the kitchen cynic
The 'Forces' of Evil
In the beginning God created Harvard.
Then He created Yale.
After a while they started competing with each other athletically
and the result was an American Institution called intercollegiate
sports. Harvard and Yale have resisted the apples in the garden and
remained oriented toward amateurism but most of the 2,000 others
have gone the way of all flesh. Alabama, Michigan State, even Michi-
Tan to an extent.
For the answer we turn from a sociological viewpoint which
describes college sports on a left to right continium from amateur
to professional, to a physicalist analogy on the basis of forces
which act on an entity.
Four highly interrelated forces have doomed college sports to a
downhill development toward professionalism that is gaining momen-
tum every year.
The four areas from which pressure is put on sports have in
common one element. They all increase the importance of winning
and therefore lead to a necessity for new ways to win. Thus the real
cause of professionalism is the effect which all four force fields have
on the need to win.
An explicit and somewhat tragic example of how important
winning is, appeared in Monday's Detroit Free Press. Columnist
Joe Falls came out with a vitriolic attack on Michigan football
coach Bump Elliott, using as his basis the fact that Michigan
spectators are paying professional prices ($6), yet seeing an
amateur team coached by a man who is simply not a consistent
Essentially Falls has placed winning above character and urged
that it is time to "separate Bump 'the man' from Bump 'the coach.'"
The column is a sign of the times.
Fals argument gets us into the first of the four forces-money-
and it is indeed accurate to say that inrregards to college sports, money
is the root of a lot of evil. It is a simple fact of human nature that
people are not going to pay money to see losers. After several years
of consistent losing, interest in a college team drops off. And a win-
ner can bring financial success overnight. Michigan's recent basket-
ball resurgence provides a dramatic example. The average attendance
at Yost Field House during the Cazzie era more than tripled the
average from 1955-60.
At most universities a major amount of revenue for academic
concerns comes from football. It is only natural that a University
should want its team to be a winner. At Michigan this isn't true
in the same way because the Athletic department is an entirely
autonomous corporation. But a corporation also needs money to
make it go. And the Wolverine Athletic department, with over a
million dollars in Athletic expenditures annually and a new
6 million dollar basketball stadium being built, can ill afford a
drop in football profits.
Incidentally, Michigan's size makes it much more feasible for the
Wolverines to get by with a losing team, than it is for most other
schools. There are so many students, alumns, and just everyday fans
within a fifty mile radius of Ann Arbor, that no matter how bad the
team is, there will still be a large crowd on hand. Football Saturday
is a mammoth social institution here, and the crowds come more to
enjoy the sport and the spectacle, than to see a sure-fire winner.
Joe Falls failed to see this when he asked in his column why at all
other schools they scream bloody murder after a single losing season,
while at Michigan they will tolerate several in a row without batting
an eyelash. Essentially it is this fact that has saved whatever is left
of the amateur tradition here in Ann Arbor.
Two other major forces which act as a catalyst on the "need
to win" include increasing specialization in college sports, and
"post-graduate" opportunities for college athletes in professional
There are many examples of specialization in the game of football.
The platoon system, in which there are defensive and offensive units,
defensive and offensive coaches, and even defensive and offensive
place kickers is the foremost of these.
Along with platooning goes the increasingly complex strategy of
the game. There are hundreds and hundreds of formations, plays, and
subtle nuances in today's game. Knute Rockne literally wouldn't know
what was coming off if he suddenly showed up to coach the Fighting
Irish. Agai, it is a sign of the times that much of Michigan's football
strategy is now computer programmed.,
The effect of professional sports on college athletes is self-
evident. It pays well to excel. Top flight college stars can receive
more' from pro teams than they ever could in the business world.
So why should they worry about books and classes when it is
clearlyin their best interest to improve their athletic skills. And
professional expansion is increasing the amount of positions
available to college stars greatly. There are now almost three
times as many places on pro football, hockey and basketball teams
as there were ten years ago. And financially, they are well worth
fighting for.
The fourth of the forces which have professionalized collegiate
athletics is the one which I know best and hate most. In my opinion,
it is the most detrimental of all, and the catalyst for all the other
forces. This is the Alumni and I shall devote my whole next chapter
to these persuasive gentlemen.
Pete J
"Football? I don't really know
how to say just why you like any
sport. I guess it's just doing some-
thing with ten other guys who are
counting on me to do my job."
The truth is that Pete Dreh-
mann doesn't really like football
that much more than all the other
sports he participates in.
IDrehmann is the Big Ten's lead-
ing punter-quite an accomplish-
ment for a sophomore-and rates
with the best in the country. But
this only goes to suggest the 6-2,
230-pounder's versatility.
Lacrosse, Swimmingj
He played lacrosse and swam
on the varsity team while in high
school. He won numerous honors
playing football, both as a half-
back and fullback-winning a spot
on the Pennsylvania all-state team
that plays a similar squad from
Texas each year.
Perhaps the crowning achieve-
ment of Drehmann's high school,
career was his capturing of the
state heavyweight wrestling crown
as a senior. And he schrugs it all
off with a quiet 'Aw, heck..."
before shooting a quick wisecrack
at his roommate, playing solitaire
across the room.
He sits in a big armchair (the
kind you see in every quad room)
with his feet up on a little table.
Drehmann's voice is soft, especially1
when he talks about himself and
his own accomplishments.,
He is one of the country's lead-
ing punters, and oddly enough he!
9rehmann Jack
to suit up as a kicker, and I did
the punting for the next three
After a year of freshman ball,
during which he was moved from
fullback to linebacker to tight end
to offensive tackle, he has emerged
as Coach Bump Elliott's number-
one punter.
Two Punters
Michigan was supposed to use
two punters this season, according
to reports emanating from Ferry
Field before the Duke game.
But Drehmann sewed up the job
for himself, giving way to halfback
Garvie Craw only on occasion.
Drehmann went into the Min-
nesota game last Saturday with
a 41.0 yard average, leading the
Big Ten and standing twelfth in
the nation. But he averaged only
34 yards per kick in the Wolver-
ines' 20-15 loss to the Gophers.
He winces, as if in great pain,
when those statistics are recited,
but he doesn't shirk on the ex-
"It's all in the drop," he says,
standing to demonstrate. "You
have to let the ball go at exactly
the right time, and you've got to
be careful not to brush it with an
arm or something that might in-
terfere with its fall."
No DropI
"Last Saturday it was pretty
windy in the Minnesota stadium,
with lots of gusts, so you couldn't.
you have to expect that."
<4 Like all of the members of the
football team, Drehmann is dis-
appointed with the record com-
piled this season.
So Frustrating
"It's so frustrating ... we've had
a lot of young players, but the only
game we've really been beat in
was against Michigan State. I
guess experience is a factor."
IIt is a natural tendency for each
athlete to fault himself for de-
feats, and one which Drehmann
"Sure I feel the pressure-when
we're on the goal line and have
to kick it's my job to get the ball
out and give the defense some
field position. There's plenty of
pressure out there."
"I guess the high point of the
season-to this point-was in the
Indiana game; I kicked the ball
from our end zone and Indiana
got it on their own 13." He grins
broadly as he savors the moment,
seeing the ball bounce past the
Hoosier safety and roll toward
the end zone.
P7 galley 2 drehmann Myron4
"Coming through in the clutch
-doing your job well when the
pressure's on," he continues.
e "That's the name of the game."
s With all the 'Big Games' now
. past, it may be difficult for Michi-
gan to keep up the spirit which
has been displayed so prominently
'he in the last two games. Drehmann,
h however sees little difference be-
tween the next game and the last.
in "The big game now is North-
to western,' he says, and he stares
te at you to be sure you understand.
vas t"W'e know what we can do ,. ..,
owes a large part of his success to
a high school injury.
"I was sitting out my freshman
season after minor surgery for a
muscle injury," he recalls. "I was
serving as manager for the team
-doing little jobs just to keep in
contact and show the coaches that
I was interested."
"One day I was catching punts
that other guys were kicking and
I got tired of throwing them back.
So finally I kicked one myself,,
MICHIGAN PUNTER PETE DREHMAN once again gets Michigan
out of a jam by uncorking another perfect punt as he evades th
oncoming rush of MSU's Nick Jordan. Unfortunately, Drehmann's
punting was of little use as State Steamrolled Michigan 34-0
., , .
1 ,-43
, ..'
: ;,
and the ball sailed about twenty treally control the drop."
yards over their heads. The coach '!You know, that guy kicking for
got my doctor's permission for me them was really booming them
Ineligibility Forces Kent Forfeit
By The Associated Press
The Mid-American Conference
football race became a four-way,
chase yesterday after Kent State
University disclosed that it had
used an ineligible player in its
only two victories.
MAC Commissioner Bob James
ordered Kent to forfeit its con-
ference victory over Ohio Uni-
versity. He took no action over
Kent's triumph, over Northern
Illinois because that game was a
non-conference affair.
The hot MAC race heads into
weekend action with Toledo,
Miami, and Western Michigan all
boasting 4-1 records. Ohio, which
had a 2-2 mark, now finds itself
If the Bobcats could beat
Western and Bowling Green in
two successive home games, they
would finish 5-1 and tie the win-
ner of Saturday's Toledo-Miami
James declared Ohio the winner
of the September 30 contest by
a 1-0 score. The Golden Flashes
had posted a 21-14 victory in the
regionally televised contest.
The player in question was
junior Ted Chester, an offensive
end from Avon Lake, Ohio. Ches-
ter dropped out of school last
year after suffering a broken jaw
early in the 1966 season but en-
rolled again later in the year.
His ineligibility was discovered
by the university's office of ad-
missions and records. Chester had
only 32 credit hours instead of the
required 36
"No one likes to do this, but
we had to make a decision,"
James said
Kent Could Lose 2
Kent's 1-4 record in the league
now becomes 0-5 while its overall
2-5 mark could either be 1-6 or
0-7 depending on whether North-
ern Illinois accepts Kent's offer
to forfeit a September 23 victory.
Both James and Kent State of-
ficials emphasize that neither
Chester nor members of the
coaching staff were aware of the
credit hour shortage.
"Its unfortunate. We're dealing
with human beings and it was
nothing more than a human er-
ror," James said.
He paused a moment, com-i
paring his counterpart's perform-i
ance with his own, then added,
"but he was kicking with the wind
all day.",
And now he's set his sights onI
~a spot on the Michigan wrestling'I
team. He plays football weighingT
something over 230 pounds, but
thinks he can wrestle at 191, los-
ing the 39 pounds over a period of{
about two months.t
Why Wrestle
Why wrestle, especially when
footbal accounts for so much time?
"I don't really know that either,"
he laughs. "Maybe it's just be-
cause I like the competition. And
it's a great way to keep in shape."
Drehmann exudes enthusiasm
when the subject is athletics, but
there are other things on his mind
when he's off the playing fields.
"I suppose I'd like to play pro
football, that is if somebody want-
ed me to play. If the opportunity
came along, I wouldn't turn it
"But I'm not here to get ready
for the pros. I'm just not in a
position to think about it right
Coming to Michigan was a big
decision for Drehmann, justas
it is for many athletes. "I had
narrowed the list to three schools,"
he reflects. "Penn State, the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, and Mich-
igan. But I really liked the Mic
igan .campus, as well as t
school's reputation."
The idea of playing football
the Big Ten also appealed
Drehmann. "And when I met t
Michigan coaches, my mind w
made up," he smiles.
He has not regretted his choi
"I'd been away to school befo
(two years at prep school), a
the atmosphere is a lot the sar
Of course it's more liberal, b
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Keyes Tops Nation's Scorers;
Cornhusker's Defense Best
By The Associated Press games followed by Tulsa, last
NEW YORK-Leroy Keyes of week's leader, with 169.0.
Purdue has taken over the scoring Syracuse has compiled the best
lead among the national major ' defense against rushing, a mere
college football players, the latest 46.5 yard average for six games.
statistics disclosed yesterday. Georgia has put together the best
defense against forward passes, a
Keyes scored four touchdowns inj 63-yard average for six games. Ok-
the Boilermakers' 44-22, victory lahoma has been the toughest to
over Iowa last Saturday, increas- score against, their five opponents
ing his point total to 72. This is scoring only 16 points for a 3.2
12 more than Rick Eber of Tulsa average.
and Butch Kolson of East Car- Tulsa, though dropping from
Mlina, who are tied for second. first in total defense, still remains
The figures compiled by Na- the leader in total offense. In five
tional Collegiate Sports Services games the Huricanes have aver-
also revealed new leaders in other aged 440.6 yards a game. West
departments. Ace Hendricks of Texas State runs second with 428.6
New Mexico is the pace-setter in 1 average in seven games.
pass receiving with 52 catches, Don!I Tulsa leads in forward pass of-
Bean of Houston took over first fense with 312.4 average; and runs
place in punt returns with 452 second to University of Texas El
yards, and Steve Haterius of West Paso in scoring, the teams aver-
Texas State is number one in in- aging 39.4 and 42.6 points respec-
terception returns with eight. tively.
Nebrska' Defnse estUCLA's average of 258. yards
Nebraska's Defense Best rushing in six games tops the
Nebraska is the latest to lead rushing offense.
the ns;tinn's major-college football -
bie IUVI>tl tac VM"
teams in total defense.
The Cornhuskers, the fourth
team to lead that category in the
past six weeks, have yielded an
average of 155.3 passing-rushing
yardage in six games. Georgia is
second with 158.2 average in six
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I u're a DE OCRAT who wants to replace
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