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June 27, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica yewisk Periodiod eater CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE Charge Prejudice by Industries in De- fense Work n e (I DS Declaring that the essence of democracy requires that all citi- zens regardless of race, color, or creed, be afforded full and equal opportunity to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", speak- ers at the Park Central Hotel, New York, urged A...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 2

…June 27, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 2 News Brevities Camp Chelsea for Mothers, Children Opens This Sunday Publish Address uota Exceeded By Rabbi Adler By Jr. Division Of Allied Drive fine vacation in the country at modest rates. Dr. Horace M. Kallen is the Camp Chelsea is located on The address delivered by Rabbi Lehman Lake, about 55 miles from co-author with Prof. John Morris Adler on "The Rabbi and Detroit. ...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 3

…,American *with Periodial June 27, 1941 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Camp Kinderwelt Mrs. Daniel Siegel Center Art Exhibit Will Open Sunday Awards Announced Elected President of N.H.J.C. League This Sunday, June 29, will The Jewish Community Center's E F F 4- + NEW YORK. — The United at the discretion of Chief Rabbi Palestine Appeal has allocated Isaac Halevi Herzog, it was an- the sum of $5,000 to be used for nounced by Dr. A...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 4

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 Detroit Jewis h Chronicle and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 'ublished Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Presider J \COB H. SCHAM:NE Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post- office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Genera! Offices and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave. Cable Address: Chronicle Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Subscription in Advance JACOB MARGOLIS PHILIP SL...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 5

…A merkait lavish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE June 27, 1941 P urely Commentary • The issue is as simple as all that. We are at war, and we are the first targets of Nazism. Breathes there a man so stupid as to say that in this hour of struggle we ought to kiss the hand of the persecutor? Oh, General Wood, such an article will not prove saleable even in the mail order business. "I question...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 6

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 6 For Sale—Apartment Property Can You Afford to accept less than 10% in these times? Inform your- self. Consult Mr. Bedford for Facts & Figures: $3,000 Down. 13 units stores offices 5 room apts outstanding Mack cor. Heavy construction elaborate stone trim. One steam heat. Former $70,000 value. A give away for only $20,000. Small 41/2 (4 15 yr terms. 19 Apt. 4 rooms tiled baths. New refr...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 7

…A merica 'elvish Periodical Carter. CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT June 27, 1941 When Colonel Josiah Wedg- wood left England for a visit to America, the Prime Minister called him in to Downing Street to caution him against repeating his famous Commons speeches as- sailing the Arabs. 7 JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle BORNSTEIN - GOODMAN Samuel Cooper of Orange, N. J. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charl...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 8

…8 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Cantors to Have Convention Soon A delegation of cantors from Chicago was in Detroit this week to consult with Cantor J. H. Son- enklar of Congregation Shaarey Zedek and to plan a convention of cantors from Detroit, Chicago and Cleveland. Tentative plans were made to hold the convention in August. The purpose of the convention, which will take place in Cleve- land, will be to advance the sta...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 9

…America 'elvish Periodical Carter ,June 27, 1941 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 9 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Polish Federation With the Jewish Dinner of Detroit Chapter of Hebrew Institute on Tuesday Evening Convenes June 28-29 Of Technology of Haifa, Palestine, War Veterans The Jewish War Veterans posts announce activities for the sum- mer and fall. Post No. 135 has allocated $100 for a number of flag pres- e...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 10

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY . . Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levinson returned from their winter home in Miami Beach, Fla., and have resumed their residence at 1526 Chicago Blvd. Miss Ethelyne M. Rothenberg was guest vocalist at Margot Gillard Rowe's piano recital, ac- companied by Bette Shanbrom at the piano and Roen Goodman at the violin, at Grinnell's on June 23. Mrs. Abraham Shulevitz of 1937 O...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 11

…A arertcair lavish Periodical Cc ter lune 27, 1941 CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 11 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Bernard Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sloan; in memory of Abe Greenstone, Leon Pantzer and Ethel Goldfarb by Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greenberg, of Calvert Ave. announce the Seymour Frank; in memory of engagement of their daughter, Rosalyn, to Phil Hower, son of Ethel Barnett Goldfarb by Mr. Lewis H...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 12

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 12 June 27, 1941 gesting the lines on which Jew- of general ideas on the organiza- ish rights may be claimed in a tion of the post-war world. Each department will under- post-war settlement." (Continued from Page 1) "The Institute," he empha- take to assemble the documentary sized, "is not a political body. It evidence relating to its field, and As plans for the Eighth An- the American Jewish...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 13

…A Avericalt 'elvish Periodical eater CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 13 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle June 27, 1941 Kalvarier Aid Society from the lisping of the 4-year- Sends $125 to J. D. C. old tots to the measured tones of the 16-year-olds! I wept for joy (Continued from Page 1) Kalvarier Aid Society thanks over their Shirim (Hebrew No money may be sent out of songs), the while I became nos- Continuing his amaz...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 14

…June 27, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 14 Brochah Goldstein Auxil- iary of J.C.R.S. Plans Annual Donor Event Mrs. Nathan Spevakow Re-Elected as President of Women's Congress Branch At the season's closing meeting of the Brochah Goldstein Auxili- ary of the Jewish Consumptive Relief Society, plans were formu- lated for the donor luncheon which will be held Wednesday, Nov. 5, at the Crystal Room of the Masonic Temple...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 15

…A merica "(wish PerioScal Cotter. CUPTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 15 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle June 27, 1941 CLAAS- SIFIED CAMP HABONIM BEGINS 12TH SEASON MONDAY L. A. S. Youth Group Sponsors Concert on Monday, June 30 MOLACH BALL SOUGHT HERE The Council of Jewish Women, 7644 Woodward Ave., Madison 6970, has been requested to lo- cate Moloch Ball, a butcher by trade, who formerly lived at 5758 The Detroit Yo...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 16

…16 ELECTIONS (Continued from Page 1) tee which presented this slate of officers. New Center Officers Mrs. Samuel It. Glogower, president of the Jewish Corn- munity Center, has as her asso- ciate officers the following: Mrs. Joseph M. Welt, vice- president; Maurice Glasier, secre- tary; Max Holtzman, treasurer; directors, Mrs. Sidney J. Allen, H. C. Broder, David J. Cohen, Mrs. Abraham Cooper, Mrs. Aaron DeRoy, Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich, Mrs. L...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica ewish Periotilcal Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 25 Organ of Polish Anti-Semites in Exile Re•Appears and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1941 Re-Elected Zionist Council President Hears Bigotry Affects High U. S. Quarters This Paper Printed in Two Sections 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yeas Back F.D.R. to End Job Discrimination Jews Re...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 2

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Rabbis Will Study the World Crisis 200 Convene at Atlan- tic City, N. J., on June 24-29 The role of religion in these crisis times and the relationship of the world crisis to religious ideas will be studied by more than 200 rabbis who will gather in Atlantic City, June 24 to June 29, for the 52 annual meet- ing of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. The "release time" plan for relig...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 3

…American lavish Periodical Coder June 20, 1941 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Zionist Youth Council Urges Formation of Armed Jewish Force to Defend Palestine At a public rally held at Cen- strengthening the morale of Jews tral High School on Wednesday evening, an enthusiastic audience pressed confidence that a better of approximately 300 adopted a resolution urging the formation world will emerge out of the conflict for Jews and ex- ...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 4

…4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Detroit Jewish Chronicle and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. J \COB H. SCHAkiNE Presider Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post- office at Dutioit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Genera! Offices and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave. Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Subscription in Advance JACOB MARGOLIS PHILIP SLO...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 5

…America Yetvisk Periodical eater Purely Commentary Wake Up, America PM, the fighting New York daily newspaper, on June 12 devoted 13 of its 32 pages to an expose of the Fascist front in New York and to a demand for a Congressional investigation of the horrible conditions which mark the spread of Fascist and anti-Semitic activities. The expose of PM, the existing conditions re- vealed in its revelations, the plain-spoken state- ment of facts...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 6

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Mordecai, English Artist, Dead at 89 LONDON. (JPS)—Joseph Mor- decai, painter, whose portrait of King Edward VII now hangs in St. James' Palace, died here at the age of 89. For Sale—Apartment Property Deflated Depression Prices Lowest in 25 years. No worry no matter what hap- pens. Get in now a step ahead of the boom. Only 10% to 15% down small 4 1A% 15 yr. terms. Rely on our Facts & Figure...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 7

…AAverkait 9ewisI Periodical earter. DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE June 20, 1941 Freezing Order Hits Bund NEW YORK. (JPS)—The gov- ernment order freezing Axis funds also applies to the funds of the German-American Bund. Sw Ito - Golf - Ride - flay Tennis floating - Badminton - Fishing Kosher Food Outside Room for descriptive folder T-8 write H. SHOPSOWITZ 295 Spadina Ave., Toronto. Canada SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. FIDELIMIN'S 1 "where vacation dr...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 8

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle June Brides June 20, loll J. N. F. Auxiliary BNAI BRITH (Continued from Page One) Names Committees inces have already registered for The Ladies' Auxiliary of the what is expected to be the most Jewish National Fund closed the important and far reaching con- vention in Bind Brith's 90 years season with a large gathering in of service in this part of the country. Meeting simultaneously wil...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 9

…A merica ffewisk Periodical Cotter June 20, 1941 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 9 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Zionist Election Inter-American Parley to Be Held Meeting on Monday In Washington; Congress Movement Has Sympathy of State Department Officers for the ensuing year delegates to the annual con- Assurances Received That Poland of Future Will Not and vention of the Zionist Organiza- Tolerate Anti-Semitism ...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 10

…June 20, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY . . One of the most attractive so- cial events of the season was the luncheon given for 90 guests by Mrs. Anthony Deutsch of Pen- nington Drive at the Book Cadil- lac Hotel last Saturday in honor of her future daughter-in-law, Miss Vivian Nussbaum. Bridge games followed the luncheon. The marriage of Miss Nussbaum to Dr. William L. Deutsch will be an...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 11

…A merica Sewish Periodical Cotter June 20, 1941 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 11 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle • ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES THE FOUR FOUR-LETTERED WORDS FOR FREEDOM IN HEBREW GROSSMAN - SMITH Before a background of palms By RABBI MOSES FISCHER and candelebra, Beatrice Smith became the bride of Burton I. The elucidation and definition bodying its essence and impera- Grossman of Chicago, last Sun- of ...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 12

…12 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Officers Elected by the Hebrew School P. T. A. at Central LASALLE Window Shade Co. The Central High School Unit of the United Hebrew Schools Parent Teacher Association has been organized at a meeting held recently at Central High. The following were elected officers: President, Mrs. Samuel Gaull; secretary, Mrs. Rudolph Shulman; executive committee, Harold IVein- garden, Samuel Weisman, ...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 13

…Aid away. June 20, 1941 PALESTINE (Continued from Page 1) MIMI • Heads Herzl Lodge "Summer Fun" Registration at the Northwest Of the Bnai Brith Center Draws to a Close Ben Gurion Appeals for Maxi- mum Enlishments 5 38 Bombing Casualties le s. I- s. 1, le as Is Se i- n e 5, .5 n t. though reminiscent, Scenes only on a small scale, of the emergency measures invoked last fall after the Axis raid that cost well over a hundred li...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 14

…June 20, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 14 Pledge Monthly $50 Gift to U. S. 0. A contribution of $50 each month "for the duration of the national defense emergency" has been pledged by the Sisterhood of Temple Israel, 210 W. 91st St., New York, to the United Service Organizations for Na- tional Defense. Mrs. Samuel H. Sternberg, president of the Sisterhood, has advised Mrs. Henry Ittleson, vice- chairman of the U.S.O...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 15

…41Ilerielll fewisk Periodical Carter 4 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO CLASSIFIED Excursion of Branch of J.W.E.W.O. July 2 DAVID HOROWITZ, Teacher- FURNISHED SMALL APART- MENT or flat required for July English, Citizenship, Yiddish, Hebrew and Bar Mitzvah. and August. Call Tyler 7-2944 Reading and writing guaran- Saturday between 7 and 9 teed. Free trial lesson. 1724 p. m. or Sunday between 10 Pingree. Hogarth 3547 or Ty- a. m. and 1...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 16

…Mir li DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 16 June 20. 1941 Dudley Joel, M. P., Missing in use the House floor as a sounding cal party, and both were deeply board to air their anti-Semitic infected with anti-Semitism. Action and pro-Fascist views. He im- Concerning the efforts which (Continued from Page 1) plied that his resolution was (Continued from Pate 1) are now being made in America, LONDON. (JPS)—Dudley Mr. Roosevelt ...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica (wish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle_ SECTION ONE Wide Acclaim Greets Drive Against Syria Pillage of European Jewry Consolidated by Nazis JERUSALEM. — (WNS) — The offensive against Syria by the British and Free French troops was greeted with great enthusiasm by Palestine's Jewish and Arab populations. Jews and Arabs joined in voicing a hope that the Allied...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 2

…A merica 9ewish Period cal Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43. NO. 24 Wide Acclaim Greets Drive Against Syria Pillage of European Jewry Consolidated by Nazis and The Legal Chronicle Jew Beaten; Urges EDELSTEIN'S DEATH BRINGS Assailants' Release WARNING AGAINST PREJUDICE Council for Democracy Tells of Threat to American Unity; Fomenting Group Discord Regarded as Aid to Nazism The d...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 3

…2 bETkOIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle JWO GREAT BEERS 3 June 13, 1941 Plea for Reconstruction of Destroyed London Annual Meeting of Jr. Service Group Girls' Club Under Miss Montague's Direction Re-Elects Keidan Detroit Zionists The shocking news that the to the welfare of the whole. Above Monday, June 23 Jacob L. Keidan was re-elected West Central Girls' Club and Settlement of London, England, was destroyed by Nazi bombs has...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 4

…America (wish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUZ • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO June' Brides For Sale—Apartment Property MAKE A FORTUNE Known conditions in these times make possible highest sales values ill Real Estate history. Get our Facts & Figures: Mr. Bedford. Dexter One of the finest properties on the street. 17 opts 2 stores. Colored tile entrance. Carpet stairs halls. Tiled baths showers. New stoves. Vac steam. Rent $9500. Only $7500 down ...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 5

…. 4 r r414 .4 • .4" 44-.2 ' 74" DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Detroit Jewish Chronicle and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ?ublished Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. J \COB H. SCHAKNE Preuidsa Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the PoSt- office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. , Genera! Offices and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave. Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Subscripti...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 6

…A merica lewish Periodical &ter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Purely Commentary • Herzl and the Kaiser The death of the former Kaiser revives inter- est in significant historical occurrences in which the head of the House of Hohenzollern Played a part. Affecting Jews, one of the most inter- esting episodes rotates around the interview the Kaiser granted Dr. Herzl, founder of the mod- ern Zionist movement. The interview is recorded ...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 7

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Dr. Seltzer to Study Defense Financing Prof. Lawrence H. Seltzer of the Wayne University economics department has been appointed a member of the directing committee of a special study of defense fin- ancing to be undertaken this sum- mer in Washington and New York City under the auspices of the privately endowed National Bu- reau of Economic Research. Prof. Seltzer returned to Wayne from leave...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 8

…A merican 'elvish Petaled Center. CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO IN THE REALM OF SOCIETY The proprietors of the York- ville Casino, the movie house that shows all the Nazi films in the heart of Manhattan's Nazi On Sunday, June 1, Dr. and center, are two Jews, named Mrs. Max Rosenfeld of 60 Col- Scheinman and Greenberg. lingwood Ave. were hosts to 40 guests who spsent the day at their health farm. TORONTO, CANADA Sn lin - Golf - (ti d...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 9

…8 ' DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Open Meeting of League of Jewish Youth on June 19 The League of Detroit Jewish Youth will hold an open meeting on June 19, at 8:30 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center, Wood- ward at Holbrook. The League is composed of 18 major Jewish youth groups in the community and has enlisted among others the al DEFEND YOUR NOME,700 m CLEAN •11111111GS• sponsorship of the Jewish Wel- fare Fede...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 10

…C — 2 aim lavish Periodical Cotter (Continued from Page 1) that the Nazis would cry the President is being driven to war by a Jewish clique, the sh-sh-sh- ers would like Rosenman to re- move himself from the picture. Apparently, according to these people, a Jew is no longer en- titled to friends or to opinions. If Justice Rosenman hasn't proved his staunch Americanism, what Jew in America can? 9 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chro...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 11

…10 June 13, 1'01 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY . Mrs. Ernest Freshman and daughter, Ellen, of Oneida, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Freshman's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mar- golis of Sturtevant Ave. Dr. Freshman and daughter, Ann, who also visited here, left for home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Landau of 3261 Webb Ave. announce the graduation of their daughter, Jean, from Wayne University,...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 12

…America/I (wish periodical CeHter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE June 13, 1941 • ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Miss Evelyn Kahn, daughter of Mrs. Lena Kahn of 17140 Hartwell Ave., and the late Morris Kahn, to Theodore Robert Spitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Spitz. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feldman of Calvert Ave. announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillyan, to Leonard Borin, son of Mr. and Mr...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 13

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 12 REFERENDUM ver, it was agreed to transfer decision to the "member agencies" of the Council. Inadvertently, it (Continued from Page One) was called a referendum. No pro- cedure was worked out, however. At the time, the Joint Distribu- There was no consideration given tion Committee and the United to the question of who would have Palestine Appeal had dissolved the i form of United Jewish Ap...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 14

…t;; i June 13, 1941 BILLIKOPF (Continued from Page One) DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Trees Planted in Palestine Forests no doubt be authorized. Two of The Jewish National Fund the ablest professors of the Council of Detroit announces the Graduate Faculty have received planting of trees in Palestine grants from another Foundation forests as follows: to enable them to make a five In the Fred M. Buts.el Forest : months' ...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 15

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 14 Dr. Cyril Barker To Conduct Chorus Of 1,000 Saturday Saturday night promises to pro- vide a series of thrills for music lovers when the newly organized national chorus of 1,000 voices and the Detroit Institute Sym- phony present a program for the benefit of the American Red Cross. Spectacular flag effects are planned in connection with the music. Dr. Barker, the conductor, is a Canadian an...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 16

…v iNericalt ,Jewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle June 13. 1941 CLASSIFIED DAVID HOROWITZ, Teacher- FOR RENT - Pleasant room for a young man or parent and English, Citizenship, Yiddish, grown child. Board if desired Hebrew and Bar Mitzvah. Comfortable home. Near Dexter Reading and writing guaran- and Lawton and 14th lines. teed. Free trial lesson. 1724 Townsend 8-9032...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 17

…16 June DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle AO COMBINED APPEAL CONTINUES Jerusalem Chaye THROUGH THE MONTH OF JUNE Olam Institutions Appeal for Funds Support of Local Contributors Urged for European Yeshivoth Individuals who have always supported European Talmudical schools through Meshulochim, are asked to give an amount equal to the total of their annual contri- butions towards the combined ap- peal for Polish-Lithuanian Ye...…

June 06, 1941 • Page Image 1

…a4 meric alt elvish Pedalled Cotter. CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 23 Needy Jews in Holland Aided By Clergymen Nazi Repression Also Cements Friendship of Serbs, Jews STOCKHOLM (WNS)— Cler- gymen in the Nazi-occupied Ne- therlands have been appealing to their congregations to contribute foodstuffs and money to aid Jews made penniless by the Nazi-im- posed anti-Jewish laws, it was ...…

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