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March 17, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-17

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litw~ igani









spring concert will be held Thursday
evening, March 30. A program iN
cludng twr quartets, numbers by
Tang a d Tar ares, the io m .lo di u
ertire 4Lub will provide entertan.
Plans have been completed for a
concert in Ypsilanti, April 6, where
a similar program will be repeated.
The management announces; the fol-1
lowing appointments: assistant man
agers, Thomas Dewey, '23, William
Foster, '23, James C. Stevens, '23;
programs, Chester Maitby, '24; publIc-
ity, J M. Russell, '24; tIckets, Harry

Oppoi' Muekers at 11111 &udihrium
in Annual Mid-Wat
Varsity debaters will oppose ,the
representatives of in I niversity of
Illinois In the seventh annual Mid-
West debate when thie proposition,
"esolved, That the Debts Due the
Unit d States rorn Her Allies In the

terrupted Frequenftly by Questions
from Floor; ,Admnilstratlon
(By Associated Press)'
Washington, March 16.-The cam-
lign of the irreconcilables againstj
.e four power Pacific treaty contin-
d without abateiment in the senatf
day despite signs of waning inter-
ts of the leaders to regard ratiflea-;
n as a foregone conclusion.
For more than three hours, in a;
nate chamber which most of the
ne was all but deserted, Senator
ed, Democrat, Missouri, assailed
th the four power and naval treat-
s which he said would stick to-
ther to put the United States in a
stion of "helplessness" in the Pa-
ie. He charged that the fact under-i
tng the "5-5-3- naval settlement had
en misrepresented and put into the
cord figure of his own designed
show that superiority of speed arm-
neat and auxiliary craft would great-
'increase the relative strength of the
itish and Japanese navies.
The Missouri senator's address was
terrupted half a dozen times by sen-
ors who questioned him on minwo
ints of information regarding the
,val estimate he submitted, and when'
had finished the debate drifted to
.her subjects. i'he administration,
Aders made no attempt to reply to
e attack, maintaining that yester-
y's agreement to vote on March 24
d crushed all possibility of as ad-j
are vote.
Wilne Play Given
Ily Comedy Club

lak, '23. Great War Should Be Cancelled," will
be discussed at 8 o'clock tonight in
11111 auditorium.
Michigani vill be represented by; K.
F, Kiardy, '24, Phillips Elliott, '22, and
the affirmative side of the oroposition,
The Illinois debaters are: H. ML
. nK eee, '22, D . W . K illln g er '24, an d
xeindicadh thaving
agge Athleti Dfretor Not in FaNor last
of Proposed Groupiug of two years. .
.4Schools Dr. Glenn Merry, head of the de-
partment of speech at the University
OUL tO:f .I of Iowa, w a as udge or the
Tt Econtest. The preding oficer will be
'ATTEMPT TO ENTER BIG TEN the Hon. Merlin' L Wyley, attorney-
general of the state of MichIgan and
(By' Associated Press) former Varsity debater. Members of
the Michigan team will receive the
Lansing, March 16-That the Mich- John S. Gray testimonials of $50
igan .Agricultural college, Practically each and the John S. Gray gold medal.
the only state institution In the west These prices are offered each year
not a member of an athletic confer- to the successful candidates for plac-
ence, may reject invitations to three es in the Mid-West debates, which are
proposed conferences' and ioldout for held between the Universities of
admission to the Western Conference, Michigan, Ilinols, and Wisconsin,
is Indicated in statements by Aggie Another team of Michigan debaters
authorities, will present the views of 'the nega--
Plan C nfereces tive side of the proposition in opp-
The Aggies have been invited to siton to the Wisconsin debaters at
send a representative to a meeting In Madison tonight.
Chicago, March 18; when a conference
including Notre Damie, M. A. C., Uni- CL MENTS LIBRA R
versity of Detroit, Wabash, NjePauw,
University of Cincinnati, and Univer- CORNER 871ONE TO
They havenalsbeen tentativelasked E LAiD MARCH 31
to join DePauw, Waboash, Lombard,--
University of Cincinnati, University of 'Friday Marh 1 i th d t
Kentucky and Oberlin, in a smaller for the laying of the corner stoe of
conference, and have a third offer the Clemnts library building, it was
from a conference formed at St. Paul, learired yesterday. No details for the
and carrying on Its roster South Da- event could be obtained except that
kota, North Dakota, Creighton, North the stone will be placed ii the south-
Dakota Aggies and other schools. east corner of the building.
Aggies Not Favorable Regent W, L. Cierint s and Ar hiect
According to C. E. Brewer, athletic Arthu r Kahn were in Ann Arbor yes-
director at M. A. C., the conference to terday and insptet ed the work being
be discussed in Chicago, March 18, I'S done on the new building. Aside from
not evenly balanccd. lHe points out a few minor delays tlho stone work is
few schools in the conference would moving along accrding to gcbedule,
be any itiatch for the iashing foot- -_______
bajI aggregations of Netre Dame. TheWntS mr-mp oca reo
second proposed conference, includ- Want ummyr-a ma Soct s r cial
ing many 'of the scho00 s tamed in the Inur-o nn oC s ca
firs bu levin ou Nore ameanddirector In a summer camp in the Ad-
t hutlvering Out Dtret Daume an irndacks, New York stat e, has been
the Unversiy ofchd Derot wuld Tbe received by tha, bureau of appoint-
third is being gives little consideration copsdo osfot10 ~to 16 and
by the Aggies because of the distance the director must he able to lay a
of the competing teams from Michigan piano. An3 one mnteosted should cam-
and the consequent expense that would municate with thie appo ntment bu
attend participation in such a confer- reau in Tappan hall.
ence by the Aggies. __________
M. A. C. athletic- authorities arppar-
ently are In favor of conference ath- Craftsmen to Dhpphiy Third Degree
letics, but believe there is no hurry Craftsmen club will exemplify the
for the Aggles to get in, and some of third deg'ree at 7:30 o'clock Saturday
them have expressed themselves as evaning before the Past Masters of the
favoring staying out of all the propos- Ann Arbor lodges, F. & A. M., who
ed new conferences and attempting to will be the special guests at this for-
gaIn admission to the Western Confer- mal meeting.


Touching upon a phase of our ac- If you are Irish you will wear
tivity in the recent war not, well a green carnation today l(r S.v
knowybytheavrgemeicanrof Patrick, and if you are a Michi-
known by the average American, ProI gan student you will wear one
0. W. Boston, of the engineering de- for the Michigan League.
partment, before the American Asso- The campaign committee says
ciation of Mechanical Engineers last that every green carnation sold
night at the Union, showed how the today on the campus will mean
mining of the North sea ended the one more brick for the building
German submarine warfare. for Michigan women. The flow-
After tracing the development of ers will be on salo at the candy
mining warfare from the beginning to booth in University hail, and in
the advent of the United States into the Library for 15 cents apiece.
the war, Professor Boston presented The saie is being conducted un-
a series of slides illustrating the meth- der the direction of Margaret
od of laying these agents of destruc- Whyte, '23, chairman of the flower
tion. Although the exact mechanism committee. This flower commit-
of the mines is kepft secret, the in- tee functions as a part of the
genious way of determining the depth general campaign committee for
to which they should sink was shown, the Michigan League.
as well as the camouflaged warehous- ,
es in northern Scotland, where the
mines were stored like so many eggs,
and the 14 mine laying ships which
placed over 60,000 of these devices
over an area of 3,000 square miles. P
Phe hole expenditure on this proj-
ect was about $30,000,000, but the de-
structive value in damage to subma-
rines was far greater, for athougtHOM C M NG.
the British believed' that 22 Germ n
under-sea craft were destroyed, the Believes Centering of' Undergraduate
Germans themselves credit the mines ct yttes Would Please
wIth 33 U-boat casualties. Practical- AciiisWudPes
ly all of the area between the upper4
part of Scotland and Norway was CITES CORNELL AS EXAMPLE
provided with American mines of CITE RR NG OF E UCMPL A
which more than 50,000 were laid by OF WORKING OF SUCH PIA
the 10 American ships and 13,000 by
the 4 boats of the British. Prof. John C. Parker of the electri-
cal engineering department expressed
ii himself as heartily in favor of inaug-
urating an annual Michigan home-
! IYIUIEUIYI Icoming week as suggested in a Daily
U mna ueditorial last Saturday, provided the
plans for such an event prove prac-
--JOHN T. F~fPHERSTON "Centering of such events as the May
Festival, Cap Night, the Spring games,
ADDRESS DEPLORES 'COUNTRY'S and Swing-out, together with an ath-
letic contest, such as a Varsity' base-
EFFORT IN PRIVATE EN- ball game, in one week, should prove
TERPRISE a great drawing card. .for la mupl ',
said Professor 'Parker. "ap Nightis
one of the most beautiful-and pe-
New Yok, March 16.-The $88,000,- tacular occasions of the year. The
000 nitrate plant at Muscle' Shoals Spring games always draw out enthu-
stands on a "monumental failure of siasm. Having the homecoming dur-
ing ay estvalweek would give
governmental effort in a private en- alumnia thoroughly good excuse to
terprise," John T. Fepherston, former spend a good deal of time in the
vice-president of the Air Nitrate cor city"
poration, declared tonight in an ad- Professor Parker lived for a num-
ber of years near, 'Cornell university,
dress at New York university, where a single day during the spring,
Mr. Fepherston was in charge of given over to homecoming, always had
construction and operation of Muscle a tremendous effect, he states, in
Shoals plant No. 2, which was built keeping up the graduates' loyalty. 5ev-
for th government in 1.918 for the ral days set aside fo such an occa-
sion here should have a wonderful ef-
manufacture of munitions. feet in stimulating alumni interest, in
He declared that .congress would Professor Parker's opinion, "The
have difficulty in preventing the Am- event would supply for Michigan our
erican people from handing Muscle own peculiar effect that gala days
such as rowing matches give in other
Shoals over to Henry Ford on "a schools.
silver platter, plus a bonus" because "The practicability of such a scheme
they vision the plant as a 'source of would depend upon the number of
cheap automobiles, a model industrial people likely to cpme. The only way
city 75 miles long, with every work- to test its practicability would be to
man receiving high wages and owning try it.' I would not expect that it
his own bungalow; as an inexhausi- would necessarily go strong the first
ible source of cheap fertilizer for the time, but would consider it well worth
farmer and revenue for the govern- while to try it four or five years to
ment, test its results.",
Mr. Fepherston, who asserted the
possibilities of water power develop-
mnent at Muscle Shoals "are greater
than any undeveloped power east ofr-
the Mississippi approximating the
horse power developed on the Amer- To SPLRKHERE
scan side of Niagara Falls."

Michigan, iscoh ii Inneso
Iowa Contenders for
' uunertp
With part of the Wolverin,
already In Evanston and the r
er scheduled to leave this n
Michigan is all set to make tV
possible showing 'in the annu
Ten Indoor track meet which I
held at Northwestern univers
night and tomorrow night.
Coach Farrell with his quar
half milers left Ann Arbor a
o'clock yesterday afternoon t
Purple school and the rest o
men leave at 9:50 this morni
though Steve does not expect
to come through with first ho:
the affair he is of the opinkc
they have as good a chance as
finish ls runners-up to the er
lini team which is doped to '
Competition (een
Michigan will have consi
competition from three other
Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Io
the men are all in the pink of
tion and are hoping t 'give
schools a fast race for secn
ors. -The. members of the te
aching for the meet to take p:
they want to prove decisivel
they were ofd color at-the Illin
lay Carnival when only two M
ines were ale to place.
During the past two weeks
has been drIlling his man hard
der.to 6vercome the defects sh
the meet at Illinois. In the 5
dash Steve is entering three me:
ta nSimmons, Kelly and Burke,
leastone of these menshoud
through wth' points for the
440 to BVoso
Five n uare enterrs in the (
mile event, which is one oth
lga a strongholds. In Davis, Si
Joyner, Lewis and Thomas the
has an array of runners who
a pace which is hard to overc
.Iarry Davis is the Maize an
hope in the two mile an al
he will have two tough oppoe
Wharton.. the Illini star, nd'
of Purdue he should give them
Michigan has three mlers e
Bowen, Arndt, and Standish, at
should be able -to score for th
verines. In the pole vault tl
only one entry from Michigan
doW:ki. In, the Illinois CarnI
tied with Merrick of Wiscos
first. place, clearing the 'bar
feet 9 3-4 Inches. These 'tw
meet again tomorrow night an
possible that the Conference
may be broken in this event.
Stipe in the shot put should
either first or second in his ev
has heaved the shot 42 feet b'
off color in the Carnival and
place. No other man in the B
ha equaled Stipe's record, but
of the Badgers is not fa;r behin
* ll ven xMy Scre
Another man upon whom th
verines are counting is McElv
high jumper. Owing to illne
tail athlete, was not taken to 1
and this. will be his first appe
in Conference events. Smith
enteied in the same' event and
two men should help along the
and Blue total,
In the half mile Hattendor
placed in the Relay Carnival,
again come through, while Pri
Douglas should also offer the
runners some stiff competitio
liminaries in this event and-a1
440 will be held tonight.




'Wurzel Flummer'y," written by A.
Milne, whose recent play, "The
ver Road," has won great success
New York City, was presented be=
-e the.imembers of the Comedy club
t night in Sarah Caswell Ang;l
rhe cast for "Wurzel Flunlmery" in-
.ded William W. Ottaway, '23, Wil-
W Roesser, '25, Ruth Ann Oakes,
, Louise Graham, '23, and James
esbach, '24.
"areful attention to scenery and cos-
nes for the production was given
the members of the cast, Prof
Raleigh Nelson, of the English de-
rtment of the engineer-ing college,
ped in the production of the play.
kttendance at the play, was limited
members of the club and invited
x committe of four men 'epresent-,
the Carnegie Foundatio for the
varncement of Teaching and the
utal Educational Council of Amer-
,will arrive in Ann Arbor today to
ke an inspection of the College of
rtal Surgery. The committee which
miaking a survey of all dental
tools in the United States Will be
'e for two fays.
k luncheon 'for' the committee and
tructors in all courses in the dent-
curricula will be held at the Unionf
ay at 12 o'clock.
Officers of the Student council j
and remaining members of the j
Student Advisory committee will
meet at 4 o'clock at the anion to-
lay to elect men to fill the vac- 1
ancies left by Douglas Tow,
22E and Richard Rowland,
23E, .on the Student Advisory I


/ nce.,
Chii Phi Tiys,
Washtenaw Site
Chi Phi fraternity yesterday pur-
chased a large piece of property on
Washtenaw avenue in preparation for
the erection of a nei fraternity
house. Situated directly north of the
Phi Kappa Psi house, the property
has a frontage of 140 feet on Washte-
naw avenue and a depth of 210 feet,
This site has been considered, by
several other f'ratlrnities as a possi-
ble location for a house, during the
past few months, and it was only
through t - forts of the alumni of
the fratem uity that the purchase was
concluded. Several rows of oak trees
add greatly to the attractiveness of
the place.
Plans are being prepared for the
new house by a prominent Detroit
architect, and although it is not'
known when the new house will be
started It is understood that work
will commence at an early date, by
next fall at the latest,
Capt. Howard P. Faust of the a-
tional coast artillery will arrive in
Ann Arbor thr. middle of April to take
up his new duties as assistant com-
mander of the local R. 0. T, C. coast
artillery unit. .

Tech; ic Appeal
Wit Arti les O Current Interest former MoCsbor pjo
naioa rpte'9toro
"Within Prison Walls" and "Society
(By W. Bernard Butler) structive bits of advice the embryo and Pri' ?," and former warden of
Attracting' th campus eye with a engneer. Taking up the need for ox- Sing Si ison, will deliver two lec-
moonlight silhouette of th future, ex- tensive facilities for the winter sports tures in Ann Arbor, one Sunday at
tinct dreadnaught, the car nof' the with the Boulevard as their center, the the Unitarian church on "ChurchesI
March Michigan Tcnic, whi ch ap- 'College Notes. department indorses and Prisons' 'and one Monday in the
pears again before the campus today, iProfessor Menefee's idea for an aT- Natural Science audItorium under the
is prophetic of the high quality of letic arena during the frigid months, auspices of the sociology department
stOries which follow Secure Many New Ads Mr. Osborne has held many promi-
"Bulk reighters of the Great The entrance of the Michigan Tech- nent' positjons. In 1898 he was a can-
Lakes" suggest m content of an article nic Into the Engineering Magazines didate for lieutenant-governor of New
by Prof. A. F aindblad, of the naval Associated organization has made it York. For the next 10 years he held
architecture department, one of the possible for the Technic to be patron- many civic positions, and later was
leading naval architects' of the coun- ized by more advertisers of national appointed warden of Sing Sing prison.
try. Arthur J. Stock, Jr., '22E, takes and international fame than any oth- He also held the position of chair-
up the proposed plan that will make er campus publication, For among the man of the New York State commis-
it possible for everybody, who so de- ranks of the advertisers are the Otis sioon prison reforms in which he
sires to hear Charles Evans Hughes Elevator company, Hercules Powder attracted nation;wide attentnm.. In
address before the senior clss at a General Electric company. 1917 Secretary of the Navy Daniels
Commencement exercises this y com.pastn. .I appointed Mr. .Osborne head of the
IDisetiss hut eresting Tepics Bearing Manuf'acturing company, U .NvlPntnir tbrs
Detraiters will appreciate the inter-' Koering, Westinghouse, the Canadian mouth, N. H., with rank of i eutenant-
eting exposition of the filtration plant Bridge company, and the American commander in the U. S. Naval Re-
ti;Y' W it, C iriF~e j1sCrvEs1_, which positio)nheheldOWuntilf
for Detroit, in which Theodore A. [12- Steel Foundries. 90e , whn he rsigthdned, Mr.
sen, member of te American Society Those who feel that the Technic a orne inow president of the Auburn
of Civil engineers, discusses the great a surely technical magazine are of a Publi hing ' ompany and head of the
engineering work. Mr. Willard I<ea- nmistaken opinion, for it contains this Auburn CitIzen
han, first assistant engIneer of the month, more than ever before, articles Mr. Osborne contends that the pur-
New York Central railroad tells [ his on a par with those nun in such pub- pose of a prison should not be yin-
experiences with the various types of lications as the Scientific American dictive punishment, but the social ree
labor In this country, and oth'ers In the same field. The habilitation of the offender, He be-
"Break It Up," is a title suggestive Michigan Technic has entered into the hieves that many of the prisoners are
of destructive criticism, hut Prof F ranks of the Al'camIpus magazIne and better than those outside prison, and
N. Menefee, of the engineering me- I deserves a wide campus reading public that they are all. human beings. He
chanics department, gives many con- as such, (Contin ed on Page Eight)

There will be a meeting of
preentatives of all freshman
sses, preferably the social
alrmen, at 4 o'clock this aft-
noon In room 302 of the Un- I
n, to make plans for the fresh-
om. I.t is imperative that all

Which Debates wIth l1
In Hill A udtiorium:

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