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P enmanship
Intramural Items
Tonight's schedule for the indoor
interfraternity track preliminaries is as
follows: From 6:30 to 7:45 o'clock,
Washtenaw league. From 7:45 to 9
o'clock, House clubs and Professional
The basketball results for Monday
night were as follows: Soph lits de-
feated Fresh lits, 25 to 18; Junior lits
defeated Upperclass laws, 18 to 6;
Fresh engineers defegted Soph engi-
neers, 17 -to 13; Senior engineers de-
feated Junior engineers, 15 to 10;
Dents defeated Pharmics, 30 to 4.1'
Of the 120 men entered in the foul
shooting contest, the following have
qualified: R. H. Krause, '24E, H.
Parker, '23, L. Pendleton, '25, G. Diette,
'24E, R. Roth, '24, R. Rice, '23, W.
Warney, '25, R. Gregory, '23, A. Sling-
erlind, '24, J. McClure, '22M, H. Wal-
ser, '28M, G. Stone, '23, G. Jerome, '23,
Seitz, '22, V. Warney, '25, V. Gerber,
'23, Webster, '23, Hadley, '25, R.
Thompson, D. Willis, '25A, Kauffman,
'23, Meads, '22, Gunther, '23, W. Sweet,
'23, H. Schule, '25D, T. Hadley, '25.
The finals will be held from 9 to 10
o'clock Thursday night and from 7 to
8 o'clock Friday night.
Brophy Recovers From Illness
George 0. Brophy, '22L, who has
been confined to his bed with influ-
enza for three days is now able to at-
tend classes.
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv-
Coming Soon
Charles (Chic) Sale
Miss Dessie Teed
village organist
one of the seven distinct
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produces pictures, edits ;
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and exploits 'em, too
Ethel Clayton'
Her Own Money"
Down X. A. C. Grapplers in Return Members of Sick List A
Meet at Lansing by Close Active Workouts Unde
Score, 18-15 Farrell
Michigan's wrestlers came back with Most of the mem~bers o
a vengeance Tuesday night by defeat- team who have been on t
ing M. A. C. at Lansing, 18-15. All of are active again, and eve
the matches were exceedingly well tesudswoknha
fought and the large crowd of specta-
tors was well pleased. shape for the indoor Conf
DeFoe, of Michigan, met Bristol, of at Northwestern university
the Aggies, in the opening match at Kelly, who has been sick
115 pounds and DeFoe secured a fall
at the end of seven minutes with the ensa ever since the Ch
aid of a body scissors and half Nel- donned the running shoes
son. Speed was the keynote of this week. The little Irishma
match and the Wolverine's aggressive- holder of the Waterman
ness soon had the desired effect. for the 50-yard dash. He
Hanson Wins Overtime -to participate in the meet
nor the Illinois relay carn
In the 125 pound match, Jenkins, of will be in condition for th
Michigan, and Hanson, of M. A. C., next week.
repeated their performance of a few Simmons Again in
weeks ago and the match was a draw Captain Simmons and
at then end of 12 minutes. Two over-, other two speed artists,
time periods of three minutes each consistant work. Burke.,c
were fought and Hanson had the bet- travel one lap in close to
ter of them with the aid of a body and whenever Coach Farrell c
arm hold. M. A. C. was awarded the Simmons is improving r
judges decision in this match. should soon be in tip-top
Gillard, of Michigan, was awarded the first of the season, the
the decision over Foster, of the Ag- handicapped by outside mi
gies, in the 135 pound match. Gillard interfered with his trac
made excellent use of the leg and ances, but he is now fre
body hold. . plenty of time to burnin
Boschan, of Michigan, at 145.pounds, boards.
went after Koopman, of M. A. C., with McElven is slowly recupe
determination to win and he was the severe cold which kep
awarded the judges decision after a the relay carnival, and is
hard fight in which Thorn's man made leaping close to. six feet
good use of the scissors hold. jump. The galaxy of dista
In the 158 pound match, Campbell, being sent on long runs ev
of Michigan, fought Neller, of M. A. C., til they are in shape for
to, a draw at the end of 12 minutes of Douglas and Bowen, the
fast wrestling. In the overtime per- milers who have been o
tod Campbell's arm was injured and the last week or so, du
he was greatly handicapped. Neller colds, are rapidly rega
rode him all of the last period and strength. Both will be in
M. A. C. was awarded the decision. dition within the next wee
Captain Haller Gets a Draw Davis and Chute P
Captain Haller, Michigan's light- Harry Davis, the best
heavyweight,, and Holden, of the Ag- Michigan has had in years
gies, were too well matched. They who along with most of
wrestled 12 minutes and two overtime the team have been victi:
periods of three minutes each to a enza, grind off two or three
draw. Both men were on their feet day. They should be fit to
prtactically the whole time and it was nas of Purdue, and McGin
impossible to award the decision to ois, over a mighty fast tw
either man. March 18.
In the heavyweight match, Meeker, Coach Farrell will not r
of Michigan, and Schwi, of M. A. C., in trials for the Conferen
had a slow time of it. Both men were til early next week. Sin
on their feet most of the time and at of the athletes have been w
the finish it was found that the husky illness it is inadvisable to
Aggie had a slight advantage and was hard until they have had
awarded the decision. .time to regain their strengi
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Said the big league pitcher as
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"I would like to put one
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Michiganensian that Jim sent
to me.",
Send a Michiganensian to
your friends. They will appre-
plate it more than anything you
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On the Campus Today ,
St. 'Patrick's
The Michigan Daily of Tuesday,
Tan. 17, 1893, reports the start of fenc-
ing lessons to be given at McMillan
hall gymnasium.
" --l .-, . -n--
ed at .a
held at:
14, 1893.
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