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November 24, 1972 • Page Image 1

…r A Variety of Forthcoming Community Functions ZOD Israel Trade Fair Israeli products will be on display and for sale at the Zionist Cultural Center Sat- urday night and all day Sun- day. (Story Page 5.1 The Ransom 'Head Tax' Exposed as Negation to International Principles Technion Celebration Bar-Ilan U. Annual Dinner Bnai Brith Award Banquet Gen. Dan Tolkowsky will address the golden jubilee event honoring Benjamin Wilk Sunday at Con...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary_ By Philip Slomovitz A Salute to Max M. Fisher, Ambassador or as a Piiwate- in the President's Ranks ... Kissinger and•the Speculative News Analysts Max M. Fisher, the President, Recognition of Ability and Friendship The Kissinger Role in American Politics Newsweek speculated again and, in its current issue, discussing probable ambassadorships, stated Let's diagnose without speculating—and let's take a look at the that M...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 3

…TIE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Dm 24, 1172-3 Omega and Hanuka Israel's Efforts at Relations With Saigon Backed by Eban JERUSALEM (JTA) — Is- Israel's intentions to estab- lish diplomatic relations with the South Vietnamese re- gime in Saigon was defended by Foreign Minister Abba Khan. Replying to two agenda motions in the Knesset, Eban said that the establishment of relations with South Viet- nam did not mean that Israel identified itself...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers. Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Assorts. tion. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co.. 17513 W. Nine Mile, Suite 863, Southfield, Mich. 48071. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan ■ and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription in a year. Forei...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 5

…Gera Jewels From Jaffa at ZOD Trade Fair; Art, Food and Clothes to Be Auctioned Hebrew Literature Vol ume to Be Printed CHICAGO (JTA) — The celebrations marking the most comprehensive one-vol- 25th anniversary of Israel. Display of sterling silver fair at which many items will be among the items to ume collection of Hebrew Classifieds Get Quick Results jewelry by Gera of Old City from Israel will be on view be shown by the Israel Stamp liter...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 6

…I/ 1ft N. • .1.11 Brandt's Victory Triumph for German Liberals (Continued from Page 1) I Free Democratic Party, as The reappointment of D r. West German minister for Walter Scheel, leader of the foreign affairs, is taken for lihere i )eop te _Cuff C ome 7,-,..sill Ol(l.S reJettli ) gilk, OLDSMOBILE INC A. Safes • Service on all makes 2E3000 TEL EGPAPr-4 AT TEL-TWELVE MALL 9fluTi-or-rIELO IMICr--.1t_;Anq 48075•34-:1730C THIS HAN...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Nov. 24, 1972 - 7 t Look like a fox while you eat like a horse. The turkey is not the only one to get stuffed Thanksgiving Weekend. So why should it he the only one to get dressed? Which is exactly the reason for our special Thanksgiving Weekend Sale. To give a cunning, attractive creature like you a chance to cut an even more dashing figure. Even While you're shoveling it all in. Come to Osmun's FRIDAY AN...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 8

…Chief Rabbi Goren's Courage Solves 'Outcast' Issue (Continued from Page 11 Goren and his colleague, bill for a year. Goren Sephardic Chief Rabbi asked that time to give him Ovadia Yosef, since their a chance to find halakhic elections last month. Al- (religious law) solutions to ' though he was not consulted problems involving personal by Goren and was out of status. Postponement of the town when the rabbinical Ilausner bill will relieve cour...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . Friday, Nov. 24, 1972-9 We pay the highest rate of interest permitted by Federal Regulations on 2 year deposits of $25 or more Save your money where it will earn the most for you. National Bank of Southfield offers three savings plans, each paying the highest rate of interest permitted by law. No F.D.I.C. insured hank can pay you more. • 3 0/ ▪ 4 kJ 5 1 2 0 /0 4 ' 2 0 / o interest, compounded daily, on 2 year ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 10

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10—Friday, Nov. 24, 1972 ---- ) EI •m osiNie • i•'— ,, \ Delatel C o 76OC, (00(1004 1.14." • I. • Al's 6413143 Poll of Israelis Living Abroad Finds Most Planning to Return By HAIM SHACHTER ditions of work and with the 1970 of the special facilities JERUSALEM — Prelimi- professional standards of and inducements granted by nary findings of an inquiry their employment abroad, as the Israel government to re- among...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 11

…Countdown to Dinner for Technion The 27th annual dinner of the Detroit Chapter, Ameri- can Society for Technion, will be held 6 p.m. Sunday at Cong. Shaarey Zedek with a special tribute to one of Technion's founders a n d long-time leaders, Benjamin Wilk. The society is honoring him with the establishment of 500 scholarships for Tech- nion students. Dr. Richard C. Hertz of Temple Beth El will present the tribute. Featured speaker will be Brig...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 12

…• Fr- 12—Friday, Nov. 24, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS dia. IL 5112143.1',112.12. Presents PRINCE EDWARD 3 4 Coat with Matching Pants in Colors and Velvet • Italian Volore Boots • Colored Shirts • Format Knit Shirts • Bell Bottoms • Flares Community-wide interest in 1 the progress registered at Bar-Ilan University in Israel is contributing to the re- sponses to invitations to the annual dinner of Detroit Friends of Bar-Ilan Univer- sit...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISN NEWS Friday, Nov. 24, 1972-13 There's eintracle of flavor in the cup! Let Maxwell House Coffee say it for you- "HAPPY HANUKKAH!" e Greet your holiday guests with great tasting Maxwell House Coffee. Its superior quality and rich mellow taste are constant and unchanging—always there to cheer and satisfy. Small wonder Maxwell House is such an old, old tradition—for holiday and everyday enjoyment. Like today. How about a ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 14

…14--Friday, Ao0Y. 24, 1972 Musical Skill in ew Recording Uri DETROIT JEWISii NEWS Testimonial 'Memories neealled Julius Chajes' record as a composer has been estab- lished with his many contri- butions to the musical art. That has not detracted his skill as a pianist, and•it is in both roles that he emerges in his new recording as one of lio. , f e s Plan Almost Dee in U.S., Says liar land Governor A book of honor from a testimonial ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 15

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Nov. 24, 1972-15 JTA Under .N ovosti Attack j Tzvi Recordings Tap es Bar Mitzs a Tzvi Recordings has intro- I teed for normal use. For in- • forniation, w rite Tzvi Re- Bar Mitzva let_sons, Umbrella Agency of Family Services Set Up NEW YORK (JTA) — The . propaganda and activities in , duced including hrahot and haf- cordings, 2523 Radcliff Ave., he interest of Israel. NEW YORK ∎ JTA) — A dren's Agencies, is ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 16

…Relig ichisly. Neutral" PUblici-Siko011Tractices Urged by AJCongress in Relation to Christmas , 1972 " TRUIYETROIT1EW1SR1VTVIST% W-Frldli, 146v. 24 DEPENDENCE Dependence begets sub- s,r% ience and venality, suf- focates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit took for the ambition.—Thomas designs Of Jefferson. Rairni's Curtains Contract Division Commercial Draperies . the Public Schools Concern- sale classroom relation- ing Religious Hol...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 17

…11 Boris Smolar's Between You ... and Me' Emeritus, (Copyright 1972, JTA JTA `Deliberate Deception' of Jews - for Votes Denied by State Dept. WASHINGTON (JTA) — ton on financial matters, of The State Department Mon- the American attitude. day bitterly denounced as "unwarranted" a newspaper charge that the department last September concocted "a deliberate deception" to in- fluence the Jewish vote in the presidential election. In an edito...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 18

…THE DICIVOCE JEWISH NEWS 18—Friday, Nev. 24, 1972 Drug-Use -1* -Ups-Of ficial Says TEL AVIV (JTA)—Atty. and lead more youngsters to Gen. Meir Shamgar said that sample the drugs. he was alarmed by the in- Shamgar said opium use creasing use of opium and was found among soldiers, Presumes, Oetnel C. other hard drugs by Israeli high school students and even youth but 'would not recom- among grade school children mend an anti-drug advertis- and ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 19

…altrilV! 149 3 I ; ; 111 ) nie There'glitsgTn'a;iim'ile WI . ):ToEcem/PfiliP T Be ■ .VIVA :1;i4epi.ttg6+ TEL AVIV—Traffic inspec- making out a ticket for a car Jewish London Highlights Tour Something New at the Nevele for Rahamim Mizrahi was I that was parked overtime. \,,,464 ■ 46d The MULTI-MILLION DOLLAi C RO IN HOTEL 11 IS Nov KOSHER The car owner was walk- ing to his car at the time and noticed that the inspector had driven up the...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 20

…ZWMI 1421W3L TIOATNI )1Tl •.• ■ •• I Uncle Max the Ilanuka Man? "Is this trip necessary? Are the customs and cere- monies which we now pos- sess so shallow that we need to resort to such methods to carry us through the Christ- mas season, just because Hanuka "comes early" this year, and its effect may have worn off by the time Christ- mas arrives dB% 4, o zz ■ /Z 41(.12i ,re 24,2U. t 124/,!Ae- ta/1 ' , 51 SERVING B'NAI BRITH MEM...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 21

…Jews Are `Free to Leave' Iraqi Diplonuit UNITED NATIONS (JTA) —An Iraqi diplomat assert- ed that Jews were free to leave Iraq whenever they wanted to, and that Israel's anger at Iraqi policy was based on Zionism's refusal TEMPLE ISRAEL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Fram to admit that some Iraqi will speak on "Pilgrimage to Hiroshima." Robert Jews do not want to leave. Schwartz, Bar Mitzva. Services 11 a.m. Saturday. Brian Charges that Jew...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 22

…22 — Friday, Nay. 24, 1972 Rabbi Hayim Donin's 'To Be a Jew' - Impressive Guide to Jewish Contemporary Observance m I Rabbi Ilayim Ilalevy Donin Contemporary Life," that: f ance with established laws, is right in his assertion, in 1"Despite the availability of traditions, the Sabbath, the his preface to his newest an abundance of books on I feasts and fasts, the dietary hook, "To Be a Jew: A Guide Judaism that range from the laws, the dail...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 23

…t ubs ;New Name for Conservative Women's League Approved; Greater Role in Synagogue Ritual Sought SHAAREY ZEDEK SIS- DAVID - HORODOKER TERHOOD will hold Town WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION Hall Series lecture 10 a.m. will meet noon Tuesday at Dec. 6 at the synagogue. Dr. the home of Mrs. Alex Dor- Milton Covensky, professor chen, presiden t, 25639 of history at Wayne State Greenfield, Southfield. Mrs. University. will discuss Jack Friedman will be toa...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 24

…24—Fries, Wm. 24, 1172 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Zedakah to Raise Funds in Style Arrangements have been made by Temple Israel Sig. terhood for its art exhibit and auction to take place 1 p.m. Dec. 10 at the temple. and catalogs Admission will be free, and a work of art will be given away. The auction will be con- ducted by a New Jersey gal. lery. Mrs. Morton Roth, sister• hood president, said original oil paintings, watercolors, Balfour Fete...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 25

…• . s, , Center 7 heater Salutes Ismel With `Milk mid t r bare,/ Gill,' Kil l .' Architect to Tell ,11 r. .1 I i,s,rtla I of World Trip - to AJCongress ire A happy and sentimental musical about a group of tourists in the linty Land, "Milk and Honey" will be presented by Center Theater in celebration of Israel's 25th anniversary Dec. 3-17 at the Jewish Center. Tickets are still on sale at the cashier's office. The Jewish Center board ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 26

…26—Fr(dug, Nov. 24, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, World Leader of the Chabad Lubavitch Movement... Visitors Observe One of the Classes at Study CHANUKAH CHASS ANNOUNCI BUS TRANSPORTATI TO AND FROM FOR DECEMBER S Leaving from Follm 6:30 p.m. Federation Sen 15100 W. Ten NI Oak Park 6:40 p.m. Lubavitcher Cc: 14000 W. Nine Oak Park 6:S0 p.m. Jewish Commuz 18100 Meyers Detroit :141 • Fee: 8...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 27

…A Thought for the Week CONCERT A unique Torah publication, disseminated over the globe to hundreds of thousands of Jews, is written, translated, adapted, printed, published and disseminated from our own Detroit! This publication, the ... "THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK," essays on the weekly 'SIRDA'—tLe Torah-reading, have been translated into Yiddish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Swedish and Spanish. They have also been transposed into braille—bri...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 28

….1•••/.••• ■ ••• AY • IMO/WWI ••• ■ 11••./ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28—Friday, Nov. 24, 1972 NYC's Elderly Jews Are Aided by Service N1-:W YORK .I t.\ -Four four programs 'resolve short- term trammg subsidies. at- progra111, of 1111 . Federation (;indanc .,, ccierated efforts for immedi- ate vile placement and long- Service are in operation 011 a f`r range progralles for those . m j(.1.01incil Arbitration Comittee Fiinctioniii ,, over A J...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 29

…• •••• ww- s-l-fadassah Myrtle Wreaths for 9 Past Presidents PLAZA 7570 COOLEY LAKE RD., UNION LAKE-363-8337 STARTING SUN., NOV. 26th 12 TO 6 P.M. OUR FIRST AREHOUS YORK — The nine first ladies of American Zionism — all past presidents of 'Wassail — were honored last week. Seated (from left) according to their terms office as head of the Women's Zionist Organization of America, they are: Zip Szoid, 928-1930; Rose L. Halprin, 1932-1934, ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30—Friday, Nov. 24, 1972 NEW YORK—A campaign to gather Torah scrolls from synagogues throughout the United States, to be used for Russian Jewish immigrant centers in Israel, has been launched by the Russian Im- migrant Rescue Fund, a voluntary Orthodox Jewish agency dedicated to the spiri- - Creative Party Planning includmg Candy Centerpieces Perwonoli•ed Par t• Favor. In. Ile Lion, and Pert, all neva...inn, Acce....…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 31

…Bikel Urges Jane Fonda Bypass Law Alumni Palestinian Film Festival in Iraq to Pay Tribute 4 • NEW YORK (ITA)—Theo- 'lore Bikel urged actress and peace activist Jane Fonda mot to attend a Palestinian dim festival in Baghdad, be- cause her presence "would Most certainly be construed endorsement of such ob- Scenities as the Munich mas- alacre." ti "Variety reported that Miss Fonda had been invited go the "First World Festival PUBLIC NOTICE A...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 32

…F Flint News munities The Flint Jewish Commu- nity Council's annual dinner meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. Dec. 3 at Cong. Beth Israel when the community will honor the chairmen of the 1972 Flint United Jewish Appeal and Israel Emer- gency Fund Campaign. 3M}WaNa'AMMZSZMi=7 ,7,: .... ,5 Rev. Baak to Speak Rev. David Baak of the First Christian Reformed Church will address the Cong. Beth Israel compara- tive religion class 7 p.m. Dee. 7. T...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 33

…t-v);•? "3E.:) it) tut r >li(I Thank You From Yount' Leader 19nrii(1 ri9rtio0:1 TIORT3O 3HT 'WM Reform Leaders Honor Covitz Board of Governors flint Jewish Community Council Annual Meeting 7:30 p.m. Past presidents of Temple Beth El, on behalf of the Reform Jewish Appeal, honored Lawrence Covitz( sec. and from left) at a recent cocktail party here. Rabbi William Sajowitz (left) of Pittsburgh, former spiritual leader of Temple Beth El...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 34

…T N. tar lch"' `Unauthorized' Memorial to 11 Athletes Irritates Israelis JERUSALEM (JTA) — A memorial plaque for the 11 Israeli Olympic athletes slain by Arab terrorists in Munich Sept. 5, which omits the name of one of the slain Olympians and has a cross instead of the Star of David next to each name, became a new Vary Exciting Ladies Dresses • Outfits Pant Suds and Separates Sizes 6-20 On Salo 30%-70% Off Call 7734261 or 773-1443 ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 35

…PASSPORT PHOTOS 2 fo,s3 95 Papertique !!Nor in the critic let the man be lost." —Alexander Pope 'ERIC ROSENOW and his Continentals 28635 Southfield 357-3266 .::e Service INVITATIONS 20% OFF Entertainment CUSTOM TABLE PADS • HAND-CRAFTED • CUSTOM STYLING PHONE 345-5350 PROMPT DELIVERY MADE IN MICHIGAN UNITED TABLE PAD CO. Our 30th Year EXPECTING OUT OF TOWN GUESTS FOR A WEDDING OR A BAR MITZYA? Cranbrook House Motel...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 36

…• Golda Welcomes' KissInger s Aid but Warns Against Imposed -Deals NEW YORK (JTA)—Pre- mier Golda Meir of Israel invited presidential adviser Henry Kissinger's assistance in getting Middle East peace talks started but warned, in a taped television interview broadcast here Sunday, that Israel would resist any at- tempts by Dr. Kissinger or others to impose a settlement from outside. Appearing on the ABC net- r .. , tet program "Issues and ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 37

…a • • • • LARCO'S Fine Italian-American Cuisine De. m.o.', 1,varearo fa, the • BANQUET FACILITIES Nov. ooto. I The Best of Everything '7BOBBY DARIN PROVED a 1 ynajor point when he opened at the Michigan Palace last ,Friday: . .. Give the people .top-notch entertainment and ',they'll pack a place . . From the moment Bobby ''took the microphone and ;opened with "For Once in My Life" you knew this was a dynamic biggie . . . and this ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 38

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38—Friday, Nov. 24, 1972 Detroit Hilton is great Convention facilities ITALIAN-AMERICAN CAFE • Lunches • Dinners • Cocktails 1 7 432.`tcP-9.w.,1`RD 869-3988 OLYMPl< FLAME 135 W. LAFAYETTE Grand Circus Park (313) 965-7800 CHOP HOUSES CHO HOUSE World Famous Steaks & Chops FOR OVER 50 YEARS BROILED LAMB CHOPS (TWO — 3 RIB CHOPS) FREE Valet Parking-6 pm. 'til Close 963-8484 r 3020 GRAND RIVER Free Parking ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 39

…We are Party Planners . Paling l)oti5t • SWEET SIXTEEN • SHOWERS • WEDDING RECEPTIONS • BAR MITZVAS DOWNTOWN YPSILANTI, MICH. Across from Ypsilanti Savings Bonk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ merman 352-2233 EVERY FRIDAY NOON FASHION SHOW BY BRAYTONS OF ROSEDALE Than 11 a .. to 11 a rn to I a rn Sol S...1 Nee. to 10 a . 1. CARRY-OUT SERVICE lamp. /.c..% to III MI hocor 1, , ort 215 Washinpen IS.•111111..i Royal Ore I . P•rtog • Itaoo 545-2700 JO 4-6688...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 40

…* Movie Guide * BIRMINGHAM I F ;la vip74,-,y11; Marion Brands. Americana Complex I, 11, III Greenfieid Rd, N. of 9 Mile 354S-1414 1SA-3920 AMERICANA I !Dant Kass as Billie Holiday "THE LADY SINGS THE BLUES" AMERICANA II "THE VALACHI PAPERS" (R) The Syndirat.—The sway they lived—the way they died. AMERICANA III "DELIVERANCE" (R) a — Matinee Wed.. Sat. & Son. at Ail Americana. 12 Mile-Coolidge LI 24/330 Station Brando in BERKLEY...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 41

…13—APARTMENTS FOR RENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS QUAD with eye catching quality Bloomfield site. on prime W. Unique self standing fireplace. highlights Family Rm., blUln shelves in library. Rec. Rm. 5 bedrms_ kitchen wfblt.ins and black walnut cabinets, 31/2 baths, inter-com Cent. Air & much, much more. $89,500. ! ate balcony • Private Party Room • T.V. controlled secu- I rity & guards • Laundry and Storage area • Tennis Court CRANBROOK No...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 42

…• 13—APARTMENTS FOR RENT HUNTINGTON WOODS NOW AVAILABLE Northland Areas Most Luxurious 2 Bedrm. — 2 Bath Apartments Al Ceeditioned • All Electric Kitchens • Dishwasher Meat IL Hot Bator • Private Clabbers, • Coliolelely Carpeted Private Carpet Included • Floated Pool Seelloneen at Whitehall's Carniatality Bldg. ephooe 557 - 5338 C. 9511.E it PROVIDENCE DRIVE between Creentreld & SouInfield 2 Itedrrn. GREENFIELD-PURITAN Spacious, all u...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 43

…17—HOMES FOR SALE SUNDAY OPEN car. aped AIR, uble loci $ 1 49,- 500 in 1-5 Dramatic Contemp. Quad with indoor pool, 21/2 acres with stream. 23500 CHERIMOOR 9 Mi. bet. Inkster & Beech off Lake Ravine Dr. $125,000. SYNDER, KINNEY & BENNETT Birmingham MI 4-7000 17—HOUSES FOR SALE THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS HAPPY HOLIDAY BARGAIN Southfield-La bier ergo 4 bedrm. Col. all beautiful 17 — HOUSES FOR SALE large rooms, Family Rm. w/ firepl....…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 44

…THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS SHERWOOD VILLAGE in SOUTHFIELD ONLY 4 LEFT From $36,900 Custom Built Ranches and Colonials Model: 1 /2 blk. E. of Southfield on Lincoln (101/2 Mi.) OPEN SAT. 8. SUN. NOON TILL 6 17 — HOMES FOR SALE POMEROY CO. 358-0033 Realtors NORTH SOUTHFIELD Ass. hi mtge. , bal. with $5.450. 3 B.R. brk. ran., beast. step-dn. fam. rm.. Ige. blt-In kit., fully air cond., heated above-gr. P ool• Immac. Only $29,450. IMMEDIAT...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 45

…is ~ u TWYCKINGHAM VALLEY e lity LAKE PRIVILEGES Sr en- CONTEMPORARY TRI-LEVEL IN BLOOMFIELD livery. MAL. CZ:10101 rib -5359 141 Classic fourbedroans colonial, central air, extra storage throughout, lots of extra features make this have m out- standing value. The lady to your family will enjoy the con- venbent kitchen with extra cabinets and the first floor laundry, large formal dining room family Moto with fire- place, beautiful ...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 46

…chamberlain WEST BLOOMFIELD 30 DAY OCCUPANCY SOUTHFIELD- LATHRUP VILLAGE COLONIAL & CAPE COD OFFICE From $48,990 in picturesque Golf Country Club Estates Model located at 5455 Pocono Drive . Directions: Take Orchard Lake Rd to Walnut Lake Rd. W of Walnut Rd 1 7 10 miles to Greenbrier 6 right on Greenhoar to POCONO. Turn right to model. For details call 682-4558 otter 1 p.m. OWNER TRANSFERRED Gracious 4 bdrm. Southfield colonial. 1s...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 47

…IEWS OAK PARK 15231 NORTHFIELD reS, Modern spacious 3 bed- rm., 2 both ranch w/a most appealing Family Rm., workable dream kitch., CENT. AIR, many extras incl. Priced at $33,700. See this ex- ceptional buy today & judge for yourself. 10 Mile-Greenfield area Beautiful 3 bedrm ranch, lg. paneled rec gas heat, cent. air. See it today. 15211 Pearson Etkin built ranch, 3 bedrm., 2 baths, pan. den, rec rm., cent. oir, gar., priced to sell. A...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 48

…17-HOUSES FOR SALE 48-Friday, Nev. 24, 1972 SOUTHFIELD COLONIALS 29629 EVERETT N. of 12 Mi. Sharp modern 3 bedrm brk ranch, Ige. tam. w bit-ins, air cond., lovely carpeting, drapes, door- wall to enc. patio. Excel!. terms $26,900. 557-2400. Leeds Realty SOUTHFIELD COLONIALS TWYCKINGHAM luxur. spacious 4 bed. C. E. 81.11111m Col. Lge. foyer, Fam. Rm. w/ firepl., 2 1/e baths, Ige. bit-in kit. dinette excel!. carp., drapes. CENT. AIR. Rec...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 49

…THE DET1OIT JEWISH NEWS !la jinn rly fol- ng his is 'tall 1." The which plained process >p, first it. The escape sense ed out eternal ich (or all hu- as the l erstood _en giv- a peo- o their natural of this tecast logy to having cistence or their re than s danc- t along of Ian- gs his le 20th nang e tier the !r has is is so ter the of the hat two of the (Mid- id thus dictions it finds Lion of which of the Psalm age. t this Lion to Dav...…

November 24, 1972 • Page Image 50

…SO—Friday, Nov. 24, 1972 THE DETROIT JEWISN NEWS It's Not Jewish, Nor About Sex Nor About Cook ing, but It's Fun The author recounts his ad- Anyone who has ever tried to raise wolves will under- ventures raising a timber stand why Jack Douglas had wolf in respectable suburban to call his book, "The Jewish- Connecticut. How he and his Japanese Sex and Cook Book Japanese wife Reiko cope and How to Raise Wolves." with the growing wolf family W...…

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