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March 30, 1945 • Page Image 1

…HE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review VOL 7—NO. 2 • 2114 Penobscot Bldg. RA. 7956 of Jewish Events Detroit 26, Michigan, March 30, 1945 34 • 22 $3.00 Per Year ,Single Copy, 104 —Photo by Herbert S. Sonnenfeld, Courtesy Jewish Education Committee, New York PASSOVER …

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 1

…vimericam Yetvish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle_ VOL. 47, NO. 13 SECTION THREE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1945 First for Freedom By BERNARD POSTAL Because the spirit of freedom and liberty for all is an integral part of the religious and cul- tural tradition of Israel, the Jew- ish people is probably the only one that has converted an his- toric event ...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 2

…Page Two Purely Commentary THE JEWISH NEWS Quotation of the Week "The American stand toward religion in general and toward specific religions applies equally to the various racial stocks which go to make up the American people. "We must realize that no single faith can lay claim to monopolistic possession of religious truth. "We must become conscious of the fact that even with victory over the Nazis we shall still be facing common dangers ...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 2

…page Two DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle INTER-FAITH SEDER Friday, March 30, 1945 Document Written by Maionides About 11 70 WHEN CHRISTIANS READ THE HAGGADAH By RABBI HARRY KAPLAN Director of the Bnai Brith Wile! Foundation at Ohio State University Editor's Note—Third Seders have come to be a rather widespread tradition in the United States but the idea of an inter-faith Seder, attended largely by Christians, who are gu...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 3

…Friday, March 30, 1945 Page THE JEWISH NEWS Jerusalem Urged to Rotate Mayors of Different Faiths High Commissioner of Palestine Proposes Municipality - Solve Complicated Problem by Appointing Jew, Christian, .Moslem Annually JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The Palestine High Commis- sioner has submitted to the municipality of Jerusalem a proposal to solve the complicated problem of the appoint- ment of a mayor acceptable to Jews, Moslems and Christian...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 3

…Americait ffewish Periodical Cotter Friday, March 30, 1945 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal. Chronicle Page Three What's on Your Mind, Betty Dear? really no spiritual connection be- tween you two, or is there a connection which has been tem- porarily obscured by misunder- standings on both sides? (You are a young, intelligent, vivacious American college graduate— do you still feel that your Da...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE JEWISH NEWS ff_s the Editor. T:iews the News - Passover, 5705 Israel Zangwill once declared that— "Since the Exodus freedom has always spoken with a Hebrew accent." As we review the world's experiences during the past decade, this description of Passover assumes new reality. The foundations for liberty and justice for mankind are to be found in the Passover story. First to seek national freedom, under the leadership of Moses...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 4

…Page Four DETROIT JIWISH CHRONICAE and Th. kial Chrtriale Friday, March 30, 1945 A VOICE FROM THE GRAVE NEW LAND FOR EXPANSION us. To be wanted—what a novel experience that is for us. "In Palestine they have had long experience with immigration and pioneering. They are ready to receive us now, at once, in the moment of our deepest need and in vast numbers. Can that be said of any other land? "In Palestine my children will be re-made. The ...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 5

…Friday, Mar• 30, 1'94S THE JEWISH MEWS Jewish Agency, Vaad Leumi Spur Brigade Recruitment Joint Appeal Issued for More Volunteers From Palestine; Statement Declares Jewish Brigade Represents World Jewry at the Front Special By Wire to The Jewish News JERUSALEM, (JTA)—The Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Vaad Leumi on Tuesday issued a joint appeal for more volunteert for the Jewish Brigade, in a statement hailing the announcement of the ...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 5

…A lfieri-cam yewith Periodical Cotter Friday, March 30, 1945 CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Healing the Wounds of War HIAS—A HEART OF MANY HEART THROBS By LARRY BAXTER It was I letter from the Jew- der three flags and about as ish mother of an airman. She ninny concentration camps." wrote: "My son has just com- "Say, that is a story," I said. pleted the allotted quota of 50 "Tell m...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 30, 1945 The Best Kept Secret of The War By PIERRE VAN PAASSEN Condensed from "The Forgotten Ally" published by the Dial Press and reprinted at the request of many readers of The Jewish News and by special arrangement with the publishers. IN the summer of 1942 the situation of the British Army in Egypt was little short of desperate. It had lost more than half its man power and the better part of i...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 6

…Page Six DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Passover Began in November Passover began in November. In that month the National Jew- ish Welfare Board delivered the first cargo of matzoth, sacra- mental wine and Haggadahs for shipment to Jewish soldiers and sailors overseas. Throughout the past months these deliveries have continued to military posts both here and abroad. Today it can safely be said that every one of the half mi...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 30, 1945 Page Sevo Dr. Cyrus Adler: Man to Remember By Prof. Louis Finkelstein President, Jewish Theological Seminary of America The fifth anniversary of the death of Cyrus Adler finds the Jewish people bereaved as never before—mourning the loss of no less than — one - fourth their n U in- ber in t h e d readful% miseries of a h u n dred Lublins; the e s traction of hundreds of sanctuar- ies all over Europe;...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 7

…America "wish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE an The Ina, Chronicle Friday. March 30, 1945 Crops Grown in Tanks Might Meet the Food Red Cross Rescuing Jews From Nazi Camps on Trucks Needs of Palestine and Other Countries A farmer in Palestine prac- t i c e s agriculture intensively. That is, he raises the maximum of crops on a minmnfm of irri- gated acres. Four tons of pota- toes can thus...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE JEWISH NEWS PASSOVE Friday, March 30, 1945 GIFT The Prophet Elijah A Short Story By DAVID MORDECAI T HE BLONDE, slim salesgirl's brow was knit. She stood behind the counter marked "Current Fiction" and stared hard at the customer browsing in the juvenile book department. Somewhere she had seen the youthful-looking, well-groomed and excitingly handsome man before. If only he would look sideways so that she might get a goo...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 8

…Page Eight DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle HELP WANTED - JEWS Friday, March 30, 1945 Children of the Settlementof Ginegar in Palestine CAREERS WITHOUT PREJUDICE By WALTER DUCKAT Shadhan already existed Jewish consumers. T HE in the Middle Ages. There Products prepared for this agencies. Frequently, they w ork on a flat commission basis rang. ing from five to 50 per cent of the intake. Many pious Jews have little tin bo...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 9

…Friday, March 30, 1945 THE A Key as Symbol Dr. Liebman Demands Jews Control Zion immigration Addresses Annual J. N. F. Auxiliary Event Which Netted $45,000 Sum for Land-Redemption in Palestine, to Establish Detroit Nachlah An ordinary door key was used as a symbol to explain the need for a Jewish - Common- wealth in Palestine, with Jewish rights over control of immigra- tion, in the inspiring address de- livered on March 21, at the Masoni...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 9

…Alstericair apish Periodical Carter Friday, March 30, 1945 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Page Nine DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE aid The I. al Chronicle -7- THE SYNAGOGUE ON THE MARCH U.P.A. HELPED DELIVER THEM FROM BONDAGE . By RABBI JOEL S. GEFFEN Associate Director of Field Activities and Community Service of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America A SHORT time ago I listened to an address by Professor Selig Brodetsky, prom...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 30, 1945 Why The Zionists Are Right Jewish youth, many of whom have had academic degrees, turned themselves into stone- F anti-Semitism is breakers and farmers. More re- not new, its nature today is cently, these young men, and unique. There have been anti- even young women, have shown Semitic movements in the world themselves to be equally fine before. Russian pogroms under soldiers, serving with the...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 10

…Pa • Ton DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle SEMITIC SCHOLAR ON CAPITOL HILL Friday, March 30, 1945 CUTS CAKE IN HONOR OF RED ARMY'S BIRTHDAY mythology, I found that many of them were the libretti of pan- tomimes which were acted at great seasonal festivals. Thus they added a very important new chapter to the history of drama, as they afford prototypes of the Greek tragedy and comedy which survive in the modern mystery and mu...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 11

…Friday, March 30, 1945 THE JEWISH NEWS Dr. Carl H. Voss to Address Hadassah Luncheon April 1 Dr. Carl Hermann Voss, ex- ecutive secretary of the Christ- ian Council on Palestine, will address the opening luncheon of sell Wood's Group, are: Mesdames Herman Cohen, Burton Seiden, Jos. Staub, Simon Weisman. Committee chairmen are: rec- ords, Mrs. Lester Hollander; spe- cial gifts, Mrs. Samuel Silver; prospects, Mrs. Sam Shekter. Huntington Woo...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 11

…A merican "apish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 r Friday, March 30, 1945 Par Never. DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The 6961 Chronicle PASSOVER A GUEST DAN HARRIS, LAST SURVIVING JEWISH CIVIL Wi?. VETERAN, DIES AT 99 By M. ILE shouts of the children ligious families, to whom the evening dinner would be just an- darting around the play- T ;round were punctuated now and , 'len by a brief silence as they cored in...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 12

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Twelve A Factual History of Tem le Beth El by 1850 - 1945 IRVING Is KATZ Executive Secretary Temple Beth El On the occasion of the Congregation's 95th Anniversary The Beginning T raditions differ as to the circumstances that led to the forma- tion of Beth El. However, a well authenticated account attributes its organization to Isaac and Sophie Co- zens who came to Detroit from. New York in • 1850 and established...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 12

…Pegs Twelve DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Chaplain Adler Performs Wedding In Philippines Refugees Start Life Over in Palestine Friday March 30, 1945 Capitol Letter W SOMEWHERE IN THE PHI L- ASHINGTON. — The recent a recent statement of Mr. S IPP1NES:—The first Jewish we d- appointment of Earl G. Har- timus to one of his press con- ding solemnized in the liberat ed rison as American representative fercenes, is closely ...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 13

…Friday, March 30, 1945 Good Will in Schools 31iller High School Program Arranged by VITalter Farber Imporfarrf Effort to Create Inter-Cultural Understanding Among Students of All Faiths Includes Passover and Hanukah Assemblies and Exhibits The comparatively high inci- dence of racial bigotry and the recent increase of anti-Semitic, anti-Negro and anti-foreign out- breaks have been alarming. Yet there is a ray of hope in the situation which...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 13

…America', ewish Periodical Cotter Frida March 30, 1945 CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Le al Chronicle MOBILE SYNAGOGUE AMBULANCE AT THE WESTERN FRONT Page Thirteen CAPITOL LETTER (Continued from Page 12) "should quiet the fear of some The photograph shows the first Mobile Rest Center to he provided for the use of Jewish Army Chaplains and for liberated Jewriei-of Europe. Funds for this 81obile Sy...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 14

…' Page 'Fourteen THE J -EWISH NEWS Friday, March 30, 1945 Do the Jews of France Have a IFtature By VICTOR M. B1ENSTOCK death. Thousands of others had to flee, patriots, victims of denunciation and others. The government promul gated an ordinance on Nov. 14 to per mit these peo,ple to repossess their homes. But so many categories of excep- tions were set up—new tenants who could not be dispossessed, such as vic- tims of bombings, those wh...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 14

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page Fourteen GUEST (Continued from Page 11) "What's the matter with us," he said to Mimi, putting his arm around her shoulder and drawing her close. "This is Pesach, not Yom Kippur. Where are the kids. When do we cat? Do I have a I clean shirt?" "One thing at a time," Mimi laughed. "Go in and get washed and let us begin. It's been dark for an hour. If Morrie has to stay clean much longer he...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 15

…Friday, March 30, 1945 THE JEWISH NEWS A Vital Message to You From One of Millions Revisionists Protest Hanging of Martyrs 6.,At4 ItA;Ny t , 11.4.4 ,1 ci ■ *AAA 4,t-t ite. . PA-t41.44, ot-L4,,,,: 44. m.4.4 44,*, -1 .44"-tAAA twow...:c44... do.A4. vt ANiAt .4.44Art. A.w4stit. 1440.5 ' "The death of these young heroes, who went to the gallows with the song `Shema Israel' on their lips, will bring forth a mass protest from world ...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 15

…America elvish Periodical Cotter Friday, March 30, 1945 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Le el Chronicle SCHOLAR JEWISH WOMEN OF THE PATS RECEIVE GAS MASK TRAINING (Continued from Page 1 0) and Shahar, or Sunset and Dawn. The texts contained the lines , ilF rn alien by the reciter." was told that you we re an 't on early Hebrew writ- - "You probably refer to my decipherment of inscriptions, dis- co...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 30, 1945 How Federation Agencies Served Detroit in i 1944 Progress was noted in increas- ed support from membership dues and fees. In 1944 such in- come totaled $51,049, represent- ing an increase of 23 percent above 1943. The year also saw a broadening of the base of con- Service Group, Fresh Air Camp, Free Loan Association, trol and management through National Jewish Welfare Board, One of Six Un...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 16

…" Cotter A mericam Alvah Perak CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle.„, VOL. 41, NO. 13 SECTION TWO DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1945 Passover the Origin of Demodaty Agudath Israel Favors Jewish Commonwealth By DR. SAMUEL BELKIN President of Yeshiva and Yeshiva College r VERY people associates the essence of its national life with certain origins which caused its coming into b...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 17

…Jewish Agency Establishes Palestine 'GI Bill of Rights' $120,000 Drive for Nahum Sokolow Home .10,000 Servicemen and Women Already Registered for Settlement on JNF Land After Demobilization; Rabbi Heller Views Complete Program NEW YORK — A comprehen- sive "GI Bill of Rights" plan for the 35,000 Jewish men and women of Palestine now fight- ing with the British forces has been initiated by the JeWish Agency for Palestine with the registration...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 17

…Friday, March 30, DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page 2 PLAIN TALK I J.D.C. SENDS PASSOVER PACKAGES TO ITALY by AL SEGAL Pharaoh to Hitler OW in this Segal's house the NOW had come to its end and Segal was feeling regretful that it was over; for he had had a very pleasant time of it. Among others, he had had Mae- ian Anderson at his table, in a way of speaking. She was there on a phonograph record, singing "Go Down Mos...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 18

…Page Eighteen THE JEWISH NEWS ar and Victory are an expensive business . . Invasion costs money! The call is constant for more More MORE men and materials. Actually, the war right now is at its most criti- cal stage—which is just why our men need YOUR support as never before, why they need your help to pay for- the mass of materials of all kinds that Friday, March 30, 1945 KEEP ON BACKING THE ATTACK! Schane Upholstering Co. Modern...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 18

…Axericam ,7ewish Periodical Cotter Friday March 30, 1946 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Pair Throe The Stranger of Mount Carmel - Remarkable Story of Solomon Wolff, a Refugee From Germany, Who Bequeathed a Huge Fortune to the Jewish National Fund By HARRY LEVIN "A fortune of about $4,000,000 in Palestine and very large properties in Europe has been bequeathed to the Jewish Nation...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 19

…Friday, March 30, 1945 THE JEWISH NEWS Concluding Gewerkshaf ten Rally Thursday Evening Meeting on April 5 at Lachar's; Preparations Completed for Closing Event of Campaign at Cass High School on April 8; Brickner, Zuckerman to Speak sm:F;T: Temple Beth El's Book Reveals First Cemetery U.S. Attitude on An interesting bit of Jewish history in Detroit is recalled in an article in the Bulletin of Temple, Beth El on "Our First Cemetery," by I...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 19

…P6911 Four DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle PASSOVER (Continued from Pegs 1) Israel will not be delivered from Egyptian bondage until they will slaughter the idols of the Egyp- tians in their sight, so that the Egyptians shall see that their gods are nothing else but weak animals." The Jews thereupon took lambs and tied them to their bed posts. When the Egyptians saw this they became frightened. When Moses began to prepare...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 20

…Friday, March • 30, Ma THE JEWISH NEWS Pagt Twenty -But Her Daddy's Still in the Fight, and the War Bonds You Bought Back in the Days of Pearl Harbor are Still Needed in the Fight, Too - for Victory! DEMEMBER this touching picture of a little girl's farewell to her war-bound daddy? Appearing shoitly after Pearl Harbor, it touched the hearts of millions of _Americans and helped to launch the greatest voluntary savings program in all histoiy...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 20

…5 Friday, March 30, 1945 the , vhich also re- Holy • '.1;Ypt only they nei- ques- start pro- trust and them for DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle _ Page Five How Best to Help the Psycho-Neurotic eteran By ARCHIE H. GREENBERG National Commander, Jewish War Veterans c Describes Returned Soldier With more than 400,000 men already discharged from the armed services for psychiatric conditions, and this group being augmented...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 21

…Friday, MarcP 30, 1945 THE JEWISH NEWS Lt. Rosenblum, Missing on Mission, Safe; 2 Brothers with Third Army Sgt. Rosenblum Lt. Ko senblu_m Pfc. Rosenblum Reported missing on Jan. 15 while on a mission over Austria, Lt. Albert Rosenblum, 22, a Lib- erator pilot, is back in action with his unit in Italy. His par- ents, • Mr. and Mrs. David Rosen- blum, 2522 Hazelwood, have heard from him and have also received a communication from the War D...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 21

…Page Six DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Friday, March 30, 1945 THKTHREAT OF POLITICAL ANTI-SEMITISM By ARCHIE H. GREENBERG National Commander, Jewish War Veteran: ! P1' past 15 years Oswald Mosely un- successfully attempted to ride to When the year 1944 is viewed say definitely that 1944 marked power on anti-Semitism, although In retrospect by historians, it the open emergence of political this would-be political opport...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 22

…Page Twenty-Two THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 30, 1945 * This Wartime Message is Sponsored by These Firms in Place of the Traditional Passover Greetings . . Anti an extra one for the potl • Elsey Metal Products Benz Glass Co. 1535 Spruce St. 815 W. Grand Blvd. Enterprise Heat & Power Co. Laucomer & Manser Walter Cytacki, Mgr. Boulevard Bldg. 11315 Jos. Campau Structural Engineers TO. 8-4499 Eastern Poultry Mkt. Co. Eastern...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 22

…Alfieri= 9ewish Periodical Gelder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO li 945 Friday, March 30, 1945 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE anti The Legal Chronicle Page Seven Isaac Leibush Peretz---A Pioneer of Yiddish Literature First- liar. then this hough ■ 11 of 10 in. 11 the men Con- any- )t to Dreju- pur. 1944 loita- uajor e 11 By JOSEPH M. LEVINSON Editor's Note—The Jewish world, beset as it is by trials and tribulations, is preparing...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 23

…Friday, March 30, 1945 THE JEWISH NEWS Girl's Book Describes Ghetto Reveals Her Experiences, Heal and Spectacular Cantor Sonenklar Enlarges His Choir Page Twenty-Three Mizrachi to Open Members' Drive, Hear Rabbi Oshri An enlarged choir is assisting Cantor Jacob H. Sonenklar in H. Leivick should have done can, the two were spared the conducting services during Pass- Temchin Presides at Public a better job with his spectacle, miseries tha...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 23

…friday, Merck 30. 1945 DETROIT JEWISH ZIHRONIGLE and The Legal Chronicle Page Eight I COVE R THE WATERFRONT - By BERNARD KORNBLITH Editor's Note—The author of this article is the Pier Service Supervisor of the Hebrew Sheltering and lmmigant Aid Society. His experience is perhaps more extensive than that of any other American as far as the meeting of ships are concerned. In his special capacity he has met thousands of ships and hundreds of...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 24

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Twenty-Four how sma ave you been Friday, March 30, • 1945 r the pas 3 years • for s. minute, about what's hap- pened to most of is at home in the last three years. Chances are, you've had WI the work you could handle at higher wages than ever before: Inspite of higher taxes and somewhat higher prices, you've netted more hard cash than ever before. You've made more money—you've had less time to spend it—and, for a co...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 24

…Almeria:it apish Periodical Cotter Friday, March 30, 1945 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The legal Chronicle Elijah vs. Moses . By RABBI LEON SPITZ I It is one of those inexplicable (' r toings in Jewish religious symbol- Arm that the Prophet Elijah and not Moishe Rabbenu is the guest of honor at the Passover Seder. Moses remains both in our lit- urgy and our folklore the peren- nial "hero" of the Pesa...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 25

…Friday, March 30, 1945 THE JEWISH NEWS Congregational Activities From to Talk On Weizmann Next Friday "Chaim Weizmann, Scientist, Statesman, Nation-Builder," the book published to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the great Jewish leader, will be the theme of Rabbi Leon Fram's lecture at the Sabbath Eve services of Temple Israel Friday night, April 6, at 8:30, in the Auditor- ium of the Detroit Institute of Arts. The volume was edited by M...…

March 30, 1945 • Page Image 25

…PIA* r Ten :-. Friday, March 30, 1945 ROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Peretz is a little "tendencious," summoned to appear before the have the price of a groshen to because he was not content with - ur Judgment Seat. He trembled pay for it. characterization of "Then you'll pay me later," a simple with fear when he listened to the types. He has also pleaded their (Continued from Page 7) uttered the Rebbe and left. good thing...…

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