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February 02, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 104) • Page Image 7

… Abroad Office (Miss Apple) 764-0310 or come to 1223 Angell Hall 0 Application Deadline: March 31, 1971 TV RENTALS $10o per month FREE Service and Delivery ---NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED--- CALL: Nelac TV Rentals…

… many features the list would stretch from here to . . . well, exaggeration isn't necessary when you think of the computer controlled noise suppression circuit, and the multitude of tone controls, filters…

February 04, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

…, direc- tor of NASA's future planning, contend the space program has made the United States the world's leader in technology by forcing developments in elec- tronics, mechanics, computers, metallurgy, the…

… French Elementary, Interme- diate, and Advanced Levels * Earn up to 6 University Credits *Information: Study Abroad Office (Miss Apple) : 764-0310 or come to 1223 Angell Hall t Application Deadline: March…

February 29, 1972 (vol. 82, iss. 118) • Page Image 5

… never had a duplication "casu- alty." COMPLETE COMPUTER SERVICES, PROGRAMMING, consultation, tutor- ing, and more. PERSONAL Termpapers: WRITE ON. the No. 1 professional service, gives the best results: 1…

… interpersonal re- computer programs and take homes. lations towards understanding self. 5. We have never sold duplicate 663-7616. cFtc papers-and we can provie it! ......-__.. 6. Only WRITE ON is student CHILI…

…. 28 Outmoded. 29 - Presley. 30 Angles between twigs and stems. 31 Weather w.ord. 33 Survives. 36 Larval wrigglers. 37 Maiden of. golden apples race. 39 Fodder containers. 40 Type of coat. 42 Viceroy of…

February 13, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…., Lane Hall, noon. Computing Ctr.: R. Brill, "Com- putational Data Retrieval:, The TAXIR Accessioner," 120 P-A Bldg., noon. Anatomy: W. Brudon, "A Brief His- tory of Medical Illustration," 4804 Med. Set…

… 24. dill pickles 25. celery 26. carrots 27. green onions 28. crab apples 29. red peppers 30. radishes 31. corn salad 32. slicedcucumbers with sour cream 33. sliced tomatoes with fresh dili 34. red bean…

… grapeleaves 86. greek feta cheese 87. swiss cheese 88. ceddar cheese 89. bread pudding 90. rice pudding 91. creme caramel 92. baked apples 93. house cake 94. peaches 95. mandarin; oranges 96. orange sliced…

February 14, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

… have to make the policy group's offering as "ad- Opportunities for Women in Computer nerability of Boys In the Second Year up next year's deposits, in addi- vice." HPC members contend that Science, Fed…

… vanilla. And we make other tasty little items. Blueberry buckle, Dutch apple dessert, peach cobbler and rasp- berry cobbler. Little jars of fruit, too. Bananas with pineapple, applesauce. What's more…

February 20, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…. i trices & Quadratic Forms," 1007 Angell stipend. Contact Ellicott Wriget; New Computing Ctr.: M. Dickover, Con-| H Hall, 4 pm. Canaan Country School, New Canaan, Share, "Structured Programming," 120…

… grounds- line," Lec. Rm. 1, MLB, 3:30. speaking African Countries through the man helpers. Appl. deadline Mar. 15. Mus. of Art, Medieval, Renaissance peace Corps Prog., contact Career Plan- City of Oak Park…

February 21, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

… cashiers, and grounds- nard Street. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48104. man helpers. Appl. deadline Mar. 5. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier cam.' Cityof O a rMl. Park pusara) $1 lca mal Mihign ndtion Dept…

…); $7.00 non-local mail :other Prog. starts June 24. states and foreign). Amtrak, Wash., D.C. Openings for Juniors in computer science program.I - - " " * c_.._s ... I" Ann Arbor Civic Theatref presents A…

February 27, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…. Service, English: poetry reading, Commission for Women: Regents' P. Levine, Aud. 3, MLB, 4:10 pm. Rm., noon. Gerontology: M. McGuire, Waiing- Computing Ctr.: D. Atkins, "Present ton D.C., "Housing the…

… tasty little items. Blueberry buckle, Dutch apple dessert, peach cobbler and rasp- berry cobbler. Little jars of fruit, too. Bananas with pineapple, applesauce. What's more, Gerber baby foods need no…

February 28, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

… prune the apple trees. That's all the taxes I have to pay." DENISE DRAMM said she did- n't know where she and her three children would go. "I'm waiting for the Lord to tell me," she said. Weapons…

… Be;" "Modern Women: The tions of Mixed Mode Tessellation Uneasy Life." Lec. Rm. 1, MLB, 7:30 pm. Structures," 325 W. Engin., 10 am. Computing Ctr.: S. Gerstenberger, Commission for Women: secretaries…

… ,"Advanoed Use of Mag Tapes," Seminar sub-committee, Wolverine Rm., Union, Computing Ctr., 7:30 pm. noon. Chemical Engineering: P. Weisz, Mo- Maternal & Child Hlth. Films: bi1 Res. & Dev., N.J. "Diffusion Phe…

February 06, 1975 (vol. 85, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

… communications'or- tented company. H/600 installation with communications and data base. Minimum 2 to 3 years experience with COBOL. disc and tape on me- {dium or large scale computers ne- cessary. Communications…

… Genus of sheep 23 River of NE Asia 25 Grass cutter 26 Motive 27 Ascended 28 Prepared, as apples 29 Reason for a traffic jam 30 Coalesce 31 Impudent: Slang 33 Kind of hard rol f 36 Modern-type scapegoats…

February 19, 1975 (vol. 85, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

… Hall, 7 pm. MA degree & certification earned. Computing Ctr.: B. Carnahan, "Career Opportunities for Women "Running Time-shared Jobs in in Health Sciences, Business, and MTS," 7:30-9:30 pm. Nat. Set. Aud…

… 20. fried cod fish 21. black olives 22. greek olives 23. green olves 24. dill pickles 25. celery 26. carrots 27. green onions 28. crab apples 29. red peppers 30. radishes 31. corn salad 32. sliced…

…. baked apples 93. house cake 94. peaches .. m & RON - - -- - - --_O--- I the. 4 j' 0tO g 0.4 ' c Glenda Jackson Wed. nights Festival JON SCHL EI SINGER'S Sunday, Bloody Sunday with Glenda Jackson and…

February 27, 1975 (vol. 85, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…, the Computer Registration Involving Student Partici- pation (CRISP) will replace the archaic Waterman-way beginning in April. With CRISP, students need only go to one location, Room 215 of the old…

… neighborhood of 1,500 students each day. The appearance of CRISP in Ann Arbor will put the Uni- versity among "perhaps a half dozen major universities with enrollments over 15,000" using the computer program…

… also featured for your meal," Brede- horst asserts. "In the area of beverages, the selection ranges from cold apple cider delivered locally, to chilled tomato juice, coffee and fine herb teas pre- pared…

… including banana-raisin and apple cina- mon." The food is only half the story, though. Bredehorst des- cribes the Vegetable Union, "as a showcase for local talent, with music performed by many dif- ferent…

February 04, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…. greek olives 23. green olives 24. dill pickles 25. celery 26. carrots 27. green onions 28. crab apples 29. red peppers 30. radishes 31. corn salad 32. sliced cucumbers with sour cream 33. sliced tomatoes…

… sausage 84. hors d'eouvres 85. stuffed grapeleaves 86. greek feta cheese 87. swiss cheese .8. cheddar cheese 89. bread pudding 90. rice pudding 91. creme caramel 92. baked apples 93. house cake 94. peaches…

…- man, "phototaxis: a Reassessment," Leo. Rm. 1, MLB, 4 pm. Industrial, Operations Eng.: Nor- man R. Scott. "Some Unsolved Scheduling Problems in Pipelined Computer Systems," 229 W. Eng., 4 pm. Statistics…

February 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

… the Ann bor Computer Club at its weekly meeting, 7:30 in room 4108 of the Michigan Union . . . or, come and reason together as Mike Pievely of the Mich- igan Energy Commission speaks on "Creating a Law…

… days munching apples, 7,000-pound Marcella the Ele- phant will roam with giraffes and zebras at Cir- cus World in Florida. The oldest of the Ringling Brothers-Barnum and Bailey elephants, she danced end…

… BLANCHARD Resting from her labors for a moment, Pam Hunt sits before a stack of wide, heavily inked computer print-out sheets and >' f philosophizes. "Time stands still," she sayls n f th nncn most students…

February 25, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 122) • Page Image 6

… person, Nichol- son Enterprise, 4405 Jackson Rd. 15H302 THE COMPUTER STORE requires a retail clerk part time. No experi- ence necessary. 995-7616. 18H227 BEST PRODUCTS CO., INC. is now hiring for the…

… DICTATION . Pick-up and Delivery Confidential I i t 4 ACROSS 1 Diamond cutter's cup 4 Apples, for short 8 Footwear, for 41 44 Scientific suffix Hot, spicy bev- erage Six weeks of study and adventure at…

…: Physics, Computer Science & Environmental Health j SHABBAT DINNER, this week atE Hil"el-$2.50uys you great chicken,, all the extras, and nice people to share with. Call for reservations,' 663-3336. cF225…

February 10, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

… for services," he said. "I think we still can give money to daycare centers, but it has to be spent responsibly. Just because you run a daycare center doesn't mean that you're the apple pie motherhood…

… of the Record Plant here. I SYSTEMS PROGRAMMERS Manufacturing Data Systems, Inc., a rapidly growing Ann Arbor firm, involved in the development, production and marketing of high technology computer

… products and services for manufactur- ing applications, is looking for Systems Programmers to work on the following projects: -PASCAL COMPILER - Mini-Computer Operating Systems - Interactive Graphic Design…

February 18, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 116) • Page Image 5

…). "Tiger" is a chaotic collection of key- boards, drums, and bass with no melody but lots of mindless rhythms and computer-like vocals. "Apple Blossoms," like much of the material, was first released years…

… makes records like Brain Salad Surgery actually sound, good. Take songs like "Tiger in A Spot- light" and "When The Apple Blossoms Bloom in The Windmills Of Your Mind I'll Be Your Valentine" (please…

February 23, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 120) • Page Image 6

…-10 hrs. wkly. References. 763- 6013 after 6. 04H301 TYPIST-Familiar with Textedit computer printed dissertation format. 662-6060. 05H226 PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS Must be 18, no car necessary, part time only…

… gauge Balderdash! Tropical plants Bravo!: Lat. Tree akin to the apple See 5 Down Perfumery appurtenance Japanese sash Musical study King-size book Hindu deity More foxlike Women's gp. Relative of Gouda…

February 28, 1979 (vol. 89, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

… Hall, Law Quad. Pendleton Arts Center-"Talking About What Matters", conver- sations with local ministers and rabbis, 4 p.m., Pendleton Rm., Union. Appl. Mech., Eng. Sci.-W.H. Yang, "An Illustrated Talk…

computers to collect and store information. A coordination of informational publications would combine infor- mation from various campus offices and services. Another suggestion is a resource network to…

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