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December 18, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-18

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

Admits Killing Wife

I LA TMl V ?1 14 q-- - nr --- ~ -1 tKT"TJTTTTll~"X M,,,.,



VOL. XLV No. 72
University Broadcasting:
9:15 a.m. - Class in Elementary
Singing -Dr. Joseph E. Maddy.
2:00 p.m.-"Michigan, A Leader
in Pharmaceutical Products," Charles
A. Stocking, Associate Professor of
Bronson-'Thomas Prize in Ger-
man: Value $50. Open to all under-
graduate students in German. Award-
ed on the results of an examination
and essay. Subjects for d935: Ex-
amination: Life and Works of Gott-
fried Keller; Essay (in English or
German) Gottfried Keller as a Writ-
er of "Novellen." The examination
will be held on April 5, by which time
the essays must be handed in.
J. W. Eaton
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: A tentative list of candi-
dates in the School of Education,
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and the Graduate School to
be recommended for the Teacher's
Certificate in February and June,
1935, has been posted on the bulletin
board in Room 1431 University Ele-
mentary School. Any student whose
name does not appear on this list
and who wishes to be so listed should
report this fact at once to the Re-
corder of the School of Education,
1437 U. E. S.
Engineers: Tickets for the A.S.M.E.
Roast will be on sale in the hall by
Prof. Anderson's office in the West
Engineering building until Wednes-
day noon, Dec. 19.

nesday, December 19, 8:00 p. m. The
following papers will be presented.
"An Old Bohairic Letter in the Mi-
chigan Collection," by Professor W.
H. Worrell.I
"The Use of Evidence Unreason-
ably Secured," by Professor J. B.{
A meeting of the Council will be'
held at 7:30 p. m.
Eccentrics: Will meet at the Mich-
igan League, Wednesday, Dec. 19, at
8 p.m. Professor Leonard Watkins
will " lead the discussion on "The
Budget." All students concentrating
in Economics are invited to attend.
Alpha Nui meets Wednesday at 7:30
p.m. in the Alpha Nu rooms, fourth
floor Angell Hall. The final debate
in the pledge tournament will be
held to determine the pledge champ-
ionship. The question for debate is:
Resolved: That the present relief
agencies of the Federal government
should be abandoned with the expira-
tion of present appropriations. All
pledges must be present. The public
is cordially invited.

LAUNDRtY i4.OXu.riu
Careful work at low price. 4x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006

at League or in vicinity, Friday
evening. Please return to Helen
Newberry Residence. 24
LOST: Boy's signet ring. Initials,
R.O.P.. sometime Saturday, either
in or near the League. Finder please,

LIMITED, signed editions, beautiful, return to Daily. Reward. 23
rare, old and new books for Xmas LOST: Small silver Waltham wrist
presents. Colonial Book Shop. 303 watch, bracelet attached, near Ro-
N. Division. 11 mance Language Bldg. Reward. Call
FOR SALE: Raccoon coat, size 40. Steiner. 2-2591. 22
In good condition, $50. J. A. Kerr, WANTED
622 University Place, Grosse Pointe ___-______-
City, Mich. Tel. Niagara, 9396. WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW
20 suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-

-INANCECO. offers bargains in re-
possessed and repurchased cars.
Many 1934 cars with low mileage
included, We will trade and extend
convenient terms. Open evenings.
311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox
British And Japaiese To
Open Naval Disewssions
LONDON. Dec. 17 - eh - British
statesmen were preparing tonight to
open bilateral discussions with the
Japanese after the Americans leave
the naval conversations, which were
shaping toward formal adjournment
lwithout reaching any agreement.
United States ambassador at large.
Norman H. Davis, told Si- John Simon
the Americans would not object to
British and Japanese discussions
through their delegations here or
through diplomatic channels if there
Swere guarantees that neither would
attempt to reach .any: bilatrlaccord.

I' Twenty Yearrs A go
From the Daily files of
December 18, 1914
Several large donations of clothes
John H. Happel, 53 (above), was have been received by the Belgian
captured and jailed in St. Louis and relief committee from the sophomore
admitted the Los Angeles "trunk mur- I engineers, which was among the first
der" of his wife, Mrs. Rosabella Marie of the classes to take an active part
Happel. Chief of Police John Mc- in the relief work.
Carthy said the prisoner said he beat
his wife to death because of her per- In an endeavor to ultimately fix theI
siftent nagging. ield south of Ferry Field for inter-
class contests, the athletic association
has had a force of men grading the
land all week.

cago Buyers. Temporary office, 01
North Main. 7x
I 1 1~.

"a, aim., A - - -

Cercle Francais:'
meeting this week.
meeting Thursday,

There will be no
There will be a
Jan. 10, at the

The Beginners' Social
Class .will not meet tonight.


The Messiah: The annual Christ-
mas performance of the Handel'
"Messiah" will be given Tuesday eve-
ning, December 18, in Hill Auditori-
um, at 8:15 o'clock. The general
public with the exception of small
children is invited without admission
charge, but is requested to be seated
on time, as the doors will be closed
during numbers.
The following artists and organi-
zations will participate:
Anna Burmeister, Soprano.
Maurine Parzybok, Contralto. 1
Arthur Hackett, Tenor.
Stanley DuPree, Bass.
University Choral Union.
University Symphony Orchestra.
Earl V. Moore, Conductor.
Traffic regulations employed on]
the occasion of Choral Union con-
cert, will be enforced.
Events Today
Mathematical Club: Regular meet-
ing at 8 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Mr. D. K.
Kazarinoff will speak on "Some In-
ter-relations between Questions in
Geomerty and Mechanics."
Physics Colloquium: Prof. Charles
F. Meyer will speak on "Develop-
ments in Electron Diffraction" at
4:15 p.m. in Room 1041, East Physics
Bldg. All interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Engineering Council meets at 7:30
p.m. in the M.E. computing room.
Adelphi House of Representatives
meets in its room at 7:30 p.m. Charles
A. Orr, instructor in the Department
of Economics, will speak to the House
on the subject "Fascism and Ger-
many." The public is cordially in-
vited to attend the meeting.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this Or-
ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the
Chapel of the Women's League Build-
ing. Students, alumni, and faculty
members of the University are cor-
dially invited to attend.
The Biobliophiles Section of the
Faculty Womens' Club meets at 2:30
p.m. at the home of Mrs. B. A. Soule,
523 Linden St.
Sigma Delta Chi: This week's
luncheon meeting will be held at 12:15
today instead of Thursday, in the
Coming Events
Research Club will meet in room
2528 East Medical Building on Wed-

Deutscher Zirkel: The German
Circle will have its annual Christ-
mas celebration at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Women's League. All mem-
bers as well as friends are invited to
come. All are requested to bring a
small 10 cent gift.
School of Music Senior Class Elec-
tion: There will be a meeting of the
Senior Class of the University School
of Music, at the School of Music
Auditorium, Wednesday, Nov. 19, at
4 o'clock, for the purpose of electing
officers, and attend to such matters
as may properly come before the Sen-
ior Class for consideration.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 12 o'clock
in the Russian Tea Room of the Mich-
igan League Building. Prof. Max
Handman, of the Economics Depart-
ment, will speak informally on "Some
Recent Economic Problems."
"A Christmas Carol": The follow-
ing students from the classes in oral
interpretation (Speech 43) will give
a public reading from Dickens' "A
Christmas Carol" at 4 p.m. Wednes-
i day, Dec. 19, in Room 205 Mason
Hall: Mary Pattie, Nancy Lee Shep-
pard, Lavinia Howells, Dorothy Ohrt,
Stanley Ostler, Mildred Goldberg,
Blanche Arnold, Bessie Curtis. This
program will last about an hour. All.
persons interested are cordially invit-
ed to hear this Christmas story.
Students froith Rochester, N.Y.-
The Genesee Club is sponsoring a
dance in Rochester on Wednesday,
Dec. 26, for all University of Michigan
students from Rochester and their
friends. For further information call
Richard Hardenbrook, 23466.
National Student League will meet
at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Room 304 at
the Union. A report will be given on
the recent Michigan Youth Congress,
and a delegate will be elected to the
American Youth Congress in Wash-
ington, Jan. 4 and 5. All interested
are invited.
The Lutheran Student Club will
go caroling on Thursday evening at
7 o'clock. They will leave from the
Trinity Lutheran Church on Wil-
liams St. A party will follow the
Christmas Party Held
By Physics Department
More than 50 guests were present
at the physics department faculty's
annual Christmas party last night in
the Union.
The general chairman of the affair
was Mrs. Neil Williams, wife of Pro-
fessor Williams, acting head of the
department. Mrs. Ora S. Duffendack,
wife of Professor Duffendack, headed
the program committee, and Mrs.
R. A. Sawyer, wife of Professor Saw-

Screen Reflectons
A First National Picture directed by
Frank Borzage, co-starring Dick Powell
andrRuby Keeler, and featuring Pat
O'Brien and Ross Alexander. Also an
aw-w-w-ful Paramount variety, '"The
Superstition of the Black Cat," Para-
mount News, and Paul Tompkins' organ
Viewing the military musical "Flir-
tation Walk" in the light of a cine-
matic fripponery which is intended to1
entertain through an ingenious set-I
ting in the midst of West Point in
which youthful, apple-cheeked Dick
Powell and demure, perennially pop-
ular Ruby Keeler can sing, love, and
get into trouble and get out of it,
"success" is the word to be applied.
It's as good a vehicle as any the two
have yet enjoyed. Two song hits
which, sadly enough, have already
had the polish of newness worn off
are included, and there is a handsome
rival officer-lover, a diamond-in-the-
rough pal, a genial father, and the
other accessories of a snappy musical.
Well, isn't that enough? Yes, per-
haps. The kick many will have to reg-
ister with "Flirtation Walk" is not
about what it does not contain, but
rather about the fact that it does con-
tain almost undisguised military
propaganda from "dedication" to
fadeout. Thus, it may conceivably
be argued, from an intelligent pro-
social point of view "Flirtation Walk"
is so much chocolate-covered poison,
for in the guise of parades, bands,
flags, powder and steel it exalts in the
Hollywood way a modern giant which
is better left unexalted, at least. Yet
on the other hand let's concede to
"Flirtation Walk" that it is happy and
ridiculous, fast but a little trite, and
oh, not so bad after all. There are
many, many worse! -it is always
wise and comforting to remember
The program of shorts should not
go unattacked. "The Superstition of
the Black Cat" is a shoddy jumble-
jem which involves one man and wife,
one witch, one black cat, two pretty
maids of Ireland, a handful of extras,
and the two dollars and ninety-eight

Following the visit of Intramural!
Director F. A. Rowe this week, the au-
thorities at Iowa University are en-
deavoring to secure $5,000 as the be-
ginning of an inter-class athletic
system patterned after that of Mich-
Between 200 and 300 engineers are
expected in Ann. Arbor to attend the
meeting on the Michigan Engineering
Society next month'. The assembly is
under the direct auspices of the
University and many University en-
gineering professors will take an
active part in it.
The January meeting of the Ann
Arbor and Ypsilanti branches of the
American Association of University
Women has been postponed from Jan.
4 to Saturday, Jan. 19.
cents necessary to produce the con-
coction. 0 tempora O mores O hell!
What are the West Coast shorts men !
coming to? Or, grammatically, to
what are they coming? That Para-
mount newsreel, too-with the trailer
for the coming feature splitting it
amidships - it's getting to where it
would be a relief to see a horse-race,
a dance marathon, or a Four-H Club
health boy. -G.M.W., Jr.
Special Fares
to all points
Tickets and Information
CHUBB'S 12-8 P.M.
Phone 5672
(2-3450 after 8 P.M.)

Don't spoil the thrill of getting home again by worrying
about the shipment of your baggage. Solve the problem by
leaving everything to Railway Express. We will call for
your trunks, baggage and personal belongings and send
them home on fast passenger trains through to destination.
You can take your train homewith peace ofmind-khowing
that your baggage will be there quickly and safely. Railway
Express service means economy. We give a receipt on
pick-up and take a receipt on delivery ... double proof of
swift, sure handling. If you cannot go home, send yowr
presents to your family and friends by Railway Express.
For service or information merely call or telephone
420 S. ASHLEY ST. -- Phone 7101 -- Ann Arbor
The best there is in transportation
-- -- -








yer, was in charge of the dinner.
Following the dinner, there
games and informal dancing.



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Matinees 30c
Nights 40c


December Is
Joy Month

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Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio
instructions in a I
forms. Classical, social,
darhing. Ph. 9B95.
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The story that has delighted three generations !
Ruth Etting Novelty Latest Metro News


Merry Christmas and


A Happy New Year
The Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank
wishes you the best of all good
Holiday seasons.

omD nrj!
ONE f¢ ofVF





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