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March 05, 1969 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-05

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Wednesday,' March 5, 1969


Page ThreA

Wednesday, March 5, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thre'~

. LSA faculty defers action on
language, degree question

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(Continued from Page 1)
the student. We should have faith
in the student to make his own
educational decision," he added.
The new degree would demand
50 hours of work in junior and
senior-level courses, but w o u 1 d
not require the student to know a
foreign language or major in any
Smith said the degree would
need a "rigorous and zealous stu-
dent" to satisfy the 50-hour rule.
Prof. James Gindin, chairman
of the college curriculum commit-
tee, attacked the proposed degree
as "easily becoming a repository
for an inferior program."
"At best we are asking the stu-
dent to gamble, in a kind of aca-
demic Russian roulette, with the
implications of an unknown de-
Gindin was challenged by Prof.
E. Lowell Kelly of the psychology
department. "The new degree
would not provide for elitism
within the college but for plural-
ism. Whether it becomes a cheap
degree depends on the students
who pursue it," Kelly said.
He pointed out the University
already grants a wide variety of
Bachelor of Arts degrees in the
various schools and colleges.
Prof. Ronald Tikovsky, another
ad hoc committee member, came
to the defense of the proposed

"The strength of the degree lies
in the kind of coursework the stu-
dent takes," he said, pointing out
the new degree was modeled along
the lines of a Ph.D. degree.
"If the degree is not meaning-
ful, it means the courses we of-
fer in the college are weak," Ti-
kovsky added.
One new proposal concerning the
language requirement was intro-
duced by Prof. Russell Fraser of
the English department. Fraser
advocated a two-year proficiency
requirement in a foreign language
for admission to the college.
This was seen as an amendment
to the curriculum committee's mi-
nority recommendation, which
would require two years of high
school. study for admission, r e -

gardless of the student's profic-
iency in a language.'
In other action, the faculty un-
animously passed a resolution
from Prof. William LeVeque of the
mathematics department asking
that the faculty be given decis-
ion-making power on college ad-
missions policies.
The resolution calls on the Re-
gents and University administra-
tors tolet the faculty annually
establish enrollment quota and

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 358 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p. m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a mail-
mum or two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only,
Student organization noticesare
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.

Dept. of Classical Studies, Professor
Hugh Lloyd-Jones. Oxford University,
"Menander's Samia", Auditorium D,
Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Botany Seminar: Co-sponsored by
Dept. of Human Genetics, Dr. Karl Es-
ser, University of Bochum, Germany,
"Genetic Control of Phenol Oxidase in
Podospora Anserina", at 4:15 p.m., 1139
p.m., 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg.



nw_. :.. a __

The faculty resolution came in .tr y catenaar
response to a recent decision, by
the executive committee, under Michigan School Testing Conference:
recommendation from the admis- Registration, Rackham Lobby, 8:00 a.m.
sions committee, to reduce the Bureau of Industrial Relation Sem-
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro-
percentage of out-of-state stu- gram No. 83": North Campus Commons,
dents admitted to the college. 8:15 a.m.
University of Michigan D e a r b o r n
Campus, University Center for Adult
Education, and Newman Foundation
Lecture: Prof. Hans Morgenthau ,Al-
ice Professor of Political Science and
Modern History, University of Chicago.
i1"The New Face of Communism": Ford
Auditorium, Southfreld Expressway
and Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, 8:00

Graduate Record Examination: Ap-
lication blanks are available in Room
3014, Rackham Building for the Grad-
uate Record Examination. The next ad-
ministration of the test will be on
Saturday, April 26, and applications
are due in.Princeton, New Jersey be-
fore April 1."'
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual business
meeting on Thursday, March- 6, 4:15
p.m. in room 2402 Mason Hall.
Conference on Careers in. Medicine,
University of Michigan Medical School,
Friday, March 7, 1969. All Faculty Ad-
visors and Students planning to attend,
contact the Preprofessonal Counseling
Office, 1223 Angell Hall,
The Computing Center General Meet-
ing, oMnday, March 10, 8:00 p.m.,
IAuditorium A, Angell Hall. Discussing
the future plans of the Computing
Center with faculty, staff, and stu-

SRC discus
of fraternil
(Continued from Page 1)
should be the punishment for dis-
criminatory practices in fraterni-
ties and sororities.
"The system has traditionally
supported separatism," he said.
"Blacks have felt unwanted, as9
earlier. Jews in n o n-J e w i s h
houses have. The black houses, the i

P.M. dents. Questions and suggestions will
brChoral Union Series: Rudolph Ser- be welcomed. Inquiries may be directed
black separatist movement, like kin, pianist: Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. to Professor Bernard A. Galler, Ext.
the Jewish reaction, is a reaction T4-4143.
to the same system." THURSDAY, MARCH 6- -
Leadership Conference Registration
Feldkamp said that currently Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- now until March 13th. 1011 SA.B. The
"there is no real opposition from inar: "Management of Managers, Pro- Conference at Highscope Conference
student advisory groups and there gram No. 83": North Campus Commons, center will be held on March 21-23,
is stdengadvisor grops ad8:15 a.m.. 1969. Students fee $15.00. For more in-
is strong support from fraterni- formation call 764-7416 or 764-7420.
ties" in the move to the North FRIDAY, MARCH 7
Campus site. Sports Building Hours - spring Re-
Continuing Legal Education Advocacy cess: Wed., Mar. 5, open, 8 a.m. - 6:30
Ron Natale, internal vice presi- Institute: Registration, Hill Auditor- p.m.; Thurs.; Mar. 6, open, 10 a.m. -
dent of the Interfraternity Coun- ium, 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.; Fri., Mar. 7, open 10 a.m. -
cil, defended the present relation- Bureau of Industrial Relation Sem- 4 p.m.; Sat., Mar. 8 - closed; Sun., Mar.
ship between the University and inar: "Management of Managers, Pro- 9, closed; Mon., Mar. 10 - open, regu-
fraternities, gram No. 83": North Campus Commons, lar hours, 8:00 a.m. - 10 p.m.
* 8:15 a.m.
"Our goals are the same as Hockey: WCHA Playoffs: (Michigan, Yost Field House Hours - Spring Re-
those of the University. Fraterni- Michigan State, Michigan Tech, Minne- cess: Wed., Mar. 5, open, 8 a.m. - 1:30
ties are not only social institutions sota): Coliseum, 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. p.m.; Thurs., Mar., 6 open, 10 a.m. - 4
______p.m.; Fri., Mar. 7,' open, 10 a.m.-4
but educational," he said.I pm.; Sat., Mar. 8, closed; Sun., Mar.
"We would like to establish as SATURDAY, MARCH 8 9, closed; Mon. Mar. 10, open, regular
many ties with the University as Continuing Legal Education Advocacy hours, 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., 7 p.m. - 10
possible and expand the present Institute: Registration, Hill Auditor-
ons"he added. ium, 8:00 a.m.
SRish addd sb mHockey: WCHA. Playoffs: (Michigan, Forei 'n Visitors
SRC is a subcommittee of the Michigan State, Michigan Tech, Minne-
Senate Advisory Committee on sota): Coliseum, 8:00 p.m.
University Affairs. SUNDAY MARCH 9 The following individuals can be

Friday, March 7
61 Manor House

. .. , .. .. wy .r ..e.. v.

a~V A , tltl
No Events Scheduled.


reached through the oFreign Visitor Di
vision of the Visitor and Guest Rela-
tions Office. Rooms 22-24, Michigan
Union. Telephone: 764-2148.
Dr. Chunderban Ramnfol: Head, De-
partment of Psychology, University
College, Durban, South Africa. March
9 - 11.
Doctoral Exams
Craig Arthur Zimmerman, Botany,
Dissertation: "The Causes and Char-
acteristics of Weddiness in Portulaca
Oleracea L." on Wednesday, March 5
at 1:30 p.m. in room 1139 Natural Sci-
ence Building, co-chairmen: W. S. Ben-
ninghoff and W. H. Wagner.
David Alfred Hal, Chemistry, D i s -
sertation: "Electrochemistry in Non-
aqueous Media: Sulfur Dioxide and
Pyridine," on Wednesday, March5,
1969, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 3543 Chem-
istry Building, chairman: P. J. Elving.
David Alfred Hail, Chemistry, Disser-
tation: "Electrochemistry in Nonaque-
ous Media: Sulfur Dioxide and Pyri-
dine," on Wednesday, March 5, 1969, at
2:00 p.m. in Room 3543 Chemistry
Building, chairman: P. J. Elving.
Ahmed Nasr Mohamed Nasr, Indus-
trial Health, Dissertation: "Cellular
Biochemical Response to Ozone Inhala-
tion: An Experimental Method for the
Study of the Toxicity of Air Pollu-
tats," on Wednesday, March 5, 1969, at
2:00 p.m. in Room 1518 School of
Public Health, Chairman: B. D. Din-
Theodore Victor Seling, Electrical En-
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students of the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $9 by
carrier, $10 by mail,

gineering, Dissertation: "An U p p e r
Limit to the Abundance of He3II in
Messier 17" on Wednesday, March 5,
1969, at 4:00 p.m. in 951 Physics-Astron-
omy Building, co-chairmen: F. T. Had-
dock and Newbern Smith.
Mohamed Hassan Kamel Shokeir, Hu-
man Genetics, Dissertation: "Inherited
Ceruloplasmin Variants and Cyto-
chrome Oxidase Deficiency in Wilson's
Disease: A Postulated Cerulopasmin
Function," on Monday, March 10 at
11:00 a m, in Room 302 Special Project
Research, Chairman: D. C. Shreffler
TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1969:
Chesebrough-Ponds, Inc., Cleveland,
Ohio and East Central Region: Bach.
Econ., Educ.Engl. Gen. Lib. Arts, and
Psych for Inside and Territorial Sales.
Department of Health Education and
Welfare, Office of Education, Wash.,
D.C.: Bach, and masters in Educ., Engl.,
Gen. Lib. Arts, and oPli. Sci. for
mgmt. trng., pub admin., and educa-
tional admin
Dayton's, Minneapolis, Minn.: Bach.
in Gen. Lib. Arts, and Bach. and
Masters in Econ. for management train-
ing and merchandising.
Department of Health Education and
Welfare, Office of Education, see Tues-
day, above.
The Travelers Insurance Companies,
Detroit, Hich.: Bach, in Chem., Econ.,
Engl.,"Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Math.,
Poli, Sc., Psych. Business for Data Pro-
cessing, Insurance, Mgmt. Trng., Mktg.
Cole National Corporation, Cleveland,
Ohio and nationwide operations: Bach.
In Chem., Econ., Educ., Engl., Gen. Lib.
Arts, Hist, Law, Philo., Poli. S.,
Psych., and Soc. for management train-
ing positions.
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1969
U.S. Treasury Department, Wash.
D.C., Office of the Asst. Secretary for
International Affairs: All degree levels
of economics for international econo-
The RandaCorporation, Santa Mon-
ica, Calif., and N.Y.C.: PhD only in
Econ., Physics, Poli. Sci and Masters
and PhD .In Law, Math and Urban
Planning for theoretical research,
i 212 S,B., Lower Level
Interviewing March 12, Camp Ca-
vel, YWCA of Metro Detroit, Unit as-
sistants, business manager, directors of
waterfront, crafts, and riding.
U.S., State
probe Ferris
(Continued from Page 1)
make any further comment on the
The statement disclaimed any
racial overtones in the protest and
made clear that it was Sparthelf
not the governor, who ordered in
the police.
He claimed that rumors "sug-
gesting the blacks' action was
prompted for fear of persona:
safety is not rationally war-
"Small groups of white students
were also fearful but they did not
as a result take over buildings con-
trary to law," the president con-
"No small task is that of dis-
pelling continuing and recurring
rumor," Sparthelf concluded.
But Conyers replied to Spart-
helf's statement saying if it i
correct, "My legislative assistance
Dr. Albert Wheeler (president o
the state NAACP) and numerou
students are all wrong."
Sparthelf refused to discuss th
investigations saying only, "I don'
have any comment about the 100
statements by 100 different people
telling me how to run the college
who aren't at all remotely in-
When asked about the black
students' demands, Sparthelf said
"I am not going to accept any
demands at any time. I will talk
to them."
Study in
Guadalajara, Mexico
The Guadalajara Summer School,

a fully accredited University of Ari-
Izona program, conducted in coopera-
tion with professors from Stanford
University, University of California,
and Guadalajara, will offer June 30
Ito August 9, art, folklore geography,
history, language and literature
courses. Tuition, board and room is
I$290, Write Prof. Juan B. Rael, P.O.
Box 7227, Stanford,California 94305.
Program Informationl665-6290
TODAY-Shows at 1:00-
3:00-5:00-7:00-9:05 P.M.

news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Serice
PRESIDENT NIXON last night said his trip to
Europe had created "a new relationship of trust and
In his White House news conference, Nixon claimed his
journey to five allied capitals helped prepare for future
summit talks with the Soviet Union. Nixon added he always
has indicated that before the United States enters direct
talks with the Soviet Union there must be "clear understand-
ing" with American allies and friends.
Nixon also said "we will not tolerate" continuation of
SCommunist attacks in Vietnam in violation of the under-
standing which led to the Paris peace talks. He warned, "an
appropriate response to these attacks will be made if they
COMMUNIST EAST GERMANY blockaded all traffic
on the main autobahn to the west for two hours late
The blockade is the most serious in a sequence of har-
assments engineered by the East Germans in protest against
the imminent election of a West German president in West
Berlin. The East Germans and the Russians claim West
Berlin is not a part of West Germany but a third and separate
German entity, and hold that the planned election is illegal.
Within the Communist-walled city, leftist students joined
the protest. About 500 demonstrators on the Kurfuerstendam,
halted traffic and shouted "sieg hell" at West Berlin's police.
IANS continued marching in anti-Soviet demonstrations
in Peking yesterday.
Radio Peking claimed "tens of millions" throughout
China took part in the second straight day of protests follow-
ing the Soviet-Chinese struggle which occured on the Man-
churian border Sunday.
Tanjug, the Yugoslav news agency, said crowds blocking
off the Soviet embassy in Peking appeared to be well organiz-
ed. Tanjug reported the mob assailed the "new Russian czars"
and shouted anti-Soviet and anti-American slogans.
Tass News agency said Russian workers in mass meetings
near the border protested the Communist Chinese "impertin-
ent armed provocation." The two nations exchanged protest
notes Monday.
*f. .
THE APOLLO 9 ASTRONAUTS fired their powerful
rocket engine yesterday, soaring up to 315 miles from
earth and preparing for a blistering work pace today.
Air Force Cols. James McDivitt and David Scott and civil-
ian Russell Schweickart fired the rocket engine three times,
testing how well they can handle the awkward coupling of
the command module and the lunar module. All three burns
went smoothly.
The astronauts also prepared for their first live tele-
vision broadcast which is planed for today.
HUNDREDS OF TEACHERS, researchers a n d stu-
dents protesting "military involvement" in higher educa-
tion cut classes and work in colleges around the country
I The one-day work strike was led by the Union of Con-
cerned Scientists, founded at Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, to protest what they called "involvement with the
military industrial complex."
At MT, about 1,000 persons, mostly students, turned out
for the first of a series of symposiums similar to those held
_ in conjunction with the demonstrations around the country.
Generally, the movements did little to interrupt regular uni-
versity routine.
f Arkansas and Virginia state prisons were unfolded at a
s senate hearing yesterday.
Sen. Strom Thurmond accused o n e witness of giving
"nauseating and disgusting" testimony in a publicity-seeking
D bid to "besmirch the great state of Virginia." The charge by
the South Carolina Republican came during the 21/2 hour
hearing of Sen. Thomas Dodd's juvenile delinquency sub-
- committee which is holding a series of hearings on prison
- ALLIED FORCES intensified ground sweeps in Viet-
nam yesterday in an attempt to upset communist plans

for a second phase of a spring offensive.
U.S. military analysts said they believed the first phase
had ended, at least in' the Saigon area. They expected a sec-
ond and more violent series of attacks this weekend or early
next week.
The ground sweeps so far have failed to smoke out the 15
communist battalions - possibly 7,500 men - believed com-
mitted to attacks aimed ultimately at Saigon when the of-
fensive began 10 days ago.
lantic Richfield Co. and Sinclair Oil Corp., were joined
yesterday in what may be the biggest oil company mer-
ger of all time.
The justice department had reluctantly agreed to the
merger Monday, which has been in the works since last Oc-
tober. Stringent conditions imposed by the government would
allow for future restoration of the two separate companies if
court appeals opposing the merger are successful.
The merged company will operate under the Atlantic-
Richfield name.




'"The Apple Tree' is three of the
most charming and witty musicals
imaginable. The songs, with music
by Jerry Bock and lyrics by Sheldon BY THE
Harnick-the pair who did Fiddler
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musicelly and lyrically... touching,
satirical, AUTHORS OF
-John Chapmwan, Daily News




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