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Use Of "Prom" For Freshman Dance Children Will
Calls Forth Objections From Sophs Sing "Creation
LINO TO DAI ~ Hayd's "Creation" will be present- HT101T
Vigorous objections were yoiced yes- "The name Prom is the traditional dn's "ean " wib sent-l
t*... ed by the Ann Arbor high school
I terday by members of the sophomore name of a sophomore function, and chorus of 400 singers in a concert
rclass after the appearance'of a no- tradition is one of the outstanding fea- First Telegraphic Track Competition Thursday evening, March 30, at Hill IrTI1
tilU -in the columns of The Daily an tures of any University activity," was at Michigan Scheduled for Ths auditorium. The concert will be com-A I
nounig that- a meeting of freshman the 'statement of John P. Bernard, AfAernoon plimentary to the Michigan School-
nInEnghALUa iAR-ces eeld fr the 'Echarman of the sophomore Prom masters' club by'the Ann Arbor high SEANS OF ELIMINATING DI
IE AUNU -class officers would be held for the 24,lhimap. h spomr-Po school and te Universty School riCLYDSUSE TCI
[ERE FOR BURIAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~committee, ,"and for this reason it YEARLINGSi HAVE EDGE INcoladt~ nvriySholC 1LYDSUSDA li
TODAY purpose of forming plans for the 1922 Music, and will be open to the public CAGO MEETING
Freshman Prom would be an impractical as well as an JUMPS AND DISTANCE RUNS without charge.
-'eha' rm objectionable step for the freshman Assisting the chorus in the solo
ARBOR MEN According $o DeWitt E. Taylor, '25, committeeato attempt to adopt a namea,YQSADS COMMI
D PALL-BEARERS social chairman of the freshman liter- for their dance which is already in In the first of its kind in the his- psoran ; wll be Mrs. William Wheeler, d'T HEAUR
ary class, it was dec~ded to abandon: use for one of the oldest class dances. tory of Michigan the Wolverine yearl- oCaraLundgren bass. Prof. Earl V.
the traditional name of "Frolic" for It would also show a lack of original- ing track team will hold a telegraphi Clure n bas Pof. arl V.
s iichigan Graduate and the annual freshman affair, and sub- ity on the part of the men who were meet this afternoon with the freshman Moore Ail be a d t orga a - t embers of Association Issue 0
ional Engineering stitute for it the word "Prom." This instrumental in making the change." team of the University of Illinois. on Av Com andMargaret Ma Formal Statement of Problems
Work action, according to Taylor, was taken "We have nothing to do with the Each team will run off the events in Presented -
aft&r a suggestion to that effect had selection. of new name for the fresh-. its own gymnasium and the resultS -
Donovan, VT2F, eminent been made by Dean Joseph A. Bursley, man dance," said Stanley N. Muirhead, will be sent by telegraph to the oth- Chicago; March T7.-Western :
r, died at his home in who it is said objected to the use of '24, chairman of the underclass con- er school. ference athletic directors toni
La., Thurday 'morning.the wrd Frolic as implying "bures- duct committee, "but the word Prom The events will be run off continu- it. completed a discussion of ways
.11 arrive in Ann Arbor que." No arbitrary ruling, hOwevr, is known to the campus and to out- ously with each school ,taking the Li t O n S n d means of eliminating professional
and brief services will was made either for the rejection of siaders as a term always connected time of the first three men in each from college athletics, but reffsec
31 o'clock this aftern'oon the word Frolic or the substitution with the sophomore class, and steps race and after the meet by an inter- ac Program make public any of the proceedi
in Forest Hill cemetery. of a new word, should be taken to preserve the tra- changing of telegrams will be able to other than those pertaining to mi
Woodhams, '72, and Rev. It is the belief of members of the diton." determine which team came out vic- - affairs.
ilkinson will officiate. sophomore class that although they The dance is to be given on Friday, torious. Illinois held a similar meet The faculty of the University School Fielding H. Yost of Michigan
aus E. Beal, Dean Morti- possess no prerogrative which would May 12, in the Union ballroom, accord- with the Badgers recently. of Music will offer an exceptionally named chairman of the committei
y, Rev. Ronald Wood- enable them to dictate in the selec- ing to the present tentative plans. The Maize and Blue has several attractive program at he Twilight sift down plans suggested durint
Chute, '72, Evart H. tion of anew name, for the freshman Two orchestras will be engag d to men who have made better time than concert at 4:15 o'clock Sunday after- 10 hours' talk. This committee
R. T. Tinkham, '72, will affair; that it would be most obec- furnish music and punch will be erv- that made by the Illini and although noon in Hill auditorium. d aw up definite recommendations
>allbearers. E. F. Moore, tionable for the dance to be given the ed. .Orders will also be sent in at the latter team will have tlae advant- Especial interest attaches to this preventing a recurrene of the sd
regory, '22E, R. G Vail, name Prom and that -the' sophomore once for programs, which, according age of dirt track, the Michigan first to beause of the appearance of dal whic h recently barred mor lf
ckerman, '22E, R. S. class stand solidly against such an ac- to committee members, will be one of year men should have little trouble ecs ss N eto re, sorano, sor e o r a k to t i
J. C. Zeder, '22E, P. G. tion by the freshman committeemen. the novel features of the dance. in copping the meet. Hubbard and ces MisNthe voice faculty atth-rano, srts, an report back to th -
E.C. Haug,'23E, C.' A. ncpigteme.Hbadadwojie h oc aut ttee-oeascainltr-lrlel
E. Merra, '2E, and A Whitmore have both done :05 3-5 in ginning of the current school year, has April. The directors then will
ood, 25E, will be activer unners have m1e*the 50 yar dah and hile the n chosen an interesting group of Russ n to the faculty confeence col
"Representatfves fromiiall U LtI U VYULV NWIIS rneshaemdfh sm ie an songs for her part of the program. tee definite recommendationseetfor
Lege wll, attend the serv- ni nplace in this event, of. excellent musical training, and is City.
Distance runs are the stronghold reputed to be a singer of unusual Meeting Secret
o of Profession" EVANSON rnuiVIV I LLIOI UE0 ITI of Archie Hahn's team. In the mile charm. The athletic directors' meeting
B. Davis, '63E, professor Isbell has covered the ditance 10 sec- The other new attist is Mr. Odra O. more secret than a private polil
B. suvein and rsso onds faster thai any man at Urbana, Patton, tenor, an alumnus of the Uni- conference. Every person pre
ie college of engineering, Michigan Sueceeds in Placing Siemens Michigan Varsity Team, Arguing on while Reinke has covered the half versity School of Music, who, for the pledged himself not to divulge an
consider Mr. Donovagnthe in Finas of 440 Yard Affimative, Defeats Team four seconds faster than the man who past several years, has been engaged the proceedings other than those
censillu an bes Dash will enter this event for the Suckers. professionally in the Middle West. He tamed in a brief formal staten
iner now living in allE Hubbard is practically assured of has been at the head of the voice de- This statement announced June 1
ing to the discharge, con- VARSITY FAILS TO PLACE . first honors in the broad jump, as he partment of Grinnell college, a posi- the date for the Cbnference golf ti
lation of, the Mississippi ENTRANT IN HALF-MILE RUN FINAL JUDGE'S DECISION does better than 24 feet consistently. tion which he resigned a year ago to nament and May 25 to 27 for the
at the top of his profess- -- BASED ON PRESENTATION In the pole vault Brooker who has do special voice work in Chicago and nis tournament. It stated that th
igineer in the service of (Special to The'Daily) - done 12 feet will make the Illini New York City. While a student in rectors would recommend that (
ates. There is 'no place. Evanston, Ill., March 17. - Michigan vaulters hustleon the Universiy, Mr. Patton won much ference officials could notoi at
nto Treh in e Erv- qua ne I.a for the f s of (By M. E. Gordon) With these men and other equally recognition in the students recitals outside games, and made known t
the 440 yard dash .here tonight. Sie- Michigan's affirmative Varsity tea good men entered in the other events, and as a church soloist. appointment of Yost as chairma
movan was one of our mons captured first place-in his heat was awarded the judge's decision in Michigan appears to have more than Miss Nell B. Stockwell, of the piano professionalism., Mr. Yost will
uished alumni," stated and thereby earned the right to run a debate held last night in Hill audi an even hance of coming out on the faculty of the School of Music, who point two other members.
yesterday. "He had a ii the finals. Preliminaries were run torium on the question, 4'Resolved, top of the score. has been heard to advantage on num- Os the dozens of suggestonsai'
affection for the Univer. in for heats wtl winners in each That the war aets due the United erous occasions in the past, will con- cussed it was understood tht
d it as amother." Dean heat and two tfastest second menn tribute two groups. Another inter- dealing with the reprted etho
d on Dr. Donoan last qualifying for the finals, making six States from her allies in the Great rtiv ItlIi~ eting feature of the program wilje attrating igh school stars to W
he was in New Orleans, to run tomorrow night. First heat w ar udnbe c bol er JU the performance of Debussey's Danse unverses eced y ms
The arguments of both sides were of 3~lt3 EnSaree et ens Profane" soe o tion. This was declared by smt
i feeling fairly well, hop won by.Spetz of Wisconsin, Pyott, Chi- almost equal strength and s e was al- nDn rosrd forb h
Aee to attend the fiftieth cago, second. Time 52 flat. most solely throug more forceful and i 11Wpiano and strings. rule of amateurism and it was .rl
Af his commencemnt, next Second heat by Slemons, of Michi- analytical presentation that Michigan stood Mr. Yost's committee woul(
gan, Weet, ofIllinois, eon.Time
ied on Page Eight)w of second. was aarded the decision. The de- SPECIAL GRADUATE STUDY UN- MICHiGAN SCHOOLS Into thiuet.
Third heat wvon by Johnson, Wis- bate grew more intense as it pro- Present Rules uffciett
i couin; Keppar wa, Jsecon Ti, gressed, reaching its climax during IQUE AMONG COLLEGES CUT FROM W EST'S The general sentiment among te
UUII s, , . 53 1-5.; the rebuttal, and it was f6ere that OF WORLD ACCREDITED LIST ret9rs in the past has been that
41151-'.i Fourth heat wan by Schlapprizzi. Michigan showed to great advantage. present Conference rules ar sti
Z EN iourth Ba Iwaeond hlTpime, I3. The keen and logical arguments at The last of the graduate short per- eough If stricty enforced ad
Tnn linois; BTPhillips Elliott, '22, were of greatest iod courses in highway engineering (By Associated Press) committee is expected to present
fCiaadSeoforce.- and highway transport for the year Chittgo, March 17. - An effort to crete suggestions for tightening
-los, were the two fastest second The affirmative argued for cancella- 1921-22 came to a close yesterday. combine all accredited agencies of the the enforcement of the regulatiox
tion on the ground that the United When asked about reports that
iOR CONTEST AS1EE place 'men and thereby qualified. States was moally obligated to do so; Ninety-four men attended 'tt course country to eight uniform standards of would opose motion pictures of -
4RT NEXT MONDAY Michigan was allowed to enter but and that it was economically -wise. this year, as compared with 4o in admission to institutions of higher ball games, that they had excha
lFTERNOON' four men in the preliminaries and The negative contended that cancella- 1920-21 and 29 in 1919-20, when the learning was initiated today by the Information about each others' s
Coach Farrell chose to keep Davis out tion was against the wishes of Eu- courses were started here. north central Association of Colleges era and that a 'general house clea:
r poster designs,for the for the relays. Thomas ran third in "Due to the fact that the Davis 1 and Secondary Schools. The United would result, the directors refe
versity rndttripsl have the first and fastesas heat but could gy ybrary. and highway engineering lab- States bureau of education will be their questioners to the formal 1
[veritbandti aetefrtadfset etbtcudgaily payable. .oratories wr o lreeog o
o meet in room 308 of thenot beat out Pyott of Chicago. The Illinois team comIosed of H. were not large enough com- asked to compile and publish a list of ment.
'clock Monday afternoon, Joiner, of- Michigan, was tripped -at M. Keele, D. W. Killinger, and T. T. fortably to accommodate the men who accredited agencies
'his step is taken as the the turn in the third heat, He fell Chadwell presented a well balanced attended the courses during the past The association added to its accred-
a general .poster compe- and had. to stop. Lewis, running in combination. liss Olive E. Lockwood, winter," states Prof. Arthur H. ited list of colleges and universities +C
a campus, the winner to the, fourt'. heat, got lost at a turn '22,was the target of many challenges Blanchard, of the highway engineer- the following schools: St. Ignatius lLT i MAY SUE.ILLIN
prize. The size or design and could not make up the distance by the negative, but showed great skill ing department, "it is fortunate that college, Cleveland, O.; St. Mary's col--
s has not yet been de- needed to qualify. - in answering, while K.F. Clardy, '24, the division of highway engineering lege, Notre Dame, Ind.; University of Neighbors Object tHe'Dive
but the one selected by In the half mile Michigan failed to though'somewhat weak in his presen- and highway transport will be trans- Toledo, Toledo, O.; Cleveland School
ill be used in the adver- qualifY, the first heat was won by tation, showed force in his rebuttal. ferred to new quarters in the new En- of Education, Cleveland, 0.; EmanueloLe in
hout the tour, as well as Yates, Illinois; second, Wykoff, Ohio. The chairman of the debate, Hon. gineering building next winter." Missionary collegg, Berrien Springs,
of the program. Time, 2:01 2-5. Second heat won by Merlin L. Wiley, former Varsity de- The University of Michigan i the Mich. Milwaukee, Wis., March 17.-
the tour are quickly McGinnis, Illinois; second, Winters of bater, and now attorney general of only institution in the world which Colleges recommended to be drop- noui)cement that Wisconsin, jo
vletion and a tentative Minnesota. Time, 2:03 2-5. Third Michigan, was introduce& by Edward offers such courses as these graduate ped include: Central Michigan Nor- possibly by Mifchigan and Ohio, w
Llready under considera- heat won by Noll, Iowa; second Hirt, T. Ramsdell, '23. "Dr. Glenn N. Mer- short period courses, its lead in the mal school, Mt. Pleasant; Michigan sue Illinois, and the Chicag sail
'ous towns 'throughout Minnesota, 2:05 1-5. Douglas running ry, of the University of Iowa, acted as field being largely due to the avail- Agricultural college, Lansing; Albion district in the supreme court to
re expressed their desire in the third heat was boxed and fin- judge. . ability of the Davis library of ,high- college, Albion; and Hope college, strain them from the alleged ill
land play there and h ve ished third. Hattendorf took part in way engineering. This library"was Holland. divergence of waters from Lake t
ging letters saying they the fastest race and came in fourth. originally the property of Charles iga into the Illinois drainage ca
Lu their power to make Price also ran his heat in fourth place. KREIS, WEINEKE, Henry Davis, now president of the Na- 10 SENIOR LAWS was announced toay by Ralpi
ible and successful. K'al- NAMED ADVISORS tional Highways association, andwas Hoyt, deputy Wisconsin attorney
Pontiac are the last two . d a, -- -secured for the University in 1919. CHOSEN FOR COIF eral;
ear from an theywel- Qi Ti s Appi, ear "'-23,''___Action will probably be begui
, enthusiastically A's ths C. Qoolidge Kreis, '23 and Robert May 1, hesaid.
initial trip of the band, 4 Ilm s~ Io F. Welneke, '22, were leted to the Electons.tolte Orer o theCoif
are espe ally anxious to Student Advisory committee to fill the n on or Dawson Dies in Detrot
n ,the first of what may vacancies left by .the recent resign- -uty,were held yesterday and the
an tou frst'of Who may tiosfofDougls Dot'22, an Ric- following men elected: Cyril 'E. Ba- Harrison Z. Dawson, '2, who
ville acts .to accompany ad Rowland, '23E, by the nominating U. S. Education Commissioner Appears ley, David Hale Brake, Frederick D. been ill since Christmas vacation,
re not yet been .selectd, Burton Hyde, 123M, and his mar- board of the committee at a meeting Before Wesleyan Guild Carroll, Edward C. P. Davis, William Thursday evening at his home i
management -has been imbaphone, with several good num- yesterday afternoon. C. Keefe,.Louis A. Parker,WilliI troit from compications resu
'eral prdductions of pos- brs-by the "ecord Ten" orchestra Thomas I Underwood '23L, was Dr. John J. Tigert, United States R. Rier, Ge t Funeral services will be held M
were the stage attractions at Mimes' elected chairman ,of the committee in commissioner of education, will give Stason, and Charles E. Turner. 'Fera e wily held Me
theater last evening. The vaudeville place of Dow and C. Maurice Atkn- the sixth of the Wesleyan guild lec- Arrangements for the yearly initia- afternoon at the family hone 1in
tnumbers were followed by a reel of son, '22, named vice-chairman at a tures at 7:30 o'clock tomorow 'night tion, which will consist in part of an roit. aw whe rn e
[OR ENGINEERS Pathe news film -and a Harold Lloyd subsequent meeting of the committee at the Methodist church. address 'by a lawyer of nationaltrep-
NOTICE comedy of the first order. . members. Dr. Tigert has just been appoint- utaton and an initiation banquet, are
The performance will be repeated . e.ed to this office under the admInistra- nwein ma CALL 9d0 FwR REbRNS
cement invitations and tonight at 7 and 8:30 o'clock admis- "No -State C. of C. Needed"-Dolph tion of President Harding, coming
aezits may .be ordered sion for both performances being 25 "I believe' there is no need for a with a wide experience in the educa- Complete returns from t
Johnston, '22E, from cents.' state Chamber of Commerce," said' tional field" He is in great demand - Vacation Special Is Planned Conference' indoor track meet
o'block today in the Movie programs will be given Tues- Ray A. Dolph, president of the board In the South as a speaker and iS also Special reservations on the Michigan Evanston tonight will be prini
g societjr rooms. No day, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of' directors of the Chamber of Com- a regular coutributer to many educa- Central railroad for spring vacation in Sunday's issue of The Pal
. be accepted after this of next week which will correspond ,merce, recently with regard to the re- tional magazines. are now being made. Within the next reports of the entire meet be
to the bills ordinarily offered in the cent attempt to organize a state few days definite action will be taken sent by. a speal Daily cr
ins cost 55 cents, and average movie theater. Dorothy Allen Chamber of Commerce in Michigan. 'Van Boven's Father Dies by railroad authorities in conference pondent.
ients 10 cents, which i "The Power Within" with a Lloyd Mr. Dolph said he believed that the Petre J. Van Boven, '21, captain of with representatives of the Univer- Returns will be given by c
paid at the time- of comedy and a Pathe news film will national organization could easily the 1921 baseball team, now conduct- sity with regard to completing the ing 960 only, after 9 o'clock
make up the program for the week, at take care of the business of the 1,400 ing a haberdashery store here, was plans of reservations to important I night.
which the regular admission price of clubs in this ecuntry without the aid called to Grand Rapids Monday to points, especially Chicago and New
25 cents-will be charged of an state organisation. ' attend the funeral of his father. York.