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November 24, 1972 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1972-11-24

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24—Fries, Wm. 24, 1172


Zedakah to Raise Funds in Style

Arrangements have been
made by Temple Israel Sig.
terhood for its art exhibit
and auction to take place 1
p.m. Dec. 10 at the temple.
and catalogs
will be free, and a work of
art will be given away.
The auction will be con-
ducted by a New Jersey gal.
Mrs. Morton Roth, sister•
hood president, said original
oil paintings, watercolors,

Balfour Fete: Musical Triumph

A capacity audience cheer-sing a Jewish selection. She
ed itself hoarse Sunday night appeared in the first part of
in its acclaim to Beverly the program in Jules Masse-
Sills, one of the most gifted net and Ambroise Thomas
singers of all time, at the arias and in the second part
40th annual Balfour Concert she sang from Rossini, Bel-
o( the Zionist Organization of lini and Donizetti.
The orchestra made up for

It was a thrilling evening.
and the distinguished Met
singer lived up to a reputa-
tion yet to be matched, as
master of the stage, as great
interpreter of most difficult

Her voice measured up to
every aspect of musical art
and her performance was

But the cheers and plead-
ings were of no avail: there
was no encore! It was ex-
pected that she would please
the audience a bit more. She
didn't. Besides, she was
asocial in her response to
her hosts. She came on Sa-
turday, visited with relatives,
would not see anyone and
limited her contact with the
audience and the sponsoring
organization to her stage ap-
pearance. The rest was a
business deal between her
and the booking agencies.
The concert on the whole
was a huge success. The De-

the shortcoming. , Thanks to
the arrangements made in
behalf of ZOD by Jason Tick-
ton, chairman of the organi-
zation's music committee, the
Suite for Orchestra from Is-
rael by Paul Ben-flair was
a genuine sensation. This
composition contains many
moods in Jewish experience.
It combines the impressions
that stem from Occidental
and Oriental Jewries and it
fuses the_ traditional and the
Hasidic with the modern.

Ben-liaim's Prologue at
once introduces a Jewish as-
pect and proceeds into Song
of Songs into which is woven
the chant of love from the
great Bible poem. Then
comes the Yemenite Melody,
with the Sephardic emo-
hasis, and goes into Siesta
and Celebration, into which
are injected the Simhat
Torah joys, the Sabbath and
home spirit. It's truly a fine
gift to music lovers from Is-
Also well played by the or-
symphony Orchestra, chestra were Hector Berlioz's
with whom Beverly Sills ap- Roman Carnival Overture
peared at the concert, was at and Maurice Ravel's "Je
Suis Titania" from "Mignon."
its best and the conductor,
The evening commenced
Sixten Milling, emerged a
with the national anthems.
great favorite with a Ms- Cantor Louis Klein leading
criminating audience.
the audience in the singing.
The guest artist would not There were the traditional
greetings- by Dr. Jack R.
Greenberg, president, Zion-
ist Organization of Detroit,
and Walter S. Nussbaum,
chairman of the Balfour Con-
cert committee. —P.S.


23077 Ovemenfoold 41 • MN
(313) 557-1440

Criterion Club Set
to Trot Out Turkey

... IS

Criterion Club for single
adults will host a "Turkey
Trot" 9 p.m. Saturday at the
Southfield Civic Center. The
public is invited.


Music for dancing will be
provided by Johnny "C" and
his orchestra, with social
mixers, refreshments and a
prize turkey to compete the
evening's fare.

Music Camp

Ages 8-College

Arts Academy

Reservations are being ac-
cepted for the club's annual
New York's Eve party. For
information, call Pearl,
Greenstein, 399 3718

Grades 9-12


Mothers Club Event
to Mark 52nd Year

8.00 P.M.

Ann Arbor: Nov. 29

Campus Inn

The Mothers Club of the
Jewish Center will celebrate
its 52nd anniversary with a
luncheon 1 p.m. Monday in
Shiffman H a I I. Members'
families and friends are wel-
come. For reservations, call
Mrs. Mildred Lefkowitz, 399-

Dearborn: Nov. 30

Henry Ford
Comm. College
Student Center





KosherMeats ot
LP ou l try mkt

Member Debi). toes
Kosher Mom O'Mara Amos.


13721 W. 9 MILE at EIDGEDALE

LI 7-8111


Women Set Up Art Show Plans

1 11 .

The annual Zedakah Club donor luncheon, proceeds
of which go toward the group's many philanthropies,
will be held noon Dec. 12 at the Raleigh House. Mrs. Sans
Wexler, program chairman, has arranged for a fashion
show, presented by Mrs. Charles Himeihoch. Shown are
(from left) Mesdames Norman Adilman, pledge chair-
man; Harry Rosman, journal chairman; Wexler; and
Samuel Schreier, donor chairman. Mrs. Louis Kay is
president. For reservations, call Mrs. Adilman, 358.1577,
or Mrs. Schreier, 353-0382.

Panelists at Women's Institute

Five Detroit leaders will
take an active part in the
26th annual institute of the
women's division of the Jew-
ish Welfare Federation Wed-
nesday at the Jewish Center.
Participating in a panel
discussion with the major
speaker of the day, Prof.
Leon A. Jick of Boston, di-
rector of the Institute for
Jewish Life, will be Mandell
L. Berman, Federation
president; Mrs. Maxwell La-
1970 Sylvia Simon
Greenberg Award winner;
Rabbi Joel Poupko, Univer-
sity of Michigan Billet As-
sociation; and Irwin Shaw,
executive vice president of
the Jewish Center.
Mrs. Milton A. Weiss,
chairman of last year's
women's institute, will mod-
erate the panel which is set
mid-morning following

Mrs. Allan to Play
Works From New
Album Release

Prof. Jick's keynote address
on "The Realties of Jewish
Life in America" at 10 a.m.

LZA Branch Head
to Speak on Israel

Branch Seven, Labor Zion-
ist Alliance, will meet 8 p.m.
Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Toni Taunts, 25155
Biarritz, Oak Park.
Oscar Rappaport, presi-
dent of Arintaroff-Avrunin
Branch, LZA. will speak on
"Unique Es.derience in Is-
A social hour and refresh-
ments will follow. For infor-
mation call Mrs. Tennis,

Mrs. Sheldon D. Stern,
chairman of the annual in-
stitute, said that registration
for the day begins at 9:30
a.m. Jick's keynote and the
panel discussion will com-
prise the morning session.

etchings, lithographs, sculp-
tures and tapestries, most by
famous artists, will be in-

eluded In the collection.
Refreshments will b e
served. For information, call
the temple, UN 3-7759.
Mrs. Irving Ellman is vice
president of ways and means.

All men are poets at heart.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Omit Se.mdetes
/2 to 4


.•tri , .■ /(1

Just o Little "Differani"


Thurs. Nita, till 9
Other Days 9:30-5
DankArnisricard — Masten
Cartier at • Mite la, Oak Perk

Be A Headliner!

Her Grace

$ 1 125


MowiaN ihru At-dm...des

After lunch, Prof. Jick will

Regularly 521.10- with rhos adeerosennent.
lanolin or protein solumon, shampoo and ser.

speak again on the relation
of the quality of Jewish life
in Israel to that in the
For reservations, call the
Federation women's division,
WO 5-3939. Mrs. George
Blum is chairman of reser-

Think Blink

In nen. *env-permanent


Co-op Council
to Show Work





1077 S. Worth — Birmingham — MI 6-8383


Num & ha , 7 om.


Tama., end Thoseloy ...ramps

4082 W. Maple — Bloomfield — MI 7-3033

Open TA..,.

Fr, , 7 em.

WorInhohry alma Tharschy

at Open Meeting

The many services per-
formed by the 14 member or-
of Cooperative
Council, League of Jewish
Women's Organizations, will
be illustrated at a luncheon
meeting open to the public
12:15 p.m. Thursday at Cong.
Beth Shalom.

Easy to Shop

New Orleans

Founded 45 years ago to
help the needy, ill and handi-
caped, Cooperative Council
has monthly meetings of
presidents and casework
chairmen, who discuss how
cases should be handled.

These cases are referred
by such agencies as Jewish
Family and Children's Serv-
ice, and the Oakland and
Wayne county family and
Mrs. Norman Allan will children's services.
present a program of her
Members of the council are
own compositions at the final
Aesculapian Society Ladies
pre-concert of Music Study
Auxiliary; Alpha Omega
Club 12:15 p.m. Tuesday at
Dental Fraternity, Detroit
Mrs. Allan's home,
Women; Bicur Cholem Wom-
George Washington, South-
en; David-Horodoker Wom-
field. Mrs. Allan's composi-
en's Organization; Home Re-
tions have been collected in-
lief Society; Infants Service
to an album entitled "Pat-
Group; Jewish War Veterans,
terns" which is due for re.
Ladies Auxiliary; Northwest
lease In December. Her first
Child Rescue; Primrose Ben-
album. "Reflections," has re•
evolent Club; Rochel Lays
ceived many awards, Mellott-
Stepin Aid Society; Sheruth
ing membership In
League; United Order True
(American Society of Cont•
Sisters; and 7.edakah Club.
and Pub-
Mr.. Howard B. Appleman
lishers). Ibis tea-concert is

is president of the league,
open le en peeress or
• pees. and Hrs.
peetift p•rorn of She &anus!
of Cooperative
Artiste' CenisiefE, which will
Council, whose Menus for the
he held tioc. T4 at the B•ath-
year is "Our Goal: the Bet-
field-Lathrop nigh ii•h • • I
ter World."
Arniftoriam. The •seeert wW
feature Shell e'Frnkowsky,
vienniet, mud Lydia Art7lalw. Saturday Programa
pianist, AM,* Oulu ► will be
Jewhills Center on-
Miss Fial•weky's acc•nsoan• nasumes Saturday programs

T. purchase p•tro• ern under May at the 10 Mlle
tickets tall Mrs. Fen: Re. branch for many age groups.
seawack, palms chairman, For information, call group
services, 341.4200.


Country Kitchen

Pickwick Shops

doug hoffman

Room At
The Bottom



The Bootery

Star Bakery

Bud Rollins

Hair Fashions

Barber Shop

Shoe Sel vice

Greenfield and Ten Mile :


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