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March 31, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

… fair- with the champion in lead. ually a rapid shooter was at careful, but he could not e up to the fine exhibition of pion. Schaefer's first shot WOLVERINE DIAMOBND SQUAD LEAVES ON SPRIN6 TRINNB GTRI…

… Paper holding down will make up -the twirling staff when the infield positions, with Roby, Brat- the Wolverines go South. Dixon, Liv- erence, and Shultz are almost certain t( \ r X Voprigt Hart Sc…

March 30, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…Kechnie, Woinitz, Housel, and Yott. Governor Groesbeck will be entertained, by a ;rogram featuring an almost exclu- sive performance of Wolverines. "RIDER for PENS."-Adv. Students desiring to secure Iplaying…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

… yesterday's practice to battery men alone. The Michigan, mentor is of the opinion that the Wolverines' chances this year depend largely upon the ability of the pitching staff to be in the best of condition…

…M the full route of a nine inning game, a feat they will be called upon to do before the Southern trip ends. With a schedule of nine gimes to be play- ed within the short space of 10 days the Wolverines

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

… in Ithaca at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon for the annual indoor track meet between the Wolverines and Cornell. The team reached Buf- falo this morning, where connections were made for the home of the…

… Hattendorf and Dot have traveled it. Expect Fast Mlile In the mile run Kirby and Stric are the stars of Cornell, both ma the distance under 4:25, bit with two Wolverines, Bowen and Ai in form again this race…

… will probably Iave a on his hands for third with Atki and Stevehs, who make about theE height as the Wolverine jumper the shot put Stipe appears as likely 'winner as none of the Co weight men have…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 8

… having a large number of omislng recruits with which to make is 1,922 team. Team Leaves April 7 No definite lineup has been settled v by the Wolverine mentor and he ill defer his final selection of the en…

…, manydrof whom were the opinon that the Wolverine star s the best catcher in the Bik Ten. .ck is qt toe only catcher of abil- for Blott, and Coates, men of ex- ptona promise, are also offering eir services…

March 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

… mile race has never been run in the history of Michigan-Cornell meets. The Wolverines have all been sup- plied with new sweat suits which give them a natty appearance. The suits are blue, trimmed in…

… clean at the expense of tlle Wolverines. One of the fastest men in the east is the Ithacan dash man, Lovejoy, who has placed in every meet this year. With him as teammates are Niles and Righter. The…

… Lathrop appears to be about on a par with McElven, the Wolverine jumper, with a height of six feet.. Two other Cornell men, Stone and Nichols, have averaged around 5 feet, 10 inches during the season. One…

March 24, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 127) • Page Image 5

… more actual diamond work e than the Wolverines, but Coach Fish- - er expects to have his men drilled - down to mid season form when they n return. from the tour of the South, e April 17. t Pitchers Need…

… should look good.on any nine in the Conference. Last year Michigan lost a championship because of a poorly n arranged schedule which forced the y Wolverine hurlers to work without. a sufficient rest. This…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…- signs, colors and papers that appeal. Wolverine Mentor Includes Fewer Men Than Were Taken to Meet at Evanston LANDOWSKI AND STIPE ARE COUNTED ON TO WIN H1ONORIS Trials were held yesterday after- noon in…

… keeping the Wolverines in the run- ning. The Varsitye mntor is taking two mnen in each event. Bowen and Arndt are entered in the mile while Hattendorf and Douglas will run in the half. Arndt's time in the…

…. Cornell is rather weak in this event and if the Wolverine weight man is in form he should easily cop first honors. Lndowsid Injured Landowski will have a mate in his event this Saturday as Smith, the high…

… Maize ,and Blue entries in the high jump, and both men should give the Ithacan jumpers strong opposition. The two Wolverines both counted for fraction of a point in the Big Ten meet and are now in top…

March 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

… n glf0.ll. WolverlIne Forwai'd Leads Al But Carney in Scoring High Points RIATHER'S MEN RUNNERS-UP IN CONFERENCE BASKET TOTAL "Bill" Miller, stellar Wolverine for- ward, in the final official…

… placing sec- ond in the scoring column practically insures him of the place of All-Con- ference forward foe' his only danger- ous rivals for the position are trailing the Wolverine in the number of count…

… 37 83 6.916 Wolverines second in Points Total figures compiled for the year show that Michigan's basketball team ended the year with one of the best comparative records in the Big Ten. Mather's mentook…

… in a close third for scoring honors, while the Badgers took fourth place with a grand total of 279. *The cham- pion Boilermakers came in fifth with 265 counters. Never before has a Wolverine team…

… been fam- ous. Michigan's defensive record, bearing out the reputation it has gained in previous years, is second only to that of the Purdue five who played three less games than did the Wolverines

March 16, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 120) • Page Image 5

…to any ot play rs otl dist- e for Coach Farrell following the com- ion of the trial heats at the gym- uum early this week. It is probable 21 men will consititute the per- iel of the Wolverine

… aggregation. ; which men will be entered in ' event was not announced except few instances. It was announced Landowski, star Wolverine pole .ter, will be the only man taken he trip-who will be entered in that…

March 12, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 117) • Page Image 5

…. Bernbaum of Michigan at 125 pounds met Wolgast of D. A. C. In the next bout. Wolgast had a good left and kept 'sinking it to Bernie's stomach but due to the Wolverine's cleverness the first round was even…

… the punch. The third round went to Gotrecher, who had solved the Wolverine's right.aMcKechnie's won- derful, spirit was accorded comimenda- tion. In the last bout Wolinitz of Michi- gan and the veteran…

March 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…:30 o'clock, North, Kappa Beta Psi, D K E, Trigon, Phi Sigma Kappa; (Continued on Page Five) ARC A D Coming Soon WOLVERINE TRACK TEAM FACES T BGIDO ET O IM %1 S S * 00 *9** S-S-S. We are now showing…

… either make or break it. The Con-, ference indoor championship meet, scheduled at Evanston for a week from today, will find the Wolverine tracksters battling with the best ath- letes in the mid-west, while…

…'s chance of winning the Conference indoor championship next week are almost negative. On the basis of their performance in the relay carn- ival last week the Wolverines would not even be considered as having…

…. Much of the Wolverine chances depends upon the way the men take to their work during the next few weeks. Trials on Monday Trials for the Varsity track team to go to the Conference indoor meet at Evanston…

March 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

Wolverine's aggressive- holder of the Waterman ness soon had the desired effect. for the 50-yard dash. He Hanson Wins Overtime -to participate in the meet nor the Illinois relay carn In the 125 pound match…

March 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 114) • Page Image 5

…. Car- ney made up the bulk of the Illinois offense, while Miller was the biggest gal, scoring cog in the Wolverines' sensa- tional spurt of six straight victories. Both Miller and Carney stand without…

… huck Carney ofI tationed at forwra en are clever on defense while the Wolverine's uncan- ny ability to shoot, combined with his speed and dribbling would add greatly to the strength of the team. Captain…

…. In the interfraternity tour- nament the Delta Theta Phi delegation came out on top. SIX SCRAPPERS TO MAKE ON FIRST WOLVERINE FIGHT TEAMR; TRIP INFORMAL B TEAM MEETS UDICE FRIDAY, Michigan's boxing…

March 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… up 1 casion and spasmodically some ;brilliant pieces of wo The Wolverine basketeers tde difficulty inpenetrating t defense.and worked the ball floor for close flings at the h and time again…

…. Northwestei other hand, relIed entirely shots i garneriig its six f6el Play Easy-Going Neither team showed any array of team work. Lck competition was largely re for the easy-going style of the Wolverines, and…

… addition to his tally-maing, Wolverine center seemed to entire floor, being the main carrying the ball down the' wards the basket. Bill Millej field goals chalked up to his addition to 11 successful fre…

…' sixth player, but in the great book where the history of Michigan is writ- ten, the part which he has performed will be given equal credit with every other Wolverine who has Darticipated in the loyal…

March 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 112) • Page Image 5

… practically e Wolverine came going over at 12:11, of jumping off the! efused. They flipped Id watch offered for eo Wisconsin athlete gh they scorn to offer alibis the a men know that something ong other than…

March 05, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 111) • Page Image 10

… services as usual. Passion serv- ice will be held at night at Zion Lutheran church. Rev. Stellhorn will use as his topic "The Preparation." CAR WASHING A SPECIALTY CAMPUS GARAGE 604 E. WASHINCTON WOLVERINES

… of Shimek. Rea's left arm still showed the results of the injury which retired him after the Wisconsin fray. Despite this handi-I cap the Wolverine leader showed flashes of form that made him famous…

… strategy, the Wolverine high score to second place, w men kept Michigan's total count on surpassed by no the upward mount. Time 'after time ence. Ely broke lose from the defense that Iowa had been stationed…

… tie with Illinois, both teams day. Northweste: having seven wins and four defeats. basketball game If the Wolverines win from North. the relay. JUST .RECEIVED Burchard and Inglis - Dental Pathology…

March 01, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 107) • Page Image 5

… MEET WITH CINCINNATI CANCELLED a WITH FOR in the running. Northwestern has also exhibited a marked improvement and may make Mather's men step at top speed. If the Wolverines play as they did against…

… 5 5 6 7 7 Pct. .875 .700 .600 .6555 .455 .444 .444 .400 .3001 300 Wolverines Superior to Iowa Although her play was far superior td that of ,the Hawkeyes in the game at Iowa City Monday night…

… Cincinnati cancelling the dual' swimming meet scheduled with the Wolverine team 'on Saturday, March 4, at the Ann Arbor Y. M. C. A. The reason given was that a large number of their best swimmers are…

… following teams are probably SLatest Victor Rec ue of their victory over Iowa light the Wolverines climbed place in the Conference race ap behind Illinois who clung: nd place by trouncing the n their fray…

… Michigan's. The Wolverines ran up almost as large a score as they did against Illinois last Saturday by scoring 20 points to 6- for the Hawkeyes. When the second half opened Bill Miller started the Wolverine

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