Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 18, 1986
Student joins march for disarmament
(Continued from Page 1)
parents were reluctant at first to see
their daughter march across the
country, but gave in when the realized
that she was determined to go.
"Margie fights for causes that seem
helpless and hard to accomplish. She
tries to let the public know what's
going on. It's frustrating for her
because people say 'too bad, you can't
change anything,' and that hurts
her," her brother said. Winkelman
said that although her parents may
not agree with the political aims of the
march, they support her for being
dedicated to a cause.
AFTER EARNING her parents'
approval, Winkelman set out to earn
about $3,200 in pledges, a goal set by
march coordinators. Although she
didn't reach the goal, friends,
professors, and acquaintances con-
tributed about $1,500. Failure to meet
the pledge goal does not disqualify
anyone from marching, Winkelman
said. Pledge money will go to a fund to
meet living expenses along the jour-
She said most people have been
surprisingly supportive of the march.
"I'll meet someone on the street and
tell them what I'm doing, and they'll
pull out $20 and give it to me."
Support the
March of Dimes
The official name of the march is
People Reaching Out for Peace, or
The Great Peace March. California-
based organizers hoped to attract
5,000 marchers, but received commit
ments from about 2,500 who will walk
15 miles a day six days a week.
MARCHERS will live in tents, and
all the tents will form a moveable
city, complete with bathrooms,
showers, kitchens, a moveable
library, a portable classroom and
medical equipment.
The march is supposed to be
peaceful, and participants must agree
not to engage in civil disobedience
while marching. Marchers must
agree to abstain from drugs or
alcohol, and make a commitment to
march the full nine months.
Although the marchers must sleep
outdoors and do their own cooking and
cleaning, those aspects of the trip
appeal to Winkelman almost as much
as the political goals. She will see the
country, first-hand, and is excited
about living in a community of "ob-
viously committed people."
She said marchers are all ages and
come from all over the world. One-
third are college students and one-
third are senior citizens. The rest are
a mix including entire families, some
with small children.
WINKELMAN explained that mar-
chers are demanding that the U.S. gov-
ernment "take all nuclear weapons
down." She said she is frightened by
the threat of nuclear weapons.
Winkelman added, however, that
she thinks the focus of the march is
too narrow. Since she is interested in
many issues, she wishes the march
targeted more concerns.
Although the prospect of the mar-
ch excites Winkelman, it will com-
pletely interrupt her current lifestyle.
Her friends support her decision to
join the march, but are sad to lose
Winkelman for a year.
Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON'
Margie Winkelman will fly into Los Angeles today to join 2,500 other
people united in opposition to the nuclear arms race. The RC junior will
be part of the nine-month Great Peach March across America.
"Few of us make priorities in our
lives,saying 'This is important to me
and damn it, I'm going to do
something about it,"' said LSA senior
Charlotte Levy, who is one of
Winkelman's roommates. "We're
proud of her," she added.
John Reiff, a Residential College
lecturer, is helping Winkelman set up
a program to receive University
credit for the march. The project will
be an analysis and reflection on the
march, he said. Winkelman,khowever,
said she won't get back to the
classroom at least until next winter
term - if at all, she joked.
Reiff said he wasn't surprised to see
a student get involved in the march.
"It is a myth that students are not in-
terested in things that concern social
responsibility," he said.
Many celebrities have endorsed the
march, including Madonna, Rosanna
Arquette, Casey Kasem, Carole King,
Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Barbara
Streisand and Paul Newman.
Winkelman said that if someone
told her a few years ago that she
would be embarking on a cross-
country peace march she might
have believed it.
Friends too, say they are not surpr-
ised she is going on the march.
But as Winkelman points out,
"There is a big difference between
reading about it and doing it." She
says that we can not wait for the
government to do something about the
danger nuclear arms present. That is
why she is taking action, step by step.
- This Wei
mU u"
Full moon does not
effect human psyche
Johnson & Johnson to halt
Tylenol capsule production
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. - Johnson & Johnson today announced that it
will no longer sell any capsule products directly to the public because it
cannot control tampering blamed for the cyanide-poisoning deaths of one
woman this month and seven people in 1982.
The announcement was made at a news conference by company
chairman Jim Burke, who said Johnson & Johnson has "no plans to re-
enter this business for the foreseeable future."
He urged users of Tylenol capsules to instead switch to coated oval
shaped tablets known as "caplets," and said that Johnson & Johnson
would replace free any capsules now in the hands of consumers or stores.
"We feel the company can no longer guarantee the safety of these cap-
sules," Burke said.
The Announcement came as a team of investigators went to Pen-
nsylvania to trace the path of the Tylenol capsules taken by a woman who
died in suburban New York City on Feb. 8.
The 1982 cyanide-poisoning deaths of seven people in Illinois also were
blamed on tainted Tylenol capsules.
The company has "no plans to re-enter this business for the foreseeable
future," Burke said.
The decision was made to "protect the public," Burke said. He said the
company was confident that consumers would keep Tylenol "the most
preferred" brand of painkiller in the country.
U.S. envoy Habib confronts
two Philippine leaders
MANILA, PHILLIPINES - President Reagan's special envoy, Philip
Habib, met separately yesterday with President Ferdinand Marcos and
with Corazon Aquino, who both are unyielding in their claims to the
Philippine presidency.
When Reagan sent Habib here, he said the veteran troubleshooter was
on a fact-finding mission and would report back to him on the aftermath
of the Feb. 7 presidential election here.
Mrs. Aquino was still ahead in an independent vote count, although the
National Assembly officially proclaimed Marcos the victor Saturday.
Habib, who was dispatched by President Reagan to the former
American colony and site of two strategic U.S. military bases, also met
with Cardinal Jaime Sin, the powerful head of the Catholic Church in
the Philippines.
Also yesterday, support grew in Congress for a crackdown on Marcos,
including suspending military and economic aid to try to force him to
resign the office critics charge he won through fraud and violence.
Senate Republican leader Robert Dole said he would introduce a
resolution today for an expedited study of alternate sites for the strategic
U.S. air and naval bases.
Workers strike can plants
HOLLYWOOD, FLA. - About 13,000 striking steelworkers set up picket
lines at 75 can company plants in the United States and Canada yesterday
after union negotiators failed to reach a contract agreement.
The United Steelworkers of America, unable to arrive at a new pact
covering wages, pensions, and other issues, notified company represen-
tatives at 3:30 a.m. EST yesterday of the decision to strike, authorized
earlier by the rank and file, said USW spokesman Gary Hubbard.
The coast-to-coast walkouts affected 75 plants in 21 states and four
provinces in Canada owned by National Can Co., American Can Co.,
Crown, Cork and Seal, Continental Can, U.S. and Continental Can LTD. of
Canada, said Leon Lynch, International USW vice president.
The union and the companies had been negotiating at the Diplomat
Hotel in Hollywood, Fla., since Jan. 20. The talks continued past the
midnight Sunday deadline for negotiation of a new three-year contract
before Union representatives rejected the latest proposal by a a57-38
Libya bombs African airport
PARIS-A suspected Libyan plane bombed Nojamena airport in Chad
yesterday prompting France to station an air strike force in the capital of
the African nation, French military sources said.
A Soviet-built Tupolov TU-22 bomber flying at high altitude dropped a
bomb on an airport runway causing slight damage and no injuries a day
after French Jaguar fighter-bombers destroyed a Libyan-built airstrip
at Wadi Doum in rebel-controlled northern Chad.
The exchange of bombings followed a wek of intense fighting between
President Hisene Habre's government troops and Libyan-backed rebels,
who crossed a cease-fire line last Monday to attack government-held
towns along two key north-south highways.
News reports from Nojamena, quoting military sources, said Chadian
rebels do not have any TU-22s but Libya keeps seven of the planes at a
base in northern Chad that are capable of making the 1,700-mile return
trip without refueling.
Five killed in S. African riots
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-Daylong riots raged yesterday in a
black township that forms a pocket of squalor amidst comfortable white
suburbs north of Johannesburg. Five people were killed, including a
black police officer, residents said.
The rioting was the worst in the three days of bloodshed in Alexandra
township that started Saturday after funerals for two anti-apartheid ac-
tivists, according to witnesses. Some whites watched it from their green
lawns on surrounding hills.
Police said three people were killed in Alexandra over the weekend, but
did not have complete casualty figures for yesterday. They confirmed
that a mob burned the black officer's home, shot him dead and set his
body ablaze.
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NEW YORK (UPI)-Contrary to
legends and werewolves, nothing in
particular happens to the psyche of a
man or beast when the moon is full,
according to three scientists.
The scientists reported in the Skep-
tical Inquirer-a journal that likes to
debunk the stuff campfire stores are
made of-that after reviewing over 40
studies of the effect of the moon on
human behavior, they could find no
effect at all.
"THE MAJORITY of the studies
said that anyway," said I.W. Kelly, a
professor of statistics at the Unvier-
sity of Saskatchewan in Canada who
wrote the report with two other scien-
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t ts. "The ones that did find a
co elation either had glaring errors
or t correlations were so minor they
were btatistically insignificant."
SomeNof these studies, conducted by
other researchers over several years,
suggested e full moon is responsible
for increase 'ncidence of alcoholism,
automobile accidents, madness, ar-
son, suicide, and homocide, said
This correlation is widely believed
by most people, he said. And it is
backed up by police, emergency room
workers, and bartenders who swear
they are busier when the moon is at its
fullest than when it is waxing and
"ONCE THE initial belief is there,
then perceptions conform to it," ex-
plained Kelly. "It's easy to remember
the night the emergency room was
full and the moon full. But what about
the night the moon was full and the
emergency room empty?"
"No one remembers those night
because they don't fit the pattern they
believe in," he said.
Most who hold by the corre'ation
theory argue the gravitational pull of
the moon affects humans, who are
mostly made of water, just as it affec-
ts the tides of the oceans.
BUT KELLY argues there is too lit-
tle water in the human body for the
moon to have much of an impact.
"If that gravitational pull reasoning
were correct, every puddle of water
would be sliding around during the
full moon," he said. "Humans are so
small the effect of the moon is almost
Kelly said there are much greater
gravitational pulls on the human body
than that of the moon. For instance,
there is a physical tug between
humans because the water in their
bodies are naturally inclined to merge
"ALL THESE people who are
afraid of the full moon should realize
there is a greater physical force exer-
ted on their body each time they're at
a crowded party," said Kelly.
The scientists predict the physical
tug of a mother to a child is 12 million
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Vol XCVI - No. 98
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term-$10 in
town; $20 outside the city.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes
to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times
Syndicate, and College Press Service.
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