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September 26, 1969 - Image 14

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-09-26

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Outlines Israeli Proposals for Peace

(Continued from Page 1)
should be convened
with the participation of the Mid
East statet4• the nations contribut-
ing to refugee relief and special-
ized UN agencies to work out a
five-year plan for solving the ref-
ugee problem by regional and in-
ternational responsibility.
4. Israel has no claim of exclu-
sive control or unilateral jurisdic-
Places of
tion over the It
Christianity and Islaem "and is
willing to discuss with those tra-
ditionally concerned the means of
expressing this principle in any
settlement." Until that time, the
"Holy Places will be administered
and maintained by the Christian
and Moslem bodies to which they
have been entrusted since 190'7."
5. Secure, recognized and agreed
boundaries should be established,
replacing cease-fire or armistice
lines, as part of the peacemaking
Process, and armed forces should
be disposed in accordance with
the boundaries determined in
peace treaties.
6. "In conditions of peace, the
people of Israel and the Pale-
stinian Arabs on both sides of the
Jordan would be living as free
citizens of sovereign states in ac-
cordance with the agreed boun-
dary concluded under the peace."

on refugee,

Eban reiterated his govern-
ment adherence to the nine-point
proposal that he outlined in the
1968 General Assembly. He also
voiced his government's support
for use of Secretary-General U
Thant's special peace envoy Dr.
Gunnar V. Jarring in negotia-
tions and in preparing an agenda
and venue for them. The for-
eign minister saw no progress
made toward peace during the
past year and blamed the Arabs
for it.

The General Assembly voted on
Saturday to consider "the situa-
tion in the Middle East" at a
plenary session without any prior
debate in a committee. The issue,
which has been on the agenda
since the June 1967 special ses-
sion. may not be taken up. how.
ever. The question was put aside
until the end of the 1967 and 1968
sessions and then postponed until

the next upcoming General As-

Soviet Foreign Minister Gromy-
ko accused Israel on Friday of
"obstructing any steps toward a
political settlement" and reiterated
the Kremlin's ironclad demand for
Israel's complete withdrawal from
the areas occupied in the Six-Day
War as a "major and indispen-
sible" precondition to peace.
Addressing the 24th General As-
sembly during the second day of
general debate. Gromvko replied
to President Nixon's pr o p o s a 1
Thursday for an agreement on
limitation on arms shipments to
the Middle East. He stated that

the parties to live together in
Failing a settlement, the Presi-
dent said. an agreement on the
limitation of arms shipments
might .help stabilize the situation.

ing, irrevocable commitment

by backing Israel's interpretation to promote an over-all settlement.
that boundary agreements must
He did not believe that any solu-
Eban's statement that the word precede any withdrawal of Israeli tion reached by the Big Four
"non-negotiable" was not in the troops from occupied Arab terri- could—or should—be imposed on
the parties to the conflict.
Israeli vocabulary.
Angie Brooks, newly - elected
Michael Stewart called on the president of the 24th United Na-
Egypt Willing
parties to the conflict to accept tions Assembly, said she favored a
all provisions of the resolution as solution of the Middle East prob-
a package and to stop accepting lem by the parties directly con-
to Meet Israelis.
some parts of it and rejecting cerned. She pledged to work "be-
NEW YORK — Egyptian
others. Stewart declared that his hind the scenes" to help reconcile
Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad
government stood solidly behind Arab - Israeli differences as well as
emerged from a meeting with
Big Power peace efforts, whether foi' solutions of other world prob-
U.S. Secretary :of State. William
through Four Power talks. bilateral lems.
P. Rogers Wednesday and com-
Miss Brooks declined to com-
between the U. S. and the
mented to newsmen that Egypt
Soviet Union or the two combined ment on a question about Israel's
does not consider Israeli with-
to admit to the occupied
drawal from occupied Arab
envoy. Ambassador Gunnar V. Jar- territories a special committee set
territory as a 'prerequisite to
ring. Stewart warned that the up by the General Assembly to
the negotiation of a peace set-
parties concerned "must not ex- study the condition of the Arabs
pect any nation, whether in Four there. She said that to answer the
"It should be part of a peace
Power or Two Power talks or any question would be to violate her
settlement," Riad told the news-
forum, to act merely as advo- required impartiality as president
men. Israel has long maintain
cates. They must act more con- of the General Assembly. Miss
ed that she is willing to nego-
Brooks is assistant secretary of
structively than that," he said.
tiate over the territories. but
state of Liberia.
there could be no preconditions
Stewart said Monday that, con-

a peaceful settlement without any
conditions and his ignoring of

Ile said that the U. S. has indicated
to the Soviet Union "without re-
sults" its willingness to enter into

such discussions. In this connec-
tion. irf addition to talks on the
Middle East. the U. S. hopes to
begin talks with Soviet leaders on
the limitation of strategic arms.
"There is no more important task
before us." the President declared.
The President reiterated U. S.
support for the Security Council's
Nov. 22, 1967, resolution as charting
the path to a settlement. The UN
cease-fire resolutions "define the
minimal conditions that must pre-
vail on the ground if settlement
is to be achieved," he said. "A
peace: to he lasting, must leave
no seeds of a future war. It must
rest on a settlemtnt which both
sides have a vested interest in
maintaining," Mr. Nixon said.

Ile told the packed General
Assembly auditorium that one of
the common concerns of the in-
ternational community is the
securing of international air tra-
vel safety. "Sky piracy cannot
be ended as long as the pirates
receive asylum," he said.

"By any standards, aircraft hi-
jackings are morally, politically

and legally indefensible. The Tokyo
Convention has now been brought
into force, providing for the

of Israeli withdrawal.
Riad declared that his coun-
try would be willing to meet

with Israelis in the last stage
of any peace settlement.

He was asked if the United
Arab Republic could accept a
meeting with Israel along the
lines of the 1948-49 "Rhodes
Formula" — a settlement be-
tween the two sides worked out
by mediator Ralph Bunche on

the island of Rhodes.
In the final stage of that
negotiation, the Arab a n d
Israeli negotiators met in a
hotel room to sign the pact.
Riad replied that a Mid East
peace settlement could be thus
concluded if the Israelis make
it clear that they are renounc-
ing "expansionism."

prompt release of passengers.
crew and aircraft. Along with
other nations. we also are work-
ing on a new convention for the
punishment of hijackers. But neith-
er of these conventions can be
fully effective without coopera-
Youssef Salem, the Lebanese
tion." the President said.
"I urge the United States to give foreign minister, accused Israel of
high priority to this matter. The "contempt for the United Nations"
issue transcends politics: there is and said peaceful declarations by
no need for it to become the sub- Israeli leaders were designed to
ject of polemics or a focus of poli- lull international opinion. Ile as-
tical differences. It involves the serted that Gen. Dyan. in a speech
interests of every nation, the safe- on July 8. 1968, had said Israel
ty of every air traveler. and the would go beyond the present cease-
integrity of that structure of order fire lines into Jordan. probably

on which a world communiy de- Lebanon and perhaps central•Syria.
pends." the President said.
A new, hard line by Jordan was
The Middle East crisis continued indicated Monday by that country's
to dominate debate in the 24th representative, Foreign Minister
General Assembly. Most speakers Abdel Monem Rifai. who accused
held that the Security Council's the U. S. of blocking peace efforts
Nov. 22, 1967, resolution was the
one way to peace in the area but

they were no closer than a year
ago to agreeing on its proper in-
The foreign minister of Egypt
told the United Nations Assembly.
that withdrawal of Israeli forces


eral U Thant. re-endorsed the Se-
curity Council's Nov. 22, 1967, reso-
lution and cited the aim of a "dur-
able peace."

Stewart reiterated his view that,
while progress is slow and "frus-
trating," the Big Four must con-
tinue their consultations with a •
view to halting the escalating war-

fare beween the Arabs and Israel.
He noted that there had been pro-
gress in the Soviet-American bi-
lateral talks.

He agreed with Eban's view that
efforts should be made to reach

a cease fire but indicated that
every effort should be continued


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Nominees to the Board of Governors

the Soviet Union had told

14—Friday, September 26, 1969

to exist in security as independent
The statement, issued following
a dinner given by Secretary Gen-


from the territory occupied in the
Six-Day War was "an absolute
necessity" and he asserted that

the "fundamental contradiction be-
Wash- tween what he called Israel's
ington that a discussion of the policy of expansion and the provi-
issue "cannot serve any useful sions of the Nov. 22, 1967. Security
purpose" so long as Israeli troops Council resolution had brought the
remained in the occupied terri- Jarring mission to a standstill.
tories. Mr. Nixon had said that the
Mahmoud Riad added a new ele-
indicated willingness of the U. S. ment of vituperation to the debate
to enter into a discussion on this when he assailed "racist Zionism"
question had not produced any re- and ascribed to it guilt for the
sults. Gromyko's statement of So- arson of Al Aksa mosque.
viet policy also revealed a com-
An Israeli Mission spokesman
plete divergence with the U. S. said Riad's speech confirmed
position on the future of the terri-
Egypt's "intransigence" and did
tories occupied by Israel in the Six-
not "contain any expression of
willingness to establish real
Day War.
President Nixon told the United
peace with Israel, to negotiate
Nations General Assembly that
peace with Israel, and to work
"substantial alterations in the
out together with Israel secure
map of the Middle East" cannot
and recognized boundaries."
he conducive to peace. Recent
He said that the speech "distort- ,
events in the area, he said, ed" the Security Council resolu-
"point up anew the urgency of tion of Nov. 22, 1,967, which called
a stable peace."
, for a just and lasting peace, not
He also called, in his address a return to the armistice regime.
during the opening day of general Riad, the Israeli spokesman said,
debate, for "respect for the sover- gave lip service to the resolution
eign rights of each nation to exist but, in fact, "rejects the essential
recognized elements of peace and a departure
within secure and
from the vulnerability and chaos
Nixon told the 126-nation inter- of the armistice."
The spokesman stressed the
national organization that the
United States was convinced that Egyptian failure to take note of
"peace cannot he achieved on the Foreign Minister Abba Eban's
basis of anything less than a bind- offer to - enter-into- negarations for

trary to the general impression.
The hora, Israel's popular folk
the Big Four have made prog-
dance, originally came from the
ress in their quest for a Mid
Balkans, but became popular in
East peace.
Palestine shortly after the end of
The progress he cited was the World War I. Today it is considered
fact that there was agreement on the national dance of Israel and
the part of the Big Four, in a state- many composers have produced
ment they issued Saturday, that variations on the hora rhythm.
the Mid East states have the right

Pursuant to the By-Laws of the JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION OF
DETROIT. the following list of nominees, selected from the membership
of the Federation eligible for election to the Board of Governors of the
Federation of a three-year term ending in 1972, is presented herewith to
th Executive Director not less than thirty days prior to the Annual Meet-
ing which will take place on Wednesday, * October 29, 1969 at the Jewish
Community Center. 18100 Meyers Road:


Paul Broder
Martin E. Citrin
David Safran


Irwin Green

Richard Sloan
Mrs. Max Stollman
Paul Zuckerman


Paul Handleman

Stanley J. Winkelman

Other persons may be nominated by petition or petitions signed by not
fewer than 25 members of the Federation and filed with the Executive
Director of the Federation not less than ten days prior to the date of the
Annual Meeting. Only one person may be nominated in each petition and
no nomination shall be valid unless the nominee shall have consented to be
a candidate.


Irwin I. Cohn

Judge Theodore Levin, Chairman

Mrs. Joseph H. Jackier

Maxwell Jospey
Louis Tabashnik

• Please note that meeting is scheduled for one week later than originally announced.

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