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April 28, 1939 • Page Image 1

…Uteri= elvish Papal! Cada CLIME AYENUE • ascumsn 10, OHIO Newspaper Printed The Only Anglo-Jewish All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS In Michigan filtbETROIT EWISII BRONICLE f THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Telepl one C'A DII LAC I -0 and DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939 VOL. XL NO. 49 Per Year, $3.00: Per Copy, 1 0 Cents Two Distinguished CONGRESS URGED OPPOSE EXPULSION The President's Tribute Stage Set for Official Ope...…

April 28, 1939 • Page Image 2

…April 28, 1939 PIEVEIROIVEW18,1104:13111C1B mad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt RABBI II. Z. GORDON CALLED BY DEATH Center Holds Annual Meeting; Meyers State Synagogue Re-Elected President Conclave Headed by Isadore Cohen The fifth annual meeting of young women, sponsored by the Like Good Food? then you'll enjoy kl Ot‘ 1c2:114 ar eating at the Jewish Community Center Detroit Sec...…

April 28, 1939 • Page Image 3

…•Arai= Yegisk Pcriodfral Oder 939 minor; ATENUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO rnsikmorr EinsiaN .7. lite lj< e GA outoNic A nil 28, 1939 O SE EXPULSION CLASSIFIED ; OPP OF REFUGEES FROM • PALESTINE SHORES LET, MAKE THESE IMPROVEMENTS WEVE BEEN TALKING O LONG ABOUT" iS oe S 2.3 AND THERE'S NO TIME TO LOSE" The Federal Housing Act has made it possible for thousands of Detroit home owners to make improveMents. It provides the lower cost — ...…

April 28, 1939 • Page Image 4

…riftVerRorriEwksii (Roliaz April 28, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PEDLTROIVEIVIS/1 &RON ICL Festival of Scholars and THF. LEGAL CHRONICLE Lag b'Omer, the thirty-third day in the period of the counting of the Omer, is ruls11.1.4 Weekly Isy The Jewleh Cliovadrie PahWhims C., Ma. traditionally celebrated by Jews as the Pater.. lletood-slur matter March I, 11111, at the Post- Festival of the Scholars. That day marked office .t Detroit, Mich....…

April 28, 1939 • Page Image 5

…Amerfralt Avisk Periodical Carta 1 3 9 Ineme 30 dress I 30, itzair pre- the at poced inian rnatic de. g the 'meat rela- stion. be by :inian asho. years world tzair. well voted cause ialutz hiu is is in- IR', In estine nonce mem- Id at High )wen, ening )AY os in Ty to May ay 1, Philo- II in- horus abers. ellist, lebra- rown, years tional I) in :berg, the :salon Na- eague oneer )onim mon- Jew- ;e of :le y7 e De- fortis, May ottish...…

April 28, 1939 • Page Image 6

…j cl) emotTlaun (11Rozna4 rAGE SIX April 28, 1939 end THE LEGAL CHRONICLE YOUR FURS? Wherever they were purchased your furs deserve the best care. • Let us repair, remodel, clean your furs by our expert workmanship. IT WILL PAY YOU TO STORE YOUR FUR COAT WITH & Kozin Michigan's Finest Wholesale Fur Manufacturers INSURED AGAINST ALL HAZARDS • :1.'" Mother's Day Event of Sisters of Zion Mizrachi on May 14 Mother's Day will be cele-...…

April 28, 1939 • Page Image 7

…'America lavish Periodical Cotter 1939 CLUTCH MINUS • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 7hc&latog/Emsn (0 mmum . April 28, 1939 Sie Children's Home Auxiliary's Annual Meeting Wednesday call RA 6400... e • ae.k.Uen MRS. SAMUEL KAVANAU t t of officers nominated for the suing year, and election of leers will take place. EXPERT FURRIER The summary of the Auxili- y's activities for the year will given by chairmen and of- ers in annual reports. Henry...…

April 28, 1939 • Page Image 8

…MEDerRorr,frwuriffiRoxIGUS April 28, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE STAGE SET FOR OFFICIAL OPENING OF ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN AT DINNER AT STATLER SUNDAY EVENING, MAY 7 (cos:1%1,mm t'11(131 PAGE I) problems of Jewry throughout ciples of democracy and tolerance, the world, Dr. Arie has long Father Kernan has in recent studied the situation of the Jews months been one of the most vig- in European lands and several orous spokesmen for religious...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 1

…[maim ,fewisk Palatial Cady All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS cancliinari 30, OHIO 7 The Only Anglo-Jewish , 4111 In Michigan Newspaper Printed Telephone CADILLAC 1-0-4.0 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1939 _ VOL. XL NO. 48 Per Year. $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents PALESTINE UPBUILDING DECLARED FIRST LADY GETS THE EXCEPTION---AND THE RULE 1FRANCE MOBILIZES Pre-Campaign Divisions Commence BADGE A...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 2

…PEPerRortinasnaRceacul ■ and POINT WITH PRIDE TO YOUR STEINWAY MADE TO LAST GENERATIONS The Pianino $550 To conserve space and yet offer the finest Piano is the purpose of this splendid Steinway Pianino. Its beauty of tone and design will be a magnificent life-long com- plement to your home. See the Pianino and arrange to com- mence enjoying it in your home today. Easy Terms. "The Myskol Cease: e/ Michigan" GRINNELL BROS. Home of Sleins...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 3

…a nive fan* Addiad Cotter All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS CLIPTON math • 7 CINCINNATI 20, OHIO .1 The Only Anglo-Jewish ihi In Michigan Newspaper Printed I Ei Telephone CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 , and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 VOL. XL NO. 48 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents PALESTINE UPBUILDING DECLARED FIRST LADY GETS THE EXCEPTION---AND THE RULE FRANCE MOBILIZES Pre-Campaign Divis...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 4

…- - PAGE TWO PfEnLTROIVCIVISR@RONICIA and SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt each THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Hashomer Palestine In Conference--on Great Relief Issues Pageant on April 30 at Northern High MTIF 1111111 , April 21. 1939 RABBI MEYER BERLIN TO ADDRESS YESHIVA BANUET ON APRIL 30 Like Good Food? then you'll enjoy 1. At a meeting of Yeshiva Beth eating Yehuda, held on Monday at the The Hashome...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 5

…imericalt latish Palo Teal awter BUTTON AVENUE EDICINNATI 30, OHIO 7/109criTAfriltunrti Ro ay aaJ • Titx_usAL - Re-Union April 25 of Judaean Alumni PAGE THREE cHRoto cu PALESTINE UPBUILDING DECLARED CLASSIFIED! Pro HISTORIC PROCESS OF NATIONAL EMANCIPATION AT CONFERENCE ; i 7.ntik. Stivrerntisb=ip At Rally, April 25 SAVE YOUR EYES SIM with HEALTH-SITE GLASSES RELIABLE HOUSE HELP. An A. Z. A. membership rally Laundresses, women for ...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 6

…PIEVEIROIXIEWISIIORONICLE L and THE LEGAL. CHRONICLE i Ewi sn Cs1 IE Emorj inz 2 La April 21, 1939 herent wickedness of the Jew. But it was a swell story, for the Jews, by some queer Trees Planted in and THE. LEGAL CHRONICLE kink in their own make-up, have never ►a► gahed W eohly the Butzel Forest been able to defend themselves. They are ri.• Jewish Chronicle Pub lishing Meter Metered too individualistic—too hopelessly divided as itesoli ...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 7

…4 nrcrica ffewisk Periodkal eater CLIFTON (WAWA - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO TfitpentorgfemsnffiFIVIICUS April 21, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHNONICLL 1111.1111111alta MICHIGAN SYNAGOGUE CONFERENCE TO MEET I SUNDAY IN ANN ARBOR SCHIFF t.4 MOSKOWITZ KOSHER CATERING CO. IN TI114 NEW K. or (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) P. Ill'ILDINN 114 ERSKINE, Cor. JOHN R Unexcelled Facilities for Weddings, Banquets, Parties, Showers, etc. LAR4.15 KEATING CAPACITY...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 8

…PAGE SIX jitEVErkorr,fonsnalRamcu l a■ el YOUR FURS? Wherever they were purchased your furs deserve the best care. Let us repair, remodel, clean your furs by our expert workmanship. IT WILL PAY YOU TO STORE YOUR FUR COAT WITH Wrimhel & Koziii Mt. Sinai Sponsors Fashion Show and Bridge on Tuesday INSURED AGAINST ALL HAZARDS ,l, ■ "7 :,"" t; Inat i n"" ra' 15 E. Grand River J.N.F. Auxiliary to Dedicate Flags Wednesday Night Plans a...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 9

…Altai= Agrisk Paiodical eater CLIFTON AMOR - cutottotan 10, OHIO 1 EXPERT FURRIER Quality Furs, from the most luxurious to the most modest, in a generous array of current fashion trends . . . PHONE: TRinity 2-0629 Weddings Charles K. Harris & Company CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1821 PENOBSCOT BLDG. 2 CA. 3338 3 3 MRS. DANIEL SIEGEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 This Summer – Send Your Son to...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 10

…'AGE SIX 14E1hrimogfinasn1 ltamail Mt. Sinai Sponsors Fashion Show and Bridge on Tuesday J.N.F. Auxiliary to Dedicate Flags Wednesday Night I Plans are completed for the paid-up me mbershi p, desert- bridge, mah-jong and fashion• show to be held in the Fountain Ball Room of the Masonic Tern-1 At a recent board meeting, Mrs. Philip Slomovitz reported favorably on the progress of the semi-annual box collections, which started April 6. Since...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 11

…(maim 5cwisk Periodical Carter currox Amax • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO 11)EritorriEwisnomprocug April 21, 1939 FURS OF DISTINCTION • ,••• s ;NM ' PAGE SEVEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE les s • eett) eilest. EXPERT FURRIER Was Established for 30 Years in Berlin and Paris! Qualify Furs, from the most luxurious to the most modest, . . . in a generous array of current fashion trends PHONE: TRinity 2.0629 9150-12TH ST., cor. ATKINSON Next Doe...…

April 21, 1939 • Page Image 12

…R LTROr PRE-CAMPAIGN DIVISIONS COMMENCE SOLICITATIONS FOR ALLIED DRIVE; STIRRED BY INCREASING TRAGEDIES (CONCLUDED PROM PAGE ONE) 1115 R0741 A ril 21, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRONIC' s Boycott Council Calls Conference YIDDISH MAKES ITS MARK (CONCLUDED FROG( PAGID oNat A national conference to in- Valley," an April publication, tensify the Anti-Nazi Boycott Sholem Asch's "Three Novels" throughout the United States has were published by G....…

April 14, 1939 • Page Image 1

…meriealr ffewish Perksical Cotter CLIPTON AVINU1 • CINCUIRULTI 30, OHIO The Only Anglo-Jewish Ail Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS Newspaper Printed TELEPHONE 11-EbETROIT LWISI1 and CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1939 VOL. XL NO. 47 LARGE DELEGATION Christians Condemn Anti-Semitism JEWISH SITUATION MAY BE IMPAIRED FROM DETROIT AT BY 'SURPLUS' TALK J. N. F. CONCLAVE Hadassah Regio...…

April 14, 1939 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO PIEVEMOITIOVISfl &MIME April 14, 1939 a04 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE LAS. Youth Group Dance to Be May 7 SHIRTS No matter what you pay, eat% no laundry can launder a finer shirt WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 14 lbs. Damp Wash 79c Flat Pieces carefully ironed Additional Pounds 514e lb. A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE 14 16s. Flatwork All Finished 79c THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service c Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Ne...…

April 14, 1939 • Page Image 3

…Imam fravisk Periodical! eater CLIFTON MAUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO MS/1 RON1 DR. WEIZMANN IN CONFERENCE WITH PREMIER OF EGYPT tomerftuDEn mom PAGE ONKI should have been any consulta- tion with Jews before publication of the report Mr. Williams then asked whether the Colonial Secretary did not think that if Palestine had been promised to the Arabs the Hedjas delegation would have de- manded its independence at the Peace Conference. Mr. Mac...…

April 14, 1939 • Page Image 4

…'/ifEl)EntorTIEwisii Rmic,LE April 14, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE WiEDLTROIVEWiSii and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Prejudice in Universities JR. SERVICE GROUP TO AID CAMPAIGN PURELY COMMENTARY JUNIOR ZIONISTS TO HEAR ADDRESS BY RABBI ADLER Unwritten laws aimed at restricting Jew- ► ed Weekly hp The Amish C ► reakla PI ► 11•Idall C.. Ise, ish students in universities and limiting the By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ number of Jewish professors on f...…

April 14, 1939 • Page Image 5

…frirericam 'with Periodical eater CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 10, OHIO 7ttElignizonlEinsn(APIMICU5 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE April 14, 1939 SCHIFF 1 MOSKOWITZ KOSHER CATERING CO. IN THE NEW K. OF P. BUILDING 114 ERSKINE, Cor. JOHN R Unexcelled Facilities for Wedding., Banquets, Parties, Showers, etc. 2 LARGE HALLS 111111 SKATING CAPACITY OF 450 HACK Smaller Dining Rooms for 50 and en Phone Clifford 2469 — Office: 1937 Gladstone, Tyler 6...…

April 14, 1939 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX iiiEneritorejEwisnalRoxicul April 14, 1 9 3 9 wed THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Y. P. T. C. Presents YOUR FURS?? Wherever they were purchased your furs deserve the best care. IT WILL PAY YOU TO STORE YOUR FUR COAT WITH Wrpibel & Kozin • Opposite Hudson's PLAY GOLF... this vogue for Important color, impor tant leather, here portrayed Mrs. Darvin Fielding (Maxine Mrs. Hattie Finsterwald re- turned from three months' visit Steinberg...…

April 14, 1939 • Page Image 7

…farericaa ffewith Periodical Carter CUPTON - CINCINNATI BO, OHIO PAGE: SEVETi THEPLTROTT, ad April 14, 1939 AFFIANCED INV.Pre EXPERT FURRIER Was Established for 30 Years in Berlin and Paris! Quality Furs, from the most luxurious to the most modest, • . . in a generous array of current fashion trends PHONE: TRinity 2-0629 MO-12TH ST., cor. ATKINSON Next Door to Perwein's MISS EVELYN F. BLOOM Charles K. Harris & Company CERTIFIE...…

April 14, 1939 • Page Image 8

…MEPernotrjensnOROMICIA April 14, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRON CLE POINT WITH ITH PRIDE TO YOUR STEINWAY mi i iriaste.: 41144mtuallmtegthstibeeturegs-ftia MADE TO LAST GENERATIONS The Pianino $550 To conserve space and vet offer the finest piano is the purpose of this Splendid Steinway Pianino. Its beauty of tone and design will be a magnificent life-long corn- 'dement to your home. See the Pianino and arrange to com- mence enjoying it in y...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 1

…v iataicat jarisk Periodical Cater WPM ATINU1 • =CHOW! 20, OHIO The Only Anglo-Jewish All Jewish Newt All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS { Newspaper Printed 49 In Michigan NPETROIT ASR KRONICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1939 VOL. XL NO. 46 TEL EPHONE CAD ILLAC 1 040 PALESTINE MADE The Songs That Are Passover 'PALESTINE PARLEY SUNDAY, APRIL 16, SET AS DATE RETIRED U...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 2

…lif EDerRorr,A-wisn (11Ro74ng PAGE TWO PALESTINE MADE ISSUE IN HITLER SLUR ON BRITAIN SHIRTS No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt • i 4 each WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE D amp lbs. Flat Pieces carefullya ironed Additional Pounds 51X c lb. A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE 14161:Flatwork All Finished 79c 0 il THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service Flat Piece. ■nd Handkerchiefs Neatly Ironed Bath Towe...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 3

…AlmeriaIt Apish periodical Carter CLIFTON AMU& • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO VerRcajovisn Romal and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE April 7, 1939 ~ 1D -T OWN WEBSTER CORNER BAk H•1.1 Far o cocktail and . rendes- a chat vous of quiet charm For tin.r foods and drinks. The longest bar in Michigan. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m including Sunday, and. halide y, Wth. BOESKY'S DEXTER AT COLLINGW000 Famoes for excellent food and liquors •. FROM A CORNED BEEF SAND...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 4

…■ mERETIZOITJEWIS/1 01RONICL and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE neatarned Week!, er The Jam. ► u-sok Pu ► C. Inn by, ea es beemulglarr matter tiare ► s, lila. Panto 111.• Derott Wien.. muter the AM of Mara, I. 18111. C.....ner•I Offices and Publication Bailding 525 Woodward Avenue Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: La.. Oakes CbrOskill 14 Stretford Place, Leedom, W. I, Keglined Subscription. in Advance ........ _...$3.00 Pau Year re tneore p...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 5

…A wed= 'tweak Periodical Carter CLIFTON AMUR • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO plEVErnonlmsn (hamlet" and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE April 7, 1939 Purely Commentary SCHIFF 8 MOSKOWITZ KOSHER CATERING CO. IN THE NEW K. OF P. BUILDING 114 ERSKINE, Cor. JOHN R Unexcelled Facilities for Weddings, Banquets, Parties, Showers, etc. 2 LARGE HALLS KITH SEATING CAPACITY OE 4311 EACH Smaller Dining Rooms for 50 and $4 Phone Clifford 2469 — Office: 1937 Gladstone,...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 6

…7 E9Ernorr,kwun CARO/nail PAGE SIX April 7, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Retraining Tuberculous Patients and professions t a d?: is the function of the Vocational Therapy and Rehabilitation Department of t he National Jewish Hospital at Denver, as part of the Institution's free, nation-wide, non - sectaria ■ service for the tuberculous poor. Greetings RE-CREATING JEWISH PALESTINE How the Exhibits for the World's Fair Palestine Pavili...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 7

…America 'apish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AYVWI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO VIEILETIONigEWLSfi R4RONICiA April 7, 1939 PAGE SEVEN and THE EGAL CHRONICLE Rabbis Bake Matzo Shmurah In Manischewitz Bakery BIBLE COMMENTARY A Joyous Passover to You All! • DRESS for Success The confidence and optimism which comes from being well dressed is today, more than ever, a valuable asset. With new clothes of cheerful Spring tones, tailored in the cu...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT piEDLTRorrintisti OF:oxtail • ed THE LEGAL CHR NICLE Passover' Greetings BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY PASSOVER 90';%. MORTGAGE LOANS HASSETT INVESTMENT CORP. Ray D. Baker U.J.A. — America's Answer to Plight of Jews Abroad CONTRACTING AND ENGINEERING CO. Municipal Work SANFORD D. ADLER, INC. Subdivision Impro•ements, Sewers, Excavations, Water Mains 14555 WYOMING 15440 W. SEVEN MILE ROAD . WE WANT TO BUILD YOUR HOME — Loan...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 9

…64Areniur *with Pedalled Cater, curma AMU& • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO Thogutortipt7snaiRoxia4 April 7, 1939 and THE Hias Re-Elects Abraham Herman $11 Radiator Shields, Enclosures Equipped with Humidifiers Grilles and Registers • NO HEAT LOSS Special Designs for Your Requirements • PRODUCTS for estimates Call Cadillac 87o9 Store Your Furs in Our Certified Cold Storage Vaults 8262 TWELFTH ST. Cor. Virginia Park MAdison 1110 DEPEN...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 10

…• efiemorri fEwisn al RON ICU PAGE TEN April 7, 1939 amid THE-LEGAL CHRONICLE FEINBERG JEWELRY CO. 508 METROPOLITAN BLDG. 33 JOHN R ST. CHERRY 6373.4 PALESTINE PARLEY RESUMED BY ARABS IN CAIRO SESSIONS THE SONGS THAT ARE PASSOVER Prominent Sportsmen at Center's Smoker "I Married a Jew"; Unpleasant Story of an Intermarriage The Jewish Center smoker, the (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) hours and helping generally. Ilia sixth edition of whic...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 11


April 07, 1939 • Page Image 12

…iiicneraorr,larun PAGE TWELVE - ty_ • Distinguished Editor, Schol- 1 ar and Author Dies Detroit's Finest Jewish Funeral Home 11'W-1.4 7739 JOHN R. STREET fi OBITUARY 0 14 U 03 C .< TRinity 2.2114 ,J y o < z oc 0 cc; a« a Rev. Cuts, Jacob Silverman SIIRGICILL MOREL ae Yew? Pirate Ilreemmeeril Phut:r ub ella MORRIS RAISKIN I of 3351 Webb Ave., 61 years. old, died en March 29. Funeral serv- ices were held at Lewis Bros. Fun...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 13

…A merkat ffavisk Paid era! Cater CLUPTON iVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO inEventorigEwisii LAROXICLIS April 7, 1939 PAGE THIRTEENI and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 13 CAPTAINS 40 OVER THE TOP IN CAMPAIGN'S WOMEN'S PROJECT A Greeting of Good Will PASSOVER 1939 Although the final results achieved by the Women's Project of the 1939 Allied Jewish Campaign have not been computed when The Detroit Jewish Chronicle goes to press, 13 captains have reported...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 14

…PAGE FOURTEEN PEPeruorrIEwisnalRcoucu) April 7, 1939 sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Michigan's Finest Wholesale Fur Manufacturers NOW OFFERING Better Fur Coats DIRECT TO TUE, PUBLIC at Tremendous Savings Women's Auxiliary of Bnai Brith Plans Preview for German Refugee Fund SETS MAY 7 AS WEDDING DATE The Women's Auxiliary of Bnai Brith will sponeor a benefit moving picture preview at the Beacon Theater on April 16. Pro- ceeds will be turned...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 15

…America Awisk Periodial Cotter CLIFTON AVENCII • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO AGE FIFT E lkntOTTAIVISA a4ROMICIA .ardl THe LEGAL CHRONICLIF April 7. 1939 .74 74 Expert. in the New Himelloch Salon of Beauty 26 \111 Golub's Concert on Sunday Night . Ruth Brotman's Concert Wednesday Engagements EASTER GLORYI • Miss Ruth Brotman, soprano Solomon Golub, the well known who has appeared as soloist at poet-composer and lieder-singer, Mr. and Mrs...…

April 07, 1939 • Page Image 16

…PAGE SIXTEEN SAYE YOUR EYES with HEALTH-SITE GLASSES for fsowlsetl. Glum Fitton by Mallow t Pscsloso, or Or Doctors el Drowns. IttaltIonot tsar Pro IA. of Allohttoo. MURRAY'S 1119 GRISWOLD ST. Open Evenings Till 9 P. M. LAS ALLE Window Shade Co. Are now located in more spacious, newer quarters. We are better able to serve you i n our new location. WINDOW SHADES Linoleum - Carpeting VENETIAN BLINDS Drapery Hardware Get Our Erna, Erect...…

April 29, 1938 • Page Image 1

…America yonsi Periodical _ &Ada EIMON AMUR (ENCINNATI 20, GIGO THE, ONLY ,ANGLO-JEWISH All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS NEWSPAPER PRINTED Zi , IN MICHIGAN THE ETROIT EWISII UtRONICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. APRIL 29, 1938 Vol. XXXIX No. 49 TELEPHONE CADILLAC 1-040 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy. 10 Cents ROOSEVELT, HULL Demands Made Throughout the Country for MUSSOLINI DENIES 'Unprecedented Mea...…

April 29, 1938 • Page Image 2

…&DLTRorritwisii(imemae PAGE TWO sad YHE, LECAL APPEARS AT POWATAN THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME i Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and Undersells., Fluffed Dried Additional pounds 7c lb. THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE Pounds SHIRTS I e No matter vhat you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt aata I WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 18 lbs. & Sons' CLASSIFIED A. Olender Enlarge Quarters June Havoc, sister of Gyp...…

April 29, 1938 • Page Image 3

…4sericam ,fewish Periodical Leaner 0 . ATIINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE ndsmortinvisti &MICA and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE April 29, 1938 SERVING H IN DETROIT 37% Fresh Air and Council Camps Hebrew and Yiddish Schools Hebrew Free Loan Capital Hospitalization Fund House of Shelter Jewish Community Council Jewish Home for Aged League for Human Rights Jewish Center Supplementation Emergency Relief Refugee Families and Children ...…

April 29, 1938 • Page Image 4

…TimPerRorrjansit ARONICI4 aa41 our flesh and blood. He urged .liberal giv- ing on the part of all Jews, and especially by the wealthy who, he felt, and rightly and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE so, should be able to raise twice the quota Published Weekly ley The Jewish Clem ..Isle TubHAW Ce.,Ise. in the present drive, provided they give according to the wealth they have been Belated as Seeonel-elsat natter March 1, 1111, at the Peet. ranee at Detroit....…

April 29, 1938 • Page Image 5

…14meriam ,farish Paiski71 Cotter CLIFTON ATENUS • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO intnerRorr,/nisnalRONICI4 April 29, 1938 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ANNIS FURS LIBRARY AT EAST GRAND RIVER Unprecedented Measure of Liberality To Allied Jewish Campaign Indicated In Early Responses to Solicitations I ish journalists he is black-listed in (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) Wallace, Henry Weinberg, George Weingarden, Saul Waxman, Mil- ton Wolfe. Radio Program Mon...…

April 29, 1938 • Page Image 6

…1rl BPETROII PAGE SIX aFiOnlatil linetakack Beginning Friday ... JULLIET BENJAMIN WILL ADDRESS TWO HADASSAH RALLIES Corsettes, Girdles Hundreds of better girdles and corsettes (many from famous makers) in fine batiste . . . all elastic or material and elastic sections. Corsettes and girdles for all types of figures. Regularly 10.00 to 20.00. Now 5.00 to 10.00. MISS JULLIET BENJAMIN HIMELHOCH'S—FOURTH FLOOR YOU ARE INVITED TO The Exh...…

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