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December 18, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

… meets at 7:30 p.m. in the M.E. computing room. Adelphi House of Representatives meets in its room at 7:30 p.m. Charles A. Orr, instructor in the Department of Economics, will speak to the House on the…

…-I ting in the midst of West Point in which youthful, apple-cheeked Dick Powell and demure, perennially pop- ular Ruby Keeler can sing, love, and get into trouble and get out of it, "success" is the word to…

December 18, 1934 (vol. 45, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

….E. computing room. TeLtea tdn lbwl p. he E mu rgo caroling on Thursday evening at CAe7 o'clock. They will leave from the Called Boon To Adejphi House of Representatives . ., rnt uhrnCuc nWl - _,_ ~n . ..Tii…

… musical "Flir- tation Walk" in the light of a cine- mnatic fripponery which is intended to entertain through an ingenious set. ting in the midst of West Point in which youthful, apple-cheeked Dick Powell…

December 18, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 76) • Page Image 8

Computer Programming. B.S. in Math, Physics, or Elec. Engrg. To k ait in th. formulation of computational aspects of problems arising in the'field of iia- sile and space vehicle engrg. Karmazin Corp…

… Monday, Dec. 22 Will reopen Friday, Dec. 26 LEO PING Closed Monday 118 WEST LIBERTY NO 2-5624 oc=>oc=>oc=>0o :oe=:>o e=ooc o The GOLDEN APPLES Restaurant .. . features fo, your enjoyment 4 CHICKEN…

March 18, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 118) • Page Image 8

…'T_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY r THE MICHIGAN DAILY White Intruder City Board of Education Asks for Tax Increase HARVARD RESEARCHERS: Group Solves Russian Grammar Computer Problem (Continued from Page…

computer, project and learning of the fa- vorable results, Prof. Matejka is very interested in doing more of this type of research. The range of the computer is limited to Russian technical lan- guage and is…

… NO 2-9575 - - - - - - - - - -- - I-. ii . . Why not dine at- tI The GOLDEN APPLES Restaurant 0 SPAGHETTI CHICKEN * STEAK * RAVIOLI CHICKEN * STEAK "Only Italian Spaghetti House in Town…

June 18, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…. Phone 453-4030 for interview. H41 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Position avail, for computer program- mer to work on FORTRAN, UMAP, and IBM 360 coding and- data man- agement. AB degree and 1 year exp.; math 473 or…

… Atlanta 29 36 .446 Cincinnati 26 34 .433 New York 24 33 .421 Chira~ R44'I GB 3?' 4 414 6 10 12 12 13 IBM Computer AND personal interviews help us arrange DATES YOU'LL REALLY ENJOY MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC…

… Houston at Chicago 2 blks. from campus, very reasonable -----_____ price. Call 665-2669. U22 80cc. YAMAHA, late model, custom candy apple red, new parts, excellent LARGE MOD. 4-man apt. for 2nd half…

October 18, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 38) • Page Image 6

… apt. Good - - campus and bus. Available Nov. 1. access to hospitals and campus. TUTORING, EE, Statistics. Math, $260/mo., 994-0433. 6901020 Free parking. Pool. 8 mo. lease starts Computers. Call Walt…

… Indian cavalry. man Noted cartoonist Bundle Born: Fr. Compass pt. DO"N From head to foot: Fr. phrase Firm. San Juan title Doubles and redoubles East Indian island group Encounter Big Apple dan- cer…

September 18, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…BIG APPLE MONEY WOES See Editorial Page Y A~fr DaitP, LIKEABLE High 70-75 Low 60-65 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan…

… letter to Rhodes express- ing unanimous concern, the committee stated, "We plan to continue to scrutinize the op- eration of CRISP (Computer Registration Involving Student Participation). If marked im…

January 18, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…. Eng., 4 p.m. Hopwood program: U. underclass awards; John Hawkes, novelist, "A Reading," Lec. hall. Rackham, 4 p.m. Computer. FORTRAN IV, MTS Lectures: Brice Carnahan, "An In- troduction to Digital…

Computers and Computing Languages." Nat. Set. Aud., 7:30 p.m. .Ctr. Japanese Studies: Shinoda's Double Suicide, Aud. 3, MLB, 8 p.m. Music School: Degree recital-Jim Burmeister, organ, Hill Aud., 8 p…

…&P; ap- plications due March 12. AFL-CIO accepting applications for its Labor Research Internship , Program for year beginning July 1, '76; open to grad students; salary provided; for more info & appl

November 18, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

… conscious public ... PROGRAMMERS MDSI is a recognized leader in the development and marketing of high technology computer products and services for manufacturing applications. We have an immediate need for…

… experienced and entry level programmers with a math, engineering or computer science background. Compre- hensive training and orientation will be provided. We offer excellent salary, benefits and a challenging…


February 18, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 116) • Page Image 5

…). "Tiger" is a chaotic collection of key- boards, drums, and bass with no melody but lots of mindless rhythms and computer-like vocals. "Apple Blossoms," like much of the material, was first released years…

… makes records like Brain Salad Surgery actually sound, good. Take songs like "Tiger in A Spot- light" and "When The Apple Blossoms Bloom in The Windmills Of Your Mind I'll Be Your Valentine" (please…

November 18, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 65) • Page Image 8

….on fl MARn1 00A1118 ruR SAL: mini comput Call Bill 994-0455, noon-5:30. er, 8KC ommouore re. 04B1121 HiFi VM Turntable and Bogan SM tuner in cabinet. Best offer, 971-4447. 05B1118 TYPEWRITER…

Computer, 8K Commodore Pet. Call Bill 994-0453, noon-5:30. 04B1119 FOR R ENT One room in large house. Share kitchen and bath. Clean and quiet. Call after 7. 662-5812, 662-0421, 995- 0862. 40C1125 Need female…

… benefits in $200,600 per at range. Generous retirement benefits. Exec. wor home, other trans. provided. No formal appl. nee but persons desiring to be considered should b immediately to contact the approx…

February 18, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…, Med. Sci. i. Medicinal Chemistry-Lec., Michael P. Groziak, "Model Chemistry of a Covalent Catalytic Mechanism or Orotidine 5'-Phosphate Decarboxykase," 4 p.m., 3554 CC Little. Computing Center…

… nations to French help the American anti-colonialists received during the Revolutionary War. "One can argue," he said, "that what Angola did is as American as apple pie." "National independence is a…

September 18, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

… grey un- derneath. Neutered male. Reward. 995-4736. 45A0925 NEC 8023A Dot Matrix Printer with apple cable and board. $390. Call 763-5034 after 2:30. 96B0922 1.7 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR. Ideal for dorm room…

….S., No Rust, AM-FM stereo w/cassette, 4 cylinder, radial tires, sun roof, air. $3200.572-9331. 95B0916 COMPUTER DISCOUNT - Ann Arbor's lowest prices -118 N. Fourth Ave. 662-0210. - 21B0923 FOR SALE - Honda…

… offer. 663-6928 8 am-10 pm dB0920 COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by M B L SYSTEMS featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 new & used *a Hardware & Software best prices in town 1217 Prospect Ave.-AA Just south of main campus…

…-excellent condition. 5,000 Best of- fer-995-5438. 83N0918 ,. _ _.__ COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by M B L Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. -- A A -- Call 996…

…/multiple cover letters, theses, reasonable rates. Call 663-7158. cJtc TYPING Papers, Resumes, all typing jobs, word processing. Reasonable! 662-0072. cJtc COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by M B L SYSTEMS featuring Radio…

… Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 FUNDRAISING IDEAS - GROUPS, CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS LOOKING FOR THE…

October 18, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 36) • Page Image 6

…, footwear, Factory close-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call769-062510-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN…

COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES BY MBL Systems featuring New & Used Radio Shack TRS-80 1217 Prospect Ave. - A A - Call 996-0942 This Week's Specials Diskettes 5 SSDD Bx/10...... ........$ 24.95 Disk Library Cases…

…-5217 cJtc COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - AA - Call 996-0942 This Week's Specials Verbatim MD 525-01 Diskettes…

… SERVICE LSAT NOV 8 -DEC 1 CALL REALM TUTORING 665-3579 RESUMES/COVER LETTERS Prepared-Typed or Wordprocessed Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and…

April 18, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

… English-Max Apple and Nancy Willard, fiction and poetry reading, 8 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Near Eastern and North African Studies/Russian and East European Studies/Armenian Studies…

…/Psychiatry/Physiologyd/Bio-Engineering- Christof Koch, "Biophysics of Computation: Towards the Underlying Neural Circuitry of Motion Detection," 12:15 p.m., room 2055, Mental Health Research Institute Building. CEW- Jacquelynne Eccles, "Women and…

… Building. IEEE-TBA, noon, room 1042, E. Engineering Building. Computing Center-Forrest Hartman, "Programming for the Layman, part III," 3:30 p.m., room 171, Business Administration Building. Psychology…

November 18, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… has dropped the cost of entering business," he explains. "Secondly, we just went through a recession and jobs are hard to find. Finally, we can't discount how valuable Steven Jobs was. He had Apple

Computers, a multi-million dollar corporation by the time he was 30. That's got to be some inspiration." But University students dabbling in en- trepreneurism insist the shot at making big bucks doesn't drive…

February 18, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

… Disk Drive to your Macintosh 512K to double your data storage! - . C. - a _ More Powerful! Introducing Macintoshm Plus, the faster, more powerful personal computer from Apple. Macintosh Plus offers…

… 3/2" Single Sided $24.95 3/ " Double Sided $37.50 FUJI Single Sided $22.95 Discount Computer Software and Supplies 322 S. STATE ST. (inside the Jewelry Exchange) 663-4788 NEW YORK (UPI)-Contrary to…

Computer is Now Even Better... t ts. "The ones that did find a co elation either had glaring errors or t correlations were so minor they were btatistically insignificant." SomeNof these studies, conducted…

… scientists predict the physical tug of a mother to a child is 12 million V I More Affordable! The Macintosh", 512 - the most affordable system in the popular Macintosh family. Add Apple's New 800K External…

March 18, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

… Macintosh 512K to double your data storage! it__._ _ _F 72~ 6 6 More Powerful! Introducing Macintosh'M Plus, the faster, more powerful personal computer from Apple. Macintosh Plus offers several new…

… . . . . . . . ...... . . .. . $63.50 Discount Computer Software and Supplies ATARI 1040 ST The power without the price CHELSEA COMPUTER (above Bivouac) 334 S. State St. 663-0090 HOURS Mon.- Sat. 10-6 Sun. closed 322 S. STATE ST…

… a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and College Press Service. I A A 4 10 A Great Personal Computer

… is Now Even Better... i4 tac rnnsisPlus . More Affordable! The Macintosh" 512 - the most affordable system in the popular Macintosh family. Add Apple's New 800K External Disk Drive to your…

March 18, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 113) • Page Image 6

… Chill, Indiana Jones, all current and older posters available! Always cheaper than local poster stores. Call Greg at 764-0640. 58B0321 APPLE IE COMPUTER and MONITOR, 2 Disk Drives, Epson RX80, Hayes…

…) 837-3401 Ext. 1101. 28H0325 CAMP COUNSELING POSITIONS AVAILABLE for arts and crafts, backpack and canoe trippers, water safety instructors, computer, video, radio. Upper Classmen and Grad students…

…- tention to details a must. Major duties-will be processing classified adver- tisements placed by phone or over the counter into the computer system. Additional duties will be of ' the general office nature…

… will be resnonsible only for 21 22 !4 25 26 27 31 32 37 38 39 ,. ,f ., WANTED TO BUY - IBM PC computer. Call 764- 4118, 8-5 weekdays. 16T0319 -r 36 "A f ' i i 9 0-" -0" …

April 18, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

… low prices 4 O 1985 Apple Computer, Inc. Apple and the Apple logo am registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh is a tradiemark of Mcintosh Utboratory Inc. and is being used with its…

…. From a Macintosh' personal computer. A Macintosh can help you with your home- work. Help you with your term papers. Help you with your research projects. And help you organize your study time and think…

November 18, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

… pref. 665-5942. Female needs housing with the same. A.S.A.P. Call 665-0050 after 5PM. MALE WANTED to share 4 person apt. 4 min. from campus. Nice & cheap. 747-6592. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE 11+ Computer 64K…

…. Flexible day or evening hours. 80 wpm. 668-8898. WORDSTAR- People for word processsing w/computer editing skills needed on a part-., time, on-call basis. Call Kathy Jones, 994-" 9060. WORK-STUDY STUDENT for…

….48 1 3.12 15.36 g ' 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse. 5 8.80 12.00 15.60 16.40 19.20 " ADETSE I understand that this advertising request will be processed in accordance with The Michigan Daily…

September 18, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 7) • Page Image 2


… 82.8 and 72.8 pounds, respectively. Come on, America, let's get back to our roots. Meat. It's an American tradition. Let's eat meat, for Babe Ruth, for apple sauce, for Humphrey Bogart, and most of all…

… with ESP - Electro- Selective Pattern metering. Choice of exposure control, programmed automatic, aperture-preferred automatic or totally manual. * FINANCING AVAILABLE SYSTEC COMPUTERS AUTHORIZED…


…-CAM SYSTEMS SYSTEC COMPUTERS Editor in Chief...............................ROB EARLE Managing Editor..................AMY MINDELL News Editor........... ...PHILIP I. LEVY City Editor ...............MELISSA…

September 18, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 7) • Page Image 7

…, Kinko's Academic Courseware Exchange, Apple's . faculty journal, Wheelsf/r theMinda and academic conferences. So if your department is actively re- cruiting computers, we suggest that you review the…

…. Call 747- 745 2. COMPUTER MDSE. COMPUTER DISCOUNT on IBM, AT&T and Multitech. Call Automation Link, 747- 9000. FOR SALE IBM BC/XT-2 disc drive system, 5 12K, AST six pack graphics card, clock IBM color…

… Arbor is a member of the Lansing archdiocese. "If we were in the Detroit archdiocese, which is the focus, we would be North Computer says You Rent Your Fridge...You Rent Your Phone... Rent Your Computers

… Semester, Monthly and Daily Rates Designed to Fit Your Budget Now, you can afford a computer when you need it Call North Computer for your computer needs 971-6929 more involved, " he said. The University…

… . . . ... . ...... 11.1- ........ . ... .. . . jI..: i . i , , ,y, , ,iii ~riyi r~rri t*e Macintosh" personal computers have been getting quite an education over the past few years. From faculty members and…

… the Macintosh II. The SE is a direct descendant of the Macintosh Plus-the computer that's performing brilliantly in school even as we speak. Like all Macintoshes both larger and smaller, it's extremely…

… slot. So you can add cards that let you do everything from tie into the campus computer net- work to work with data created on MS-DOS computers. Now between the Macintosh Plus and the Macintosh SE, most…

… of the fac- ulty and administration will find all the power and flexibility they may ever need-a condition technically known as "happiness" mance personal computer, we present the Macintosh I. The…

… gigabytes of memory through the slots. You can add an internal 20, 40 or 80-megabyte hard disk. Choose from two keyboards-one with and one without function keys. Two Apple- monitors- 12" B&Wor 13"color. Or…

November 18, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 50) • Page Image 58

… 23.40'1." A+D9XG 9 18.73 9.97 Amigaworld (1 Yr.) 1388 6 19.97 14.97 Byte C9VD 12 22.00 19.00 Compute! R6WO 12 24.00 18.00 Family Computing E3IH 12 19.97 9.99 Incider-For Apple II 86VH 12 24.97 21…

….97 MacWorld B7V8 12 30.00 19.95 PC T7UO 10 15.90 9.97 PC World R3OM 12 29.90 19.97 Personal Computing L4SX 12 18.00 11.97 Run C1VK 12 19.97 17.97 Newsstand Price t Includes Free Gift ANO ds $18.00 XIF4…

January 18, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 74) • Page Image 5

… the School of Education, won the InterUniversity Consortium for Ed- ucational Computing (ICEC)/ Apple Fellowship last month. His program, which assigns colors and sizes to each variable of a complex…

…, and an all-expense paid trip to Apple Computer in Cupertino, Calif. in August, to present his completed program to ICEC and Apple representatives. With the extra money, Barritt says he'll "live and eat…

… Program, explains the procedure for artificial heart im- plant. Deeb is co-leader of the 20-member team responsible for artificial heart surgery at the University. Student wins fellowship from Apple

Computer Designs program using colors for decision-making By STEVEN TUCH A University doctoral student may have found a way to make com- plicated decisions easier. Matthew Barritt, a doctoral student in…

… decision, is intended to help its users make sound choices. The program color codes each Barritt. "It utilizes their ability to interpret color." ICEC and Apple chose 28 universities to design and develop a…

… system or application software using Apple technology, ICEC/Apple research areas like user-interface and graphics, and adopting project results for teaching and research. The idea for the program was first…

… variables, it allows people to get a grasp in an intuitive way," added Barritt. "We can make a much more robust tool out of it with the Macintosh than the Apple HIe." For his work, Barritt will receive $2500…

February 18, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 97) • Page Image 6

… on ring. One marked with 1P31, the other with lJI. If found please call Pam at 764-1875. l Univensity Towex Sritm hd aparimenls Ann1A M4,9104 (1)712650 FO"R SALE AMIGA 500 COMPUTER. Complete and…

… with software. MAC SEwithi 1 Drive, mouse, extended key pad. Call 763-1812. DYNASTAR COURSE GS SKIS w/ Marker MRR bind. $250. Call Don 764-4738. HOME/CAR COMPONENTS & SPKRS. TV'S/VCR's. COMPUTERS. SUPER…

…. 5 BDRM. HOUSE-new kitchen & appl.- dishwasher-laundry-2 baths-fum.-nice carpet & oak floors-no pets-off Dewey-Sept. lease- $1400 + util.-769-1534. 5-bedroom apt. with study available Sept. 1, $1…

…-421-4321. CHILDCARE NEEDED FRI. AM's 9:15- 11:15 for 2 & 3 yr. olds and 4 & 5 yr. olds. $5/hr. Own transport best. 662-2729. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au- tomation Link. Call1747-9400, Rafiq. DONT'T WAIT UNTIL…

April 18, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 134) • Page Image 11

…... $749 Amiga 2000 Color system... $1429 IBM-XT compatiables from - $799 ...just a Little Out of the Way from High Prices Apple ][e/][c compatiable - $489 SALES HOURS Mon. thru Fri. 9am -8pm Sat. 9am…

… BY!!!i (Sponsored by SSA Student Government) Lighitning BiIolt Computers 769-5670 Spring $1Days Lease any apartment between April 1 and April 30, 1988 for $100. (Applied to September rent) 12 1 ',12…

October 18, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

… bead 34 Lip 35 Apple centers 36 Godunov, for one 37 Capri ender 38 Indivisible substance 39 Lock 40 Lienee's obligation 42 Unsullied 43 Orange follower 44 Tough 45 "- sanW6" 47 Queens, for one 50 - Lisa…

…,. commission. Te1lehone & computer experience a plus. FRESHMAN WOMEN NEEDED for re- search project on taste preference. $10 paid upon completion of study. Free individual- ized daily caloric need established…

November 18, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 52) • Page Image 6

… WANTED $5/hr transcribe tape for psych3papers 663- 0861 or mess. for Charlie 996-2396 *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perierice and knowledge of Apple and IBM computers

…. New brakes, tires, muff. Reliable, $500/Best. 482-2156 eves. APPLE 2C PC for sale. $750 or best. 996- 9457 anytime and leave message. CAN YOU BUY Jeeps Cars, 4x4's seized in d pg raids for under $s 00…

….0? Call for facts today. 602-837-3401. Ext. 762. COhMPAQ Portable Comnter- 2 drives, mint cond. w/ software: $800. 769-5705. COMPUTERS, IBM & clones printers, etc. Good prices & service. Call 741…

…-9341. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help Leam/use computers. Will train. Reliability a must. Morning hours available. $4.10/hr. Call Deb- bie 763-6770. DELIVERY DRIVERS WANTED Hourly…

… I LOVE ESH VERY MUCH. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! MODELS/ACTORS WANTED for TV & rint work. M/F. No experience…

September 18, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 8) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 18, 1989 - Page 19 Apple on Comput Reduces already r Kickof Pricing low f pricing* Come to the Computer Kickoff hands-on display on the ground floor of the…

… Michigan Union for more information. 04 f ' 1 Iiy ,) 14 r 1989 Apple Computer, Inc, Apple, the Apple Logo, and Macintosh are registered trademarks. …

January 18, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 74) • Page Image 7

…-6567. GOING PLACES SUBLET ADS 764-0557 . .t 9 PERSONAL COMPUTER MERCHAN- AUTOMOTIVE MALE ROOMATE WANTED: Share 1 L bdrm. in 2 bdrm. apt., 50 yds. S. of VC's. Heat & H20 incl. Start at $210/mo. 994- 4904…

… DODGE ASPEN Exc. engine. $950/best RO O E tEsAE'dO O KIN scripts, the LS&A lecture noitetaking service, ofr hrn6889.evmsae OM AEt hr ero na2bd has the following notes avail, at Alpha- APPLE MACINTOSH 512K…

October 18, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 32) • Page Image 6

… & all you can eat hot dogs, apple cider, & marshmallows. See why people like ours the best. Only 14 miles from Ann Arbor. Small & large groups welcome. a' after 6 pm 428-9100. STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRALIA…

… with personal computers. Knowledge of database and spreadsheet packages is a plus. Minimum time commitment is 20 hrs/week with some flexibility. We are located in the Georgetown Mall in Ann Arbor. Please…

October 18, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 32) • Page Image 10

… Announces a New Line of Computers! U-M Announces Immediate Delivery of Selected Configurations to KickOff '90 Purchasers Macintosh Classic 2/40 $1,257 Apple's replacement for the Macintosh SE Macintosh ilsi…

… Pig Liberty " S. Univ. s! 208 S. FIRST 996-8555 19 and over please From England - Robyn Hitchcock APPEARING TONIGHT: Happy Hour-Vudu Hippies 9:30 pm-2 am-SPECIAL CONCERT: now I is Apple

… 2/40 $2,898 or Macintosh Hsi 5/80 $3,381 Entry levellci, high performance, Y es! The University of Michigan has made special arrangements with Apple to allow KickOff '90 purchasers to change their…

…, you MUST submit a Change Order Form by the deadline below. The new Apple systems are also available to SE/30 and Ilci purchasers just by changing your order. Change Order Form packets were mailed to all…

… KickOff '90 Macintosh purchasers on October 12th. Watch your mailbox! Additional forms are also available at the Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. F Act now! I-'I " See the new systems at the…

Computer Showcase in the Michigan Union. Reopening Monday, October 15th through Thursday, October 18th, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. - You must fill out a Change Order Form and drop it off at the Computer Showcase…

February 18, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 98) • Page Image 10

… Macintosh LC even lets you share information with someone who uses a different type of computer-thanks to the versatile Apple' SuperDrive7 which can read from and write to Macintosh, MS-DOS, OS/2, and Apple

… Macintosh LC is a dream come true. The Macintosh LC is rich in color. Unlike many computers that can display only 16 colors at once, the Macintosh LC expands your palette to 256 colors. It also comes with a…

… microphone and new sound-input technology that lets you personalize your work by adding voice or other sounds. Like every Macintosh computer, the LC is easy to set up and easy toniaster. And it runs thousands…

Computing Resource Center 3rd Floor, School of Education Building -:.;; OEM …

November 18, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

… student-run organization made up of various University leaders. The group began as an initiative of Hillel two years ago, and is now sponsored by Apple Computers, various student organizations in- cluding…

… attracting people from outside the area." Students to pick a Golden by Robin Litwin Bright orange boxes set up at key locations around campus mark the start of the nomination process for the Golden Apple

… of SHOUT is to Apple recognize outstanding undergradu- ate teaching from the students' per- spective," said Jen Austin, chair of SHOUT. "Such a large emphasis is placed on research. This award re…

… more active voice by they students for the students." The nomination process will continue through Dec. 6, and ballots, will be available at any residence; hall, major computer centers, the: graduate and…

…:30 p.m. Stop by 102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Extended hours are 1 a.m. -3 a.m. at the Angell Hall Computing Center or call 763- 4246. Northwalk, North Campus safety walking service. Sun-Thur 8 p.m.-1:30 a…

…-3392 for info. ECB Peer Writing Tutors. An- gell/Mason Computing Center, 7-11. 611 Church, 7-9. U-M Taekwondo Club, Monday workout. CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 6:30-8. Ethnic Greek Dancing. Union, Anderson Rm, 7…

November 18, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 36) • Page Image 6

…. Dependable '83 Buick Skyhawk comes w/one rm. 741-7210. 2 BEDRM APT. newly remodled, clean, new appl., sky lite, ceiling fan, near kerrytown, pkg. & W/D. Must see! Avail.Dec 16. Only $625. Call 996-9920. 2…

… PRODUCTS OUTLET: Largest selection of used in Washtenaw, Livingston, & Lenawee counties. 4-drawer files from $39, chairs from $5, computer furniture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM…

…. Desmond Tutu will be on the ship Transatlantic to Capetown, South Africa. What a trip!! Call 1-800-854- 0195 if you need anaapplication after today. See you at Christmas. LOVE, BRIAN. COMPUTERS COMPAQ 286…

March 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

… pay $15 for approx. 1 hour. Call LeAnn at 763-5052. MAKE our prestigious Pocono Mt. Camp. We have openings for: General counselors, WSI; Computers; All sports; Dance; Tennis; Archery…

…, Livingston, & Lenawee counties. 4-drawer files from $39, chairs from $5, computer furniture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM reconditioned Selectrics II from $159, & much, much more. Free…

…. SHARE 2 BDRM. TOWNHOUSE M/F $335/mo. Leave name'& phone #. Call 761- 0631. COMPUTERS IBM 386-33MHz COMPATIBLE. 120 Meg. Fast Hard Drive. 1.2 & 1.44 Meg. Flop- py drives. 4 Megs RAM. 14" super VGA monitor…

… w/ 1 Meg. SVGA card. Logitech mouse. New w/ 1 Yr. warranty. $1629. 486- 33MHz w/above items for $1979. Call 482 4490. LASER PRINTER '91 APPLE II NT. $1900. Call Todd, 995-5575. COMPAQ 286 DESKPRO, VGA…

September 18, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 127) • Page Image 7

…. APPLE IIGS-Color monitor, printer, 2 drives. Lots of Software! Make me an offer!!! Call 662-1697. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS. Apple powerbook 140, 4/40, $1900 w/ Hypercard/ System 7. Compaq Lte 386sx/20…

…. Factory sealed 2/60 VGA $1600, 2/84 VGA $1700. New/used computer systems available. Com- pu Cycle, Inc.1-800-854-2677. DAILY CLSS WEDS I after loss of by Andrew Taylor __hn 76-GUIDE - a U-M telephone…

… Full color copies; - In-store computer rental Presentation materials Binding and finishing School supplies Resum6 packages k"nko's' the copy center I fl--- IA n-^-,IA I …

February 18, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

… "Terminator 2" on an Apple Macintosh Quadra 700 computer which was on display during the day-long Computer Aided Engineering Network (CAEN) 10th anniversary exhibition. The exhibition presented a retro…

… of the publication CAEN User Services. The exhibition featured comput- ers ranging from an original Apple Lisa 2/10 computer with 512 K ca- pacity to an Apple Macintosh Quadra 700 with 8 Megabytes of…

… throughthe use of computers rather than toys." CAEN manages 2,000 machines, 7,000 users and supports the largest concentration of Macintosh comput- ers outside of Apple headquarters, added John Bertagnolli…

… Chemistry Building reported Tuesday that equipment worth al- most $15,000 was stolen from that building, according to the University Department of Public Safety (DPS). In all, two personal computers, a…

… suspects as of yesterday afternoon. - by Will McCahill Daily Crime Reporter CAEN celebrates 10 years of computing by James Cho Daily Staff Reporter Engineering students enjoyed watching cartoons and…

…- spective look at CAEN, highlighting past and current software and hardware resources. "It illustrates how far computing has advanced in the past decade in general and on campus," said Elizabeth Cox, editor…

… memory. Cox added, "CAEN provides computer labs, software, and net- work for engineering students, faculty and staff." CAEN was established to foster an advanced engineering computing environment for the…

… College of Engineering. CAEN distributes software, such as computer aided design (CAD) programs, that students cannot nor- mally afford, said Frank Gulczinski, an Engineering senior. Dan Atkins, founder of…

… CAEN and professor of electrical engineer- ing and computer science, said CAD programs allow users to experience real problems and to incorporate mechanics and electronics and other disciplines into…

… their work. "Without CAEN, we would be out of business," said Don Geister, professor of aerospace engineering. "We use computers all the time. The network, for example, supports software to demonstrate…

October 18, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 14) • Page Image 6

… $299, Factory warranty&software 313/662-1847. APPLE IIe WITH IMAGE-writer printer and software. Excell. cond., works great.Perfect for students $275, 998-0384. BRAND NAME 386-DX-33 computer, new. 105 meg…

….,physics, & computer programming (fortran, C, Pascal). Call Tony at 741-7113. AVAIL. NOW - Hill/Division. Large Room ++ +. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-0624. AVAIL. ON CMPS. rooms for rent, short or long term lease. 663…

…, finding, transferring files, E-mail. Your computer or mine $15/hr. 480-2258. PROFESSIONAL TYPING Service: Resumes, manuscripts, papers. Reasonable rates. Call 973-7220. Ask for Beth. UAND READING THIS…

April 18, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

… warranty/Dealership 662-1847. COMPUTERS 1719 Plymouth Rd.,.Ann Afbor, MI4105 T: 9575 Fwe9g5124 486DLC40 SYSTEM $895 W/2MB UP TO 32MB RAW/212MB HD 3.5" OR 5.25" FD/101 KB/MOUSE Color VGA Monitor/MINI TW Case…

….5 baths apts. for Fall '94. Big enough for 5. 1700 Geddes. 741-9300. NEAR CENTRAL & Hospital w/appl. eff 1&2 bdrm. $385-$775 prkg. avail. 747-6895. NEWLY CARPETED & painted. furm. 1 bdrm. w/ 22nd floor view…

May 18, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

… and engine $4500 obo 663-0763. AMTECH COMPUTERS 486 DX2-66 4/420 SVGA $1495 486 DX-33 4/260 SVGA $1345 386 DX-40 4/260 SVGA $995 For more info. Call 677-0155. BICYCLES: All speeds, men/womens. $25- $50…

…. apts. w/appl. $525-775 prkg. avail. 747- 6895 NEAR MED. CAMPUS: 2 bdnt., furn., w/ Prkg., appl., $650+elec. 747-6895. OPPENHEIMER PROPERTIES, INC 2 live bedroom houses left for Fall. West Williams for…

May 18, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 3) • Page Image 10

…MactOh 6100/60 u 860 with an Appe'Color and a really really really fast engine. Plus 14"L piyan Apple E nded A yboardland mouse. Right now, when you qualify for the Apple Computer Loan, you could pay as little…

… powerful personal computers ever. Which your Apple Campus Reseller You're means you'll have the ability to run high-performance programs like statistical sure to finda dream machine that's well within your…

… budget. U-M Computer Showcase. Come Down And See Us!I Michigan Union Ground Level Open Weekdays 10 to 5 * Phone 74-SALES ontIlO saen is an estinaeCbased osn anAppe Co1pu.r LoanYo$2.122fort1Power16acintosh…

… ioceinsubject to credit apol. 1994 Apple Compnler lc.Allnghls eosn Apph'andte.A lelagnaeeisted raehsIpp Cptero Inc. Pooer.acinosh is a tnerark of A/ple Compater Inc. a 6 a a …

October 18, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 14) • Page Image 6

…-M Discount. 426-5217. MIAMI MOON JEWELRY. Ear & nose piercing. 209 S. 4th Ave. Mon.-Sat. 769- 7478. APPLE MAC SE Loaded with numerous software applications. $550 or best. Call Cahd at 764-8981. COMPUTER

…, turntable, remote, tower speakers. $400. Scott 763-0712. COMPLETE WORKS of Balzac, in French 20 vol. pub. 1854-1865 leather-bound. Rag paper. Exc. condition. 665-5391. COMPUTER DESK, solid pine, attached self…

… RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting…

… at $69. We warranty what we sells Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $500. Call Chns at 8001289-5685. *EUROPE* International company expand…

… training. The successful candidate will possess a professional and persuasive telephone manner. Typing ability helpful, as some of the data is entered into a computer. Pay starts at $6.00 per hour…

January 18, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

…. condition. $3800, 764-1070. APPLE COLOR + 14" monitor brand new. 28 pot pitch can support up to 16.8 million colors $298. Call Brian 913-8117. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new…

computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment) Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade…

…. Extra Ig. 2 bdrm. apts. (1000 square feet). L-shaped bdrm. makes ideal triple. Closets to die fort New fum., carpet, & appl. Prkg., idry., security, storage lockers, heat and water paid. Great loc. for…

January 18, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 58) • Page Image 7

… meticulously cared for bldg. Rent to ml. ldry., heat., water., prkg., newer appliances. Sept lease 663-8487. $1100. NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL- eff. 1 & 2 bdrm. semi-fum., w/ appl. & prkg. avail. 4 475-$775/mo…

… persuasive telephone manner. Typing/ computing skills necessary, as some of the data are entered into a computer. Pay starts at $6.00 - 7.00 per hour with bonus and advancement opportunities available. Apply…

… Phone $6-9/hr. eves. Warm place cool people. 662-6597. HOUSE CLEANER NEEDED, 4 hrs./wk. Hrs. flexible. $7/hr. References required. 741-8931. INSTRUCTORS: Evening classes in computers, upholstery, swimming…

… Students needed immediately for independent research in the Alcohol Research Center at our Briarwood location. Learn valuable computer skills and gain experience in Human Psychology & Behavior. Reliable…

… & computer related functions. Work study: 2340. Call 936-8300. ATTENTION PSYCH and business majorsl Fifteen positions available for summer work opportumty. Eam an average of $7100 & gain valuable resume…

April 18, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 115) • Page Image 11

… prices. And with the Apple*Computer Loan and 90-Day Deferred Payment Plan, you can take home a Mac without having to make a single payment for up to 90 days. Which means you can also take home the power to…

… look. Being astudent is hard. So we a wa have made buying a Macintosh easy.So easyin-fact, that prices on s eiMacintosh personal computers are now even lower than their already s iss . low student…

October 18, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 14) • Page Image 6

… MB intemal hard drive. Good condition. 400 or best. 996-8615 evenings. MAC QUADRA 650 16/230/CD. Apple 15" monitor, keyboard, & mouse. Lota of original software. $1500 or best. Call "Mickey at 747…

…-0048. SAVE $$$$ New computers, still in boxes. Up to 70% off. Used computers as low as $299. 800-613-8365. FUND RAISERS have fun earning $500 in 1 weekl Student organizations needed for marketing project on…

January 18, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

… for a number of positions. Quantitative ApplLcations Developer Academic Background: Additional Skills: M.S. or Ph.D. in a quantitative field such as Operations Research, Engineering, Mathematics, or…

Computer Science. Strong analytical and C programming skills are required. Knowledge of the financial markets is a plus. Quantitative A pplications Analvs The Analyst's primary role is to provide training…

…/or computer programming is a plus. Unix SVstem Administrator Academic Background: Additional Skills: B.A. or M.S. in a quantitative field such as Computer Science or Engineering. Strong Unix operating system…

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