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July 19, 1940 • Page Image 1

…America 5ewisit Periodical Cotter. CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO I?. 194 stratio t )f non . L'I'Ve tc C(1 Wit} fran e d th4, Detroit Jewish Chronicle. SECTION ONE at then VOL. 42, NO. 29 'd and le goy. .ests of People. obedi• mean s an d pointed des fo r de wh Phalli to Bring Many Youth Exiles to U. S. them. , II New d, and k with o ap. May Grant U. S. Visas to Approximately 13,000 Children WASHINGTON (WNS)—Mov- ing sw...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 2

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle SHIRTS No matter what you pay, C each no laundry can launder a finer shirt WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 1 4 lbs. Damp Wash 79 C Flat Pieces carefully ironed Additional Pounds 6 1/3c lb. A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE 14 lbs. Flatwork AD Finished 79c THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service Cr Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and Underwear uff j O M S ...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 3

…July 19 ; 1940 Sift, mey Jun. Jew ;es, Ile, sm ng alp ny be up he he he iis ve be in ay if- of le st ne th is ig r- ir a :;s a )f is le h r. THE GREAT ILLUSION FOR SALE—APARTMENTS: It would be futile to attempt to dispel this illusion by the means of a short article. What I want to point out in the pres- ent contribution is only one point The Myth of Inexhaustible Jewish Wealth short about this myth which is curiously overlooked b...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 4

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Detroit Jewish Chronicle • July 19, 1940 profit from the tragic example of con- quered France. and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE The raucous members of the Bunds 2 ublished Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Tidbits from Everywhere may be Nazism's noisiest supporters JACOB H. SCHAKNE President By PHINEAS J. BIRON in the United States, but they are not Entered as Second-class matter Ma...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 5

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal J u ly 19, 1940 Purely Commentary Readers of Yiddish Books in Detroit E. Korman, well known Detroit Yiddish poet and literary critic, has compiled interesting sta- tistics regarding the readers of Yiddish books in Detroit, and has incorporated his findings in a le- ant issue of "Kultur un Derziung," a monthly journal issued by the Arbeiter Ring. According to Mr. Korman's study, circulation of Yiddish ...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 6

…6 ,OBITUARY SAM WEITZMAN a resident of Detroit for 53 years, passed away Thursday, July 11. Funeral services were held at Lewis Bros. funeral home with burial at Machpelah Ceme- tery. He is survived by his wife, Rose; two daughters, Mrs. Hattie Levin and Mrs. Sarah Gold; three sons, Abe, William and Lawrence of Youngstown, 0.; a sister, Mrs. Lena Davidson of Los Angeles, Calif; and eight grandchildren. NORMAN HELPERT passed away suddenly ...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 7

…140 7 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle July. 19, 1940 Jewish Calendar RECENT BRIDE 6700-1940 Rosh Chodesh Ab — Monday, August 5• Rosh Chodesh Ellul—Wednes- day, September 4. 5701-1940 Rosh Hashonah — Thursday, October 3. Yom Kippur, Saturday, Octo- ber All 12. holidays begin at sundown o f the preceding secular day. Stein's I Clover Lodge On Grand Traverse Bay-20 Miles North of Traverse City OMENA, MICHIGAN ABOUT PEO...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 8

…4 8 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle FRANCE Jews. Frequent anti-Semitic dem- onstrations make it unsafe for Jews to be on the streets in many of the smaller towns and cities. (Continued from Page 1) Meanwhile, more than 150 Jew- ish shopkeepers were arrested in Paris on the grounds that they had charged exorbitant prices to German soldiers during the early days of the occupation. The au- thorities confiscated their stocks...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 9

…TROPER months in an attempt to reach their port of destination. Continued from Page 1 "Hundreds of refugees are leaving Germany, Austria, Lith- uania, Latvia across Siberia via China and Japan to North and South American ports. Many refu- gees are seeking a haven in such places as Tangier, Angola, Casa- blanca, but only a few are for- tunate enough to be able to proceed even there. It is clear that emigration under present conditions no lon...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 10

…10 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 1\ THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY . july ;',40 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Simons Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hopp Miss Mildred Wolff will retu rn Miss Ruth Friedland of LaSalle are spending the week-end in will leave July 25 for a motor Aug. 1 from a six weeks' stay i n Blvd. returned home after having Charlevoix, trip to Wisconsin. Chicago. attended the 32nd national con- vention of Young Judaea in Bal- Mr...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 11

…A mericaa ,Yv eivish Periotlleid Carter July 19, 1940 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the l- it t. a Chronicle A June Bride I ENGAGEMENTS ul 17 Legal Officers Elected By Young Israel Mr. and Mrs. William Abramson announce the engagement of their daughter, Rosalie, to Edward Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Robinson. The marriage will take place in December. Young Israel of Detroit an- nounc...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 12

…12 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle PALESTINE July 19, 1940 Rabbi Adler Named On Board of Adult National Academy and owners putting blue or pur- ple cellophane on the insides of Oldest Jewish and Christian Books Meet the headlamps, or using dark- (Continued from Page 1) colored blubs. In Jewish Theological Seminary Library Palestine had its first practice Jewish A. R. P. Societies, un- black-out covering the whole of der t...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 13

…40 y an at 'al an oh he its re ill of 's- is ne y. nt so al ig rn V. nt or to id ig n- a- is is ie Ts l e v- r- a n 1- h 11 d ;.• i- n a Ju ly 19 , 194 0 Congress Women's Group Carries On Ambulance Project DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle LECTURE ON MacLEISH BY ISAAC FRANCK Archibald MacLeish, recently appointed librarian of Congress and one of America's outstanding poets, will be the subj...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 14

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 14 MEDALS PRESERVE FAME OF PROMINENT JEWS AND GREAT JEWISH EVENTS European communities for many centuries have commemo- rated outstanding achievements and signal events by issuing com- memorative coins. When a new synagogue was built in Vercelli, Italy, in 1878, a medal was struck. When the 25th anniver- sary of Henri Loeb as Grand Rabbi of Belgium was reached in 1859, his likeness was preser...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 15

…American ,fewislt Periodical Center CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 10.0•41111& J uly 19. 1940 - - DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end the Legal Chronicle MN, •111 Sn jr id nt ig u- m as Dr is SC a p- as Eva Prenzlauer Maternity Aid Classified CLASSIFIED 15 Carl Alpert Elected Presi- dent of Young Judaea QUILTS — Made or recovered BALTOMIRE, Md.—Vigorous- from your own feathers or wools. Pillows recovered—spe- ly protesting...…

July 19, 1940 • Page Image 16

…I6 DEMOCRACY Continued from Page 1 who are helping to fashion an American way of life should try to meet one another, to reach a mutual understanding and, if possible, to formulate a basis on which they may cooperate for the preservation of democratic ideals." The founding members of the Conference will meet on Sept. 9. On Sept. 10 and 11, there will be public sessions at which pa- pers will be read by scholars in the three cooperating disc...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 1

…A merica 'elvish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle Jews in Free Lards Favor Greetings Countries Fear White Paper and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, VOL. 42, No. 16 Abrogation Four British Leaders Urge Recalling Restrictions r FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1940 This Paper Printed in Three Sections 10 Cenfs Single Copy; $3.00 per Year for ds fromlljr limit or torkit 1Cf q[ Ijosi of...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 2

…2 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle SHIRTS A Season's Greeting- PASSOVER ODDITIES No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt By RABBI PHILIP GOODMAN WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 1bs. 14 Damp Wash 79c Flat Pieces carefully ironed Additional Pounds VA c lb. A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE 14 lbs. Flatwork All Finished 79c THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Nea...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 3

…AllteriCalf ifeWiSk Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ApnI 19 1940 Detroit Branches of Jewish National IVorkers' Alliance Make Plans for 30th Annual Convention Here May 30-June 3 Outstanding Leaders to Address Sessions; Campaign Starts to Enlist Additional 500 Members in Detroit; Joseph Haggai Heads Convention Committee Kremer, A. Rosenberg, D. Sislin. Fund, Keren Hayesod and other Program committee, M. Scha- fund rai...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 4

…A merica lavish Periodical &Wet ' CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle SECTION TWO DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1940 VOL 42, No. 16 This Paper Printed in Three Sections $3.00 per Year 10 Cents Single Copy; let us be destroyed. We know The Stranger A Passover Playlet not like cowards and criminals that we shall emerge from PASSOVER OMER TABLE hunted in the fields and in the no...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 5

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle April V 1940 Season's Greetings SHIRTS PASSOVER ODDITIES No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt each WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 1 4 lbs. Damp Wash 79 c Flat Pieces carefully ironed Additional Pounds 5% c lb. A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE 14 16s. Flatwork All Finished 79c THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service C+ Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Neatly I...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 6

…A mami Apish PaloSeal Cada CLIFTON MRCS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Chronicle DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal April 19, 1940 Detroit Branches of Jewish National Workers' Alliance Make Plans for 30th Annual Convention Here May 30-Jane 3 Outstanding Leaders to Address Sessions; Campaign Starts to Enlist Additional 500 Members in Detroit; Joseph Haggai Heads Convention Committee munities in Poland and Jewish leaders are not even permitted ...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 7

…4 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Detroit Jewish Chronicle and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc., Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post- office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. General Offices and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave. Telephone: Cadillac 1040 subscription in Advance JACOB MARGOLIS PHILIP SLOMOVITZ MAURICE M. SAFIR Ca...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 8

…A merica ffewislt Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO April 19, I940 P urely Commentary The Message of Passover i n hi, "Jewish Theology" the late Dr. Kauf- mann Kohler, who was president of Hebrew Union Collegt, gave the following explanation of the Passover message: However burdensome the Passover minu- es pecially in regard to the prohibition tiae, of leaven, became to the Jewish household, edominant feature was alw...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 9

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and Tho Logal Chronicle GREETING- BAKCO PRODUCTS, Inc. Successors to E. B. Gallagher 11 Co. 41 Years of Service Bakers - Confectioners - Clubs Hotels • Institutions PL. 4036 6538 Jos. Campau Passover Greetings ELGO SHUTTER Zi MFG. CO . Ventilating Accessories 634 W. WARREN AVE. COlu mbia 1935 Passover Greetings P. H. DAVIS TAILORING 420 Michigan Theater Bldg. Ra. 6366 U. S. Yeshivoth Aid ITALIAN JEW IS NAM...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 10

…A merica fewith Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE. - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE April 19,,_1940 7 and The Legal Chronicle The more we know, the better we forgive; Whoe'er feels deeply, feels for IN THEIR NEW HOMELAND all who live. —Mme. De Stael. Passover Greetings ROBINS BRODE CO. holesale Distributors Ilositry—Underwear Clothing—Knit Goods Work 146 W. JEFFERSON Passover Greetings FIELD'S PHARMACY . Prescrip...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 11

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 01 1040 April 19, 1 (l A I Melt Avad qftwii eipied4 HOW MUCH MORE SHOULD YOU GIVE? HOW MUCH MORE SHOULD The havoc of war has added immeasurably to the Palestine also ha e el sorrows of Jews in Central Europe. In Poland, long the in its economic d meni scene of Jewish suffering, our fellow-Jews have been in Palestine toda pri made the victims of ghastly horrors, of pogroms and op...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 12

…A merica Yetvish Periodical CeNter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 19, 1940 life? fixkt Based on your last year's gift, none of the tremendously increased needs abroad can be met. Thousands of our fellow-Jews have been separated from their families, packed in cattle cars and sent off to strange places. Old men have been pressed into labor gangs. Others have been dumped into open f...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 13

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle It isn't only the infant prodi- gies of the movies who have to live on small allowances despite their astronomical salaries . . . Canny John Garfield has made JEWISH MEDALS arrangements to have his pay checks sent to his wife in New York, and takes care of his per- sonal expenses with the pocket money she sends him. April IY, 1940 Passover Greetings— MORRIS TAU Hein at D. F. R. p Pl. 719...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 14

…A merica ,fewish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AMUR - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO II Chronicle DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal April 19, 1910 ings are inevitable where the Joseph County and the St. Joseph where in the Middle West; that fr 'wish population exceeds by a County Ministerial Association it is a man whose writings dis- Je action its one-half of one per (Protestant and Jewish) ; the Al- play a cunning and viciousness nt." lied Holy N...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 15

…12 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle Purely Commentary Egg Roll — Fried Shrimps and All hinds of GENUINE CHINESE FOOD 6 Course Dinners — 50c We Deliver Anywhere Phone TERRACE 2.9292 Catering to Parties, Banquets, etc. MANDARIN GARDEN CAFE 3620 CASS AVE. THE WILSHIRE Colliagwood at Third CARPETED I TO 5 ROOMS SUITES, FUR. OR UN- FUR., LIGHT, AIRY, SOME HAVE 2 BATHS. ALL WITH NEW INDIVIDUAL REFRIGERATIONS A N D TABLE ...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 16

…vimcricam ,fewish Periodical Cotter AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 RELIEF PLEA ON PASSOVER Dr. Wise to Deliver Radio Message on Sunday Declaring that Passover this ccurs at a turning point year s o of the Jewish peo- M the Rabbi his"Y Abba Hillel Silver ple, and Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, na- tional chairmen of the Unite r- ewish Appeal, called upon Amer to observe . Passover lean an Jewry occasion for dedication to as Eva Prenzlauer Maternit...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 17

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 14 J. W. B. honorary president. In his open- ing address to the conference, over which he presided, he ex- pressed confidence that the Jew- (Continued from Page 1) ish Welfare Board would en- cational guidance for Jewish large its functions to meet the youth, service to refugees, and present critical needs of Jewish outlined the 1940 program of the youth and the challenge of events abroad to ...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 18

…A laii1711 Yewish Pert- o C:71 Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 15 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 Believes British People any specified appellation to the Brodetsky Will Undo Injustice Greetings— outside world. l'oorer Greetings On this occasion it was an- LONDON. (Palcor Agency)— nounced that Solel Boneh, the "I am convinced that the British (Continued from Page 1) Contracting Bureau of the His...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 19

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE e nd The Legal Chronicle 16 WOMEN CAMPAIGN (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) for a worker to visit them so that they may share in the program of helpfulness that the Allied Jewish Campaign represents. "Even among those names of women who did not contribute last year," said Mrs. Srere, "there also are large numbers eager to affiliate themselves with the great humanitarian move- ments in whose behalf ...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 20

…Amerkam 'apish periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 17 The Legal Chronicle DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and April 19, 1940 Compliments of RABBI FRAM TO PREACH ON "HEROES OF FREEDOM" Cantor Reuben Boyarsky to Conduct Passover Services at Mishkan Israel Passover Greetings CENTRAL COAL CO. Joe Weiss, president of Mish- JOS. LEVENSON, Prop. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to Attend Sabbath kan Israel Congregation, Blaine Ca. 40...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 21

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle onor Adiover MANISCHEWITZ ammo Farewell Gathering WOLF KAPLAN, PROMINENT IN MANY For Albert Brown MOVEMENTS, IS CALLED BY DEATH A farewell party was given to Albert H. Brown, midwestern director of the Federation of Polish Jews by the officers and members of the Detroit District of the Federation. Mr. Brown, who for the past two months supervised the work MATZO MEAL. FARFEL • CAKE MEAL • ...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 22

…A mericam latish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 19 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 W. B. CENTER J. IN CANAL ZONE A center for soldiers and sailors stationed or quartered in the Canal Zone was dedi- cated Thursday, March 7, by the Jewish Welfare Board. It is located in Balboa, C. Z., and is equipped withfacilities for religious, educational and ath- letic activities. Among the par- t...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 23

…20 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Irving Davidson, nationally known authority on Jewish hu- mor, will appear on Tuesday, April 30, in the Center's Jewish Lecture-Concert series. Mr. Da- vidson, who comes from New York, will deliver an illustrated lecture on "Jewish Wit and Humor." Possessor of one of the larg- est collections of Jewish stories and anecdotes, Mr. Davidson has contributed articles on Jewish humor to various p...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 24

…Americam Apish Palatal Ceder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO • 21 April 19, 1940 The Legal Chronicle DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and MORAL JEWS ROUNDED UP ON THE STREET IN WARSAW EMBARGO DRIVE Americans Oppose Aid to Aggressors, Boycott Leaders Declare LAUNCH GREETINGS . . . In the spirit of the occasion I extend to you all the best wishes for a joyous Pesach! Plans for a campaign to im- pose a Moral Embargo against the sale of Ame...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 25

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle 22 Passover Seder by A. Z. A. Wednesday evening, April 24, at Congregation Be th Tikvah Hall, Chanter No. 93 at Cong. 9746 Petoskey Ave. Beth Tikvah The Seder is sponsored by the The A. Z. A. Jr. Bnai Brith religious committee of the club Chapter 93 will conduct a Pass- under the leadership of Nathan over Seder which will be held Saginaw and George Terebelo. April 19, 1940 Ap ri HEADS OF L...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 26

…A merica 'elvish Periodical Carter Pl■ Apr il 19, 1940 CUPTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 23 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle "One Should Not Frighten Jews" Dr. Solomon Goldman . Gives Brilliant Exposi- tion of Anti-Semitism; Makes Stirring Appeal for Palestine Zedakah Jrs. Show, Symposium at Bnai David on April 28 Musicale on April 30 FOR SALE—APARTMENTS: Rich in Real Estate The Zedakah Juniors are mak- Prof. M. Ra...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 27

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 24 April 19, 1940 I T PAYS TO PA 12" STREET RUFFLED CURTAINS L EN G THIES It in Solid Colors 50 INCHES WIDE 2 T/2 Yards Long • • • • Special Pre-Holiday Offer Peach Ecru Ivory Blue • Dusty Rosc • Turquoise $11 619 PAIR 1•0.1 Regular $1.95 , 1 A. PUPKO 9030 TWELFTH STREET For the convenience of our patrons we are open on Sundays till Passover AN RAALTE Girdle lanyh STOC...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 28

…A mericam ffewish Periodical &ter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 25 The Legal Chronicle DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and IONIZE THESE MERCHANTS Style Exclusive Patterns to attend our Seder. Special Passovi. r food served at all meals. With an invitation • at CM HALPERIN'S e Largest Men's Wear on 12th. A Great Variety of Better Custom Tailored I- AND 2-PANT SUITS $3500 32so $3750 ECIAL 2-PANT SUITS 18" SPRING TOPCOATS $ 215...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 29

…26 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 IN THE REALM OF LOCAL SOCIETY . Mrs. Ivor Kahn and Mrs. Harry Winkelman will be at home on Wednesday, April 24, afternoon and evening in honor of the 70th birthday of their mother, Mrs. Zenno Marx, at 9301 Wildemere. Mrs. D. S. Diamond will enter- Mr, and Mrs. Norman Thal of tain Miss Bertha Spaber, whose Wildemere Ave. returned from a marriage will be an event of May few...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 30

…5 cwish Periodical Coder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 27 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The 6119, 1940 AFFIANCED ENGAGEMENTS Gordon announces the engagement of her daughter, Mrs. B Samuel Palley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Palley of Shirley, to rand Ave. the 2434 Mr. G and Mrs. Arthur M. Brown of Cortland Ave. announce o f ent of their daughter , Marj orie, to Mac Fagelman, son engaged ur and Mrs. Harry Fagelman of Davison Ave. eng...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 31

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 28 Earlier Deadline for The Next Week's Issue On account of Passover oc- curring on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, April 23 and 24, the deadline for the issue of April 26 has been advanced to Mon- day, April 22, at 12 noon. Copy received after that hour will be retained for the fol- lowing week's issue. SUB-JUNIOR HOME RELIEF The Sub-Junior Home Relief Society will have a wienie roast at the summ...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 32

…A mami lavish Palatka! eafter April 19, 1940 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 29 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle PASSOVER AT EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE ROAD LEADING TO HAPPINESS YOUNG ISRAEL . Rabbi. M. J. Wohlgelernter born male members of congre- ACTIVITIES refugees in various parts of the country. The National Refugee Service which is engaged in the integra- tion of refugees in the United States handles thousands of in- q...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 33

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 30 Let us decide honestly what we can do, and then do it with all our might.—Amelia D. Barr. New Veterans' Post Bernstein Program Received Favorably Is Installed in A favorable reception has been given the radio program broad- cast by Mandell and David Bern- stein over Station WMBC. This program is now broad- cast from 10 to 10:15 p. rn. on PASSOVER GREETINGS To All Our Jewish Friends and...…

April 19, 1940 • Page Image 34

…America ens* Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 31 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle April 19, 1940 British To Pass $250,00u g h . S. Hitler's Travelling Salesman Re Relief Cargo Throu established Headquarters in Blockage to Poland New York LONDON (WNS)) — Though epressing fear that . the relief shxipment would b. e seized by the Nazis and used in Germany, the British Government agreed to assage through...…

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