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June 20, 1941 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-06-20

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June 20, 1941

DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle


Pledge Monthly
$50 Gift to U. S. 0.

A contribution of $50 each
month "for the duration of the
national defense emergency" has
been pledged by the Sisterhood
of Temple Israel, 210 W. 91st
St., New York, to the United
Service Organizations for Na-
tional Defense.
Mrs. Samuel H. Sternberg,
president of the Sisterhood, has
advised Mrs. Henry Ittleson, vice-
chairman of the U.S.O.'s New
York City Women's Division, of
the pledge, made in a resolution
adopted at a special meeting of
the group.

Miss Muriel Margareten
Engaged to Marry

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Margareten
have announced the engagement of
their daughter, Muriel, to Good-
win Nussbaum of Rochester, N. Y.
The 21-year-old bride-to-be is a
graduate of Columbia University,
and is actively engaged in philan-

Schiff Gives $10,000 to U.S.O.

000 gift to the United Service
NEW YORK. (JPS)—A $10,-
Organizaztions' $10,765,000 cam-
paign has been announced by
John M. Schiff, campaign vice

Julius Friedenwald
Dies in Baltimore

Julius Friedenwald, 74, professor
emeritus of Gastro-enterology at
the University of Maryland Madi-
cal School, died here on June 9.
Dr. Friedenwald was the son
of the late Dr. Aaron Frieden-
wald and brother of Dr. Harry
Friedenwald, who was for many
years president of the Zionist Or-
ganization of America. Dr. Fried-
enwald was a trustee of the In-
stitute of Advanced Study at
Princeton University, which was
founded by his cousin, Louis Bann-


thropic work in New York. She
is a grand-daughter of Regina
Margareten, the Matzoh-Queen of
America. Her father is the vice-
president of the Horowitz-Margar-
eten firm, and is active as direc-
tor in many organizations such as
the Yeshiva College, Mizrachi and
Mr. Nussbaum, who owns a de-
partment store in Rochester, is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harris
Nussbaum of that city.
The wedding will take place on
July 8, in New York. The couple
will reside in Rochester.

• Detroit's Newest and Most Unique


Dance to the tantalizing music of


and hie
Outstanding American Band

Casino Dancers—
Free Rumba and Conga Lessons

Be entertained by the




the greatest singing trio ever to
entertain Detroit's night life
Songs by renowned favorites


Betty Barr, Jean Brown



Elizabeth at Witherell, One Block East of Woodward

grinnell's Sale of Festival Pianos



News Brevities

U. of M. Members of
BiCur Cholem Jrs.
Moonlight June 29 Hillel Give $1350 t o
Jewish Appeal
The annual moonlight excur-

New York Jews can now
have kosher, pareve chow mein
sent out by a Chinese kitchen sion of the Bicur Cholem Juniors
supervised by an orthodox will be held on Sunday evening,
rabbi . . . Molly Picon, stage June 29.
and screen actress in Yiddish
The boat will leave from the
and English, adopted a 9- foot of Woodward Ave. at 9
year-old Czech Jewish boy in
an English sanctuary . .
Rabbi Chaim Kruger, formerly
of Brussels, arrived safely in
make sure they did not con-
had cut through his tefillin to
the U. S. after Nazi soldiers
tain anti-Nazi propaganda ...
The Jewish labor unions re-
port a wholesale return in
sentiment to old - fashioned
democratic Socialism . . . A
new synagogue was opened
recently in Shanghai for the
permanent community; four
weddings were celebrated the
first day . . . Rabbi Isaac
Halevi Herzog, Chief Rabbi
of Palestine, has arrived
safely home after a voyage
from America by way of
South Africa.

University of Michigan Mai
Brith Hillel Foundation men.bers
have contributed $1350 to the
United Jewish Appeal, it
nounced this week by Raid,, Je-
hudah Cohen, director of the Foun.
dation. The contribution of foun-
dation members was given in con-
nection with the Ann Arbor aarn.
paign in which a total of S , !250,
93 per cent of the established 'goal,
was raised. -
Dr. Jacob Sacks, member of the
Universiyt of Michigan faculty,
served as general chairman of
the Ann Arbor campaign, as,isted
by Osias Zwerdling, in charge of PP
community solicitation.
Student solicitation was under
the supervision of Jerome Gross-
man of Kansas City, Mo. He was
assisted by the following soh-di.
vision chairmen: Myron Gins of
Cleveland, fraternities; Anita
Newblatt of Flint, sororities; Da-
vid Crohn of Detroit and Robert
Warner of Newark, independent
men; Jean Tenofsky of Goshen,
Ind. and Sylvia Forman of Al-
bion, N. Y., independent women,
Irving Zeigler, student director
Announce Staff
of the Foundation, in presenting
his final report for the school
For Council Camp
year pointed out that Jewish stu-
dents at the University of Alichi-
Miss Florence Davidson, direc- p. m. and the excursionists will gan this year contributed the
tor, has announced her staff for be taken on a Lake St. Clair equivalent of $4600 to various
Jewish welfare activities. In ad-
Council Camp near Jeddo, Mich., cruise.
George Kavanagh and his or- dition to the contribution made to
which will open for the season
chestra will be featured on the the U. J. A., contributions amount-
on June 29. Camp Jeddo is spon-
ing to the equivalent of $3150.00 .
sored by Detroit Section, Na-
made to the Student Refu- •
tional Council of Jewish Women. • . tevant Ave., is the chairman in gee Campaign, and more than
Miss Evelyn Mossmond will di- charge of arrangements.
$100 has been sent to the Jewish
rect music and dramatics. Miss
National Fund through the efforts
of Avukah, student Zionist organ-
Frances Cohn, formerly on the
staff of the Fresh Air Camp, Minkoff Secretary
A highlight of the year was the
will have charge of evening pro-
Of Jewish Council receipt of a contribution for the
grams, riding, swimming and
Student Refugee Campaign from
boating. Arts and crafts will be
NEW YORK (JPS) — Isaiah the Michigan Christian Founda-
under the direction of Miss Janet
Minkoff of New York City has tion, affiliated with the Disciples
appointed executive secretary of Christ. Together with the con-
Interesting programs in mod- been
of the General Jewish Council, tribution came a letter signed by
ern dance and sketching will he according to an announcement 14 Christian students. A portion
led by Miss Reshella Simons, stu- made by Edgar J. Kaufman, of the letter read:
dent at Cranbrook Art Academy chairman of the Council.
"For several months a group of
and memberof the New Dance
Minkoff has for many years been us have been meeting at the Dis-
active in the Jewish labor move- ciples Guild House each Wednes-
Murray Korngold will direct ment. He was for six years execu- day for a self-denial luncheon,
"We have had a five cent lunch
the camp newspaper and arrange tive secretary of the Jewish Labor
discussion groups in addition to Committee, a constituent organ- and the difference between that
his work as leader of indoor ization of the General Jewish and what we should ordinarily
Council. He is a graduate of the spend for our lunch has been
games and evening programs.
shared with our less fortunate
University of California.
Juliuc Chajes, composer, pian-
fellow students.
ist and music director at the
"We deeply appreciate the sig-
Jewish Community Center, and
An unveiling of a monument nificant work that is being done
Miss Marguerite Kozenn, opera in memory of Norman Helpert by the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda-
soprano, will be guests at camp will take place on Sunday, June tion for refugee students, and we
for two weeks and will present
want to have at least this small
a concert as a special camp fea- 29, at 3 p. m. at Clover Hill share in this service."
Park Cemetery. Relatives and
friends are invited.
Mrs. B. I. Rosenberg Elect
From June 29 through July
13 camp is reserved for girls
ed President of Saginaw
from 14 through 17. These camp- week. Week-end campers of the
Auxiliary for 25th Term
ers will pay $12 per week. Young
women from 18 through 30 will
A 25th term as president of
be accommodated from July 13 modated throughout the season. Bnai Israel Congregation La-
Registration may be made at dies' Auxiliary was voted to Mrs.
through Aug. 10. From Aug. 10
through Aug. 31, camp will be the Jewish Community Center Benjamin I. Rosenberg in the
open to young women from 18 week-days until 9 p. m., and Sun- annual election. Other officers.
to 30 and young men from 21 days until 4 p. m. Detailed in- all re-elected, are: Vice presi-
through 35. The fee for campers formation may be obtained by dent, Mrs. Edward Cosen; secre-
over 18 years of age is $15 per calling George Rubin, registrar, tary, Mrs. Max J. Scharf; treas-
Ma. 8400.
urer, Mrs. George Bloomfield.
Mrs. J. Brenner was named ac-
Famous Trademark Comes to Life in the Form of Four tivities chairman for 1041-42.
and Mrs. Ben Hoffman program
Attractive Sales Girls
chairman. After the election, a
luncheon in honor of Mrs. Rosen-
berg was attended by about 40
auxiliary members. Airs. Charles
Goldstein, assisted by Mrs. Lou-
ise Rosoff, Mrs. Abraham Dater
and Mrs. Edward Cohen, ay
ranged the luncheon.



Picnic of Hebrew Ladies'
being made by Mrs. J. A. Schiff.

A few choke values still

Aid Society Sunday

remain . . . in varied woods

and finishes. See them today!

Classic Console, maple $345 $290
Grinnell Studio, mahog. $295 $255

Encore Grand, mahog. $570 $485
Americana Con., mahog. $325 $295

. . . and other styles in choice of

,4111 1 1 3• 1


1513 21 Woodward Avenue
. . , and Branches


of Grinnell Brothers

Of the Piano Department

Extends an Invitation to His Many Friends to Visit Him at
Where He Can Display to Them the Latest Piano Creations


Drewry's, internationally famous
trademark of a Northwest Moun-
tie Policeman, serves as a uni-
form motiff for Drewry's beverages.
Sales girls are dressed in snappy
red coats, blue breeches, regula-
tion hats and boots. These girls
distribute literature in school
neighborhoods publicizing the

A picnic is planned by th•
Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society for
Sunday, June 22, at Plymouth-
Riverside Park. The committee
is preparing to serve, at a nom-
inal price, a dinner to be cooked
on the grounds. Members and
their families are urged to in-
vite their friends for this all-day
outing. Signs will be posted as
to location of picnic grounds. In
the event of rain, there will b"
a card party at the Dexter-Law -
rence Hall.
The concluding meeting of tin'
organization will be in the form
of It luncheon to be held on
Wednesday, June 25, at the
"Mountie Club" sponsored by Dexter-Lawrence Hall. Plans art'
Drewrys Dry Ginger Ale, U.S.A., with Mrs. Sam Berkowitz
Inc., Detroit. Each "Mountie" misting her.
girl also calls upon the retail
trade and takes orders for the GUNZBOURG CONCERT ON
complete line of Drewry* soft
drink beverages.
Mark Gunzbourg will play a
Livingstone, Porter, Hicks Is In program of music for piano on
charge of this national frisrelin- Thursday, June 26, at 8:30 p. m.,
diming promotion and all verti N iti g, lit 441) W. Ferry Ave.

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