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a 'tom. '6
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%Qd::5 / I
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______________________________ SPIRITED' entered, but as yet they have not ds- orpaydthiiwrs.Aitedoeno
TE PL ~irit MB~ laedthirwaes A hedoe owTRCKAHLETES ARV
a whirlwind, for Bruckers and San-
1 H MGfA1 R 't chez are out with hammer and tongsF R
BRUJCKEIRSANCIIEZ TEAM MAY to regain their lost crown, while Og-
MEET GREEIN.OGDON FOR i don and Green are on the defensive. Michigan Squad Is Strong in +elayp at least'secnd plae assured fo
t-L TH S W EE.KFIRST HONORS Ogdou paired with 'Glasgow, now Events But Feels Loss of gan in this event and Mcllv
---272Yarh1.--:3 o 03 graduated, won the title last year. High Jumpers also counted on for third honoi
uir,2-$ Mac 14 - 73 _4:0, An abundance of spirit. and pep Green has been chosen to replace Strong in Relay Evens
209 EAST WASHINGTON marked the opening of the handball Glasgow, but that has not impaired FOUR MILE TEAM EXPECTED Mchigan should come ' t
(OerHogs classic. The, different teams that are the :playing of the team. A royal sight TO MAE BID FOR, HONRS strongly in the 'relay events.
Over_________________________________entered are 'composed of men who have is in store for those who are able to distance men are in fineodit:
plyd nth nfraltam s elwitness this event. 'Michigan's party of athletes_ and have made 'exceptionally good'
- " as- others who have been campus The results, of the first round of thej trainers arrived in Champaign. at 6 their practice runs. Howen,,12
champions during the years of 1920, doubles in the handball tourney ares o'clock last night for th~ fifth annual -Arndt and Standish in the foi
.,'21, and '22.. as follows: Watson-Gehring 3, /Ste- Illinois Relay Carnival, which takes relay team are perhaps the b
Gehring Entered .-ens-Stepheson 0; Husband. Brothers place at the Illin Armory tonight. The Michigan hlas. These men ha
Among them is Captain Gehring, won by default over Ball-Harris; squad has its headquarters at the In- shown considerable, ability th
who at the present time is at the top Roseman-Boyle 2, Boxell-Palmer 3; man Hotel in Chanpaign, where most both in cross country and on
r7 A F? Q j of his stride, as was shown by the way SeymourSwartz 3, Kripke-Kripke 2; of the visiting athlets are staying. door track. This team shot
Mt E in which he, along with his partner, Wilson-Delong won by default over Bien in Good Condition the crack Illinois relay four a z~
Watson, disposed of Husband. Broth- Vick-Knode. - Steve's men stood the trip well andI in this event.,
ers on. Wednesday afternoon. Like- One division of the second round according to word received are all in In the mile relay the W41
wise the Brucker-Sanchez team, win- has been played, Watson-Gehring'win-tip top condition for the evens in have a quartet of fast men e
t , ners of the tournament in 1920, are nirig'over Husband Brothers, 3 to 0. which they are entered. The men are Thomes, Joyner, Rankin and s
____________________________all enxously waiting for the carnival have covered the mile In low ti
IoflNGG TV, to open as this is the first real com- with a dirt track for the event
Mon0fey Loaned at 6 a ®U.~~~E petitive meet the Wolverines have had lower their record- by sveral s
L' T TRACTION EXTRAORDINARY on tet Bond.Sueae.Pcad eBs. - this season. Davis In Medley Run
toelMoatheSelsriousanissues o tStocks aBns (-: 11M 6 A L Tl N Although Michigan's chances re- The medley relay team, c.
~816 Lashq poe"wl a te eitosises oStcsadBnsSi AF Gceied a severe blow by the sudden of two quarter mlers, anl 8
" ~~~~~~~E. G. IILDNER lso ahhrhg uprteta n olr a em hc
echo Bit107_irsNatonaBanBi_._ Pone1603________$1_F- is not downhearted and expects tol with any .'of those entered.
S give the Illini and Badgers some keen Davs the miler in this eve
De M i11 ' _____________________________________ competition for the 'top honors of the just recovered from a severe e
P aoucrtON carnival. Walker was slated to give hopes to hold up his end of, '
RDOWNTOWN 335 S. MAIN ST. Osborne the Indian star, a elope raceihgnsoudsoewl
for first place in the high jurd with special events. :Among those V
__________________ counted "on "for points -s I an:
8H The pole vaulter is getting
mu o ugB Ba !f wutmua ! NN sB every day and shuld have litt
_ shE 5109 If D ble garnering a pace for the
For pleasure! I The riotous bathing *r0. fines,
st Includes:: dance and the revel at Coney Island! * BiDahMnlted
eatrice Joy - 4aFor'thrill!- - The amazing fire scenes Ii ! earM Captain Simmons and D~u
;onrad Nagel and wreck on the railroad trestle! ZJL~ZWKUAUU ohenee nte~5 and 8(
Idith Roberts' For'heart-tu4g! '- The love of two men _______________________________® dashes and will furish. stron
[ack M3ower and two women, world's apart! - A ;.t * io for the other spfater
odore 'Roberts beauty-drama sen~ation! YUINI i h ho u' lcd n;h
~ he entered, ast year and rshu
M ILLEt.R . *C A ~N D Y 1: no trouble dplicating ,his p
nce this year.
SLargest and freshest Sargent, who is the only -W
" S'H 6 .#E E . 0 assortment ofI popular '*i entry in the hurdles, is a epee
A rO soing.br and! package B in the barrier dashes'and sho
candy.'Qulo Service.a*contribute to the Mihigan t
' SPECIALLY PRICEDcad and few like to
wat Accountg Students Rear F
:t Request to All -at-D Btbons in. accounting were ad
~35 Tuesday by R. E. Pane, '
D - renceI~ Scudder 'company, firm
-of fthe Readers of s n!f1h arnr
0t.N . & .U ,R T E * PPs LUNCHES ~ ISophomores wishin to tr
SBy 1. iR. HAMILTON #etK oteio iat°' o sitn n.s
envir Advo rtaManager o Wanamraker's, Piladlphla ~Where rents are low s to*e* auwuutuwisI managr are-askd totrep
the atletic offie at 5 o
------" e. Monday _____- Iafternoon.
spite ofallof its draw~backs,;advertising IS- many tm l tiuilunllnllnllliiiesil~ll~inilln~lluntliIt I~llnll~l tll lilllllllllll:'
acheapest ]method of marketing goods. Caernddacn pri
a the prinipaldrawback of advertising is the noding O PP OT U N I Yhpedoneday ancingSartuyn
Itcatsma tme mrethnit onu ht +to simply because -TODAY Y ur Last I T= ensa ndStuay,
gt co4mn imsmr uau-- -Woodman Hal.-Adv.
enot acqure the'habit of consciously reading the ads - p!Z
that much more to put an idea into your heads subeon-
r'than it would if you received that idea consciously and AirBOS
w why don't .you do your share toward lowering the cost t e
fetng mnerchandise-
L+tloally every standard thing you buy is an advertised= W e are today offtering sp ecIat bargains in,
And it 'is always 'cheaper .because it is advertised. The Hud' in.tainey
ApN the distribution more than make up for,the advertising _Iu dsfn tto ey
(ou can't send a salesman around from door to door as,
as you can °# newspaper. -____
t ,the pity of it is that most advertisers have got to get n l l~
0"s into your mind when you are not looking. The greater . n '3 u nnnulI ' rit& Criui
advertising impression is subconscious impression. Your~ ~ L LI IIIIT1 IU U I f
stesthe thought against your will
boa would only learn to read consciously and even eagerly aicrs
automobile manufacturer or a clothi1ng merchant -or a-
re had to say about its product you would bring down the Li ..J Ia
eachartile Imeasrabl. -TODAY IS_ THE LAST DAY OF
tr you have, read what a man has to sayA for his product, UR"Amneica's Mastr Camera
- he be a retailer or a manufacturer, thei} you measure OUEROCameasMOTHrpo
ds themselves up against his claims for them, and in a r vEX disti pctive improvene
)rt time you know Where to get the best of evenm. = U ___whch icrease- You1r pretg
is all so sinle. It is such a money-saver; it is such a co ic1e: Ms~Fne hw
Per.' And since every good thing you buy, Xyou do buy gooE ic tures.Awhtyu il
1advertising whether you know it or not, why not look in the picture and No Mobr.
F . ic r n ac hods
advertising instead of making it constantly look for youI 51DON ' 'AIL T VISIT US perfety fa, meaning ghr PQ
you illdo histhewhoe prble wil besimlU~d =over the enire picture.
=3. Rapid 53l lodiygn
ately. The advertiser will not spend sixty per cent of centers to pull out.
iey trying to get your attention.- He will already have it _______- .T4.U-sapd Stadardand W
_ track insure praetot
will be able to devote his entire attention to his selling alignment.~ t
don,,heselig os o evryhig il aai ___
Vhen ths*n, tisslln cs f vryhn wl-aan5. Hack and Finiou for qu
;red and you, the buying public, will be the ones to gain ma-.-. and accurate fvcuing
A ~
.7 L. M
1I i j
as it is, is a so-much-cheaper method of sales-
to nonadvertiser is simply clinging on by ,his
how much cheaper every product is going to be,
selling is again reduced and you learn to tarn
habit now-for your own sake.
334 S. State Street