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September 26, 1969 • Page Image 1

…Israel Prime Minister Golda Meir arrived in this country Wednesday for a nine-day visit, to commence with a meeting with President Nixon at whose invitation this visit materialized. Israel Foreign Minister Abba Eban indicated upon his arrival to participate in UN sessions that Mrs. Meir may seek U.S. financial assistance to meet increased military needs when she meets with thd President. Mrs. Meir will be interviewed on the NBC "Meet the Press...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Sty John's New Superb Book Credence to the Lie in Our Philip Golda By Reputable Newspapers . Siomovitz Comments on 'The Palestinians ' he prac tical approaches to be considered seriously on the basis By RABBI SAMUEL SILVER (A Seven Arts Feature) When and how should a newspaper draw the line in accepting for of realities. Mrs. Meir deals wtih realities and she emphasizes them in this declaration. Let it be studied for a pro...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 3

…Elections in West Germany Sunday to Determine NPD Fate in Bundestag NEW YORK (JTA)—The New York Times said editorially Tues- day that it was "unfortunate" that much of the world will assess the results of Sunday's national elec- tions in West Germany by whether or not the ultra right-wing National Democratic Party wins seats in the new Bundestag. "The neo-Nazis may not make it into the Bundestag; but if they do it will be well to remember tha...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 4

…• THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Associati on of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association. National Editorial Assoeiation Published every Friday Ir.. The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road. Detroit, Mich. 48235. YE 8.9364. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan • PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Edit...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 5

…Israel Action Against Syria Implied 'Israel 133-litieos Vie if TWA Passengers Are Not Released for--Position at Top TEM. AVIV — A possible Isra. Ii action against Syria was hinted Sunday. by Minister of Transom! Moshe Carmel. Ile said Isra. I would be forced to take "mei, ures t ' if diplomatic efforts (tilled to secure the release of I.%%), Israel) nationals held by Syria since Ale. 29 when their TWA airliner v.a • hijacked by Arab commando,...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 6

…Campaign Leaders Get A lfurds `Israel Aide" Accused In Communist Official of Czech Reform Plot 2 Israeli Cleansers Introduced to U.S. and two Dermapon, are being of- fered as samples through the mail for $1. Included with this offer is a coupon that gives 50 cents off eh the first regular purchase of each of the products which are now being featured at drug stores. Natural pine needle extracts go Both are available in large 6.8- into Bath O...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 7

…Holy Day Appeals I1 $1 642850 Israel Bond Sales A total of $1,642,850 was sub- scribed in the Israel Bond High an flounced by Phillip Stollman, chair man of the Detroit Congregation at and High Holy Day ('out The appeal thus maintainer record as the mainstay ( Israel Bond campaign, he "The response was on th levels as in tin Emergency Cam- paign of 1967 and last year, Stollman said. The figure *in- cludes sales at dinners, leader- ship r e ce...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 8

…Housing Bias in NYC Found by Commission; •Sabbatarian Sues NEW YORK—For discriminating by any of the tenants in the build- of rent and housing maintenance. against a Jewish lawyer, a posh ing. But the commission said Mey- Meanwhile, the Human Rights cooperative apartment house and a ers' name had never been circu- Commission announced Monday that a Hasidic Jew from Brookly leading real estate agency were lated among the tenants. Furthermore, ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS L. friday, September 26, 1969-9 •-•—• r lint News Community Calemlar J oseph Megilell Named Associate Chairman of UJA Institute Ethkard Ginsberg. general chair- Sept. 27 — Temple Beth El Sister- man of the United Jewish Appeal, hood Sukkot Luncheon, announced that Joseph Megdell noon again will be associate chairman 28—USY Dinner, 7 pin. of the 1970 WA Midwest Leader- ship institute to be held Jan. 9 Cong. Beth ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 10

…10—Friday, September 26, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS GOP Woos Jews, But Nixon Wary on Touchy Arab-Israeli Issue ORT Opens 8 New Israeli Schools; 35,000 Trainees Due The ORT program in . Israel opened eight new vocational and when the high schools on Sept. 1, . technica e current school year be• gan. These additional facilities, ! plus expansion of existing schools, presage an enrollment of almost 35,000 traitiees. Dr. William Haber, pre...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 11

…Parliament Member Denies Accusing Fellows MPs of Pro-Israel Stand NEW YORK (JTA)—A Labor THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 26, 1969-11 At London Airport, Mrs. McKay ver but asked not to be identified, an Israel lobby in the House of member of the British Parliament d escribed denies' that she had accused Jew- to her as the remarks attributed Mrs. McKay claimed that Ameri- Commons which imprisons the "a low provocative lie" cans wer...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 12

…12th Raid in 15 Days Staged by Israel Against Egyptian Targets on Suez Gulf TEL AVIV (JTA)—Israel air force jets hit Egyptian targets on the Gulf of Suez Tuesday and merrilla bases inside Jordan. The raid on the Egyptian military in- stallations was the 12th in 15 days. A military spokesman reported that the planes employed in both missions returned to their bases safely. (An Egyptian military spokesman said that one Israeli Skyhawk was shot ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 13

…By MOSIIE RON Jewish News Special Israel Correspondent Rabbi Blau Loses Influence With Naturei Karta Rabbi Amram Blau is no longer the acknowledged leader of many thousands of members of the Naturei Karta. Previously lie could order thousands into the streets for de onstrations against autopsies or driving cars on the Sabbath, for participating in municipal elections In Jerusalem, opening a swimming pool in the capital or wearing Mini-skirt...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 14

…Outlines Israeli Proposals for Peace (Continued from Page 1) should be convened with the participation of the Mid East statet4• the nations contribut- ing to refugee relief and special- ized UN agencies to work out a five-year plan for solving the ref- ugee problem by regional and in- ternational responsibility. 4. Israel has no claim of exclu- sive control or unilateral jurisdic- Places of tion over the It Christianity and Islaem "and is wil...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 15

…Arab-Is•ael Conflict Sparks Moslem Summit Debate LONDON (JTA)—The nation Moslem summit conerence which :ince in Rabat of Yassir Arafat, Judaism in Jerusalem. Some Mos- com in ander of El Fatah. The lem states favor international Palestinian guerrilla leader, who status for the city. Caine to the conference uninvited, is sharply divided ',mei. the Arab The Times reported from Rabat Israeli conflict. President i;anuil ((as seeking a turn on th...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 16

…16—Friday, September 26, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CI 1 1 Dinner Nets $6.1,000 in Israel Bonds ' Sukkot m Festival to Start at Sundown Sukkot, the Feast of Taber- nacles. a holid'ay of harvest and Thanksgiving. w ill begin this eve- ning at surulqwn. Services, fol- lowed by Sukkij tocials, will mark the first two clays of the eight- clay festival itiunples the first day only ). Congregations which have in- dicated their • schedules are...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 17


September 26, 1969 • Page Image 18

…18—friday, September 26, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS , ' Synagogues Experiment With Change Reform Judaism Class Registers 600 a Year;! 60 Pct. Are Gentiles ! also have been reported in wide By BEN GALLOB LOS ANGELES (JTA) — An in- use by Reform rabbis. (('opyright 1969. JTA, Inc.) given Widespread experimentation has Rabbi Erwin Schild of Adath Is- troductory Judaism course, rael of Downsview, Ont., and here under Reform auspices for been...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 19

…Miss DAVIDHORODOKER WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION will meet 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ben Sklar, 25243 Rue Versailles, Oak Park. Plans will be made for ELIZABETH SCHLESINGER the annual donor luncheon to be Mr. and Mrs. Bela Schlesingi‘r held Dec. 9 at Cong. Bnai Moshe. of Independence Dr., Southfield, announce the engagement of their CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women. daughter Elizabeth Judith to Wil- will meet noon Wednesday at liam Rubin LaKritz,...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 20

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20—Friday, September 26, 1969 I ORT Drive Will Close on A Fashion Note Maxi-fur, worn by a model, is admired by (from left) Mrs. Ber- nard W. Colton, ORT Michigan Region president; Mrs. Paul Borman, chairman of the ORT executive committee; and Mrs. Gerald Stein. vice president of membership. ORT will sponsor a petite luncheon and fashion show, cliinaxing its fall membership drive, noon Oct. 7 at Cong. Shaarey Zedek....…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 21

…• Ala's Barber Shop NEW ORJ FANS MALL • Dubb's Country Kitchen • Sherri's • Tiros Drug Company • Fabulous Star Bakery • Bud Rollins Shoes Bowery • Pickwick Shop • BaIt's Hair Fashions • The • Rigsby Shoe, Service • Ala's Barber Shop • Room it The Bottom UNDER THE BRIGHT ORANGE ROOF at GREENFIELD and 10 MILE ROADS Hadassah Medical Organization • to Benefit From Local Campaign THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 26, ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 22

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22—Friday,/September 26, 1969 I Jewish Meals A HOT RICE KUGEL FOR SUKKOT Sukkot is a happy holiday in the Jewish calendar. It was the time of completing the harvest and thanking God in a joyous manner. The people of Israel went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, bringing gifts of their crops to the Temple. Since the holiday also commemo- rates our journey from Egypt and slavery, to the promised land—we build booths and si...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 23

…Bnai Brith Services Appeal Campaign' to Be Launched With Three Events The 1969 Bnai • Brith Services Appeal annual campaign for funds in support of the Bnai Brith youth- serving agencies and philanthro- pies will get under way with two special gift functions and a coin- munitywide kick-off meeting, it was announced by Services Appeal co-chairmen Paul Perry and Mrs. Robert Ellis. In recognition of Bnai Brith's 126th anniversary, a special gift...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 24

…24—Friday, September 26, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Rev. Locke Evaluates Detroit Riot One of the community's most the greatest seriousness in view ing distinguished Negro leaders. Rev. the entire black-white issue. Hubert G Locke. director of re- Having been administrative as- ligious affairs at Wayne State Uni- sistant to Police Cominissionei - versity. makes a Ray Girardin at the time of the valuable contri- riots in Detroit, Rev. Locke...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 25

…inaccessible beauty spot Fete to Honor Weisgal, Weizmann Institute . on A the long northwest coast of the state PHOENICIAN GROTTOES More than 600 personalities, dis- tingushed in science, education,1 public affairs, literature, music, art and business, 62 of them Nobel Laureates in science, peace and literature, coming from many parts of the world, have joined an in- ternational sponsorship committee to honor Weizinann Institute on its 25th ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 26

…• . 26—Friday, September 26, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Capital for Israel Enlists Investors Prof. l)iesendruck Will Speak Here for Poale Zion Morris A. Lifshay. chairman (it the Detroit Council of the Labor Zionist Organization. Poale Zinn. announces that Prof. Leo Diesen druck, national president of t h e Sen. Hart to Address Delegates on the Plight of Soviet Jewry .tows behind the Iron Curtain Council President Judge Law- will be t...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 27

…Youth News j ostpli Orle_rs //noir /lc,' naughrer loCsBel rothal Teens Map Pro ject Outcry . Against Soviet Anti-Semitism Project Our 1969, a protest against Sovi Anti-Semitism, will take place Oct. 12, under the spon- sorship of concerned teen-agers. Fran Pfeffer, chairman of the committee planning the protest, said individuals or groups inter- ested in helping plan Project Out - cry still have time to join. A Protest Parade of cars will ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 28

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28—Friday, September 26, 1969 Ro ,/, Iraqi 'Internal Matter' Reminiscent to Ile j Spoken in March of Hitler Line, Israeli Charges in UN UNITED NATIONS (JTA)—Is- rael and Iraq clashed in the UN General Assembly Saturday over the Iraqi executions of Jews and others whom it accused of spying for Israel and the United States. The clash was precipitated by- the Iraqi representative, Ambas- sador Adnan Raouf, who repli...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 29

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 26, 1969-29 I _,4ticie. People Make _News Judge SIMON H. RIFKIND, has resigned as president of Abra- noted jurist, educator and one of ' ham and Straus, one of the na- the foremost leaders in Conserva-I tion's largest department store Judaism, and Dr. JACOB groups to devote more time to so- HERZOG, director of the prime cial causes, he said. Rothschild, 49, minister's office in Israel, will be is a ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 30

…MOVIE GUIDE - WOW' • WIN( Os lo Circus Park ADAMS WO 1-8525 Free Parking after 5 p.m. "THE LEARNING TREE" THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30-Friday, September 26, 1969 The Best of Everything By Danny Raskin produced & directed by Gordon Parks TechnicolorPanavision wn at 11:30, 1:40, 3:50, 6:05. 8:15 15:hzo25 Wed. Ladies Day - 75c FOX WELL, FOLKS, I FINALLY had ' pased his careful examination, lie Held over 2nd week! a long-time desire come ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 31

…Danny Raskin's LISTENING P 0 S CHECKER BAR -B-fl BIG INNOVATIONS IN travel are being activated by very ambi- tious all-out workings already under way with barrister Fred Gordon, chairman of the hoard of Metro Travel, whose offices on W. Grand Blvd. will soon expand to the cities of Warren and South- field . . . Community-ites on the board with Fred are J. Stewart (Jack) Linden, Michael Aller, Dr. Alvin Shapiro, Don Ross, Harold Smith and A...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 32

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32—Friday, September 26, 1969 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners and display classified ads accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 2 p.m. IVednesday. For rates and information . . . 2 11E1)110011 aparMient 31:.15ie $220 month. ROOM for ,orking person. Board op- tional. Curt onting area. UN 1- 7740. LOVELY ROOM for woman, kitchen pri- vileges. Near transportation. LI 7-0270. BRIAR HOUSE AP...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 33

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 26, 1969-33 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS 7-- -HOUSES FOR SALE 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED studio apartment. Private entrance. Tracey-7 Mile area. UN 4-9184. Southfield LaSALLE PLACE APTS. of Farmington APARTMENT on 8 Mile Rd. just W. of Grand River, overlooking beautiful Ravine, Private Park Heated Pool & Cabana Full elec. "eat-in" kitchen Full formal Din. Rm. UME IM...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 34

…Southfield, Open Sun. 2-5 MODEL 28446 PIERCE SOUTHFIELD AREA'S Pierce-11 1 ,12 Mile Area NEW 3-BEDROOM RANCHES TRI.LEVELS $26,900 8 up Beaut. Washington Heights Addison-45 days poss. 2 haul; MELJOY ■ 353 - 1700 u..torn built 9 imam .,hunted to eb 1 041, 1:iil . iwitection 'Flu, beautiful limn,- ten- Central Air at. pettri drape, 011l . lull and 3 I ..11 bath,. Fio•place. full base .t 2 attach•d garaei• Other feat tu t•N ■ Vell ult,t be ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS QUICK Southfield A happy ending to your house hunt- ing. This choice 3 bedrm. Brick Ranch includes many special fea- tures. 16' Family Rm. wifirenl. Irfi baths, convenient kitchen w/hlt-ins, attached garage. full. base. 534,900. Owner has 2 homes. lmmed. occup. 353.2400. We'll help arrange your home financing! LEEDS REALTY oodcreek Hills Oak Pk. near the Pork Beautifully landscaped 3 bed. brk. ranch. New carpeti...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 36

…SOUTHFIELD RANCH 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE MAGNIFICENT RANCH home. 3 bed- wolok hinit Huntington Woods Ranch PARK. area. I Lucun hooch for 2 or :1; a real eni. Magnificent 2 bdrtn., 2 baths mess comfit. from top to bottom inside and out Decorator selected carp and drapes; fixtures S up- pliances. Attached 2 car elect eye heated gar. Landscaped 112' lot. (1, Her real,tic and open to offer. .51151151.1. SILVER. . ooms. :noder...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 37

…S SOUTHFIELD RANCH fur this stunning B room brick bungalow on Blvd. Street on tree shaded 100x150' lot. This beautiful home is carpeted throughout and rare purchase at 555,000. baths. family rm.. garage. Oven, range, dishwasher. Occupancy 60 days. $47.000. chamberlain chamberlain ,CAVALIER BLDG. CO . 352-2545 Southfield and 11 Mile Roads Woodward-11 Mi. LI 7.2000 17 — HOUSES FOR SALE OPEN SUNDAY 2 JO 6-4644 LI 8-1500 4 year old 5...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 38

…7 Mile-Evergreen Area 2 bedroom asbestos ranch. Near shopping. school and transportation. Immediate oc- cupancy S lti.500. OAK PARK See this 3 bedroom brick ranch so convenient to shopping, transporta- tion, and schools. An Etkin built house including stove, and refrigera- tor also a 2 car garage. Finished rec room. LI 8-1500. Coolidge, Not 10 Mi., Oak Loots 3 bedroom brick ranch by Reasonably owner. paced Inlntedlate occupancy'. Park ...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 39

…Oscar Klausner, Skater, Age 90 Oscar Klausner, a founder of the Detroit Skating Club who was, in recent years, deeply concerned at discrimination against Jews in skating clubs, died Sunday at age 90. Mr. Klausner, 1250 Burlingame, skated up until about two years ago. Ile was well known in skating circles for his encou r agement of youngsters to take up his favorite sport. lie was instrumental in get- ting th,'e city to build artificial out- d...…

September 26, 1969 • Page Image 40

…in the State of Israel VIPsSeeGolda 2 Views of Golda: 'Strongest Man' to reach cabinet rank. Off on Trip TEL AVIV (JTA)—Premier Gol- da Meir left on her official state visit to the United States Wednes- day morning, telling newsmen at Lydda airport. "I look forward with hope to my meeting with President Nixon, but I. do not know the an- swers he will give to the questions we have in mind to discuss." The importance Israelis attach to her tri...…

September 19, 1969 • Page Image 1

…In This Issue: Special Israel Travel Section THE JEWISH NEWS DETROIT A Weekly Review Pages 25 to 32 Michigan's Only. English-Jewish Newspaper VOLUME -LVI—No. 1 2 7 IN/11c I—II GAN! of Jewish Events Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit 48235—VE 8-9364--September 19, 1969 This illustration is from "Avinu Malkenu — Our Father Our King" by Saul Raskin, issued by Genesis Publishing Co., Flint, Mich. '...…

September 19, 1969 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Israel and the Eneniy: Meeting Menace Head On It would be utterly ostrich-like for any one to ignore the menacing situation facing Israel. All who say "there is no chance of a war now - know• that a war is going on, that the cease tire has been ignored. that Israel's security and very existence are being threatened, that Israel won't take anything lying down, - that the present generation ul Jews asserts: there won't be ano...…

September 19, 1969 • Page Image 3

…D ayan • •• Insists Israel :gust Keep -Firm C•lis Occupied Land TEL AVIV (.ITA) — Defense he said "but we should hit back '.guerrillas, but that did not pre- step would be to change their pre- Minister Moshe Mayan once again bard against any serious breaches vent others from trying to pene- sent "miserable" camps, bid not Outlined his anSeSSIlletlf. of Israel's of the cease-fire." Ile defended his trate into Israel. to establish a "model vi...…

September 19, 1969 • Page Image 4

…• . THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 vE Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association. National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Cu., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 413235, . . 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit. Michigan SIDNEY SHMARAK ...…

September 19, 1969 • Page Image 5

…Eban, Here to Address General Assembly, cWon't Repeat ast Speeches, Newsmen Told - BY ItoWARIi Goi.u1tEito NEW YoRK (.ITA t—Israers. foreign minister arrived here Toes day night to present his countries ' case for Mid East peace helm', the UN General Assembly and hinted at a new approach to tip• Arab-Israel conflict. - a settlement or at least to damp down hostilities. the source said. Secretary of State William P. Rogers us ill meet with ...…

September 19, 1969 • Page Image 6

…Service Group Honors Campaigners, Reports Record Sum of $10,350,000 Raised This Year Members-at-large: Richard I. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6—Friday, September 19. 1969 Chicago Federation Forms Ad Hoc Urban Issues Unit - CHICAGO arm — The Jewish urban problems and to suggest Federation of Metropdlitan Chicago has set up an Ad Hoc Committee action in this area. James P. Rice, executive direc- tor of the federation, who an- -nounced formati...…

September 19, 1969 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 19, 1969-7 Boris Smolar's 0 'Between You ... and Me' (Copyright 1969; JTA Inc.) AS INSIDE ISRAEL : Israel is naturally very much alert to border provocations. Israeli armed forces keep a watchful eye on the enemy at the Suez Canal, on the Jordanian frontier and on the Syrian border. But even greater alertness is now required against enemy agents inside the country. E A L T O R S . . . Israel f...…

September 19, 1969 • Page Image 8


September 19, 1969 • Page Image 9

…Action Demanded in Congress to End Detention of Israelis by Syria; Hijacking Widely Protested WASHINGT(rN CITA) —Chair- sources in assisting any sister roan Cornelius Gallagher of the company. regardless of national- Hotie subcommittee on inter in the release of aircraft or organizations a n d movements passengers illegally diverted or Tuesday called upon United Na- in restraint. - lions Ambassador Charles W. Yost The Alitalia statement said ...…

September 19, 1969 • Page Image 10

…10—Friday, September 19. 1969 AKommittee Disturbed at 'Counter-Trend' in Civil Rights Under Nixon Administration THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS i Wilbur Cohen Offers Prescription . for Wiping Out Poverty at Annual lireetinti of JFCS, Resettlement Service • At the annual meeting of the "We can eradicate poverty in the 1970s in the United States if Jewish Family am! Children's we have a true sense of national Service, the following were elected pri...…

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