all persons interested in working to
end ROTC. Sponsored by the SDS com-
mittee to abolish ROTC.
University Lutheran Chapel, Feb.
26th, 10:00 p.m. 1511 Washtenaw, Ser-
mon: Good News from Gethsemane" by
Pastor Richard Kapfer.
American Culture Students Associa-
tion, Thurs., Noon luncheon and dis-
cussion Guild House., Thurs., Feb. 27th.
FEB. 27, S P.M.
Room RS, Union
Nixon and Wilson discuss world crises,
LONDON (P)-President Nix-
on set out yesterday to forge
a new partnership for peace
with Britain after surprising
Prime Minister Harold Wilson's
government by reviving the
fading concept of the special
American-British relationship.
The President's crowded 16-
hour day was dominated by two
working sessions in the cabinet.
room of No. 10 Downing St. ex-
amining major world problems
from Peking to Paris.
Also on Nixon's schedule was
a' luncheon given ' by Queen
Elizabeth II and Prince Philip
at Buckingham Palace; and
meetings with Conservative par-
ty leader Edward Heath, former
Prime Minister Harold Mac-
Millan and Liberal party chief
Jeremy Thorpe.
Among therchief topics Nixon
and Wilson were tackling were
-East-West relations; includ-
ing the President's hopes to ne-
gotiate soon with the Soviet
-The future of the North At-
lantic Alliance; including Presi-
dent Charles de Gaulle's at-
tempts to do way with it;
-The Arab-Israeli conflict
and the Prospects of an Amer-
ican Soviet agreement to prom-,
ote peace;
-The factor of nuclear power;
both in the civil and military
ThePresident, on his arrival
from Brussels Monday night,
spoke pointedly of the "special'
relationship" in language, law,
ideals and democratic tradi-
tionsbetween Britain and the
United States and then said:
"The peace we seek will be
secured only if all nations enjoy
the relationship of trust and
confidence which unites us."
Wilson in his campaign to get
Britain into the Common Mar-
ket has been playing down the
concept that his government has
preferential bonds with the
United States. But the British
leaders were pleased at Nixon's
words since they seemed to im-
ply American support and sym-
pathy for the British govern-
ment in its new war of words
with De Gaulle.
The British also took Nixon's"
public affirmation of support
for both the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization and the
European Common Market as
vindication for their telling their
allies about De Gaulle's inew
proposal to do away with both
Officially, spokesmen for the
British and American lead'rs
said there was no direct discus-
sion of the reported De Gaulle
plan for Europe, which would
supplant the Common Market
with an expanded free trade
area, and ultimately eliminate
But British sources interpret-
ed Nixon's conference state-
ment as aligning him with Brit-
ain in opposition to the French
Nixon was accompanied to the
conference with Wilson by Sec-
retary of State William P. Rog-
ers, retiring U.S. Ambassador
David Bruce and Henry A. Kis-
singer presidential assistant for
national security affairs.
British sources said Nixon and
Wilson agreed there appeared
little danger any Soviet govern-
ment would risk nuclear war
in the foreseeable future with
a premeditated attack on West-
ern Europe.
These sources said Nixon
stressed allied unity as a key to
assuring that the Soviet Union
would not take the chance.
Wilson was reported to have
told the President some Euro-
peans fear a withdrawal of U.S.
forces if allied nations on this
side of the Atlantic forge them-
selves into solid unity..
Nixon was quoted as having
said he faced the problem of re-
sisting isolationism in the Unit-
ed States, which might be furth-
ered by the spectacle of hostili-
ties and rivalries among the
European allies.
PRESIDENT NIXON AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE meets with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
news today
by The Associa/cd Press and College Press Sernice
TANZANIAN OFFICIALS announced yesterday the
scrapping of the peace corps program for that country.
Too many teachers and not enough technicians has
caused the African nation to become disenchanted with the
volunteers America sent abroad. The Peace Corps has shrunk
from 400 volunteers in Tanzania to 11.
Tanzania was the first nation in the world picked for a
Peace Corps delegation eight years ago, and will be the eighth
country to send the Peace Corps home since 1961.
* 0 0
SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN wants to plead guilty to
first degree murder in the slaying of Sen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy, his defense lawyer said yesterday.
But his attorney, Grant B. Cooper, added: "We are
not going to let him."
Sirhan obviously was anguished over revelations in his
own handwriting that he was a Communist supporter and
drew up a private timetable for Kennedy's assassination.
"He's blown his top, that's all," Cooper told newsmen.
* !
100 U.S. PILOTS have been shot down and captured
in bombing raids on Laos, informed sources reported yes-
The pilots are rumored to be held in secret jungle priso.
camps by the'Communist-led Pathet Lao.
The American raids were primarily directed against
North Vietnamese units and supply columns headed for South
Vietnam along the Laotian portion of the Ho Chi Minh trail.
IN VIETNAM North Vietnamese troops smashed
into two U.S. Marine artillery bases as the new enemy
offensive spread yesterday to near the demilitarized zone,
The attack consisted of hundreds of North Vietnamese
in hand to hand combat behind suicide squads. It was the
heaviest fighting on the northern frontier since the bombing
halt of North Vietnam on Nov. 1.
to death yesterday in downtown Prague's Wencelas
Jan Zajic, 19, was the second of five students who have
sworn to die by fire to protest the Soviet occupation. The first
was Jan Palach, now a national hero, who burned himself
to death in the square in January.
Yesterday was the 21st anniversary of the Communist
takeover of power in Czechoslovakia.
Ireland summoned his Cabinet into an emergency session
yesterday to debate his political future.
O'Neill conceded failure in his bid to win Roman Catholic
support for his moderate Protestant-based government in
Monday's election, and indicated he is ready to either resign
or to agree to whatever his bitterly divided Unionist party
o 9 !
A CRIPPLING WALKOUT by coal miners in West
Virginia spread yesterday from the Southern mines to
the North.
The wildcat strikes threaten to halt all production in the
coal fields unless the state legislatire quickly approves a
"black lung" medical compensation law.
Gov. Arch A. Moore, a Republican, said he was ready to
sign a bill ifit is enacted by the Democrat-controlled legisla-
ture before it is scheduled to adjourn in two weeks.
Program Information r 5-6290
for information call
(Continued from Page 2)
bers shall be elected in March '69 in-
stead of 5. 2. 8 members shall be elected
in October '69 instead of 6. 3. Continue
in this form for all following elections.
Approved: Temporaraly with the pro-
vision that the following committee in-
vestigate work options: Bob Neff, Bob
Nelson, Mike Karrell, Mark Rosenbaum
and Roger Keats. WHEREAS: The SGC
Bill of Rights prohibits cruel or un-
usual punishment; and WHEREAS:
The legal traditions of the University
have not been generally documented
and may, where documented, be ques-
tionable precedents for interpretation
of that prohibition; and WHEREAS: a
judicial body ought not to be left with-
out standards by which to judge what
is cruel and unusual except those vague
w rdshthemselves; THEREFORE,
MOVE: That, to make up for the ab-
sence of proper precedent, SGC adopt
the following regulation setting gen-
eral standards of reasonable and ap-
propriate punishment, binding on all
judicial bodies hearing cases against
students anywhere in the University:
No students or student organization
may be penalized otherwise than with
penalties as specified here: (a) A
school or college may, through its pro-
perly constituted judicial bodies, warn
a student, reprimand him, suspend him
from the school or college, or expel him
from the school or college. (b) A house
may warn a student, fine him, termin-
ate his residence, or terminate his
membership in the house. Any fine im-
posed by a house shall be considered a
debt owed the house. (c) A major gov-
erning organization may warn a stu-
dent, fine him, deny him privileges
gained by membership, or terminate his
membership in the organization; and
may warn a member organization, fine
it, deny it privileges gained by mem-
bership, or terminate its membership
in the organzation. Any fne imposed by
a major governing organization shall be
considered a debt owed the major gov-
erning organization. (d) Student Gov-
ernment Council, through its judicial
bodies, may warn a student, fine him,
or ; withhold a Student Goevrnment
Council office from him, and may warn
a recognized organization, fine it, re-
duce its privileges, or end its recogni-
tion. Any fine imposed by a judicial
body establshed by Student Govern-
ment Council, shall be considered a
debt owed the University. When assess-
ed against an individual student, t h e
payment of such a debt shall be a
condition for graduation from the Uni-
versity. (e) The Central Student Jufi-
ciary may warn a student, fine him,
suspend him from the University f o r
some fixed time, or permanently expel
him from the University. Any fine im-
posed by the Central Student Judiciary
- I - r
shall be considered a debt owed the\ 27. No previous experience necessary.
University, the payment of which shall Positions in Federal Employment for
be a condition for graduation from the Social Workers, positions as social
University. (f) A judicial body assum- workers and social service representa-
ing the original jurisdiction of a lower tives Req. for forme in many locations,
body, assumes wth that jurisdiction encl. Veteran's Admin. are MSW and,
the power to impose all penalties, and either exper or non-exper professionals,
only penalties, appropriate to the lower appts.,range from GS-9-11. Social Serv.
body in the same case. (g) An appel- Representatives need Bach. degree and
late body may confirm or reduce a either exper. or not, ranging fom GS
sentence imposed by a lower judicial 5-7 fo no exper. and GS 8-12 for 2-6
body; but, under no circumstances, years professional exper.
shall it increase the severity of the sen- Veterans Administration, Washington,
tence or impose a penalty not appro- D.C.: Various positions in fields of:
priate to the body of original juris- accounting, audiologyand speechy biol-
diction. And-(h) if the judicial body ogy, chemistry, corrective therapy, den-
of a school or college is granted oni- tal hygiene, dietitian, ed. therapist,
ginal jurisdiction over cases usually electron microscop tech., engineers,
dealt with by a superior judicial body, medical machine tech., inhilitation
it may, when disposing of such cases, theraspist s librarians, nurses, occupa-
impose those penalties, and only those tional therapist, personnel, pharmacy,
penalties, appropriate to the superior physical therapist, physicians, psychia-
judicial body. trists, radiologists, podiatrist, s o c i a 1
Defeated: That SGC rescind its ban workers, voc. rehab.
on disruptive sit-ins. Roll Call Vote: Other current position openings re-
Yes-Deitch, Neff, Rubin, Shemel, and ceived by General Division by mail and
White. No-Farrell, Hollenshead, Keats, phone, not interviews on campus,
Koeneke, Livingston, Miller, Nelson. please call 764-7460 for fruther in-
* * formation:
SGC will debate and vote on the fol- Personnel Consultants: Positions with
lowing at its next meeting, February midwestern firms in areas of business,
27, 1969 at 7:30 p.m., room 3540 Student engineering, banking, sales, insurance.
Activities Building. Interested persons Most require exper. Titles of positions:
are invited to participate in the debate Industrial Arts, Staff Asst., Acctg., Pro-
personally, by petition, or by some grammer, Commercial Time Sales, Bank
other means. Controller, iFnancial Analyst, Manager-
1. That SGC endorse the recom- Rate & Premium Analyst, Resident
mendation of the L.S.&A. Curriculum Manager - Loans, Director of Cor-
Committee to abolish academic credit porate Planning, College Relations Rep.,
for ROTC and urges the faculty to ac- Training Manager, Acctg. Manager, Fin-
cept this recommendation at t h e i r ancial Analyst, Insurance Underwriter
March meeting. Trainee.
2. That SGC allocate $20 (' of the State of Illinois: Assistant Supervisor
'cost of the window at P.J.'s Restaur- of Unemployment Contributions, ex-
ant) to David G. Hardie for his acci- per., Methods and Procedures Advisor
dent while engaged in publicizing the III, exper., Unemployment Compensa-
SGC co-sponsored "Circus of Educa- tion - Area supervisor, field services su-
tion," hoping that the remaining $20 pervisor, and office mgrs. I-IV-all ex-
will be paid by the UAC, the other co- per.
sponsor. Rohm and Hass Co., Philadelphia, Pa.:
3. That SGC recommend to the Re- BS./M.S. Chemistry 0-7 yrs. , exper,,
gents and Pan Hel that we contact Ph.D. Physical Chemistry 0-8 yrs.
other state universities where P1 Beta exper., Ph. D. Physics,hES/MSC hem-
Phi and Kappa Delta have chapters and Ical Eng. 0-6 yrs., PhD Chemical; Eng.,
ask them to follow our action and thus PhD Plant Physiology, Ph D Pharmo-
bring pressure on more than one local cology 2-7 yrs. exper., BS/MS Mechan-
sorority chapter, giving all of them ical Eng. 0-10 yrs. exper, BS/MS Civil
leverage in numbers, against the na- Eng. or Mechanical Eng. 2-7 yrs. exper.,
tional soority, thus forcing the na- Ph D Mechanical Eng., Eng. Physics or
tional sorority to take a position which Eng. Mechanics, BS/MS Electrical Eng.
is as of now unconstitutional. Plymouth State Home and Training
School, Northville, Mich.: Mental Re-
tardation Program Director. PhD in
rtacem en f Psych., Soc. Wk., Nursing, Educ. or re-
lated area with 3-5 years exper in supv.
GENERAL DIVISION position. Supv. and direct all non-
3200 S.A.B. medical care and training.
Green Bay Food Company: Wiscon-
Late addition. to interviewing: LS&A sin - Plant Manager for Heifitz Pickling
students in any area are invited to Co. In Eaton Rapids, Michigan. BA in
speak with the U.S. Coast Guard, Dept. Food Tech., Engr., Indust. Mgmt. and
of Transportation about trainee posi- exper. pref. In canning, dairy, bottling
tions in computer programming in or food related business.
Wash., D.C.kPlease call Mrs. Briggs, 764- Xerox Corporation, Southfield, Mich.:
8483 to make an appointment on Feb. (Continued on Page 6)
Shows at 1 :00
1 to 6 P.M
COLORNeGe flx G-General Audience
1nited Artists Next: "CHARLY"
Sociology Faculty
Cordially Invited
WED., FEB. 26-7:30 P.M.
Rackham Assembly Hall (4th floor)
Coffee Served
725 N. University
sponsored by
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Thompson's PIZZA
-off 50c off
Coupon is Good Only Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.,
1 February 24, 25, 26, 27r
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Thursday, February 27,
12 Noon
Center for Research on Conflict Resolution
This is the fourth program in a lunch-discussion
series on "Roots of Prejudice"
Lunch 25c
Final February Reductions
Now Dress and
Casual Shoes,
x }..... - .NN.. . .:. .. .r........- ~