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May 04, 1979 • Page Image 1

…Central Room, Modernized Kitchen Approved for 10 Mile Center _ .2 The Jewish Welfare Federation Board of Governors has approved the expenditure of about $90,000 for renova- tion and expansion of facilities at the 10 Mile Branch of the Jewish Community Center. Expansion plans include enclosing the atrium in the middle of the building to provide a large room capable of seating 300 persons. At present, the 10 Mile Center's largest room can seat...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 2

…• 2 Friday, May 4, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . Purely Commentary Hayyim Bialik's 'al Ha-Shehita' as a Sense of Outrage Over Murder of Children and Repudiation of Murderers Bialik's Lamentation Putting Murderers to Shame Let it be shared with President Sadat and with the How memorable that on the eve of Holocaust Remem- Arab world, in the hope that the influence of people with a brance Day, which was highlighted by declarations of fai...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 3

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Be a whole lot richer in just 26 weeks. Money Market Certificate 9.570% % _ANNUAL RATE 4111 EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD Effective Thursday, May 3 through Wednesday, May 9, 1979 EARNINGS IN 6 MONTHS A deposit of $10,000 or more will open your high interest Money Market Certificate account. And at maturity it will be automatically renewable at the then-current rate, unless otherwise .notified. The effective annual yie...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS ,,,sps.., Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 4...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 5

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS $17.4 Million Projected for 1979 Campaign 410 The 1979 Allied Jewish Campaign-Israel Emer- gency Fund will reach a total equal to 10 percent of all the funds collected by the Campaign during the last 30 years. - At the Campaign's clos- ing meeting April 26, some $16,175,622 was reported collected already for the 1979 drive, with an addi- tional $4,665,883 desig- nated for Project Renewal during the next five years. J...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 6

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6 Friday, May 4, 1919 ,p„.. L I F t Retirement Tribute to CJF's Phil Bernstein SYSTEMS By BORIS SMOLAR Editor-in-chief emeritus JTA (Copyright 1979, JTA, Inc.) NEW YORK — The TM SAVE-A-LIFE SYSTEMS, Inc. (Mark A. Linden, Pres.) 24 HOUR EMERGENCY HELP BY REMOTE CONTROL • No need to be near a telephone • Direct contact with emergency center • Automatic programmed emergency messages SYSTEMS AVAILABLE MED-1 Fo...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Iranian Jewish Students Study at Yeshiva University . NEW YORK — For the group of Iranian students enrolled at Yeshiva Univer- sity, it is a time for the dis- covery of a new language and culture and the oppor- tunity to further explore their Jewish identity. The recent arrivals have joined foreign students at the institution, including those who have fled Rus- sian, Syrian and other per- secutions, or the disruption...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 8

…8 Friday, May 4, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Now you can sail the Queen to Europe, spend a weekend in London or PAris and fly home free. All in one week ... from $799: 5 days of matchless splendor on the Queen. Even veteran travelers never cease to marvel at the sheer majesty of life aboard the Queen to Europe. Thirteen decks of fun and excitement surrounded by the .romance of the open sea. A trans-Atlantic voyage aboard the Queen is a ven...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 9

…Friday, May 4, 1919 9 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Mxe GREECE V PRICES IN CANADIAN DOLLARS. 10-14% DISCOUNT ON U.S. DOLLARS. Holiday No. 4 AGEAN LEGENDS Holiday No. 1 GREEK ODYSSEY 4 nights in Athens nights in Corfu 3 nights in Athens 7 BAHAM AS Tennis is only one of the hidden free extras you ge on at Club Med Paradise Island in the Bahamas. And at the Bahamas, like at all of Club ee's 77 an ou can e diterr resort M et all the food y wor...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 10

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10 Friday, May 4, 1919 r Color 'I 3 HID Offers Hebrew Education for Deaf PASSPORT PHOTOS' 2 for $ 6 I I Ready while you wait bel-crest photo 1 I STUDIO AND CAMERA SHOP I I 6698 Orchard Lake Rd. 1 1 West Bloomfield Plaza 1 I 851-5840 I awl rrila PASSPORT NEW YORK — As re- cently as 13 years ago, Jewish instruction for the deaf was non-existent. Children with total or par- tial hearing loss were un- able ...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 11

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Plan- Unveiled to Aid Chicago Jewish Schools CHICAGO' (JTA) — A plan which provides for the Jewish Federation of Met- ropolitan Chicago to pro- vide aid to Jewish elemen- tary day schools which gradually increase tuition charges to levels close to ac- tual cost has been initiated by unanimous vote of the federation board of direc- tors. The federation board ap- proved the plan last Jan. 29, a plan which may increase b...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 12

…12 Friday, May 4, 1979 Right In Your Own Driveway! Certified by the National Automotive Institute of Excellence Comes to your home or office with the "garage-on-wheels." Valet service that doesn't cost one penny extra ■ Expert diagnostic tune-up ■ Electronic analyzer - all engine systems • Professionally trained mechanics ■ Perfect results assured Expanded Services Call Sanford Rosenberg for your car problems 398-3605 6-cyl. cars $31.50 ...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS British Jews Swinging to Political Right BY MAURICE SAMUELSON LONDON (JTA) — Who- ever wins this month's British general election, the result-is likely to show that the 450,000-member Jewish community is be- coming steadily more con- servative in its political out- look as it progresses up the social scale and feels threatened as much from the extreme left as from the far right. At the same time, it will again show th...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 14

…14 Friday, May4, • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS' '. BAD CHECKS!! DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS!! LET US COLLECT FOR YOU FOX & ASSOCIATES 23777 Greenfield, Suite 277 Southfield, Mich. 48075 1-313-559-9600 Mr. Elias World Jewish Congress Has New Information Department NEW YORK — To meet the growing demand for publishable information about the activities of the World Jewish Congress, the WJC has established a new Joe Slatkin's DEXTER CHEVROLET 45 Ye...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 15

…Til!,DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 4, 1919 15 Coinmunal Support Aim of Association for Retarded The Association for the Jewish retarded, the asso- Jewish Retarded has ciation seeks financial and launched an all-out drive to other forms of support from gain community-wide sup- individuals and organiza- port for its efforts to acquire tions within the Jewish residences for retarded community. adults. Its "Buy a Brick" cam- paign — in which ...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 16

…16 Friday, May 4, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS /1 . v • Senior Service Corps: People Aiding Others and Themselves Once a week Bess Sten- buch goes to the Jewish Community Center nur- sery, where the children, who call her "grandma," ea- gerly await her arrival. With 39 other senior citi- zens, Mrs. Stenbuch is a member of the Senior Serv- ice Corps, a program spon- sored by the Jewish Voca- tional Service-Community Workshop, a member a...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 17

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS When you-deposit $100 or more into a new or existing savings account at Metropolitan Savings, you'll have your choice of the sporty Pleaser camera from Kodak, or the handy lightweight Winner camera, at special reduced prices (see chart below.). The Pleaser instant camera develops pictures instantly . . : just take a picture qnd crank out the print. There's no fuss, no focusing and it has built-in handle grip. The Winne...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 18

…18 Friday, May 4, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Independence, Memorial Day ici d'iNi'YRc;iu6NsIwNsEs k EQUIPMENT Are Commemorated in Israel ) DESKS FILES CASH REGISTER CALCULATORS COMPLETE Showroom of Ikfreigot and fins Eaocutivo fumitunt PALMS JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israelis celebrated the 31st anniversary of indepen- dence in a relaxed mood on Wednesday. Possibly re- flecting the fact that their nation was finally at peace with at least on...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 19

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Withholding Dues Hit by Waldheim 4./ UNITED NATIONS (JTA) — UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim has warned the U.S. Con- gress of the consequences that could result from its withholding of part of the United States contribution to the United Nations. "If one country did it, what was to stop others from following?," he said in a speech at the University of South Carolina. "It's obvi- ous. The only result would be finan...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 20

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20 Friday, May 4, 1919 [ THE "SOFT SALON LOOK'\ BLACK & WHITE PORTRAITURE WITH A UNIQUE FLAIR THERE IS A DIFFERENCE 30 790 SOUTHFIELD ROAD • SOUTHFIELD, MICH. 48076 Phone 646-8484 1 No Date Set for Autonomy in Territories JERUSALEM (JTA) — Premier Menahem Begin said on Wednesday that he does not plan to fix a target date for Arab autonomy, and that he will not let the pressures of time dictate the mood of the fo...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 21

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 4, 1919 21 Left to Right: RABBI HAILL ZACHARIASH, RABBI REIVEL WAGNER -RABBI CHASKEL GRUBNER, RABBI JOSHUA SPERKA, RABBI LEIZER LEVIN, RABBI YAAKOV GORDON SALEK LESSMAN General Chairman To Members of the Detroit Je.wish Community: In the spring of 1945, after being liberated from a Nazi Concentration Camp, I met another survivor of the Holocaust. Her dream then was to have a real kosher meal. Of course...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 22

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22 Friday, May 4, 1919 • The um' o ND Religious School Has Open House fs. MARKET 'A Unique Shopping Experience - A Cut Above the Rest!" NOW OPEN AT 26020 W. 12 MILE RD. Southfield • Monday Thru Saturday 9-11 354-2666 Sunday 11-8 esMOKED SABLE) FISH COMPLETE DELICATESSEN COUNTER '419 P-a-MTh SI TRAYS MADE TO ORDER CORNED BEEF i fARTY $2 99 lb. COUNTRY TIME AND GROCERIES per pers. \Minimum 10 people...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 23

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Envoy Queries Argentina's Jacobo Timerman Case NEW YORK (JTA) -- Dr. Jorge Aja Espil, theArgen- tine ambassador to Wash- ington, has written a note to his government questioning the continuing detention of Jacobo Timerman, was reported here by Jacob Kovadloff, director of South American Affairs for the American Jewish Commit- tee. Kovadloff noted that April 15 was the second an- niversary of the arrest of Timerman, th...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 24

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24 Friday, May 4, 1979 r ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE 29901 Middlebelt Rd. Farmington Hills Adat Shalom -- A conservative synagogue invites you to attend a Special Shabbat Service and Oneg Shabbat for Prospective New Members Friday, May 18 — at 8 P.M. This service will be followed by an informal discus- sion to acquaint you with our synagogue, nursery school and Hebrew school. Rabbi Efry Spectre Spiritual Leader Har...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 25

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Magen David Adorn Invited to U.S Red Cross Meetings NEW YORK (JTA)— For the first time in its history, the American National Red Cross (ARC) has issued an official invitation to Magen David Adorn (MDA), Is- rael's emergency medical service, to send a delegation to the ARC national con- vention in Kansas City, Mo. May 13-16. George M. Elsey, ARC president, in his letter of in- vitation, assured the MDA delegates of a w...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 26

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS t6 Friday, May 4, 1919 IBM Selectric, Typewriters Israelis Are Jubilant During Airport Arrivals of POCs etc. (Continued from Page 1) $400 and the Prisoners of Zion in particular. He said he was sure when Carter meets with Soviet President Add 'n Type 862-1300 ;342-780 BUCKLES FREE BUCKLE! WITH EACH PURCHASE OF $25 OR MORE HAND CRAFTED TOOLED $7 & $9 LEATHER BELTS DRESS LEATHER BELTS BUCKLES 3 FOR $11 ...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 27

…Friday, May '4, 1919 21 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PLO Official Cuts U.S. Tour WASHINGTON (JTA) — Shafik Al-Hout, the director of the Beirut operation of the Palestine Liberation Organization, who had re- ceived a "restricted visa" from the State Department to speak and travel in the United States, has left the country after cancelling meetings in Chicago. Al-Hout was to have ad- dressed the Chicago Council on Foreign Rleations and meet with e...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 28

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28 Friday, May 4, 1979 100,000 Greet Kuznetsov, Dymshits in NY 1919 CADILLAC ANDY BLAU "Best Deal In Town" WILSON-CRISSMAN CADILLAC RES. 642-6836 ALL BUS. MI 4-1930 1350 N. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHAM SAVE UP TO 60% ON DIAMONDS • We Sell Diamonds Only • By Appointment Only Call Jerry Turken at The New York Diamond Cutting Company 4:1 "The. Diamond Cutters" 3000 Town Center, Southfield, MichigarK _„. 355-2300 x‘s...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 29

…mail, May Little Caesars Salo Baron Chair Danny Raskin's 4 7, LISTENING POST WENDY ROBINS, daughter of Mae and Sid Robins, received local Emmy Award at recent first presentation by Detroit Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, as producer of the TV program "CPR Saves Lives." Wendy produces special projects reports and the weekend news at Channel 2. TIME IS HERE again . . . for the 13th Annual Nite of Games . ....…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30 Friday, May 4, 1919 YOUR GUIDE TO GOOD DINING CHINA CITY CHINESE FOODS Owne id y ;cited Stephen Tom Hon LIM'S CUISINE IN THE FREEWAY PLAZA COMPLETE CARRY-OUT MON.•THURS., 11 a.m.•12 M,d. FRI. & SAT., 11 a.m.•2 p.m. SUNDAYS, 12 noon-10:30 p.m. 354-9077 THE GOLD COIN 478-.2510 Farmington Hills Cantonese & American Dining & Exotic Cocktails Featuring A Complete Family Menu OPEN 7 DAYS FOR LUNCH AND DINNER...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 31

…• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS STEPHENSON CLUB 24931 N. CHRYSLER DR. (1-75 at 10 Mile) `--7 Hazel Park .PRIVATE BANOUET FACILITIES FOR 25 TO 300 *114 , Awe • Bar Mitzvas' • Weddings • Anniversaries • Bat Mitzvas. • Showers • Parties For All • Banquets • Reunions Occasions Open Mon. Thru Sat., featuring Fine Steaks, Noble Wines, Casual Elegance, Gourmet Salad Bar, (over 37 items, incl. creamed her, • ring, deviled eggs, etc.) House Specialtie...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 32

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1 32 Friday, May 4, 1979 FIND YOUR NAME IN OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION, istlirc›PASSBOOK AND WIN A FREE... WHICH OFFERS: a All regular coupons valid on weekends (Friday and/or a a Saturday), as well as during the week. Over 800 coupons, all offering 50% off, or 2 for the • price of 1 (Up to the value of pass). All regular coupons valid until December, 1979. Ten Toronto hotels offering 50% off (Including THE INN ON T...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 33

…• Israel has the, third high- est per capita university at- tendance in the world, but this year's higher education budget is the smallest since 1959. Local Campaign funds help support all of Israel's universities. TEE RYAN ROHM! tions have been given up by staff of waitresses to be 'Elias l3rothers . . . The mighty proud of . . . The Fast Freddy's and its four lassies who handled limited menu concept lasted Crescent Shrine Club's re- only...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 34

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 34 _ AWL litay_4, 1919 Molly Picon's Autobiography A Signal of Decline of Yiddish the only two professionals still using the Yiddish lan- guage. The Yiddish theater meant a great.. deal to the Jew. I think the theater in general means just a wee bit more to us. Every minority is necessarily more of an ac- tor. It knows that the major- ity, the audience, is watch- ing. Sorrie 600,000 Jews left Egypt in the days of Mos...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Maccoby's 'Sensational Claims' 4* "The Day God Laughed: Sayings, Fables . and Entertainments of the Jewish Sages" (St. Martin's Press) is a compilation cho- sen, translated and intro- duced by Hyam Maccoby, including conversations with Wolf Mankowitz and illustration by Cecily Ben- Tovim. Hyam Maccoby states in introduction, "The pre- collection is an attempt to avoid the attitude of shame, and to present the Talmud ...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 36

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 36 Friday, May 4, 1979 Women's Clubs MAGICIAN A Available vailable For All Occasions - 25 years experience MAGICAL MEL 547-2464 BETH ACHIM SIS- TERHOOD will meet noon Monday in the synagogue. THE FINEST AND LARGEST POOL BUILDER IN THE MIDWEST Almost a quarter of a century of supplying discriminating buyers has earned an unequaled reputation for Miami Pools. And, if you purchase a pool from Miami, we'll give ...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 37

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 4, 1919 31 Luncheon Theater a Feature of Federation Women's Division Meeting The social hall of Adat Shalom Synagogue will be transformed into a lunch- eon theater noon May 16 as 'the Jewish Welfare Federa- tion Women's Division pre- sents "You Did It'," an orig- inal musical production, at its 33rd annual meeting. The program, which hon- ors the accomplishments of Women's Division workers, was written by...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 38

…38 armor Jack Celebrates THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 4, 1979 'W m Featuring Food Grown And Processed In Israel 19-0Z. CAN 69' GALILEE GALILEE GALILEE 19-0Z. CAN CAN GREEN OR BLACK Tabor Olives Ut°4 Tomato Juice ' CAN SHARON VALLEY SHARON VALLEY Orange Segments 3$$ 59' 4 6-0Z. $144 CAN • ot • 121/2•0Z. PKG. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA Osem Puddings OSEM 2 4giOZ. 5-0Z. PKG. Mini Mandel FROUMINE BARON D Wheat Cra...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 39


May 04, 1979 • Page Image 40

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 40 Friday, May 4, 1979 for the Finest Wedding and Bar Mitzva Album Call WINER And Associates TV Personalities to Be JNF Women's Guest Auctioneers Pioneer Women Campaign to Benefit Israeli Children - TV personalities Marilyn Turner and John Kelly will be guest auctioneers for the eighth annual auction of the Young Women of Jewish National Fund to take place 8 p.m. Sunday at Temple ye Emanu-El, pra announces enn e...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 41


May 04, 1979 • Page Image 42

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 42 Friday, May 4, 1919 Bankers, Leaders to Hear Patt Gideon Patt, Israel's minister of commerce, in- dustry and tourism, will be in Detroit Sunday and LENNY LIEBERMAN Orchestra 559-0844 Quality Music Disco Dance Instruction Floor Show (audience participation) ALL IN ONE Monday to launch Israel Bond's $1 Billion Issue. Patt will speak at a recep- tion at the home of Harold Beznos, chairman of Metro Detroit Israe...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 43

…Center Shows Sculptor's Works Sculptor Alfred Tibor will exhibit his works in the 'Samuel . and Miriam L. Hamburger and Louis and Ethel Hamburger Exhibit • Hall of the main Jewish Community Center Sunday through May 18. The artist will be on hand for the opening of the ex- hibit 2 p.m. Sunday. Some of 'works will be for sale. e Center will present a .-,course entitled, "Living the Single_ Life," 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the main Center complex...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 44

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 44 Friday, May 4, 1919 FACIAL HAIR PERMANENTLY REMOVED Eyebrows Neckline Arms Legs Recommended by Physicians FREE CONSULTATION SHIRLEY PERSIN Registered Electrologist ADVANCE BUILDING 23077 GREENFIELD, Room 260 Near Northland 6 Providence Hospital PHONE 557-1108 Over 20 Years Experience Score of Scholarships Inspires Fund for Hebrew U. Award More than a score of scholarships to the Hebrew University in Jeru...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 45

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Local Flavor for Law Day Singles Events SINGLE YOUNG ADULT DEPARTMENT of the Jewish Community Center will sponsor a thea- ter party to see "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" May 12, meeting 11:30 p.m. in the Prudential Town Center theater lobby. An afterglow will follow at the 10 Mile Je7 -'qh Community Center. F( 'formation, call the Cenuer, 661-1000, ext. 219. The Finest Musical Entertainment k SUNDAY JEWISH SINGL...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 46

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 46 Friday, May 4, 1919 Grand Rapids Congregations Join for Israel Bond Event The SHE. ROTT ORCHESTRA Under the co-sponsorship of Cong. Ahavas Israel and Temple Emanuel, both in Grand Rapids, a community-wide breakfast on behalf of State of Israel Bonds will be held 10 a.m. Sunday at Ahavas Israel, 2727 Michigan, N.E. Guest speaker will be Benjamin Hagai Steuer- man, former president of Benjamin Hagai Associates Lt...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 47

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS charge. The celebration will include Israeli refresh- ments, Israeli dancing and disco dancing. There is a charge. For reservations, call Shelly Konheim of Kadim - a, 642-4294; Judy Schlussel of Bnai Mazal, 642-4124; Coleman Reaboi, 569-0095; or Judy Goldis, 626-1181. Lahav United Synagogue Youth announce that peti- tions are due soon for per- sons seeking to run for an office. Elections will be held 2 p.m. May 13 in t...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 48

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 48 Friday, May 4, 1919 TABLECLOTH For MOTHER'S DAY From LINEN CORNER 20-40% OFF Risha 967-3352 Hilda 968-6348 Detroiters in Florida Honor Elpern on 70th MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — With scores of messages of greetings from Detroit and environs, the large commu- nity of former Detroiters now in Florida joined in ex- tending encomia to Israel Elpern, retired United He- brew Schools principal (Beth Achim branch) and wel...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 49

…Maas. Camp Scholar Named Dr. Sheila Feigelson has been named as the 1979 Be- nard L. and Rosalyn J. Maas Scholar-In-Residence at Camp Tamarack, it was an- nounced by the Fresh Air` Society. The program enables camp to engage a scholar or artist each summer to enrich the cultural experi- ences of the campers and staff. Feigelson will work counselors and teen Disco Parties by Dan Sandberg 353-6699 campers at Ortonville in the areas of progr...…

May 04, 1979 • Page Image 50

…50 THE DETROITJEWISH NEWS Fridity, ; Mar 4„1919 Federations' Aid to Dgv Schools Jefferson: 'Moses of Democracy' Doesn't Match Growth By DAVID SCHWARTZ I NEW YORK (JTA) — The American Association for Jewish Education, citing a national study it has just concluded on the budgeting and financing of day schools, has declared that Jewish federation alloca- tions to these institutions are not keeping pace with burgeoning per capita ex- penses ...…

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